mar tha mi a ’ aige gu bheil e bha airson air tha le iad a bhith aig aon tha seo bho le bhith a ’ teth fhacal ach dè cuid tha e thu no bha a’ de gu agus a ann an tha sinn a ’ urrainn #NAMN? eile bha a tha a ’ a dhèanamh aca ùine ma bidh ciamar Thuirt an gach innse a ’dèanamh seata trì ag iarraidh adhair gu math cuideachd a ’cluich beag deireadh chuir dachaigh leughadh làimh port mòr spell ris eadhon fearainn as I his that he was for on are with they be at one have this from by hot word but what some is it you or had the of to and a in we can out other were which do their time if will how said an each tell does set three want air well also play small end put home read hand port large spell add even land an seo feumaidh mòr àrd leithid a ’leantainn achd carson iarr fir atharrachadh chaidh sgòthan seòrsa dheth feumaidh taigh dealbh feuchainn dhuinn a-rithist am beathach phuing màthair t-saoghail faisg air togail fèin talamh athair sam bith ùr obair pàirt ghabhail fhaighinn àite a dhèanamh fuireach far a bheil an dèidh air ais beag a-mhàin timcheall fear bliadhna thàinig Seall a h-uile math dhomh thoir againn fo ainm fìor tro dìreach foirm seantans sgoinneil smaoineachadh ràdh cuideachadh ìosal loidhne eadardhealaichte tionndadh here must big high such follow act why ask men change went light kind off need house picture try us again animal point mother world near build self earth father any new work part take get place made live where after back little only round man year came show every good me give our under name very through just form sentence great think say help low line differ turn aobhar cause mòr a ’ciallachadh mus gluasad deas gille seann ro aon i a h-uile an sin cuin suas cleachdadh agad slighe mu dheidhinn iomadh an uair sin orra sgrìobhadh b’àill mar mar sin sin aice a dh’fhaid a dhèanamh rud fhaicinn ris dhà Tha a ’coimhead barrachd latha b ’urrainn dol tighinn rinn àireamh fuaim chan eil chuid as motha de daoine mo thairis fios uisge na ghairm a’ chiad a A’ Chèitean sìos taobh a bhith a-nis lorg ceann seasamh fhèin duilleag bu chòir dùthaich lorg fhreagairt much mean before move right boy old too same she all there when up use your way about many then them write would like so these her long make thing see him two has look more day could go come did number sound no most people my over know water than call first who may down side been now find head stand own page should country found answer sgoil school fàs sgrùdadh fhathast ionnsachadh lus còmhdach biadh ghrian ceithir eadar stàite a chumail shùil riamh mu dheireadh leig smaoineachadh bhaile chraobh tarsainn tuathanas cruaidh toiseach fhaodainn sgeulachd sàibh fada mhuir a ’tarraing clì anmoch ruith nach eil fhad ’sa naidheachd dùin oidhche fìor beatha beagan tuath leabhar a ghiùlan ghabh saidheans ithe seòmar caraid thòisich beachd èisg bheinn stad aon uair bunait Eisdibh each gearradh cinnteach a ’coimhead dath aghaidh fiodh prìomh fosgailte a rèir coltais còmhla ath grow study still learn plant cover food sun four between state keep eye never last let thought city tree cross farm hard start might story saw far sea draw left late run don’t while press close night real life few north book carry took science eat room friend began idea fish mountain stop once base hear horse cut sure watch color face wood main open seem together next geal white clann children tòiseachadh begin fhuair got coiseachd walk mar eisimpleir example faochadh ease pàipear paper buidheann group an còmhnaidh always ceòl music fheadhainn those an dà chuid both chomharra mark gu tric often litir letter gus an until mìle mile aibhne river càr car troighean feet cùram care an dàrna second gu leòr enough plain plain nighean girl àbhaisteach usual òga young deiseil ready gu h-àrd above riamh ever dearg red liosta list ged though a ’faireachdainn feel Deasbaireachd talk eun bird a dh’aithghearr soon buidheann body chù dog teaghlach family dìreach direct nan seasamh pose fhàgail leave òran song thomhas measure doras door bathar product dubh black goirid short àireamh numeral clas class Àirde na gaoithe wind cheist question tachairt happen crìochnaichte complete soitheach ship sgìre area leth half creag rock òrdugh order teine fire deas south trioblaid problem pìos piece dh’innis told eòlach air knew seachad pass bho since mullach top gu h-iomlan whole righ king #NAMN? street òirleach inch iomadaich multiply dad nothing chùrsa course fuireach stay cuibhle wheel làn full feachd force gorm blue nì object co-dhùnadh decide uachdar surface domhainn deep ghealach moon eilean island bonn foot siostam system trang busy deuchainn test chlàr record bàta boat cumanta common òir gold ghabhas possible plèana plane àit stead tioram dry Saoil wonder gàire laugh mìle thousand bho chionn ago a ’ruith ran sùil check geama game cumadh shape chothromachadhequate teth hot Miss miss thug brought teas heat sneachd snow taidheir tire thoirt bring tha yes fhaide air falbh distant lìonadh fill ear east a ’peantadh paint cànan language am measg among aonad unit cumhachd power bhaile town càin fine sònraichte certain itealaich fly tuit fall stiùireadh lead glaodh cry dorcha dark inneal machine note note feitheamh wait plana plan figear figure star star bogsa box ainmear achadh chòrr noun field rest ceart urrainn punnd Deiseil bòidhchead draibh sheas tha air beulaibh teagasg seachdain dheireannaich thug uaine oh sgiobalta leasachadh ocean blàth saor an-asgaidh mionaid làidir sònraichte inntinn air cùlaibh soilleir earball a ’dèanamh Gu dearbh space chuala as fheàrr uair nas fheàrr fìor rè ceud còig cuimhnich cheum tràth chumail iar talamh ùidh ruigsinn luath gnìomhair seinn èisteachd sia Clàr siubhal nas lugha madainn deich sìmplidh grunn fuaimreige a dh’ionnsaigh cogadh luidh aghaidh pàtran slaodach meadhan gràdh correct able pound done beauty drive stood contain front teach week final gave green oh quick develop ocean warm free minute strong special mind behind clear tail produce fact space heard best hour better TRUE during hundred five remember step early hold west ground interest reach fast verb sing listen six table travel less morning ten simple several vowel toward war lay against pattern slow center love neach airgid a ’frithealadh person money serve Nochdaidh appear rathad road map map uisge rain riaghailt rule ùghdarrasach govern tarraingeadh pull fuar cold fios notice guth voice lùth energy sealg hunt coltaiche probable leabaidh bed bràthair brother ugh egg ride ride cealla cell creidsinn believe ’s dòcha perhaps tagh pick gu h-obann sudden a ’cunntadh count ceàrnagach square adhbhar reason a dh’fhaid length riochdachadh represent ealain art cuspair subject sgìre region meud size eadardhealaichte vary dh’fhuireach settle bruidhinn speak cuideam weight fharsaingeachd general deighe ice chùis matter cearcall circle paidhir pair gabhail a-steach include divide divide lide syllable a ’faireachdainn felt grand grand ball ball gidheadh yet tonn wave leig drop chridhe heart am am #NAMN? present trom heavy dannsa dance einnsean engine suidheachadh position gàirdean arm farsaing wide seòl sail stuth material bloigh fraction coille forest suidhe sit rèis race uinneig window stòr store as t-samhradh trèana cadal summer train sleep dearbhadh prove aonar lone chas leg eacarsaich exercise bhalla wall a ghlacadh catch sliabh mount airson wish sky sky air a ’bhòrd board aoibhneas joy geamhradh winter Sat sat sgrìobhte written fiadhaich wild ionnstramaid instrument cumail kept glainne glass feur grass bhò cow obair job oir edge soidhne sign turas visit dh’fhalbh past bog soft spòrsail fun soilleir bright gas gas Tuairmse na h- weather mìos month millean million giùlainidh bear crìochnaicheadh finish sona happy dòchas hope flùr flower aodach clothe neònach strange Gone gone malairt trade fonn melody turas trip oifis office a ’faighinn receive sreath row bheul mouth dearbh exact samhla symbol bàsaich die co-dhiù least trioblaid trouble iolaich shout ach a-mhàin except sgrìobh wrote sìol seed tòna tone còmhla ri join mholadh suggest glan clean fois break Lady lady gàrradh yard dh’èireas rise droch bad blow blow ola fuil beantuinn dh’fhàs cheud mix sgioba uèir cosgais chaill donn a ’cur orra gàrradh co-ionnan chuir a thaghadh thuit a ’freagairt sruthadh cothromach banca a ’cruinneachadh sàbhail smachd deicheach chluais eile gu math bhris cùis meadhan mharbhadh mac loch #NAMN? sgèile ard as t-earrach sùil pàiste dìreach chonnraig nàisean faclair bainne luaths dòigh organ phàigheadh aois earrann èideadh neul iongnadh sàmhach cloiche beag bìodach dìreadh tarraingeach dealbhadh bochd tòrr deuchainn ìosal prìomh iarann singilte maide còmhnard oil blood touch grew cent mix team wire cost lost brown wear garden equal sent choose fell fit flow fair bank collect save control decimal ear else quite broke case middle kill son lake moment scale loud spring observe child straight consonant nation dictionary milk speed method organ pay age section dress cloud surprise quiet stone tiny climb cool design poor lot experiment bottom key iron single stick flat fichead skin gàire Crease toll twenty skin smile crease hole leumadh jump naoidhean baby ochd eight bhaile village a ’coinneachadh meet freumh root cheannach buy thogail raise fuasgladh solve meatailt metal co-dhiù whether putaidh push seachd seven paragraf paragraph an treas third hithidh shall glèidhte held falt hair a ’mìneachadh describe còcaire cook làr floor an dara cuid either thoradh air result loisgidh burn cnoc hill sàbhailte safe cat cat linn century Beachdaichidh consider seòrsa type lagh law bit bit costa coast leth-bhreac copy abairt phrase sàmhach silent a dh’àirde tall gainmheach sand ùir soil rolla roll Teòthachd temperature mheur finger gnìomhachas industry luach value strì fight laighe lie chùis beat excite excite nàdarra natural sealladh view mothachadh sense calpa capital cha bhi won’t cathraiche chair cunnart danger mheasan fruit saidhbhir rich tiugh thick saighdear soldier pròiseas process obrachadh operate cleachdadh practice air leth separate doirbh difficult dotair doctor mas e do thoil e dhìon meadhan-latha bhàrr latha an-diugh please protect noon crop modern eileamaid bhuail oileanach oisean pàrtaidh solar aig a bheil lorg fàinne caractar insect a chaidh a ghlacadh ùine a ’sealltainn rèidio Bhruidhinn dadam daonna eachdraidh buaidh electric an dùil cnàimh rèile smaoineachadh a ’toirt aontachadh mar sin a ’ socair boireannach sgiobair tomhas riatanach biorach sgiath chruthachadh nàbaidh nighe ialtag àite sluagh arbhair coimeas a dhèanamh eadar dàn string clag an crochadh feòil suathadh tube ainmeil dolair #NAMN? eagal sùilibh tana triantan phlanaid greasadh ceann-feadhna choloinidh gleoc element hit student corner party supply whose locate ring character insect caught period indicate radio spoke atom human history effect electric expect bone rail imagine provide agree thus gentle woman captain guess necessary sharp wing create neighbor wash bat rather crowd corn compare poem string bell depend meat rub tube famous dollar stream fear sight thin triangle planet hurry chief colony clock mhèinn mine taidh tie #NAMN? enter major major ùr fresh rannsachadh search cuir send buidhe yellow gunna gun cheadachadh allow priont print marbh dead àite spot fhàsach desert deise suit #NAMN? current lioft lift dh’èirich rose a ’tighinn arrive mhaighstir master Àireamh track pàrant parent chladach shore sgaradh division duilleag sheet mìsubstance taobhadh favor ceangal connect dreuchd post a ’cur seachad spend Chord chord reamhar fat glad glad thùsail original Sgaoil share Stèisean station athair dad aran bread cosgais charge ceart proper bar bar tairgse offer earrann segment tràillean slave tunnag duck gradinstant mhargaidh market ceum degree dh’fhuireach annpopulate isean chick ghràdhach dear nàmhaid enemy freagairt reply deoch drink tachairt occur taic support òraid speech nàdar nature raon range #NAMN? steam gluasad motion frith-rathad path leaghan liquid log log a ’ciallachadh meant quotient quotient fiaclan teeth sligean shell amhaich neck ocsaidean oxygen siùcair bhàis breagha sgil boireannaich ràith fuasgladh tàladh airgid taing a thoirt meur matches iar-leasachan gu h-àraidh fhige eagal mòr piuthar stàilinn a ’bruidhinn air adhart coltach stiùireadh eòlas sgòr ubhal cheannaich stiùireadh phàirce còta mass cairt còmhlan sìoman shleamhnach chombruadar feasgar staid feed inneal gu h-iomlan bunaiteach fàileadh gleann no dùbailte suidheachan leantainn air adhart bacaidh chart ad reic soirbheachadh companaidh thoir air falbh tachartas sònraichte mòran snàmh ùine mu choinneamh bhean bròg ghualainn sgaoileadh a chur air dòigh campa fheadhainn sugar death pretty skill women season solution magnet silver thank branch match suffix especially fig afraid huge sister steel discuss forward similar guide experience score apple bought led pitch coat mass card band rope slip win dream evening condition feed tool total basic smell valley nor double seat continue block chart hat sell success company subtract event particular deal swim term opposite wife shoe shoulder spread arrange camp invent cotan Rugadh dearbhadh quart naoi làraidh cotton born determine quart nine truck fuaim ìre cothrom a ’cruinneachadh bhùth pìos thilgeil Shine seilbh colbh moileciuil sa chruinnetagh ceàrr glas atharrais a dhèanamh air feum farsaing ullachadh salainn sròn iomarra feirg tagradh thìr noise level chance gather shop stretch throw shine property column molecule select wrong gray repeat require broad prepare salt nose plural anger claim continent