Amity College Year 9 STEM Student Research project -- Topic selection application You MUST complete and return this by 23/04/21 Student Name: ________________________ Class: __________________ I am carrying out: Put “X” next to your selection ❑A first hand investigation ❑An invention ❑A survey/measurement ❑A Science/Mathematics based artwork The title of your project is: What is the hypothesis/purpose/aim/inspiration of this project? What is the independent variable? (If applicable) What is the dependent variable? (If applicable) What are your controlled variables? (If applicable) 1 Complete the preliminary research on: Give us a background of the project with relevant science Has anybody done it before? What did they find? How is your research different in such a way it will add meaningful knowledge? What are the benefits of your project on our society and/or environment? 300 words minimum with 6+ valid source of references. What is the equipment you will require that’s not available to you personally? 2 Explain in brief HOW your will measure the variables above (If applicable) Will your project involve human or animals as test subjects? ❑Yes ❑No Complete the preliminary risk assessment in the space below: Identify the risk (What may potential causes harm) Assess the risk (What will this risk do to you, others and the environment) Control the risk (How will you minimise the effect of this risk or avoid it altogether) Attach a gannt chart to give indication on stages of your application in the space below: 3 Mentor name (if applicable): Title: ________________ ___________________ Organisation: __________________ Declaration: I, __________________________ (student name) declare that this is completely my original work and I understand the expectations, due date and deliverables required of this task. Student signature Date: ____________________ ________________________ Teacher only: ❑Approved ❑Approved if amend as per instructions ❑ Denied, start again Comments: 4 Amity College STEM Student research project topic selection application 5