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This final report is written to fulfill one of the requirements for Diploma III
English Department at State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya
Shania Nur Vitari
By :
Shania Nur Vitari
August 2020
Approved by,
First Advisor
Second Advisor
Dra. Murwani Ujihanti, M.Pd.
Darmaliana, S.Pd., M.Pd.
NIP. 195902171987032001
NIP. 197301032005012002
Acknowledge by,
Head of English Department
Dr. Yusri, S.Pd., M.Pd.
NIP. 197707052006041001
Shania Nur Vitari
Approved by the Examiners Committee
I do whatever I like, because I don’t want to regret it later
I dedicate this final report to me as the writer, my beloved parents, my brother, my
friends, my advisors, and my major English Department POLSRI.
First of all, the writer would like to say thank to Allah SWT for the blessing
that has been given to her, so she could finish the final report. The writer would like
to express the gratitude to their prophet Muhammad SAW for sincere and
remembering every kindness or fault occurred. The writer also would like to give
big thanks to the advisors who helped in writing and finishing this report. This
report is written to finish the study at State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya Palembang
with the title “Writing A Short Story with the title “A Journey from Lost to Found”
To Introduce Palembang Historical Tourism Venues”.
The writer realizes that there are still some mistakes in writing this final
report. The writer hopes that readers can give suggestion, comments, and advice for
the final report. The writer hopes that this report can give advantages especially for
the students of English Department.
August 2020
The Writer
First of all, the writer would like to thank to Allah SWT that has given us
the mercy, the grace, and the blessing so the writer can finish this report. After that,
the writer would like to express to Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us
from the darkness into brightness. The writer also would like to give deepest
gratitude to the entire participants for their advices and valuable guidance during
writing this final report. In this chance, me as the writer would like to thank to:
1. My beloved parents, who give me a lot of love and support throughout
my life. Also my brother, Muhamad Indra Fahrezy. Thank you for
always being there for me and understand me.
2. My advisors, Mrs. Dra. Murwani Ujihanti, M.Pd. and Mrs. Darmaliana,
M.Pd, who have patiently guided and given endless supports and
valuable contribution during writing this report.
3. All lectures and administration staffs in English Department. Thank you
for taught me a lot of knowledges and help me to finishing this report.
4. All experts who are willing to took time to read my short story and gave
some suggestions, comments, and advices.
5. My cousin, Adiahadini Yoppa, who always helped and heard about my
final report.
6. My “Domba Team” Dinda, Ira, Esti, and Soumi, who always made me
laugh when I'm dizzy and lazy thinking about this report.
7. My beloved friends for 3 years Pelatihan Mental Baja squad, especially
Ega Dyp, Afriagita, Dhea, Syafira, and Aldi. Thank you for always
asked and helped me to wrote this report.
8. My idols, Sehun and Mingyu. Thank you for always support me by your
music, so I can enjoy to wrote this report while hearing your music.
(Shania Nur Vitari, 2020: 50 Pages, 18 Figures, 4 Tables)
This final report is aimed to write a short story with the title “A Journey from Lost
to Found” to introduce Palembang historical tourism venues. The purpose of this
final report is to apply the steps in writing a short story with the title “A Journey
from Lost to Found” to introduce historical tourism in Palembang. This study is
expected to provide some important outputs such as information about the steps of
writing a short story as well the product of a short story. The problem is how to
write short story with the title “A Journey from Lost to Found” to introduce
historical tourism venues (Museum Balaputra Dewa, Bukit Siguntang, and Taman
Purbakala Kerajaan Sriwijaya in Palembang). In this final report, the writer used
research and development method by Sukamadinata (2005). For write the short
story, the writer used Grenville (2001). The writer collected the data by using
literature review and field survey. The short story was written by the writer and then
given to experts. The result shows the short story can be used as an alternative way
to introduce Palembang historical tourism venues. The writer expects, the student
of English department can be more creative and innovative in presenting tourisms
as well as sharpen the writing skill.
Key words: writing, short story, Palembang, historical tourism venues.
APPROVAL SHEET ..............................................................................................i
APPROVAL SHEET OF EXAMINERS ............................................................ ii
PREFACE ..............................................................................................................iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... v
ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................................vi
TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLE ..................................................................................................ix
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................... x
CHAPTER 1 ........................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 1
Background ............................................................................................... 1
Problem Formulation................................................................................. 3
Problem Limitation ................................................................................... 4
Research Purpose ...................................................................................... 4
Research Benefit........................................................................................ 4
CHAPTER II .......................................................................................................... 5
LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................... 5
Definition of Writing ................................................................................. 5
Definition of Short Story ........................................................................... 6
Characteristic of Short Story ..................................................................... 7
Elements of Short Story ............................................................................ 8
Genres of Short Story .............................................................................. 12
The Steps of Writing a Short Story ......................................................... 13
Historical Tourism................................................................................... 15
Short Story in Introducing Historical Tourism ........................................16
CHAPTER III ...................................................................................................... 18
RESEARCH METODOLOGY .......................................................................... 18
Method of Research................................................................................. 18
3.1.1. Studi Pendahuluan (Preliminary Study) .............................................. 20
Pengembangan Produk (Model Development) ................................24
Product Testing and Dissemination ................................................. 25
CHAPTER IV....................................................................................................... 26
FINDING AND DISCUSSION ........................................................................... 26
Finding 26
Discussion ............................................................................................... 27
Getting Ideas .................................................................................... 27
Choosing 31
Outlining 33
Drafting 37
Revising 39
CHAPTER V ........................................................................................................ 43
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................................................... 43
Conclusion ............................................................................................... 43
Suggestion ............................................................................................... 43
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 45
APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 48
Table 3.1 List of Stories that The Writer Read .......................................................21
Table 3.2 Explanation of Preliminary Study Work ............................................... 22
Table 4.1 The List of Characters and Characterization..........................................32
Table 4.2 The Plot in The Short Story ...................................................................34
Table 4.3 The List of Grammatical Error in The Short Story ................................. 40
Table 4.4 The List of Grammatical Error in The Short Story ................................44
Figure 4.1 The Example of Content Short Story ............................................................. 36
Figure 4.2 The Example of Content Short Story............................................................... 36
Figure 4.3 The Blurb of Short Story ..................................................................................37
Figure 4.4 The Front Cover .............................................................................................. 38
Figure 4.5 The Back Cover ............................................................................................... 38
Figure 4.6 The Title Page.................................................................................................. 39
Figure 4.7 The Author Biography ..................................................................................... 39
Figure 4.8 The Original Draft from Writer ....................................................................... 41
Figure 4.9 After Limited Testing ...................................................................................... 41
Figure 4.10 The Original Draft from Writer ..................................................................... 41
Figure 4.11 After Limited Testing .................................................................................... 41
Figure 4.12 The Original Draft from Writer ..................................................................... 42
Figure 4.13 After Limited Testing .................................................................................... 42
Figure 4.14 After Wider Testing ....................................................................................... 42
Figure 4.15 After Limited Testing .................................................................................... 43
Figure 4.16 After Wider Testing ....................................................................................... 43
Figure 4.17 After Limited Testing .................................................................................... 43
Figure 4.18 After Wider Testing ....................................................................................... 43
In this chapter, the writer will discuss about the background of research,
problem formulation and its limitation, purpose and benefits in conducting this
Bangka Belitung Island has become more popular since it was used as a
setting place of Laskar Pelangi story written by Andrea Hirata. Many tourists visit
Bangka Belitung Island after they read fiction story of Laskar Pelangi. Likewise
with Lembata Island in East Nusa Tenggara. Lembata Island is increasingly known
by tourists because of the successful fiction story by Sari Narulita entitled Cintaku
di Lembata. This proves that fiction stories can provide influence as a promotional
media for a place that can make an increase for tourist visits. Similar to the above
promotion, Palembang can also increase tourists visit by using fiction stories.
Every year there are increasing number of tourists who comes to
Palembang. Erfizal (2018) stated
Menurut Kepada Dinas Pariwisata Kota Palembang Isnaini Madani,
mengatakan, dari tahun 2009 hingga akhir tahun 2017 telah terjadi
peningkatan kunjungan wisatawan domestik dan asing. Data tersebut
sebesar 303,63 persen, di mana pada 2009 ada 675.698 wisatawan dan
pada akhir 2017 ada 2.011.417 wisatawan berkunjung.
It means the number of tourists who come to Palembang in 2009 was
675.698 people and in 2017 the number of tourists who come to Palembang was
2.011.417. The number of tourist visits to Palembang every year is expected to
continue increase, this is proved by data from Dinas Pariwisata Kota Palembang in
2018 the amounts of tourists who come to Palembang was 2.123.147 people and in
2019 is targeted to increase by 15 percent.
There are many types of promotions to reach tourist visits target that has
been carried out by Dinas Pariwisata Kota Palembang. Before the 2018 ASIAN
Games took place, Dinas Pariwisata Kota Palembang carried out a Destination
Branding strategy, one of which was to bring a travel agent delegation to promote
Palembang tourism packages at the largest Southeast Asia tourism industry
exhibition event " MATTA Fair 2018" which took place in Malaysia. In addition,
Dinas Pariwisata Kota Palembang launched a tourist destination branding titled
"Charming Palembang" which uses the Ampera Bridge logo with the Musi River
hologram in the form of nine river branches through conventional communication
(print, online, and electronic), www.palembang-tourism.com website, and social
media. After the 2018 Asian Games is over, Palembang's tourist destination
program still continues. Branding strategy is done by holding a number of parties
to educate the beauty of Palembang tourism. Among them, establishing cooperation
with 800 Tourism Polytechnic students who are members of Gerakan Pariwisata
Indonesia (GenPI). This GenPI will promote Palembang's leading tourism
destinations through social media accounts Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Blogs,
and Youtube.
Despite carrying out various promotional activities above, the tourists are
still less interested in visiting historical tourism in Palembang. Most of the tourists
who come only to visit halal tourism such as Al-Munawar Village, Chengho
Mosque and Al-Quran Al-Akbar and visit tourism around Musi River such as,
Kemaro Island, Benteng Kuto Besak and Ampera Bridge. In fact, by visiting
historical tourism, besides being able to relax, it can also add insight into the history
of Palembang City. The low number of tourists visit to historical tourism in
Palembang is evidenced by one of the data from the Museum Balaputra Dewa
where each year the tourists visit to the Museum always decreases. According to
Unit Pelaksana Tugas Daerah (UPTD) Museum Balaputra (2017) stated that
“Jumlah pengunjung Museum Balaputra Dewa mengalami penurunan selama 3
tahun terakhir terhitung sejak tahun 2014 sebesar 33 persen hingga tahun 2017
hanya sebesar 5 persen”. It means every year the number of visitors to the Museum
Balaputra Dewa has always decreases.
Therefore, the writer wanted to increase tourist visits to historical tourism
in Palembang. But when used promotions carried out by Dinas Pariwisata Kota
Palembang are too expensive. To anticipate this problem, there is another way to
promote historical tourism of Palembang. It is also effective to reach many people
and of course the cost is cheaper than the cost of the promotions that done by Dinas
Pariwisata Kota Palembang. It is by producing fiction story.
Fiction story can be a good way to promote historical tourism in Palembang
because it can reach for all people by only read in the wattpad. According to Lotha
(2016) fiction is described as literature created from the imagination, not presented
as fact, though it may be based on a true story or situation and the example is novel,
legend, short story, and novella. It means that fiction story is described as literature
made from creative idea, not introduced as reality, and however it will be a factual
In this project the writer wrote a fiction story with a type of short story.
Edgar Allan Poe (2019) said that a short story should be read in one sitting,
anywhere from a half hour to two hours. It means that a short story can range from
1,000 to 20,000 words and can be read everywhere.
The writer used historical tourism as the setting place of the short story, so
it can give more meaningful impressions of those historical tourism to readers. As
well as Laskar Pelangi and Cintaku di Lembata that success to make the reader
interested to see the setting place of the story.
Because of some reasons above, the writer would like to participate in
promoting historical tourism in Palembang that still less popular by creating short
story. The title of this research is “Writing a Short Story with the title A Journey
from Lost to Found at Palembang Historical Tourism Venues”.
Problem Formulation
The problem formulation is how to write short story with the title “A
Journey from Lost to Found” to introduce historical tourism venues
(Museum Balaputra Dewa, Bukit Siguntang, and Taman Purbakala
Kerajaan Sriwijaya in Palembang).
Problem Limitation
To prevent this final report from out of the topic, the writer limits the
problems of this final report. The writer writes a short story in which setting
places are Museum Balaputra Dewa, Bukit Siguntang, and Taman
Purbakala Kerajaan Sriwijaya.
Research Purpose
This purpose of this final report is to apply the steps in writing a short story
with the title “A Journey from Lost to Found” to introduce historical tourism
in Palembang.
Research Benefit
For Reader
To give some information to the readers about writing technique a short
story containing historical tourism in Palembang as the setting places.
For State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya
To publish polytechnic in tourism area in producing short story that
contain historical tourism in Palembang
For Dinas Pariwisata Kota Palembang
To give a promotional media of historical tourism in Palembang
In this chapter, the writer explained the definition of writing, definition of
short story, characteristic of short story, the elements of short story, the genres of
short story, the steps to write a short story, historical tourism, and short story in
introducing historical tourism.
Definition of Writing
Writing is a medium of human communication that represents language
with signs and symbols. Writing, in other words, is not a language, but a tool used
to make languages readable. Gaith (2002) stated that
Writing is a complex process that allows writers to explore thoughts and
ideas, and make them visible and concrete. Writing encourages thinking
and learning. It motivates communication and makes thought available for
reflection when thought is written down, ideas can be examined,
reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.
In addition, White (1986) stated writing is the process of expressing the ideas,
information, knowledge, or experience and understand the writing to acquire the
knowledge or some information to share and learn. While Tarigan (1983) stated
Menulis adalah menurunkan, melukiskan lambang-lambang grafik yang
menggambarkan suatu bahasa yang dipahami oleh seseorang, sehingga
orang-orang lain dapat membaca lambang-lambang grafik tersebut
kalau mereka memahami bahasa dan gambaran grafik tersebut.
It means writing is a way used by the writer to make graphic symbols that describe
a language that understood by readers.
From the definition above, there are three similarities between Gaith, White,
and Tarigan opinions. The first similarity is writing can give information to readers.
Gaith, White, and Tarigan stated writer can convey information in writing. The
second similarity is in writing, the writer can express ideas, knowledge, and
experience. The writer can share to the readers about their ideas, knowledge or
experience in their life. The third similarity is writing as media of communication
between writer and readers. Writing can be used for indirect communication
between the writer and the readers. So the conclusion, writing is an activity to
express ideas, events, feeling or thinking in written form that can be the tool to
communicate with the readers. Writing also contains information that the writer
wants to convey.
Definition of Short Story
Short story is one type of literary works. Short story is a story that tells about
the character’s life. According to Keraf (2003) stated “Cerpen dapat dikategorikan
dalam narasi, yaitu suatu bentuk wacana yang berusaha mengisahkan suatu
kejadian atau peristiwa sehingga tampak seolah-olah pembaca melihat atau
mengalami peristiwa itu.” It means short stories can be categorized in narration,
which is a form of discourse that has purpose to narrate the events so the readers
can feel like they are seeing or experiencing that event.
Whereas, Sumardjo (1983) stated that “Cerita pendek adalah cerita yang
membatasi diri dalam membahas elemennya. Kependekan sebuah cerpen bukan
karena bentuknya yang jauh lebih pendek dari novel, namun karena aspek
masalahnya yang sangat dibatasi.” It means a short story is a story that have small
aspect of elements and have limited problem that tells in the story. In addition,
Menrath (2003) stated a short story is a piece of prose fiction which can be read at
a single sitting and has a limited set of characters, one single action and a simple
plot. In here, Sumardjo and Menrath have same opinion that stated short story has
limited aspect of problem and elements so it can be read at a single sitting.
From three experts opinions above, there are two differences about short
story that explain by the experts. The first differences is Keraf stated short story can
be categorized in narration, while Sumardjo and Menrath stated short story has
limited aspect of problem and elements. The second differences is Sumardjo and
Menrath have same opinions that stated short story can be read at a single sitting
but Keraf does not stated about that. Keraf stated short story has purpose to narrate
the events so the readers can feel like they are seeing or experiencing that event. So
the writer concluded that short story is a story that use story line that makes the
reader feel involved in the story itself. Short story describes an event which
involves the limits problem, characters, and plot of the soul or human life that can
be read at a single sitting.
Characteristic of Short Story
To write a short story, there are many things that are needed by the writer,
one of which is the characteristics of the short story. Nurgiyantoro (2015) stated
Cerita pendek adalah sebuah cerita fiksi yang memiliki panjang yang
bervariasi mulai dari 500-an kata hingga puluhan ribu kata. Sebuah
cerpen di bangun dari dua unsur yakni intrinsik dan ekstrinsik. Cerpen
menuntut penceritaan yang serba ringkas, tidak sampai pada detail-detail
khusus yang kurang penting.
It means short story is fiction story that has length between 500 words until
thousand words. A short story is built from two elements are intrinsic and extrinsic.
Short story requires a very concise story, not to the specific details that are less
Edgar Allen Poe (1896) stated the length of a short story typically between
1,000 and 20,000 words long and can be consumed in a single reading session. A
short story should take 30 minutes until two hours to read. Short stories usually
focus on a single subject or theme. Like Poe, Nurhayati (2019) stated “Cerita
pendek memiliki ciri-ciri tulisan yang singkat, padat, lebih pendek daripada novel
yang terdiri kurang dari 20.000 kata”. It means a short story has a short and clear
story with no more than 20,000 words.
From three experts explanation above, they have a similar opinion.
Nurgiyantoro, Poe, and Nurhayati stated the length of short story between 500
words until 20.000 words. Nurgiyantoro also added short story is fiction story and
built from two elements are intrinsic and extrinsic. So the conclusion is short story
is a fiction genre and has length that ranges from 500 to 20,000 words. The story
can be read in one single reading that take 30 minutes until two hours to read.
Elements of Short Story
According to Nurgiyantoro (2015) stated
Sebuah cerpen di bangun dari dua elemen yakni intrinsik dan ekstrinsik.
Intrinsik adalah unsur-unsur yang membangun karya sastra itu sendiri.
Sedangkan ekstrinsik adalah unsur-unsur yang berada di luar karya sastra
itu, tetapi secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi bangunan atau sistem
organisme karya sastra.
It means a short story has two elements are intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic are
elements that build the literary work itself. While extrinsic are elements that are
outside from literary work, but indirectly affect the building or system of literary
The following are intrinsic elements of short story by Nurgiyantoro (2015)
Character simply means a person who acts, appears, or is referred to in a
work. As a literary term has an altogether meaning. Characters are the
central feature in any play or in short story. Character is the person who
takes a part of the events which described in the plot. There are two kinds
of characters, as follows:
Major Character is the character of person who always appears in the
story until the story comes to its resolution. Sometimes it is said as
leading character. The leading character is a more ordinary and realistic
character, and without quite so many implications of virtue. It is usually
called as protagonist.
Minor Character is the character of person who seldom appears in the
story. This character usually appears occasionally. It is usually called
as antagonist. Antagonist is a character whether man or woman who is
making for an ideal.
A plot is the sequence of events in a story or play. It is a series of events and
character actions that relate to the central conflict. Plot consists of some part,
such as:
a. Introduction
It is a beginning of the story where the character and the setting are
b. Rising Action
This is where the events in the story become complicated and the
conflict in the story us revealed (events between the introduction and
c. Climax
This is the highest point of interest and turning point of the story.
The reader wonders what will happen next; whether the conflict will
be resolved or not.
d. Falling Action
The event and complication begin to resolve themselves. (events
between climax and denouement or ending)
e. Denoument or ending
This is the final outcome or untangling of events in the story.
Setting is the local and period in which a story occurs. A story must take a
place in space and time, and therefore must have some setting. Setting is as
important as the character. In a fiction work, the setting not only serves as a
background but also physically make a story become more logic. It is also
has a psychological function that are able to made a certain ambiance which
controlling the reader emotion or psychological aspects.
The term ‘theme’ refers to some general idea embedded in a story the key
word in general. Therefore, theme can be defined as a generalization about
life or human character that a story explicitly or implicitly embodies.
Point of View
Point of view is one important tool in telling a story since it determines how
much the reader should know and what is happening. There are three types
of point of view. First person point of view is the narrator tells the story
from his or her own perspective. You can easily recognize first person by
its use of the pronouns "I" or "We". Second person point of view uses the
pronoun "you" to immerse the reader in the experience of being the
protagonist. It's important to remember that second person point of view is
different from simply addressing the reader. In third person point of view,
the narrator is someone (or some entity) who is not a character in the story
being told. Third person point of view uses the pronouns "he," "she," and
"they," to refer to all the characters. It is the most common point of view in
writing, as it gives the writer a considerable amount of freedom to focus on
different people, events, and places without being limited within the
consciousness of a single character.
Besides intrinsic elements, there is extrinsic elements. Nurgiyantoro (2015)
Ekstrinsik adalah unsur-unsur yang berada di luar karya sastra itu, tetapi
secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi bangunan atau sistem organisme
karya sastra, yang termasuk unsur ekstrinsik adalah unsur biografi
pengarang; psikologi dari pengarang, pembaca, dan karya sastra; keadaan
lingkungan pengarang; dan pandangan hidup suatu bangsa.
It means extrinsic are elements that are outside from literary work, but indirectly
affect the building or system of literary organisms. Extrinsic element consists of
elements of the author's biography; the psychology of authors, readers and literary
works; the state of the author's environment; and the outlook on life of a nation
Whereas the elements of short story by Klarer (1998):
1. Plot
Plot is the logical interaction of the various thematic elements of a text
which leads to a change of the original situation as presented at the outset
of the narrative. The exposition or presentation of the initial situation is
disturbed by a compilation or conflict which produces suspense and
eventually leads to a climax, crisis, or turning point. The climax is followed
by a resolution of a compilation.
2. Character
Type of character in literature is dominated by one specific trait and is
referred to as a flat character, and term round character usually denotes a
person with more complex and differentiated features. in short story,
character that commonly emergences is flat character since short story only
presents the critical time of the chief character.
3. Characterization
There are two methods in describing the characterization in literary work;
those are expository method and dramatic method. Expository method is the
way of author in describing the characters directly. Dramatic method is the
way of author in describing the characters indirectly. In this method, the
author does not describe the characters explicitly.
4. Point of view
Narrative perspective or point of view characterizes the ways in which a text
presents persons, events, and settings.
5. Setting
In action of interpretation, setting can be distinguished into setting of place,
time and culture. The setting of place physically is a place where events in
a story occurred. The setting of time describes about time of every event
that occurred in the story including present, past or even uncertain times.
Whereas the setting of culture describes of society conditions, social group
and their attitude, custom, life style and language used in events of the story.
Based on the explanation before about elements of short story, there are two
differences between Nurgiyantoro (2015) and Klaler (1998) opinions. The first
difference is Nurgiyantoro stated there two elements of short story are intrinsic and
extrinsic, but Klaler stated the elements of short story just intrinsic elements. The
second difference is the intrinsic elements by Nurgiyantoro are characters, plot,
setting, theme, and point of view, while the intrinsic elements by Klaler are
characters, plot, setting, point of view, and characterization.
Therefore, the writer concluded that elements are important things that
needed by the writer to write a short story. There are two kinds of elements, are
intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic elements are plot, theme, setting, character, and
point of view. Extrinsic are elements of the author's biography; the psychology of
authors, readers and literary works; the state of the author's environment; and the
outlook on life of a nation. Both elements of short story are essential for short story
elements. So in this final report, the writer will focus on intrinsic elements of short
Genres of Short Story
The genres into which literary works have been grouped at different times
are very numerous, and the criteria on which the classification have been based are
highly variable (Abraham and Harpham, 2009). There are many genres of short
story such as, horror, romance, action adventure, science fiction, fantasy,
mystery/crime, and historical.
In here, the writer chose romance as the genre of the short story. Romance
is a genre story that focuses on the relationship and romantic love between two
people, and must have an emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending. Romance
was synonymous with aristocratic literature. It was because romance used to teach
morals through the combination of stories of adventure, courtly love, and
dedication. It was chivalric literature, which aimed at teaching the aristocracy the
rules of behavior, bravery, gentlemanliness, and life in general. In addition, the
principle function of romance was to maintain order in society by presenting
sources for entertainment. The author keeps the two apart of the characters for most
of the story, but the characters do eventually end up together. There are many
subgenres of the romance story, including fantasy, historical romance, paranormal
fiction, and science fiction. Some example of romance story such as, Pride and
Prejudice by Jane Austen, The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks, This Is How You
Lose Her by Junot Díaz, and so on.
The Steps of Writing a Short Story
There are many expert opinions that say how to write a good short
story. According Rampan (1995) stated the steps of writing a short story
are as follows:
1. Determine the idea or theme.
Ideas or themes can be obtained from personal experience or other
2. Arrange the outline
The framework is a description of the storyline that will be made into a
story. What is done in this stage: character selection and
characterizations that form the story; choose background; and
determine the plot.
3. Develop a draft outline
At the stage of developing the framework of this essay, the authors
develop a framework and do not stop to look at the writings that have
been made.
4. Revise
After finishing writing, it can be read to find out the advantages and
weakness of writing.
While the steps of writing short story by Grenville (2001) are:
1. Getting ideas (in no particular order).
Getting ideas isn’t usually a matter of having one giant brainstorm. More
often, it’s a matter of gradually accumulating a little idea here, another little
idea there. Eventually they all add up. An idea can come up by making a list
or freewriting.
2. Choosing (selecting the ideas that will be most useful).
This step is about looking at all the ideas that are obtained and assessing it.
This is where the writer starts to discriminate between the ideas definitely
can’t use, and ones that have some potential.
3. Outlining (putting these ideas into the best order—making a plan).
An outline is a work plan for an article. This is a list of all ideas that will be
in a section in the order they should be made. To make an outline, the writer
need to know the theme of the writing
4. Drafting (doing a first draft from beginning to end, without going back).
Redrafting can seem like a chore, but the writer could also see it as a
freedom. It means that this first draft can be as rough and ‘wrong’. In this
step, the writer will add or cut as the needed to make it the right length.
5. Revising (cutting, adding or moving parts of this draft where necessary).
Revising literally means ‘re-seeing’. It is about fixing the bigger, structural
problems and, if necessary, ‘re-seeing’ the whole shape of the piece. What
this boils down to is finding places where the writer needs to cut something
out, places where should add something, and places where need to move or
rearrange something.
6. Editing (proofreading for grammar, spelling and paragraphs).
Basically ‘editing’ means making the piece as reader-friendly as possible by
making the sentences flow in a clear, easy-to-read way. It also means
bringing the piece of writing into line with accepted ways of using English:
using the appropriate grammar for the purposes of the piece, appropriate
punctuation and spelling, and appropriate paragraphing.
On the other hand, Hidayati (2009) stated that the steps to write a short
story are as follows:
1. Determine the idea;
2. Then look for ideas and themes;
3. Write down everything that relates to the theme already determined;
4. Make a story frame from the beginning to the end of the story; the
framework is based on all things related to the theme that has been written.
5. Re-check the framework that has been made; discard the sentence which
is less necessary.
6. Start writing with reference to the framework that has been made; Short
story writing must pay attention to the reader and the use of sentences.
7. After writing the story, shoot it again, make a sentence that is needed;
8. The final step is to give a title to the story that has been finished writing.
From three experts opinions above, they have difference opinions about how
to write a short story. Rampan (1995) stated there are four steps to write a short
story. The steps are determine the idea or theme, arrange the outline, develop a draft
outline, and the last is revise. While Grenville (2001) stated there are six steps to
write a short story are getting ideas, choosing ideas, outlining, drafting, revising,
and editing. On the other hand, Hidayati (2009) stated there are eight steps to write
a short story are determine the idea, look for the ideas and theme, write everything
that related to the theme, make a story frame, re-check the framework, start writing,
make a sentence that is needed, and give the title to the story.
In this final report, the writer applied the steps of writing short story by
Grenville (2001). The writer chose Grenville’s steps because the steps is the easiest
one among those three expert’s ideas and not complicated to write a short story.
Historical Tourism
Tourism is act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of
recreation, relaxation, and pleasure. James (1982) stated that tourism is purposeful
human activity that served as a link between people either within one or some
countries or beyond the geographical limits. It involves that temporary
displacement of people to another region, country or continent for the satisfaction
of varied need other than exercising a remunerated function. While Intosh (1995)
stated tourism is a composite of activities service and industry that deliver a travel
experience, transportation, accommodation, eating, shopping, entertainment,
activity and other services available for industry or group that are away from home.
So the conclusion, tourism is activities that including with experience,
transportation, accommodation, and entertainment to get recreation, relaxation, and
pleasure conducted outside from home.
Historical tourism means traveling with the primary purpose of exploring
the history of a place. It may mean simple sightseeing of renowned historical
architecture, visiting local museums that document the past through artifacts, art,
and literary remains, or even something as quaint as sampling authentic historical
recipes in their place of origin. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) cited in
Kausar (2013) stated that one of the fastest growing tourist activities by visits to
cultural and historical heritage attractions. In 2009 a study conducted by Mandala
Research (Georgia, 2010) “The vast majority of these travelers (65%) say that they
seek travel experiences where the destination, its buildings and surrounding have
retained their historic character”. Because historical tourism has existed for a long
time and has uniqueness, the writer wants to use historical tourism as the setting
place for the story.
Short Story in Introducing Historical Tourism
According to Adaval & Wyer (1998) a lot of social information that people
get in daily life is transmitted in the form of literary work. The literary work writing
may help the writer to use linguistic style that suitable with the desired topic because
this type of writing depicts a story in special and exciting ways in which may impact
the reader feeling. One of the types of literary work is short story. A short story is
a literary work of narrative prose fiction. Keraf (2003) stated “Cerpen dapat
dikategorikan dalam narasi, yaitu suatu bentuk wacana yang berusaha
mengisahkan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa sehingga tampak seolah-olah pembaca
melihat atau mengalami peristiwa itu.” It means short stories can be categorized in
narration, which is a form of discourse that has purpose to narrate the events so the
readers can feel like they are seeing or experiencing that event. Short story can be
effectively used as a promotion about destination, it leads the people or reader to
imagine about object and situation based on the writing in which may result in
awareness among the local community.
Historical tourism has been around for a long time. Traveling long distances
to explore the mysteries and wonders of the past is not new concept, it has existed
for centuries and continues to be a popular reason why people travel. Looking at
the trends, one can say that history is never too old-fashioned to be cherished.
Palembang is a city that has a lot of historical tourism. This is the reason why the
writer eagers to encourage people to visiting Palembang Historical Tourism
destinations. Therefore, the writer intended to introduce historical tourism in
Palembang by using short story. The writer wanted to wrote short story because the
short story about historical tourism was rarely found especially with Palembang as
the setting place of the story.
This chapter discusses about the method of the research. The writer used
Research and Development (R&D) method in order to develop a new product and
followed the processes or steps used in the method.
Method of Research
In this final report, the writer used research and development method
modification developed by Sukmadinata “Research and Development adalah
proses atau langkah-langkah untuk mengembangkan suatu produk baru atau
menyempurnakan produk yang telah ada yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.”
(Sukmadinata, 2005). It means research and development is a process or steps to
develop a new product or improve existing product, which can be accounted for.
There are three general stages: 1) Studi Pendahuluan (Preliminary Study), 2)
Pengembangan Produk (Model Development), and 3) Uji Produk dan Sosialisasi
Hasil (Product Testing and Dissemination).
Figure 3.1 Steps of R&D Methods Developed by Sukmadinata (2005)
Studi Pendahuluan
Studi Kepustakaan
Survei Lapangan
Penyusunan Draf Produk
Uji Coba Terbatas
Uji Coba Lebih Luas
Uji Produk dan
Sosialisasi Hasil
Pre test
Post test
In order to write a short story, the stages of research will be linked to the stages of
writing a short story development by Grenville (2001).
Getting Ideas
Penyusunan Draf
(Sukmadinata, 2005)
Uji Coba
(Grenville, 2001)
Uji Coba
(Sukmadinata, 2005)
(Grenville, 2001)
Pre test
Post test
(Sukmadinata, 2005)
(Grenville, 2001)
3.1.1. Studi Pendahuluan (Preliminary Study)
Preliminary study which has known as an early stage or preparations of the
development in research and development modification stages. Preliminary study
is kind of research that is used to get ideas about the topic and discover the amount
of information that is available on the topic. There are three stages in preliminary
study are literature study, field survey, and arranged draft model. In more detail
three stages described as follow:
Studi Kepustakaan (Literary Study)
Literature study is a study about concepts or theories related with the
product that should be developed in this research (in here, the writer will write short
story which containing historical tourism venues as the setting places). In this step,
the writer will do the first stages of writing short story (Grenville, 2001). It is getting
ideas. First to get the ideas, the writer was read the definition of short story from
Keraf (2003), Sumardjo (1983) and Menrath (2003). The writer was read the
characteristics and elements of short story by Nurgiyantoro (2015), Poe (1896) and
Klarer (1998). Then the writer was read steps to write a short story by Rampan
(1995), Grenville (2001), Hidayati (2009). About historical tourism, the writer was
read from some expert’s opinions such as, Intosh (1995) and Kausar (2013). After
the writer got all the data or information that needed such as, definition of short
story, characteristic and elements of short story, genres of short story, how to write
a short story, definition and types of tourism destination, and the development of
historical tourism in the modern era. Then the writer was read three e-books and
two journals about short story. They are Elements and Characteristics of Short
Story, The Power of Short Stories, Novellas, and Novels in Today’s World,
Memahami Kesusastraan, and Teks Sastra dan Macam-Macam Genres. Second,
the writer was read a journal about tourism destination entitled JUMPA (Jurnal
Master Pariwisata) and Potensi Daya Tarik Wisata Sejarah. It is means to
internalize the resources idea into the published work.
Then, the writer categorized the data or information that related one each
other, for example the information that related to short story that included
definitions, characteristics, elements, and steps to write the short story itself. For
the next step, the writer sorted all the information and choose only the important
ones to make the quotation from the expert.
The last, the writer was read and analyzed the elements of three stories as
displayed in table 3.1 to got information about characteristic of good stories.
Titles of Stories
Cintaku di Lembata
Sari Narulita
Laskar Pelangi
Andrea Hirata
Ega Dyp
Table 3.1 List of Stories that The Writer Read
The write learned how those authors write the stories. It is used as a
guidance of how to decide the elements of short story (theme, character, plot,
setting, point of view) to made the story appealing because those authors are the
successful writers.
of Short
Laskar Pelangi
Cintaku di
School Life
Chronological Plot
Lembata Island,
Point of
Third person point
of view
A Kiong
Bu Muslimah
Pak Harfan
Chronological Plot
Belitung Island
Sumatera Selatan
SMA Nusa
First person point
of view
Third person point
of view
Daza’s House
Table 3.2 Explanation of Preliminary Study Work
Survei Lapangan (Field Survey)
Field survey is a way to collect the data by doing observation. In this case,
the field survey is conducted to collect the data of the content of the short story by
doing observation.
Observation is a technique or a way to collect data by doing observations
on the activities that are taking place. Sukmadinata (2005) stated that observation
can be done in a participatory or non-participatory observation. In non-participatory
observation, the observer does not participate in the activities, the observer just
observed the activities. Before observing, the observer should prepare guidelines
for observation.
In this step, the writer was done the first stages of writing short story by
Grenville (2001). It is getting ideas by doing observation. The writer was done
direct observation, the observation took place in Historical Tourism such as,
Museum Balaputradewa, Bukit Siguntang, and Taman Purbakala Kerajaan
Sriwijaya. While doing direct observation, the writer marked a checklist from
observation log. The duration of the observation around one hour for every place.
From the observation, the writer got detail information about facilities, historical
heritage, and uniqueness of Museum Balaputradewa, Bukit Siguntang, and Taman
Purbakala Kerajaan Sriwijaya. The writer has done the observation in these
historical tourism venues in order to made the readers feel like in the real situation,
because most of setting places on the short story are in the historical tourism venues
in Palembang. The data from observation itself was used as a guide for writing the
setting in short story.
Penyusunan Draf Produk (Arranged Draft Model)
After all the data from literature study and field survey collected, the
drafting of the first product was developed. In this step, the writer was done the next
stages of writing short story (Grenville, 2001). It is choosing and outlining the ideas.
The writer started to wrote the short story from choosing and outlining the ideas. It
started from determined the intrinsic elements and characteristic of short story by
Nurgiyantoro (2015). The intrinsic elements are characters, setting, plot, theme, and
point of view. Then the characteristics are length, subject, and limited number of
characters. After determined the elements and characteristic of short story above,
the writer made a short story based on the elements and the characteristic.
After the writer wrote the story, the writer made the parts of the short story,
such as the cover of the book, the title page, the main section which is the story of
the short story, and author biography. The last, the writer wrote the short story by
using Microsoft Word 2019. The writer wrote a contain of short story using
narrative paragraph. Narrative paragraph is piece of writing that tell some true or
fictitious event or connected sequence of events. This short story will made about
70 pages by using A5 papers.
3.1.2. Pengembangan Produk (Model Development)
After the short story was written by the writer, the writer was done testing
to make the product developed. There two steps in model development were limited
testing and wider testing.
Uji Coba Terbatas (Limited Testing)
In this case, the writer was done the next stages of writing short story
(Grenville, 2001). It is drafting by doing limited testing. Limited testing is
a testing that the writer will do to validate the product, the first product
draft was given to the people who have knowledge and experiences about
the product. This draft that would be developed and the product draft
would be revised based on the expert’s suggestions and comments. In this
case, there are two experts. The first, the draft was given to Ms. Nurlidya.
She is an English teacher at Gloria English Course. She gave comment to
the paragraph and also checked the grammatical of the short story in
English. The second, the draft was given to Ms. Estiana. She is a story
author in Palembang. She has published her story in wattpad account. The
title of her stories are Hujan Rintik and Puisi dikala Senja. She gave
comment for the content of the short story. The draft was given to two
experts above to know their comments, suggestions, and advices regarding
the draft of the short story.
Uji Coba Lebih Luas (Wider Testing)
Next, the writer was done the next stages of writing short story by
Grenville (2001). It is revising the draft by doing wider testing. The writer
was done the wider testing to made the product more developed as a final
product. The writer gave the revised product from limited testing to two
experts. They are one expert of story content and one expert of linguistic.
The first, the revised draft was given to Ms. Ega Dwiyanti Putri. She is a
story author in Palembang. She has three story books that published are
When Love Walked In (2017), Resist Your Charms (2017), and Yasa
(2018). She gave comment for the content of the short story. The second,
the writer was given the revised draft to Ms. Natasha Rangkuti M.Pd.. She
is an English lecture at Muhamadiyah University. She gave comment to
the paragraph and check the grammatical of short story in English. After
the second draft was revised, the writer gave to the target of the product.
In this case, the writer gave it to five random people who like to read a
short story with age ranges between 17-22 years old. This draft was given
to the randomly chosen respondents to gave some suggestions and
comments to the short story. They were gave input whether the short story
is interesting to read and easy to understand especially about the content.
After the writer got some comments, suggestions, and advice. In this step
also, the writer was done the last stages of writing short story (Grenville,
2001). It is editing. After all the experts gave comments, suggestions, and
advice, the writer edited and improved the short story based on their
comments, suggestions, and advice.
3.1.3. Product Testing and Dissemination
This step was the last step to develop the product. It consisted of final
product testing and dissemination. The writer did not do the product testing and
dissemination because of the lack of time, cost, and legality aspect. Furthermore,
Sukmadinata (2005) stated “untuk penelitian dari program S2 atau penyusunan
tesis, kegiatan penelitian pengembangan dapat dihentikan sampai dihasilkan draf
final, tanpa pengujian hasil.” It means that in writing a final project for
undergraduate student, the research and development can be stopped until the final
draft without product testing. For that reason, the writer would only stop her work
until wider testing and consider the revision of wider testing as the final product.
This chapter presents about findings and discussion of the research with the
title “Writing a Short Story with The Title A Journey from Lost to Found” to
Introduce Palembang Historical Tourism Venues”.
The finding of this project work based on the methodology on chapter three.
There are six findings written in this sub-topic, they are: getting ideas, choosing,
outlining, drafting, revising, and editing. This sub-topic based on Grenville (2001)
opinion’s about steps of writing a short story. First, getting ideas. It was meant to
get the ideas for writing short story. The writer had read some expert’s opinions
about definition of short story, characteristic and elements of short story, genres of
short story, how to write a short story, definition and types of tourism destination,
and the development of historical tourism in the modern era. The writer also read
three e-books and two journals about short story and historical tourism. Then the
writer had read and analyzed three stories from success authors to know how those
authors decide elements and characteristics of story. After that, to get more ideas,
the writer had done direct observation. The observation took place in Historical
Tourism Venues, they are Museum Balaputradewa, Bukit Siguntang, and Taman
Purbakala Kerajaan Sriwijaya as the setting place of the short story. Second,
choosing elements and characteristics of short story. In this stage, the writer chose
and decided intrinsic elements and characteristic of short story by Nurgiyantoro
(2015). Third, is outlining. In outlining, the writer wrote the short story and also
made the parts of the short story, such as the cover of the book, the title page, and
author biography. Fourth is drafting. In this stage, after the first draft of short story
has written by the writer, the writer would do limited testing to make the product
developed. The first product draft has been given to the people who have knowledge
and experiences about the product. There were two experts, they were Ms. Nurlidya
as linguist expert and Ms. Estiana as story content expert. They have given
comments, suggestions, and advices regarding the draft of the short story.
Fifth is revising. The writer revised the first product draft from limited testing, then
would do wider testing to improve the product quality as the final product. There
were two experts in wider testing are Ms. Ega Dwiyanti Putri as story content expert
and Ms. Natasha Rangkuti M.Pd as linguist expert. Based on these two expert’s
comments, suggestion, and advice, the writer would revise the product. Then the
writer given revised product to random people. The last stage is editing. After all
the expert and respondents given their comments, suggestion, and advice, the writer
edited and improved the short story, so the short story has been developed as the
final product.
In this part, the writer presents the further detail explanation wrapped-up in
finding. There are six points in this discussion.
4.2.1. Getting Ideas
In the first step, the writer had done the first stage of writing short story it is
getting ideas. To get the idea, the writer had read some information about short
story and historical tourism from some expert’s opinion, journal, and e-book.
The following step are the information that the writer got from expert’s
opinion, the writer used definition of short story from Keraf (2003), Sumardjo
(1983) and Menrath (2003). One, Keraf (2003) stated that “Cerpen dapat
dikategorikan dalam narasi, yaitu suatu bentuk wacana yang berusaha
mengisahkan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa sehingga tampak seolah-olah pembaca
melihat atau mengalami peristiwa itu”. Two, Sumardjo (1983) stated “Cerita
pendek adalah cerita yang membatasi diri dalam membahas elemennya.
Kependekan sebuah cerpen bukan karena bentuknya yang jauh lebih pendek dari
novel, namun karena aspek masalahnya yang sangat dibatasi”. There, Menrath
(2003) wrote a short story is a piece of prose fiction which can be read at a single
sitting and has a limited set of characters, one single action and a simple plot. These
three ideas encouraged the writer to find a way of thinking critically to synthesize
their ideas. From this thinking process, finally the writer succeeded to extract these
ideas into simpler and easier understood by the writer. The excerpt is short story is
a story that use story line that makes the reader feel involved in the story itself.
Short story describes an event which involves the limits problem, characters, and
plot of the soul or human life that can be read at a single sitting.
The writer used information about characteristic of short story from
Nurgiyanto (2015), Poe (1896), and Nurhayati (2019). First from Nurgiyanto
(2015) stated “Cerita pendek adalah sebuah cerita fiksi yang memiliki panjang
yang bervariasi mulai dari 500-an kata hingga puluhan ribu kata”. Second, Poe
(1896) that stated the length of a short story typically between 1,000 and 20,000
words long and can be consumed in a single reading session. Also Nurhayati (2019)
stated “Cerita pendek memiliki ciri-ciri tulisan yang singkat, padat, lebih pendek
daripada novel yang terdiri kurang dari 20.000 kata”. From this thinking process,
finally the writer got the conclusion that short story is a fiction genre and has length
that ranges from 500 to 20,000 words. The story can be read in one single reading
that take 30 minutes until two hours to read.
For intrinsic elements of short story, the writer used Nurgiyantoro (2015)
that stated intrinsic elements of short story consists of character, plot, setting,
theme, and point of view. Then for genre of short story, the writer used romance as
the genre of the short story.
Initially, Journal of Potensi Daya Tarik Wisata Sejarah (Adi & Saputro,
2017) and Jurnal Master Pariwisata (Editorial Team, 2020) was read and
information about historical tourism was collected. From Journal of Potensi Daya
Tarik Wisata Sejarah, the writer found information about definition of historical
tourism is traveling with the primary purpose of exploring the history of a place.
It may mean simple sightseeing of renowned historical architecture, visiting local
museums that document the past through artifacts, art, and literary remains, or even
something as quaint as sampling authentic historical recipes in their place of origin.
Also information about some factors that have positive influence on historical
tourism. The factors are the physical condition of historical tourism buildings that
can attract tourist to come, the environmental conditions that have a positive effect
on historical tourism, the development and modernity of historical tourism, and the
promotion that carried out by government, tourism community and local society
that have positive effect on historical tourism. In Jurnal Master Pariwisata, the
writer found information about the impacts of tourism development, tourism
planning and development strategy, and marketing strategies and tourism
Finally, e-book was also explored to get this information for the enrichment
of understanding about short story. The title of e-book was Elements and
Characteristics of Short Story (Elizabeth, 2010), The Power of Short Stories,
Novellas, and Novels in Today’s World (International Journal of Language and
Literature, 2016), and Teks Sastra dan Macam-Macam Genres (Purnama, 2014) in
this e-book the information about short story was collected. The information in
Elements and Characteristics of Short Story e-book is short story has two elements
are intrinsic (plot, theme, setting, character, and point of view) and extrinsic
(elements of the author's biography; the psychology of authors, readers and literary
works; the state of the author's environment; and the outlook on life of a nation).
For characteristics of short story is short story has length between 1000 words to
less than 40,000 words. In The Power of Short Stories, Novellas, and Novels in
Today’s World e-book, the writer found information about some authors of fiction
story designing and implementing short story/novella/novel-based courses for the
purposes of language skills; augmenting their communicative competence; and
developing their critical thinking skills, so that they can be well-prepared for
story/novella/novel can be used as a media to promote some aspects like, place,
food, culture and others. With those fiction stories, readers don't have to come to a
place to know that place, do not have to witness a culture directly but can read
through information provided by fiction stories. For information in Teks Sastra dan
Macam-Macam Genres, the writer found that short story is one of fiction story
beside novella and novel. Short story can be used as communication media between
the writer and the reader, also short story has many genres such as, horror, romance,
action adventure, science fiction, fantasy, mystery/crime, and historical.
From those three resources, the writer tried to restate the definition short
story is a piece of prose fiction which can be read at a single sitting and has a limited
set of characters, one single action and a simple plot. Short story has length between
1000 words to less than 40,000 words. Also short story can be used as
communication media between the writer and the reader. On the other hand,
historical tourism is traveling with the primary purpose of exploring the history of
a place and there are many factors that have positive influence on historical tourism.
The writer got the definition of short story from Menrath (2003) opinion, got
characteristic of short story from Elements and Characteristics of Short Story
(Elizabeth, 2010) e-book, also got information about historical tourism from
Journal of Potensi Daya Tarik Wisata Sejarah (Adi & Saputro, 2017).
To get more ideas, the writer also had done observation. The writer did
direct observation in Museum Balaputradewa, Bukit Siguntang, and Taman
Purbakala Kerajaan Sriwijaya as the setting place of the short story. The writer
marked a checklist from observation log to get detail information in those historical
places which is attached in appendix. The information that the writer got in Museum
Balaputradewa based on observation log such as the uniqueness and facility. There
are some uniqueness in Museum Balaputradewa such as, the shape of the museum
use Palembang traditional house, the architecture also use typical golden carving of
Palembang and when the visitor enter the museum, they can see the big stone
carving that depict three dancers and typical life of Palembang. About the facilities
in Museum Balaputradewa, there are some public facilities such as, toilet, canteen,
musholla, and parking area. In Bukit Siguntang, the writer also found the
uniqueness such as, the legend of this place, 7 graves of The King of Sriwijaya, and
the fact about Bukit Siguntang is the highest place in Palembang. Also in Taman
Purbakala Kerajaan Sriwijaya, the writer found uniqueness such as, in this place,
tourist can see the historical heritage also can enjoy in park that was built around
this place. In here there are some facilities such as, parking area, toilet, canteen, and
musholla. All the information from observation itself have used as a guide for
writing the setting in short story.
4.2.2. Choosing
In this stage, the writer chose and determined the intrinsic elements
(character, theme, plot, setting, and point of view) and characteristic of short story
by Nurgiyantoro (2015).
Se Han (Main)
Kind, stubborn, and optimistic
Dino (Minor)
Responsibility and hard worker
Se Han’s Mother (Minor)
Se Han’s Father (Minor)
Kind and patient
Vio (Minor)
Friendly, kind-hearted, and helpful
Jin Ah (Minor)
Friendly and helpful
Table 4. 1 The List of Characters and Characterization
The theme of this short story are romance story between Se Han and Dino,
family theme between Se Han with her mother, and travel theme from Seoul Korea
to Palembang.
The Type of Plot
By Nurgiyantoro (2015)
The Plot in The Short Story
This short story introduces Se Han as the
main character. She lives with her father in
Seoul, South Korea. Se Han lost her mother
when she was 4 years old. But one day, Se
Han heard from her father that her mother
still alive in other country is Indonesia
exactly in Palembang.
Rising Action
After Se Han know her mother still alive,
she decides to come to Palembang to meet
her mother and to know why her mother left
her. Se Han comes to Palembang by join
student exchange from her university
In Palembang, Se Han meet Dino. He is Se
Han’s partner in making documentary
video assignment from lecturer. Also Dino
became a man that Se Han loved.
In the night when Dino express his love to
Se Han, Se Han know Dino is her
stepbrother because Se Han meet her mom
in Dino’s house. Se Han tries to doesn’t
meet Dino again.
Falling Action
Se Han tells all the accident at the night to
Dino. She decides to back to Seoul. But
before she’s back to Seoul, she wants to
meets her mom for the last time. Her mom
rejects Se Han’s request.
After meeting her mom, Se Han get an
accident that makes her died. Se Han leaves
all her memories in this city.
Table 4. 2 The Plot in The Short Story
The setting place of this story are taken in Seoul, South Korea (Se Han’s
House and Se Han’s University). Also in Palembang such as Se Han’s University
in Palembang, Se Han’s dorm, Dino’s house. Because this short story to introduce
Palembang historical tourism venues, so the setting place also took in some
historical tourism destinations in Palembang, such as Museum Balaputradewa,
Bukit Siguntang, and Taman Purbakala Kerajaan Sriwijaya. For the additional
information, you can see in Appendix.
Point of View
The point of view in the story is first person point of view as a main character.
This point of view uses pronoun “I”. In this point of view, the author of short story
seems to be involved in the story and herself (the author) as the main character in
the story.
For characteristic of short story, this short story consists of 11.864 words in
English. The size of the short story is 13 x 19 cm or A5 paper size with total page
are 84 pages. It is suitable with the statement of Poe (1896) stated that a short story
can range from 1,000 to 20,000 words.
4.2.3. Outlining
In this step, the writer wrote “A Journey from Lost to Found” short story
using narrative paragraph based on the elements and the characteristic that has been
The writer also made the parts of the short story such as, the front and back cover,
the title page, and the author biography.
a. The Story
This short story used romance as the genre. For the paragraph, the writer
used narrative for the story. The short story consists of 11.864 words, with the size
book is 13 x 19 cm or A5. Because this short story has many pages, so the writer
just displayed the example of the content of short story in below.
Figure 4.1 The Example of Content of Short Story
Figure 4.2 The Example of Content of Short Story
b. The Cover
The title of the short story is “A Journey from Lost to Found”. There are front
and back cover as displayed bellow in Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5. The front cover
shows the title of the short story, the author’s name, the pictures of man and woman
that describes the characters. For the background, the writer used Seoul Namsan
Tower picture in the right side or in the woman side that describe the woman come
from and in the left side or in the man side, the writer used Bukit Siguntang picture
as one of the setting places of this story. While in the back cover, the writer still
used background of Seoul Namsan Tower and Bukit Siguntang. Also, there are the
blurb and the title of the short story. Here are the blurb and the front and back cover
of the short story entitled “A Journey from Lost to Found”.
Figure 4.3 The Blurb of Short Story
Figure 4.4 The Front Cover
Figure 4.5 The Back Cover
c. Title Page
After the front cover, the writer put the title page containing the title of the
short story, the author’s name, and a tagline of the short story; it is “In here, I know
the meaning of losing and finding” as displayed in figure 4.6 bellow. This tagline
is appropriate with the story of the main character had.
Figure 4.6 The Title Page
d. Author Biography
The writer named this section as “The Author Biography”. In this section,
the writer described about an author of “A Journey from Lost to Found” short story
as shown in Figure 4.7.
Figure 4.7 The Author Biography
4.2.4. Drafting
The writer had done the next stages of writing short story (Grenville, 2001).
It is drafting by doing limited testing. The writer did limited testing to make the
product more developed. In the limited testing, the writer asked for suggestions and
comments from 2 experts. First, Ms. Nurlidya as a linguist teacher in Gloria Course.
She suggested to revise some wrong tenses and grammar.
Original Draft from Writer
After Limited Testing
I see his face that look surprise, his I see his face that look surprised, his
hands shaking too.
hands are shaking too.
Want to order chicken?" asked my "Do you want to order chicken?"
asked my father
I’m very surprise by what I just
I’m so surprised by what I have
After arrive at the university
After arriving at the university
Where should I start looking for it
Where I should start looking for it
But the thing that make me come
here until now
But the thing that makes me coming
here until now
It seems that he is busy play with
his phone
It seems that he is busy playing with
his phone
I really accidentally at that time
I really didn't mind at that time
Then after discuss with Dino
Then after discussing with Dino
He will be angry at me.
He will be angry with me.
After Dino arrive at my dorm
After Dino arriving at my dorm
Table 4. 3 The List of Grammatical Error in The Short Story
Second, for the next target is the story author. The writer did limited testing
with Ms. Estiana. She is an author from Palembang. She would like to check the
content of short story. She suggested to delete some unnecessary sentences, like this
Figure 4. 8 The Original Draft from Writer
Figure 4. 9 After Limited Testing
After that, she suggested to add question marks, because there are still
question sentences that don't use question marks.
Figure 4. 10 The Original Draft from Writer
Figure 4. 11 After Limited Testing
Also she suggested to delete the specific place such as in the home, in the
classroom, in the canteen and so on, because it is short story.
Figure 4. 12 The Original Draft from Writer
Figure 4. 13 After Limited Testing
4.2.5. Revising
Next, the writer had done the next stages of writing short story by Grenville
(2001). It is revising the draft by doing wider testing. The writer did wider testing
to make the product more developed as a final product. In the wider testing, the
writer asked for suggestions and comments to one expert of story content and one
expert of linguistic.
First, Ms. Ega Dwiyanti Putri as the expert of story content. She suggested
for some sentences that are like a conversation are replaced into narrative text.
Figure 4. 13 After Limited Testing
Figure 4. 14 After Wider Testing
Also she suggested to add detail descriptions about the personality of characters.
Figure 4. 15 After Limited Testing
Figure 4. 16 After Wider Testing
Then, she suggested to add some sentences that needed in the conversation.
Figure 4. 17 After Limited Testing
Figure 4. 18 After Wider Testing
Second, the writer gave the revised draft to Ms. Natasha Rangkuti M.Pd.
She is an English lecture at Muhamadiyah University. She suggested to revise some
wrong tenses. Also she suggested to delete some unnecessary words.
After Limited Testing
After Wider Testing
I see my father receiving a phone
call from someone unknown
I see my father receiving a phone
call from unknown
I'm increasingly curious, who is
the figure behind the phone.
I want to know who is the figure
behind the phone.
Maybe it's already gone to work
Maybe he is already going to work
My father also kept all of my My father is still keeping all of my
tightly, mother's
including her photo
including her photo.
She is like my sister
She is like a sister to me
The lecturer has already left
The lecturer has already left, too
What is wrong? You make a
What is wrong? Are you in a
Table 4. 4 The List of Grammatical Error in The Short Story
In order to make the short story better, their comments and suggestions were
used to revise the short story. Based on the experts’ comments and suggestions. The
writer rewrote the short story by writing some changes in the short story draft
related to validation of information.
Third, after the second draft was revised, the writer gave it to five random
people who like read a short story with age range 17-21 years old. The writer
showed the drafts after revised to one student of English department of State
Polytechnic of Sriwijaya, one students of English department of Muhamadiyah
University, and two students of English department of Sriwijaya University. The
writer asked them about the contents of the short story along with design. They gave
almost similar opinions. They said the ideas of the short story was already good, it
was interesting, and they also said the story did not make them bored while reading
4.2.6. Editing
In this step, after the writer got some comments, suggestions, and advice,
the writer continued to the last stages of writing short story (Grenville, 2001). It is
editing. After all the experts gave comments, suggestions, and advice, the writer
edited and improved the short story based on their comments, suggestions, and
advice. The final product of this report is the revised product from wider testing.
This chapter explains about the conclusion and suggestion of the final report.
The six steps to write a short story based on the idea of Grenville (2001),
that was implemented in a short story with the title “A Journey from Lost to Found”,
are getting ideas, choosing, outlining, drafting, revising, and editing. These six steps
of writing short story (Grenville, 2001) was applicable. During the writer
implemented the steps of writing short story by Grenville (2001), there were some
advantages and disadvantages of employing the steps. The advantages were, the
clear applied steps, so the writer understood what were the next steps should be
taken. The steps were also easily implemented because when the writer wrote the
story, the writer could implement the simple and easily employed steps. On the
other hand, the writer also found disadvantages when implemented the steps. The
main difficulty was the difficulty of acquiring the idea about starting to write the
short story.
Based on the research of writing a short story entitled “A Journey from Lost
to Found” to introduce Palembang Historical Tourism Venues, the writer would
like to give some suggestions as follows:
For the next writers (students of English Department) who want to write
fiction story such as short story, the writer suggests to decide the idea
For the next writers (students of English Department) who want to write a
short story to be able to ask directly with successful writers how they
determine the elements of short stories, including how they build chemistry
between lead female and lead male in the story.
The next writers (students of English Department) can make more short
stories or other fiction stories about tourism in their own cities because it
will help the government to promote tourism so that it can increase tourists
to visit.
The government can make an effort such as providing an online library of
fiction stories that promote or introduce tourism destination in Palembang.
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