Virtual Platform of Field Oriented Control of Induction Motor to Assist in Education of Undergraduate Students G. H. Bazan Electromechanics Department Institute of Parana Jacarezinho, Parana, Brazil W. C. A. Pereira Department of Electrical Engineering University of Sao Paulo – USP Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil M. F. Castoldi Department of Electrical Engineering Federal University of Technology Parana Cornelio Procopio, Parana, Brazil A. Goedtel Department of Electrical Engineering Federal University of Technology Parana Cornelio Procopio, Parana, Brazil M. L. Aguiar Department of Electrical Engineering University of Sao Paulo – USP Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil Abstract—This paper proposes a virtual teaching platform applied to undergraduate students concerning an induction motor drive technique. Such a technique is called as Field Oriented Control (FOC) and it is presented and analyzed, in a simple form, by using the proposed platform. This virtual platform uses a GUIDE tool from MATLAB jointly with the SIMULINK. Simulation results of FOC strategy and also its simplicity usage are shown in this work. Keywords— Teaching, Education, Students, Induction motor, FOC. I. INTRODUCTION The electrical motors are divided according to the type of feeding and can be basically classified in two categories: Direct Current (DC) or Alternating Current (AC). Therefore, the use of DC motors has disadvantages regarding to their constructive characteristics [1], [2]. speed control, being these methods basically classified in two categories: scalar and vectorial [7]. The scalar control manipulates only the magnitude of the electrical or magnetic property while the vectorial controls both, the magnitude and the angular position of these properties [1], [7]. An important vectorial control technique, focus of this study is known as Field Oriented Control (FOC) presented in [8]. Due to its mathematical complexity and the high cost of microprocessors, this technique was effectively used only from 1980 on [9]. Since then, this technique has had a big impact on the AC machines control increasing the TIM reliability in the dynamic and steady-state. This issue like the others related to the power electronics, electric circuits, control systems, electric drives and signal digital processing areas have been missing tools that can help the electrical engineering students learning. The three-phase induction machine (TIM) also known as three-phase asynchronous motor is a AC motor widely used in the industry because of its advantages when compared to other machines such as DC and AC. The TIM is a machine that requires little maintenance due to the fact of not having brushes and commutator, also having the advantage of its low cost [3][5]. In this way, in the electrical engineering graduation course the subjects related to three-phase electrical machines are among the most important. Thus, a lot of researchers are searching alternatives to solve this problem. Reference [10] proposed an experimental bench that is supporting the students of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay on the learning and research of the power electronics and electric drives areas. Therefore, in the graduation courses, the three-phase induction machines are analyzed in a general way only in steadystate, not approaching in this way their drive dynamic characteristics in the subjects. Thus, the learning process can be damaged since the students don’t have contact with machine control techniques which can be necessary when this student is working in an industry. In [12], a tool in the MATLAB/SIMULINK® software allows their users to see the induction motor operation for several types of conditions such as: no-load and locked rotor test. The drive of such machines is an issue of great world economic impact [6]. There are different methods for the TIM 978-1-7281-3666-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE While [11] proposed a new teaching method for the students of the electric drives course of the Kocaeli University, Turkey, incorporating the active learning strategies in the classroom, making it possible an improvement in these students’ teaching. In [13], the concepts of the classical Indirect Field Oriented Control (IFOC) theory are presented, and also, the valid design guidelines for various motor types helping in the knowledge comprehension of control technique. 1599 Observing the search for teaching tools that can help the electrical engineering students, this present study has as the objective to develop a virtual platform for TIM control and drive using the technique of FOC with rotor field orientation for a TIM squirrel-cage rotor. The virtual platform was made with the help of the dynamic system analysis tool of the MATLAB/SIMULINK® software and has as the aim to create a graphical interface of easy access and a comprehension for the users’ side. The principal objective of the creation of this control virtual platform is to help the technical comprehension of approached control and it can arouse interest of these students in researches in the electrical machine control field. u 1dq , u 2 dq : stator and rotor voltage spatial vector, respectively; i1dq , i 2 dq : stator and rotor current spatial vector, respectively; ψ 1dq ,ψ 2 dq : stator and rotor flux spatial vector, respectively; md : electromagnetic torque; i1d , i1q : stator current direct and quadrature component, respectively; ψ 2 d , ψ 2 q : rotor flux direct and quadrature component, respectively; ψ : rotor flux total value; 2 II. FIELD ORIENTED CONTROL The induction motor modelling using coordinated vector transformation is fundamental to implement the FOC. This control technique is based on the fixation of one of the three magnetic fluxes (stator, rotor or air gap) in the system direct axis of synchronous coordinated (dq coordinated). As it was mentioned before, in this work it was used the IFOC technique as a rotor flux guiding due to its wide applicability in the industry when compared to other strategies of oriented control, and due to its easy implementation. It is important to highlight that for the vectorial control technique development, it is necessary to know the mathematical model of the induction motor. Since the IFOC technique controls both the rotor (flux and speed) and stator (voltage and current) properties, it is interesting to use a generic framework for all these properties. R 1 , R 2 : stator and rotor resistance, respectively; L1 , L 2 , LH : stator, rotor and mutual inductance, respectively; zp : poles; ω ω mec : rotor mechanical speed; m2 : synchronous speed. The operation mode is based on the simultaneous control of two different grids being one of rotor flux and the other of speed. The flux grid is responsible for the TIM drive according to the desired magnetizing. The speed grid as suggested by the name is responsible for the TIM drive according to the desired speed. The Fig. 1 shows in a simplified way the proposed control strategy. Using the synchronous framework, it is possible to find a representation for the induction motor of a similar way to the DC motor with separately-excited, making the IFOC control strategy comprehension easier applied to the TIM. But, at first, it is necessary to know the motor modelling in the synchronous reference which are described below according to [14]: dψ 1dq u 1dq = R1i1dq + + jω m 2ψ 1dq dt dψ 2 dq u 2 dq = R 2i 2 dq + + j (ω m 2 − zpω mec )ψ 2 dq dt ψ 1 dq = L1i1 dq + LH i 2 dq ψ 2 dq = L 2i 2 dq + LH i1dq ψ = ψ +ψ 2 md = 2d 2q 3 LH zp (ψ 2 di1q −ψ 2 qi1d ) 2 L2 Fig. 1. The proposed IFOC technique. (1) (2) As it can be seen in the Fig. 1, from the motor measured signals on (terminal current), it is possible to calculate stator quadrature and direct current values and also magnetizing current ( im 2 ). Imposing the guiding of ψ 2 in the d-axis, it results that ψ 2 doesn’t have component in the q-axis and (3) ψ ∝i (4) In this way, the proposed vectorial control imposes the value of the im 2 and consequently according to [9], the value of the ψ 2 . In this way, taking into consideration [8], the motor torque can be regulated in function of the i1q , as below: (5) 2 m2 md = ψ 2i1q (6) that is, the induction motor behaves as a DC motor. where, 1600 (7) (8) To perform the control, first the estimated rotor magnetizing current is compared to the reference, and an error is obtained. Such an error is processed by a Proportional Integral Controller (PI) which determines the stator current reference value in the direct axis. Simultaneously, the TIM speed is compared to the reference speed and a second error is obtained. This error is also processed by a PI controller which determines the stator current reference value in the quadrature axis. Both current components, direct and quadrature, are compared to their present values and the obtained errors are treated by P controllers. The results are stator voltage values in direct axis ( u 1 d ) and quadrature axis ( u 1q ). These values are generated in the synchronous coordinated system (dq) and need to be transformed into the three-phase system (abc) in order the TIM control can be performed. the Fig. 5, which represents the window of the related parameters definition to the speed loop PI. By turning on the other buttons, similar windows are opened. Fig. 3. Motor parameters panel. After this transformation, a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) is used to generate the desired phase voltage to perform the motor drive. III. GRAPHIC INTERFACE The graphic interface shown in the Fig. 2 was made in an easy access program language to help different kinds of users, from beginners to advanced ones in the approached technique use. Fig. 4. Controllers parameters panel. Fig. 2. Virtual platform of the IFOC technique. It’s possible to check in the Fig. 2 that platform was basically divided in four sections. In each one of them, the user has free access and can change the controllers and motor parameters, simulation characteristics and still to access the graphics. The other figures show the characteristics of the created interface and it can be noticed that the interface is intuitive and easily manageable. The “Motor Parameters” panel is shown in the Fig. 3. Such a panel allows the user to change the motor parameters to be simulated. The “Controllers Parameters” panel is shown in the Fig. 4. This panel has four buttons that when turned on open its respective windows. Two of these buttons are related to the direct axis stator control, and the others are related to the quadrature axis stator control. In case the user needs to change the controllers constant values, he can press one of the buttons shown in the Fig. 4. A new window is opened with the changing options as shown in Fig. 5. PI controller of motor mechanical speed. The “Simulation Characteristics” panel is shown in the Fig. 6. Similarly to the other panels, the user is allowed to change the voltage values of the inverter DC bus, switching frequency, the simulation time, the machine magnetizing current magnitude, the constant mechanical load applied in the motor shaft and the speed reference. Each button opens its respective window being the speed window shown in the Fig. 7. In this window it can be defined the speed final and initial value besides the time that the reference is changed. The mechanical load and the rotor magnetizing current windows are similar to the machine mechanical speed window with the same configuration. After the definition of all the drive parameters, the user has to press the “Simulate” button to start the collect of the results. When the simulation is finished, the user can select the desired graphics (three-phase currents, mechanical speed, magnetizing current and electromagnetic torque). 1601 The electromagnetic torque behavior is shown in the Fig. 11. It can be observed that its peak is high in the conditions in which a sudden speed change is required, that is, in the start and the rotation direction inversion. When the motor reaches the reference speed the torque becomes small, only enough to overcome the motor operating rotational losses. But, when the load is inserted to its shaft, the motor develops a torque enough to supply this load and the rotational losses. Fig. 6. Simulation parameters. The results obtained with this simulation validate the virtual platform of the proposed IFOC technique. Besides being an easy handling and dynamic platform, the results can be easily observed and conclusions obtained in a very practical way by the students. Besides that, the students can change any simulation parameter observing the strategy behavior and the influence of each changed parameter in the drive. TABLE I. MOTOR PARAMETERS Motor Parameters Fig. 7. Mechanical speed. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS To check the motor drive behavior using the proposed technique, a simulation was made using the parameters contained in the Tables I, II and III. As it was foreseen, the speed regulation in the FOC drive is very accurate, as it can be seen in the Fig. 8. At first the no-load operate motor reaches the speed of initial reference in a short time. Afterwards, at the time t=0.5s, the speed reference is changed, including the rotation direction, also stabilizing in a short time. At the time t=1.1s, a load is inserted in the rotor shaft making the speed decrease for a short time and re-establish again in the reference value soon after due to the speed PI performance. Observing the Fig. 9, it can be noticed the good regulation of the magnetizing current control loop. As it was mentioned before, for the making of the proposed control strategy it was necessary to keep the constant rotor flux. It was only possible if the magnetizing current is steady. Such a current reaches its reference value in a short time, having a low change when the motor rotation direction is changed. So the PI performance of this control loop makes this current return to its reference value very fast, validating the basic premise of the FOC strategy, which is to have a good regulation of this property. The Fig. 10 shows the three-phase current behavior. It is possible to observe a high current value in the start, decreasing to an operation value as the time goes by. At the time t=0.5s, where there is a change in the motor rotation direction, there is an over shut current since the torque required is very high due to the speed degree that the machine is exposed. It is also possible to observe that the current frequency is low when the machine has reduced speed. Finally, it is observed an increase in the current magnitude after the time t=1.1s, when a mechanical load is inserted in the machine shaft. 1602 Poles (zp) 2 Stator Resistance (R1) 0.294 Ω Rotor Resistance (R2) 0.156 Ω Stator Inductance (L1) 0.0014 H Rotor Inductance (L2) 0.0007 H Mutual Inductance (LH) 0.041 H Inertia (J) 0.40 kg.m2 Friction Factor (KD) 0.000018 N.m.s Frequency (f) 60 Hz TABLE II. CONTROLLERS PARAMETERS Controllers Parameters PI Controller of Rotor Magnetizing Current KP 10.00 KI 0.25 P Controller of Stator Direct-Axis Current KP 1.00 PI Controller of Motor Mechanical Speed KP 4.50 KI 0.03 P Controller of Stator Quadrature-Axis Current KP 1.20 TABLE III. SIMULATION PARAMETERS 600 Simulation Parameters Mechanical Speed 123.50 rad/s Final Value -38.10 rad/s Step Time 0.50 s Rotor Magnetizing Current 18.00 A Three-Phase Current (A) 400 Initial Value Mechanical Load Initial Value 0.00 N.m Final Value 70.45 N.m Step Time 1.10 s Inverter DC Bus 230 V Inverter Switching Frequency 6.00 kHz Simulation Time 1.50 200 0 -200 -400 -600 0 0.5 1 1.5 Time (s) Fig. 10. Simulation results of the three-phase current. 800 140 Measured Mechanical Speed Reference Mechanical Speed Electromechanical Torque (N.m) 120 100 Mechanical Speed (rad/s) Measured Electromechanical Torque Inserted Electromechanical Torque 600 80 60 40 20 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 0 -800 -20 -1000 -40 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 Time (s) 1.5 Time (s) Fig. 11. Simulation results of the electromechanical torque. Fig. 8. Simulation results of the mechanical speed. V. CONCLUSION A TIM drive and control method was shown. The method uses an indirect field oriented control model and a method intuitive computational implementation is proposed. The drive basic theory is the FOC control principle. 25 Measured Rotor Magnetizing Current Reference Rotor Magnetizing Current Rotor Magnetizing Current (A) 20 The system was validated by simulations based on a TIM real model and the results showed a big robustness and accuracy of the control method even with sudden changes in the load or in the speed reference. 15 10 5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 The proposed platform shows the FOC technique fundamental concepts didactically. Thus, this study can be used as a powerful tool in the electrical machines learning. Besides that, the present study can be used to motivate the students to research about machine drive methods since the interest in this field can be aroused. Time (s) Fig. 9. Simulation results of the rotor magnetizing current. REFERENCES [1] [2] 1603 R. Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives: modeling, analysis and control. 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