Justin A. Mayor
Marvilon Gravidez
Mary Grace Lleva
Ezekiel Infante
Mohammad Kasuyo
Raymark Argueza
Jessie Zambales
Jimlord Añonuevo
Leslie Ligtas
Jubert Sajulga
Mary Ann Bayot
Ruffa Sutero
Chapter 1
The internet gives us opportunity to connect on the independent world of information
toward in a close one place. It is a very helpful tool for everyone wherein it serves as a bridge on
connecting people or in other words a medium of communication in new generation of technology.
In education, the internet takes a major role for the legit information that are needed by the teacher
but not just the teachers but also the students who’s really need the power of the internet for their
assignments and projects. Internet gives the education a clear and satisfying information’s about a
certain topic and helps the student s to understands and covert the information into a new
knowledge also it enhance the skills of all people who uses it. Nowadays the Internet became the
center of exchange of information throughout the world and became a big help to ease our works.
In our school we’ve been deployed in our ICT department to fulfill the requirements on our subject
Inquiries, Investigation and Work Immersion and in our workplace (ICT department) we doesn’t
have the access of internet so it’s obviously that we are not capable to be updated on the Internet
world and it is a barrier for us because ICT stands for INFORMATION COMMUNICATION
AND TECHNOLOGY where in all of it are scope of the power of Internet. In this research we
aim to discuss on how would the internet became a helpful and powerful tool for ICT department
and ICT students.
Gestalt Theory- Along with Kohler and Koffka, Max Wertheimer was one of the principal
proponents of Gestalt theory which emphasized higher-order cognitive processes in the midst of
behaviorism. The focus of Gestalt theory was the idea of "grouping", i.e., characteristics of stimuli
cause us to structure or interpret a visual field or problem in a certain way (Wertheimer, 1922).
The primary factors that determine grouping were: (1) proximity - elements tend to be grouped
together according to their nearness, (2) similarity - items similar in some respect tend to be
grouped together, (3) closure - items are grouped together if they tend to complete some entity,
and (4) simplicity - items will be organized into simple figures according to symmetry, regularity,
and smoothness. These factors were called the laws of organization and were explained in the
context of perception and problem-solving.
Progressivism Theory- is the support for or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. As a
philosophy, it is based on the Idea of Progress, which asserts that advancements in science,
technology, economic development, and social organization are vital to the improvement of the
human condition. Progressivism became highly significant during the Age of Enlightenment in
Europe, out of the belief that Europe was demonstrating that societies could progress in civility
from uncivilized conditions to civilization through strengthening the basis of empirical knowledge
as the foundation of society. Figures of the Enlightenment believed that progress had universal
application to all societies and that these ideas would spread across the world from Europe. The
meanings of progressivism have varied over time and from different perspectives. The
contemporary common political conception of progressivism in the culture of the Western world
emerged from the vast social changes brought about by industrialization in the Western world in
the late 19th century, particularly out of the view that progress was being stifled by vast economic
inequality between the rich and the poor; minimally regulated laissez-faire capitalism with
monopolistic corporations; and intense and often violent conflict between workers and capitalists,
thus claiming that measures were needed to address these problems.
Need Theory- also known as Three Needs Theory, proposed by psychologist David McClelland,
is a motivational model that attempts to explain how the needs for achievement, power, and
affiliation affect the actions of people from a managerial context. This model was developed in the
1960s; two decades before, Maslow's hierarchy of needs was first proposed in the early 1940s.
McClelland stated that we all have these three types of motivation regardless of age, sex, race, or
culture. The type of motivation by which each individual is driven derives from their life
experiences and the opinions of their culture. This need theory is often taught in classes concerning
management or organizational behavior.
As we know it, Internet is one of the most exceptional innovations in the 20th and 21st
centuries whose significance in the other industry cannot be overemphasized. Most of the work
place or work organizations have accepted and embraced the benefits of utilizing the internet in
their everyday work, making it a very essential tool in work.
Using internet in the work place makes the business more competitive and productive and
enhances the movement of work tasks. Internet accelerates communication to the point that it is
almost used 24 hours a day. Internet enhances the effectiveness of some wireless devices such as
phones and laptops by enabling the devices to send and receive emails at any time of the day.
Workers can access their colleague, data and documents while seamlessly working from virtually
anywhere. The Internet also has a positive impact on management and leadership. It enables the
employee to communicate with their co-workers without meeting them personally. They can easily
chat with their co-workers via common application or software such as Skype, Yahoo, and
Facebook messenger they can also find any data on almost any subject they are looking for.
The Internet has a capability of long distance learning, it is called and e-learning classroom.
Thorough online school, the workers can widen their knowledge without leaving the job or the
work place. The time of the workers spend in training from work would reduce.
In our generation, the internet is basically fit to our daily needs. In the age of information, it is
almost impossible to cope up without the access of internet.
By having the internet in the workplace, the workers gain access to big volume of information.
This information can assist them in solving work-related problems and increase the organizations
productivity. By using search engine such as Google and Yahoo, they can also find any data they
The Internet is a new and innovative medium that can completely change the lives of people
much as television did in the 1950s and 1960s. The Internet changes people’s lives in terms of
reaching, disseminating, creating, and evaluating a huge amount of information easily and quickly,
communicating with many different kinds of people separated by space and time, and reallocating
time for their daily activities. Through various types of Internet uses, such as, e-mail, newsgroups,
and chatting, the way people communicate is changed. Since the Internet has changed our lives in
a revolutionary way, we cannot help but study and investigate the Internet as to what influence it
has on us.
Based on the statistics of the United States indicate that, the end of 2002 connected 166 million
people connected to the Internet, representing 59 percent of the population (CyberAtlas, June 11,
2003). Coupled with this high connection rate and increasing use of fast connection systems such
as cable modems, Americans also spend a lot more time on the Net than the citizens of other
countries. As reported by Nielsen//NetRatings Inc. in May 2003, the average Web usage in the
United Kingdom was about 12 hours per month for both home and work combined, while the
corresponding statistics for Australia was 13.5 hours per month (CyberAtlas, June 16 2003). In the
United States, the total time spent on the Web was about 99 hours per month (25.5 hours at home
and 73.5 hours at work). The rapid diffusion of the Internet is not a unique to the United States.
Internet penetration in the European Union has also shown very rapid growth during the last few
years. The number of households online has increased from18.3 percent in March 2000 to 40.4
percent in June 2002. Five countries now exceed the 50% penetration rate with the Netherlands
leading the pack (66 %), followed by Denmark (65 %), Sweden (64 %), Luxembourg (55 %) and
Finland (54 percent). Greece had the lowest penetration rate in EU with 9 percent (eEuropa). By
the end of 2002, 48 countries in the world had Internet populations of 1 million or more (Cyber
Atlas, June 11). The United States leads the world in Internet technology and usage. Overall, it
was estimated that 143 million Americans (54 percent of the American population) were using the
Internet, up from 45 percent in August 2000 (DOC, 2002). Japan had the second largest online
population with 56 million people and 44 percent access rate while China, the most populous
country in the world, ranked number three with 46 million people but only 4 percent access rate.
Turkey had 2.5 million people online with an access rate of 4 percent. Countries with similar access
range were Romania (4 %), China (4 %), Mexico (3 %), Colombia (3 %), Indonesia (2 %), Pakistan
(1 %) and India (1 %). With widespread connectivity and constantly emerging tantalizing online
activities, people are spending more and more time online for studying, learning, communicating,
creating, and entertaining themselves. There is a fine line between healthy use and problematic
use, which is getting blurred these days. Individuals found to be “Internet-dependent” have also
frequently been found to be more attracted to interactive Internet applications, such as chatting,
games, and shopping, whereas nondependent individuals seem to use the Internet almost
exclusively for sending emails and searching for information. Researchers documented that half
of those labelled “Internet-dependent” had been online for less than 1 year indicating that new
users may be more inclined to develop problematic behaviors associated with their internet use,
whereas more than two-thirds of “non-Internet-dependent” who had been using online activities
for over a year indicate that excessive Internet could wear off over time among users.
So we conducted this study for making an innovation on our workplace, we want to have an
internet on Kasiglahan Village Senior High School because we want to have a difference on the
workplace especially on ICT Department which is the one that is very needed on that operation.
Based on the study of Ass.Prof. Dr. Nursel Selver RUZGAR that the use of information technologies
has shown a very rapid growth during the last decade in almost every country in the world.
Increasing computer ownership and access to the Internet have changed the lives of millions of
people who get online on a daily basis at home, at school, at work and other locations such as
Internet cafes. They go online to send/receive e-mails, chat, research for school or work, download
music or images, and to do many other activities.
So we want it to have an action on it, because based on what we saw that the ICT Department
is having a difficulty on not having an internet in workplace. Like for example if they need
materials for editing videos, or in searching some papers or resources they cannot make it in one
day. Because of the simple reason, the workplace does not have an internet.
According to Chron, some employers monitor Internet use in the workplace to protect their
companies from legal problems that could arise if employees use company computers for
inappropriate or illegal online activities. Other employers are concerned about a decline in
productivity as some workers use the Internet to handle personal business on company time. The
ethical challenge that companies face involves protecting their interests through Internet
monitoring while ensuring they don't go so far that employees lose all sense of privacy in the
Companies that monitor workers' Internet use may install software on computers that blocks
access to specific sites or restricts the amount of time that employees can spend on sites that are
unrelated to their jobs. In any case, a "PC World" article by Tony Bradley indicates that employers
can establish respect for employees' privacy by creating a written policy that clearly defines
acceptable uses for company computers. The policy should outline the consequences for violating
the policy as well as the company's right to monitor Internet use. Bradley notes that Internet
monitoring could be a breach of privacy if employees never receive written notice on the
appropriate use of company computers and the employer's right to monitor online activities.
Statement of the Problem
This research aims to discuss the Effectiveness of the internet on ICT Department in
Kasiglahan Village Senior High School.
Specifically the following questions will be verified and answered:
1. How does the internet possibly fasten the works inside the ICT department?
2. How does the internet helps the ICT Department in terms of:
2.1. Exchange of files or documents.
2.2 Update about the trend innovation in ICT.
2.3. Verifies the latest improvements of software and hardware.
3. What are the advantages of Internet inside the ICT Department?
4. What are the dis-advantages on Internet inside the ICT Department?
5. How does the Internet help the ICT teachers and ICT students to clearly understand the
Null Hypothesis
1. There is no significant effect of the internet on ICT Department in Kasiglahan Village Senior
High School.
2. There is significant effect of the internet on ICT Department in Kasiglahan Village Senior
High School.
There is no relationship between the effect of the internet and the ICT Department.
Conceptual Framework
In the diagram below, it shows the flow, the direction how the study will end up in a
credible answers and solutions to the problem. The first part of the diagram shows the Input. In
this part, the needed information are shown and enumerated. This information will serve as the
basis of our research. The second part which is the Process shows what will be the action and
treatment of the researchers with the given data and how are they going to use it as their basis for
the formulation of the possible solutions. The Output which is the third and the last part of the
shows the completed product of the-whole-research-paper
A. Documentation
B. Observation
C. Analysis
A. Internet in
How does the internet possibly
fasten the works inside the ICT
How does the internet helps the
ICT Department in terms of:
Exchange of files or
Update about the
trend innovation in
Verifies the latest
improvements of
software and
What are the advantages of
Internet inside the ICT
What are the dis-advantages on
Internet inside the ICT
How does the Internet help the
ICT teachers and ICT students to
clearly understand the lessons?
This study was based on the information’s that had been gathered on the other
studies about the effectiveness of the internet on ICT Department in Kasiglahan Village Senior
High School.
The researchers will do documentation, observation and analysis on how the
internet is effective on ICT Department. This research will be conducted exclusively at Kasiglahan
Village Senior High School.
Definitions of Terms
To help readers get a clear understanding of this study, the following terms are specifically defined:
Colleague- a person with whom one works, especially in a profession or business.
Communication- connection between people or places, in particular.
E-mails- messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more
recipients via a network.
E- Learning- learning conducted via electronic media, typically on the Internet.
Information- facts provided or learned about something or someone.
Internet- a global computer network providing a variety of information and
communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized
communication protocols.
Internet-Dependent- is a term for excessive use of the Internet to the detriment of one's
physical, psychological, social, or vocational well-being.
Non- Internet-Dependent - groups concerning Eating Attitudes Test and Eating Disorder
Inventory scores.
Skills- the ability to do something well; expertise.
Technology- the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in
Wireless Devices- means transmitting signals over invisible radio waves instead of wires.
Garage door openers and television remote controls were the first wireless devices to
become a part of everyday life. Now the cordless keyboard and mouse, PDAs, and digital
and cellular phones are commonplace.
This research will be significant on promoting of how the internet is more effective on ICT
Department to have a good and advance learning that we needed on our school.
For the Students
The significance of this study to the students is to help them in advance learning and to
make an easy way of acknowledging the lessons.
For the School
The significance of this study to the teachers is to have a materials if in case they needed to
search for some lessons for the students in our school most especially on ICT teachers in ICT
Department for the computer problems inside the lab in our school.
For the Administration
The significance of this study to the administration is to give them another information on
creating projects for the school not even for school but also for the area where they reign of.