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According to the school system in slaves came to america in 1619. Lincoln signed emancipation proclamation in 1863.
The elite confederate has spent billions of dollars and constructed an inumeral amount of physcological strategem to make sure you never receive and acquire this information. This pertinent information from biblical scholars, historians & archaeologists.
In the 1840's Morton collaborated with George R. Gliddon, an Egyptologist, who provided him with Mummy heads and info about the racial significance of Egyptian tomb inscrptions. In Crania Aegyptiaca published in 1844, Morton pointed out that both cranial and archaeological evidence showed that the Egyptians were NOT NEGROES.
"The Black Image In The White Mind" Pg.74-75
as abolitionist and colonizationist had maintained - and that in FACT blacks had been relegated to the same servile position in ancient Egypt as Modern America. Slaves in Egypt then assryians came and enslaved us
Then babylonians came which are modern day ethiopians enslaved us.
Then persians came and enslaved us.
Then greeks enslaved us.
Romans came n enslaved us. When christ was here
"From Babylon to Timbuktu"
- In the year 65 B.C. the roman armies under General Pompey captured Jerusalem. in 70 A.D General Vespacian and his son Titus put an end to the Jewish state, with great slaughter. During the period from Pompey to Julius it has been estimate that over 1,000,000 jews fled into Africa, fleeing from Roman persecution and slavery. The slave markets were full of BLACK JEWISH SLAVES. The pagans and the Romans attacked the Jews indiscriminately, both Jewish soldiers and uninvolved peaceful population without mercy. As a result of this merciless attack, many Jews fled to those parts of Northwest Africa known as Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauretania. Many other Jews fled to areas where Rome did not have any jurisdiction, this was the region of the south, the Sahar Desert and the Sudan, Grayzel says: " Such is the eplanation of how the Sahara Desert first acquired Jewish tribes toughened by a fighting tradition and possessed of physical characteristics [blacks] which it is said still make them approximate very closesly the ORIGINAL JEWISH POPULATION OF PALESTINE.
Dr. Joseph J. Williams
Hebrewisms of West Africa, Pg.227
- Whatever may be thought of the more or less mythological traditions connected with the earliest Jews in North Africa it is now practically and established FACT that a Jewish nation -- Jewish at least in faith and perhaps too in origin long held sway south of the Sahara.
Mark Avrum Ehrlich Professor of Judaic Studies
Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora: Origins, Experiences, and Culture, Voulume 1, Pg.454
- In later centures Jews are believed to have settled in western Africa during the height of the Songha, Mali, Ghana, and Kanem Bornu empire. Accoring to accounts from explorers of the region several powerful Jewish families of the Songhai empire were of JEWISH ORIGIN. Some accounts place West African Jewish communities in the Ondo forest of Dahomei south of Timbuktu: in the 1930's these groups still maintained a Torah scroll WRITTEN IN ARAMAIC that had been burned into parchement with a hot iron instead of ink so it could not be changed.
"From Babylon to Timbuktu"
- The black jews had an advantage over the African tribes they carried their culture, history, laws and written records withthem. The jews made use of every oppurtunity;they were an industrious and skillful people: In the Jewish Ghanain states were found kings, princes, governors, genereals, secretaries, treasures. revenue agaents, judges, architects, engineers, doctors, historians, language interpreters, mathematicians, jewelers, scolpters, masons, carpentors, painters of art, goldsmith, leather-workers, potters, armors, saddlers, blacksmith, agriculturist, etc.
Mark Avrum Ehrlich Professor of Judaic Studies
Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora: Origins, Experiences, and Culture, Voulume 1, Pg.454
- The decline of the Jewish communities of the West Africa- Maghreb most likely began with the inlfux of Arab invaders into North Africa starting in 640 CE and later into West africa in the 1300s and 1400s Joel 3:5
- Africans sold Israelites to Greecians
Professor David Eltis and Professor David Richardson "Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade"
Tudor Parfitt, Professor of Modern Jewish Studies
"Black Jews in Africa and The Americas."
- There are both oral and written explanations that trace the origin of the Igbo, and the most tantalizing is an association of the Igbo to the Hebrew race. This assumption is based on the FACT that Igbo culture has many similiar traditional customs like that of the Jews. Similiar customs are observed in Marriage negotiations, childbirth and circumcision, restitution, attitude to totem animals and taboos as well as hospitality to others especially to stranger ect. The Igbo are therefore said to be the split and lost group or Tribe of israel that refused to wander further north-east with Moses but preferred going down south-ward.
Professor David Eltis and Professor David Richardson "Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade"
- The British were the major buyers before they banned their own slave traffic in 1807. They wre replaced by the Portuguese and Spanish for as long as the trafic continued here. The majority of the captives were speakers of IGBO Dialects.
After 70 BC The romans went and hid themselves under a different nationality after they went and conquered europe. Under the french, Under the british Under the portugese.
The romans/ Europeans they got pushed up into south georgia russia in the caucasus mountains and hid themselves under the name of khazars between the 8th & 9th century the khazarian empire uner king vulan adopted the tradition of the israelites and mixed it with paganism and called it judaism. After the holocaust the elite used that as a pretext to invade the last of Israel & took those khazarian converts and placed them in that land in 1948.
Isaiah 14:2
Jeremiah 30:16
Rev 13:10
Psalm 147:20