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Excel COUNTIFS Tutorial: Summarize Data by Criteria

Uma needs to help the sales department to
find out a breakdown of orders coming from the states of Victoria,
New South Wales, and Western Australia. Uma already has a dashboard
template from last year, which she now needs to fill in,
this template is on the next sheet. So click on the next sheet, sales dash,
where we'll be summarizing our data. We would like Excel to
count cells in a range, but this time only if cells in that
range meet certain criteria. COUNTIFS is the function to
help us with the job at hand. First up, we are going to work out
the number of orders in each of the three states that Uma wants,
which are abbreviated as VIC, NSW, and WA in our database. It's important to use the plural
version COUNTIFS if you have it, if you don't, the singular version
COUNTIF is okay for today. Tab to choose COUNTIFS,
the COUNTIFS function consists of at least two arguments, the range, and
the criteria and we want to apply. Firstly, we need to define the range, which is where the function will find
the information you're looking for. In our example, this is the state
column in the first sheet. Again, we can see how useful the name
ranges that we created in week three are. Without the name ranges, this process
would be much more complicated. Now a comma to separate the two arguments,
and then we supply the criteria based on which Excel will decide
whether or not to count the cell. In our case, these are the names of
the state, let's start with VIC, so just click on cell A5 and press Enter. What Excel has done is counted all
the cells that contain the value VIC within our named range
state in the previous sheet. Double click on the fill handle in cell
B5 to do this for the other two states. You'll notice that there's a live
pie chart in this dashboard, that got updated as we
worked through the COUNTIFS. The calculations we have done show
us that there are 289 orders for the state of VIC, 646 orders for the state of NSW, and
104 orders for the state of WA. Next up, we need to figure out how
many orders per customer type, we can use COUNTIFS to
work this out as well. Click on cell B11, type equals COUNT, arrow down all the way to select COUNTIFS,
Tab. First is the range to select
the customer type, down arrow, Tab to select that name range
from the previous sheet. Comma to specify the next argument,
which is the criteria, which is home office in cell A11,
and Enter. Double click on the fill handle in cell
B11 to do this for all the different customer types, again, we have
a live pie chart on this dashboard. The next thing to complete Uma's dashboard
is to work out the number of orders with quantities over 40. Much the same as the previous two,
with one small modification. The criteria that defines which cells
will be counted can be in the form of a cell reference as we did before. It can be a number, or the criteria
can be text, or even an expression. For COUNTIFS, text and expressions
must be within quotation marks. So greater than 40,
which is an expression, must be entered within quotation marks. Click on cell B16, type =COUNT, arrow down and Tab, specify the range, which is Order_Quantity, and Tab. Comma to specify the next argument,
which is the criteria, >40 is an expression, so that goes
within quotation marks, and Enter. There are 238 orders which
have a quantity over 40. We have looked at how to use COUNTIFS
to summarize large amounts of data, by counting the number of times
a criteria is met in a range. In the next video,
we will look at the SUMIFS function, which allows us to sum ranges
that meet specified criteria.