Uploaded by Elvi Nur'aini

Schematic & Logic Diagrams: Electrical Engineering Basics

BY :
ELVI NUR’AINI (2020032)
Definition of Schemtic and Interconnecting Diagram :
Schematic and interconnecting diagram is a drawing
showing all significant components, parts or task of a
circuit, devise, flow, process by means of standart
system. Schematic and interconnection diangram is used
for preparing cost estimate and also useful when
carrying out fault finding activities.
Part of Schematic and interconnecting
drawing :
1.Control device
2.Conductor/ connection
3.Suplay energy
4.Equipment draw with symbol
Schematic Diagram Comventoin :
Use sandart symbol
Show the de-energize power
Usually drawn in ledder form and has right angles (90°)
The left line in vertical line is phase or plus and the right line in vertical
line is neutral or minus
Line cross with dot is connection line and line cross doesn’t with dot is the
line is not connect
Every relay and contactor have an identifying later or number
Every wire has unique number
To the mechanical connections used dash line
Terminal marking
1. Coil are always marked A1 and A2
2. Light indicator always marked X1 and X2
3. Main contact are single number ( exs. 1, 3 and 5 connect for upcoming and 2, 4 and 6 connect for on-going )
4. Auviliary contact are marked with two digit munbers
First number is position
Second number is function
Normaly close (NC) contact has function numbers 1 and 2
Normaly open (NO) contact has finction numbers 3 and 4
Normaly close (NC) of termal contact has numbers 5 and 6
Normaly open (NO) of termal contact has number 7 and 8
Logic Drawing
Logic diagrams are use in the field of
logic, use for representation and
carry out certain types of reason.
Logic diagram also has input and
output. The point of output is
depend the thurt table. The logic
drawing has four standarts, there are
American, British, Common German
and IEC.