Coursera Specialization on Embedding Sensors and Motors ESM_C4M1V2 Rapid Review of Second Order Transfer Functions = Md2x/dt2 + b dx/dt + k x [5] [1] [3] C [2] 2nd Order Differential Equation for spring-mass damper system [4] R L 2nd Order Differential Equation for resistor-inductor-capacitor system Natural Response for 2nd Order Equations = Md2x/dt2 + b dx/dt + k x [5] [1] Let x(t) = Xest Quadratic formula Let i(t) = Iest [7] [6] R Solutions for natural frequencies (i.e. poles) L Spring-mass-damper Criteria for Oscillation Cases Series RLC circuit Damping Coefficient Damping Ratio [10] b [11] [8] Natural Frequency Natural Frequency n = -α [9] [12] Damped Natural Frequency Damped Natural Frequency n [13] Case Condition Undamped ζ=b=0 Underdamped b2 – 4mk <0 • • Critically damped b2 • Overdamped b2 – 4mk >0 – 4mk = 0 Pole location for underdamped R case Poles are complex conjugates in the left half of the s-plane 0 < ζ <1 or for j Case Condition Undamped α=R=0 Underdamped <0 Critically damped =0 Overdamped >0 Solution for Underdamped Case Location of poles in spring-mass-damper system [10] • Let σ = b/2m = ζωn • then s1 = - σ + jωd • and s2 = - σ - jωd Location of poles in series RLC circuit [15] n = -α n Solution for position Solution for current + [14] α = x0 β = (v0 + σx0) / ωd) • • x0 = initial position v0 = initial velocity • Pole location for underdamped R case Poles are complex conjugates in the left half of the s-plane 0 < ζ <1 or for B1 = i0 B2 = (di0/dt + αi0) / ωd) i0 = initial current di0/dt = initial slope of current Response Time for Step Function [16] Critical damping gives the fastest system response time that also does not overshoot the final setpoint Decay Rate Depends on Natural Frequency and Damping Ratio [17] • Higher natural frequency leads to faster speed of response • Decay rate, τ = 1 / ζωn • Higher damping minimizes overshoot • Decay rate, τ = 1 / ζωn [18] Citations [1][5][7][11][15] [2] [3] [4][8] [6][9][10][14][17] [12] [13] [16] [18] ESM_C4M1V2 ESM_C4M1V2 ESM_C4M1V2