TNPSC CERTIFICATES MODEL FORMAT PREPARED BY AJI Page 02: PSTM CERTIFICATE FOR SSLC Page 03: PSTM CERTIFICATE FOR HSC Page 04: PSTM CERTIFICATE FOR DEGREE (ENGLISH FORMAT) Page 05: PSTM CERTIFICATE FOR DEGREE (TAMIL FORMAT) Page 06: CONDUCT CERTIFICATE FROM GROUP 'A' OR Group "B" Govt. Officer. Page 07: CONDUCT CERTIFICATE FROM LAST STUDIED INSTITUTION. Page 08: NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE FOR GOVT. EMPLOYEE **************** ALL THE BEST **************** PSTM CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Thiru/Tmt./Selvi....................................................................................................... has studied SSLC during the year from......................................... to ....................................................... in Tamil medium. This certificate is issued after verify the course content / statement of marks / Transfer Certificate. The candidate has / has not obtained scholarship for having studied in Tamil medium. Date: Place: Seal of Institution: Signature of the Head Master / Principal PSTM CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Thiru/Tmt./Selvi....................................................................................................... has studied HSC during the year from ......................................... to ....................................................... in Tamil medium. This certificate is issued after verify the course content / statement of marks / Transfer Certificate. The candidate has / has not obtained scholarship for having studied in Tamil medium. Date: Place: Seal of Institution: Signature of the Head Master / Principal PSTM CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Thiru/Tmt./Selvi....................................................................................................... has studied ............................................... during the year from ............................. to ........................... in Tamil medium. This certificate is issued after verify the course content / statement of marks / Transfer Certificate. The candidate has / has not obtained scholarship for having studied in Tamil medium. Date: Place: Seal of Institution: Signature of the Registrar / Head Master / Principal திழ் லறிில் பின்றமோருக்கோன முன்னுரிமச் சோன்மிதழ் திரு / திருதி / செல்லி ....................................................................................................................... என்பலர் .................................................................. ஆண்டு முதல் .................................. லர இக்கல்லி நிரயத்தில் .............................................................பாடப்பிரிலில் / லகுப்பில் திழ் லறிில் பின்மார் என்று படிப்புத் சதாடர்பான திப்சபண் ொன்மரிக்கப்படுகிமது. இலர் பின்ம பட்டில், ாற்றுச் ொன்மிதழ் ஆகின ெரிபார்க்கப்பட்டன. இலர் திழ்லறிில் பின்மதற்கான உதலித் சதாரகர சபற்றுரார் / சபமலில்ரய. மகயோப்பம் (பதிலோரர்/முதல்லர் /கல்லிநிமயத் தமயலர்/தமயம ஆசிரிர்) இடம்: நாள்: அலுலயக முத்திம: Conduct and Character Certificate ---------------------------------------------------I certify that Mr/Ms. ...................................................................................................................... Son / Wife / Daughter of ................................................................................................................. residing at ...................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................., is personally known to me for the last .......................................years and ....................... months. To the best of my knowledge his/her conduct and character are uniformly GOOD. not related to me. I wish him/her all the success for his/her future endeavor. Date: Place: Name, Signature and Seal of the issuing Officer/Person: Conduct Certificate ----------------------------This is to certify that Mr/Mrs................................................................................................ was a student of ...................................................................................................................., during the year ........................................................... At that time of studying period his/her conduct and character are uniformly GOOD. Place: Date: Seal of Institution/College: Signature of the Principal NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE BY THE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT OR OFFICER OR EMPLOYER 1. Name of the Applicant: 2. Name of the Post held: 3. Whether the applicant is employed temporarily under the emergency provisions or whether the applicant is a probationer or an approved probationer or a full member of any of the sub-ordinate / State Services? 4. Period of Employment: From ................................... to ............................. Endorsement No. Dated: (a) I have no objection to the applicant's application being considered for the post of / recruitment of ........................................................................................................... (b) Certified that Thiru/Tmt./Selvi...................................................................................... has the following punishment / has no punishment to his/her Credit. (c) It is also certified that no charge or / and criminal case is pending against him / her. (If there is pending copy of documents to be enclosed) Place Office Seal & Date Signature Designation