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Considerations Before Installing Solar

Across the U.S., an increasing amount of businesses and homeowners are
investing in solar power systems — and why not? Solar technology has
made many advancements in recent years, which have lowered the cost of
the equipment involved by almost ~90% since 2010. Installing solar panels is
an efficient way to generate electricity for your property without increasing
your impact on the environment.
However, there are many things that you need to consider before
beginning the solar installation process. To help you determine whether a
solar installation is the right option for your property, we’ve put together a
list of the top 7 things you need to consider before installing rooftop solar
1. Roof Orientation: Does your roof receive adequate sun
exposure? Which direction do the slopes of your roof face?
Solar panels require specific placement in order to generate the maximum amount of
power output. Being in the Northern Hemisphere, the sun is always positioned to our South.
For this reason, the ideal placement for solar panels is along a south-facing roof for
maximum sun exposure. If you receive a design for your potential solar project, make sure
your solar developer maximizes the efficiency of the panels by utilizing any southern-facing
roof space.
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2. How will your solar system connect to the electrical grid?
Besides the position of your roof, you need to consider how your solar power system will
connect to the utility grid. When connecting to the grid through a local utility, there are a
few factors you need to consider.
Examples include:
Will you be credited for extra energy your system sends back to the grid?
(i.e. "Net Metering")
Are there fees associated with grid connection?
How long will it take to get connected to the grid?
For more information on which states allow for net-metering, you can review the interactive
map resource here, and filter for 'Net Metering'.
3. Have you compared multiple quotes?
Before signing any agreement with a solar developer or contractor, make sure you have
done your research. You should never have to pay for a quote or solar analysis for your home
or business. If you are serious about installing solar panels on your property, shop around
and get different quotes from different contractors. You can also check with a solar quote
marketplace. like FreeWorld, to ensure you receive multiple, competitive bids for your
project. Do some research on the solar developers to make sure they are reputable and their
customers are satisfied.
After you evaluate multiple bids, you can make an informed decision to move forward or
consider other options.
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4. Will the solar system cover a considerable amount of your
energy needs?
Often, a solar system will cover only a portion of your energy needs (i.e. 50%, 80% of the
energy used on your property). To accurately calculate your future energy costs, you should
allow your solar developer access to recent utility bills. The developer will use the utility
information to determine how many solar panels will be required to power your property. In
cases where the panels do not produce all the energy needed for your home or business,
your property will rely on the utility for the remainder of your energy needs.
5. Is the solar installer reputable?
To gain complete peace of mind for your solar installation, you should validate your solar
installer has the correct credentials. For example, asking if their installation team has
accreditation from the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP)
will certify that they are properly vetted and trained to perform the installation and
associated electrical work.
6. What warranties are included to protect the long-term value of
your solar power system?
Choosing a contractor that you feel will be in operation for the long term is also an
important factor to consider. While there is little maintenance required for solar power
systems, if something stops working, you want your contractor available to fix it under
warranty. You can guarantee the effectiveness of your solar system over the long term by
ensuring all materials included in the installation are also under warranty. Manufacturer
warranties and performance guarantees for solar panels and inverters are common, and
should be verified prior to signing the solar contract.
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Manufacturer Warranties:
Manufacturer warranties cover the solar panels and inverters for your system. Solar panel
warranties usually last 25 to 30 years at no extra cost. Solar panel warranties should also
include a 'performance guarantee' that allows for free panel replacement if the panel drops
below 80% of its original production output. Inverter warranties typically last from 12 to 25
years, depending on the manufacturer, and can often be extended for a small fee.
Installation Warranty:
Installer warranties cover damage from improper installation of your solar system, and
should include property damage and roof leaks (roof penetration). When selecting a solar
developer or installer, you can safeguard your property from any accidental damage by
confirming an installation warranty is in place.
7: Are there government incentives, tax credits, or rebates
available for your system?
Before investing in a solar system. You should verify available incentives to ensure the
maximum savings from your system. Many states and city governments reward the
development of renewable energy projects by giving monetary rebates and tax incentives to
owners of the systems. Often, these incentives must be submitted by a certified solar
installer, so it is important to inquire about any available incentives prior to executing your
solar contract. Verify the developer is accounting for both the U.S. Federal tax incentive, as
well as any state and city incentives to receive the maximum return on investment from
your solar project.
To search available incentives in your area, you can access a helpful database here, and filter
for your location.
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In conclusion, solar is a wonderful and logical investment for many properties. However, it is
imperative that you are prepared to reap the maximum rewards for your solar project, with
minimal downside risk.
If you would like to discuss a potential project, we are happy to answer your questions and
calculate the savings for your property here.
We hope this article brings you value!