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Food Chains & Webs Worksheet: Year 10 Ecology

Year 10
Chains and webs
Yr 10 Ecology lesson 2
Name _________________________________________ Class _______________ Date
Here are three food chains:
A wheat  rabbit  fox
B wheat  field mouse  fox
C wheat  field mouse  grass snake
1 Use all three food chains to draw a food web below.
2 a Name one producer in your food web. ___________________________
b Name one herbivore. ___________________________
c Name one consumer. ___________________________
3 a If the field mice died, what would happen to the number of grass snakes?
b Why would this happen?
4 a If the field mice died, what might happen to the number of rabbits?
b Why might this happen?
5 What living factor do the populations of both rabbits and field mice depend on to survive?
6 What resources do rabbits need from their habitat in order to survive? Name three things.
I CAN...
recall what living factors are
recall the resources that plants and animals need  identify feeding
relationships  explain how one population affects another.