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Effect of Red, Blue and White LED Lights on Mung Beans’ Growth
A Capstone Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of the
Himamaylan National High School
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course
Subject Adviser
May 2021
1.1 Rationale of the Study
Light directly influences plant growth and flowering by inducing
photosynthesis and feeding plants energy. Plants are dependent on light to
generate food, induce the growing cycle and allow for healthy development
(Smestad, 2017). In recent advances, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have
remarkable potential as supplemental source of light for promoting plant growth
(Rehman et al., 2017). In this time of pandemic, many plantitos and plantitas tends
to use ‘planting’ as their hobby.
Light emitting diode (LED) lights are often used to encourage plant growth.
Plants utilize different wavelengths of light to promote vegetative growth and
flowering and LED lights are very efficient and capable of producing the type of
light needed by plants (Leone, 2017). Not only are LEDs great for encouraging
plant growth, they are very energy-efficient (Leone, 2017). EarthEasy.com claims
that LEDs are a type of “energy-efficient lighting”. Unlike most types of light bulbs,
LEDs require very little power to produce light. LEDs offer a number of advantages
over high-pressure sodium, incandescent, fluorescent, and metal halide lamps,
including less heat emission, longer fixture life, instant on/off operation with no
effect on operating life, greater energy efficiency, more localized targeting of light
emission, and the ability to provide light at specific wavelengths (Walker et al.,
According to Ryan Raman,MS,RD, on an article in healthline.com, Mung
beans or Vigna Radiata are small, green beans that belong to the legume family.
He then added that they’re high in nutrients and believed to aid many ailments.
According to the Office for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, evidence
has shown that legumes, such as mung beans, can be part of a healthful eating
pattern. Research also suggests that plant-based diets are a vital way for people
to improve their health, and reduce the risk of variety of chronic illnesses. Eating
mung beans can be a good way of getting more plant-based food in a person’s
Schematic Diagram
Mung Beans
Cultivated with
White LED
Mung Beans
Cultivated with
Red and Blue
LED light
Plant Growth
a. Height
b. Number of
c. Size of
1.2 Statement of the Problem
LED manufacturers offer different colors of light. Commonly available
colors of LEDs are blue, green, red, and yellow. This study seeks to find the
comparison of the effects of Red, Blue and White LEDs to the growth of Mung
Beans. This study also claims to help the farmers and plant growers to determine
what is the best LED light color to be use when planting mung beans. Getting to
know whether it is best to use white, red or blue LED lights on growing mung
beans is important for it can help people produce more energy-efficient mung
beans in the comfort of their homes.
Specifically, this study aims to answer the following:
1. What is the measurement of plant growth when cultivated with the use of
colors blue, green, red, and yellow LED lights in terms of:
a. Height;
b. Number of Leaves;
c. Size of Leaves?
2. Is there a significant difference between the growth of plants that was
cultivated with the use of colors blue, green, red and yellow LED lights and
with use of natural sunlight in terms of:
a. Height;
b. Number of Leaves;
c. Size of Leaves?
1.3 Significance of the Study
This study will be undertaken to find out the effects of red, blue, and white
LEDs on the growth of mung beans plant.
Benefiting the study are the various sectors as follows:
The Farmers and Plant Growers
They would be able to understand the pros and cons of using red, blue,
and white LED light colors on the growth of mung beans and produce more
energy-efficient mung beans.
The Environment
The environment will benefit because plants play an important part in
the food chain. This study would also know the best energy-efficient way to
grow plants using LED lights.
The Researchers
They would be able to identify what is/are the best possible outcome in
using red, blue, and white LED lights on the growth rate of mung bean
1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study focuses on the effects of red, blue, and white LED lights on the
growth of Mung beans. The study will be using LED lights with colors such as red,
blue, and white as a source of light to nine mung beans. The data collection will be
conducted by observing the growths of the nine mung beans in different LED light
colors for 21-31 days in an indoor environment. This study will be conducted at
Juarez’s residence in Brgy. Consuelo, Ilog, Negros Occidental on the last week of
June, year 2021.
There are many kinds of plants that can also grow with the use of LED lights,
however, the researchers will only use the Mung bean plants and will not use any
other kinds of plants. LED light colors could also affect the plant’s nutrient value,
however, researchers will only focus on observing the effects of red, blue, and
white LED light colors on mung bean’s plant growth.
1.5 Definition of Terms
The terms used in this study will be defined conceptually and operationally, these
are the following:
LED (Light Emitting Diode). This is a semiconductor device that emits
visible light of a certain color, and is fundamentally different from conventional light
sources such as incandescent, fluorescent, and gas-discharge lamps (Strandberg,
et al., 2012).
In this study, this term refers to the lights that the experimental subject will
be treated off. Also in this study there will be only three colors of LED will be used
such as red, blue, and white.
Mung Beans (Monggo Plant). According to an article in Panlasang Pinoy,
the monggo, also known as Vigna radiata, originates from the legume or bean
family or Leguminosae. Their popularity is manifested in their wide usage
throughout Asia, especially in China, and Southeast.
Plant Growth. According to Brukhin (2011), this the increase of plant
volume and/or mass with or without formation of new structures such as organ,
tissues or cell organelles.
In this study, this terms refers to the measurement of the plant (Mung Beans
or Munggo plant) on the experimental subject when cultivated naturally and when
cultivated with treatment.
Review of Related Literature
This chapter present series of literature related to this study where various
concepts and ideas are taken from various authors. Furthermore, this chapter
aims to enhance and enrich the understanding to the researchers well accordance
to this study, the following are the literature related to the effects of LED light colors
on plant growth.
2.1 Effects of Light-Emitting Diode
On the study of Olle and Virsele, (2013), which is about food and agriculture
and entitled “The Effects of Light-Emitting Diodes on greenhouse plant and quality;
aims to present LED light effects on photosynthetic ideas, growth, yield, and
nutritional value in green vegetables and tomato, cucumber, sweet pepper
transplants. The sole LED lighting was applied in a closed growth chambers, as
well as combinations of LED wavelengths with conventional light sources,
fluorescent and high pressure sodium lamp light, and natural illumination in
greenhouses are overviewed. On their study, red and blue light are basal in the
lighting spectra for green vegetables and tomato, cucumber, and pepper
transplants; far from red light, important for photo morphogenetic processes in
plants also results in growth promotion. However, theoretically unprofitable
spectral parts as green and yellow also have physiological effects on investigated
plants. Presented results disclose the variability of light spectral effects on different
plant species and different physiological indices. Also various researches were
cited on their study. According to Mitchell et al. 2012, LED represent a promising
technology fo the greenhouse industry that has technical advantages over
traditional lighting sources, but are only recently being tested for horticultural
applications. Also it has been stated that major advantage of LEDs over all the
lamp types for plant lightings is that the technology is evolving in electrical-use
efficiency at a rapid pace.
Another study is “Effects of Blue and Green Light on Plant Growth and
Development Effects of Blue and Green Light on Plant Growth and Development
at Low and High Photosynthetic Photon Flux” which was studied by Snowden,
2015. According to his study, the optimal combination of wavelengths of light
(spectral quality) for single leaf photosynthesis has been well characterized, but
spectral quality is not well characterized in whole plants in long-term studies. He
reports the effects of eight light spectra at two photosynthetic photon fluxes (200
and 500 µmol m-2 s-1) on dry mass, leaf area index and net assimilation of seven
species in replicate 21-day studies. The combination of treatments allowed us to
separately assess the effects of blue and green light fraction among species and
PPF. At a PPF of 500, increasing blue light from 11 to 28 % significantly decreased
dry mass in tomato, cucumber, and pepper, but there was no significant effect on
soybean, lettuce and wheat. At a PPF of 200, dry mass significantly decreased
only in tomato across the blue light range. Effects on leaf area paralleled effects
on dry mass in all species at both PPFs, indicating that the effects of blue light on
dry mass were mediated by changes in leaf area. Contrary to predictions of net
assimilation based on blue light response of single leaves, there was no evidence
of decreasing net assimilation with increasing blue light. In contrast to the
significant effect of blue light dry mass and leaf area, increasing green light fraction
from zero to 30 % resulted in few significant differences. Contrary to several
reports on significant green light effects on growth (both increases and decreases),
we found no consistent effect of green light among species on growth, leaf area or
net assimilation. Collectively, these results indicate significant differences among
species in sensitivity to blue light and less sensitivity to green light, and that the
effect of blue light on dry mass is primarily determined by changes in leaf area.
Micheal Snowden has been influenced by the concept and ideas
photobiology, thus as a master of science he begins to study and explore about it.
Thus, he came up to the theory and started working about it. Research in
photobiology dates back over 200 years with studies using primitive light sources.
This early research identified photoreceptors and action spectra for specific
regions of the light spectrum that are paramount for photosynthesis as well as
growth and development that are still topics of interest today. Photobiological
research has become an area of increasing interest since the introduction of lightemitting diodes which allow for evaluating endless combinations of light spectra.
Red light-light emitting diodes were the first to be introduced that had an electrical
efficiency comparable to existing light sources. The research found that red light
alone was not sufficient to promote normal plant growth and development in most
species and that some blue light supplementation was needed. The amount of blue
light required has been extensively studied with varying results. The introduction
of light emitting diodes has also allowed for studies of the effects of green light on
plant growth and development. The influence of green light, similar to blue light,
has resulted in varying conclusions, mainly regarding the importance of green light
for photosynthesis.
The study of Saleem et al. 2019, focuses on the field of annals of agriculture
and crop science specifically they studied the Effect of Different Colors of Lights
on Growth and Antioxidants Capacity in Rapeseed Seedlings. Light is the key
factor for the better growth and development of plant that directly fluctuates
biosynthesis of many secondary metabolites. Moreover, light is most important
abiotic factor that play very important role in photosynthesis and morphogenesis
in the plants body. Therefore, it is very necessary to provide appropriate amount
of light for a healthy and normal growth of plant body. The aim of the present study
to evaluate the growth and antioxidant capacity of rapeseed using White Light
(WL), Dark Red Light (DL), Mixed (red + dark red lights) (ML), Red Light (RL), Blue
Light (BL) and Orange Light (OL). Artificial Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) were used
in this experiment in the glass house environment. The lights were provided with
LEDs with the peak wavelength of WL 390nm, DL 670nm, ML 650nm, RL 660nm,
BL 450nm and OL 610nm. The results revealed that DL, ML and RL promoted
plant growth, photosynthetic pigments while BL and OL undergoes high stress and
reduced plant growth and photosynthetic pigments when compared with WL.
Moreover, the antioxidants enzymes i.e. Superoxidase Dismutase (SOD),
Peroxidase (POD) and the contents of Malondialdehyde (MDA), proline and total
soluble protein also play very important role when plant undergoes any
environmental stress. The results revealed that BL and OL induced high values of
SOD, POD, MDA, proline and total soluble protein undergoes high level of stress
while DL, ML and RL showed low light stress. Saleem et al. 2019, concluded that
OL and BL reduced growth and photosynthetic pigments in rapeseed seedlings
while DL, ML and RL promote plant growth and photosynthetic pigments and thus
can be used as industrial scale to fulfil market demand of rapeseed oil.
Another related study is “Effects of Light Quality on Growth and
Phytonutrient Accumulation of Herbs under Controlled Environments”, studied by
Dou, et al. 2017 which focused in the field of horticulture. In recent years,
consumption of herb products has increased in daily diets, contributing to the
prevention of cardiovascular diseases, chronic diseases, and certain types of
cancer owing to high concentrations of phytonutrients such as essential oils and
phenolic compounds. To meet the increasing demand for high quality herbs,
controlled environment agriculture is an alternative and a supplement to field
production. Light is one of the most important environmental factors influencing
herb quality including phytonutrient content, in addition to effects on growth and
development. The recent development and adoption of light-emitting diodes
provides opportunities for targeted regulation of growth and phytonutrient
accumulation by herbs to optimize productivity and quality under controlled
environments. For most herb species, red light supplemented with blue light
significantly increased plant yield. However, plant yield decreased when the blue
light proportion (BP) reached a threshold, which varied among species. Research
has also shown that red, blue, and ultraviolet(UV)light enhanced the concentration
of essential oils and phenolic compounds in various herbs and improved
antioxidant capacities of herbs compared with white light or sunlight, yet these
improvement effects varied among species, compounds, and light treatments. In
addition to red and blue light, other light spectra within the photosynthetically active
region—such as cyan, green, yellow, orange, and far-red light—are absorbed by
photosynthetic pigments and utilized in leaves. However, only a few selected
ranges of light spectra have been investigated, and the effects of light quality
(spectrum distribution of light sources) on herb production are not fully understood.
This paper review show light quality affected the growth and phytonutrient
accumulation of both culinary and medicinal herbs under controlled environments,
and discusses future research opportunities to produce high quantity and quality
Another set of authors collaborated to create a research study about LightEmitting Diodes also known as LED. Rehman, et al. (2017), explore a field in
Environmental Science and Pollution Research specifically studying “LightEmitting Diodes; whether an efficient source of light for indoor plants. Availability
of sufficient light for growth optimization of plants in greenhouse environment
during winter is a major challenge, as light during winter is significantly lower than
that in the summer. The most commonly used artificial light sources (e.g., metal
halide lamps, high pressure sodium lamps, and high fluorescent lamps) are of low
quality and inefficient. Therefore, better options should be developed for sustaining
agricultural food production during low levels of solar radiation. In recent advances,
light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have remarkable potential as supplemental source of
light for promoting plant growth. LEDs are novel and versatile source of light with
cool emitting surface, wavelength specificity, and low electric power requirement.
In the present study, we provided a contemporary synthesis of existing evidence
along with our hypothetical concepts to clarify how LED approach could be an
efficient and cost-effective source of light for plant growth and development
especially in closed production system. In comparative analysis of common
artificial vs. LED lighting, we revealed that spectral quality of LEDs can have vivid
effects on plant morphogenesis and anatomy. We also discussed the influence of
different colors of LEDs on growth performance of plants and provided the cost
benefit analysis of using LEDs compared with other traditional sources. Overall,
we hope that this article will be of great worth in future due to its practical
implications as well as research directions.
An article in Acta Horticulturae was published on November 2018 which
was written by Bian, et al. The article is entitled “Uncovering LED light effects on
plant growth: new angles and perspectives – LED light for improving plant growth,
nutrition and energy-use efficiency”. Light supplementation can increase crop yield
in greenhouses by promoting photosynthesis and plant growth. However, the high
energy costs associated with light supplementation are a predominant factor that
limits development and profit improvement of controlled environment agriculture.
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are a promising technology that has tremendous
potential to improve irradiance efficiency and to replace traditionally used
horticultural lighting. Compared with traditional light sources (e.g., high-pressure
sodium lamps and metal halide lamps) used in crop production, LEDs have distinct
advantages, such as their small size, long lifetime and high photoelectric
conversion efficiency. Most importantly, as a monochromatic light source, the
spectrum of LEDs can be adjusted based on plant growth requirements. This
project aimed to investigate energy-use efficiency, vegetable nutrition and
photosynthesis improvement of light supplementation in a protected horticulture
system. In the initial phase, the effects of LED light on plant growth and light-use
efficiency for pak choi and photosynthetic performance were investigated. The
results showed that the highest fresh and dry weight and leaf area were observed
under red and blue LED light, with the blue light percentage at 23%. Compared
with fluorescent lamps (FL) with photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) at 220
μmol m-2 s-1, the light-use efficiency increased by 55, 114 and 115% for mixed
red and blue LEDs with PPFD at 100, 150 and 220 μmol m-2 s-1, respectively.
Monochromatic red- and blue-light LEDs resulted in significant decreases in Pn of
tomato plants, but the stomatal conductance (Gs) for monochromatic blue LEDs
was higher than that for FL. The effect of light spectrum composition on lettuce
nutrition quality was also studied. Continuous light with combined red, green and
blue LEDs exhibited a remarkable decrease in nitrate. Moreover, continuous LED
light for 24 h significantly increased phenolic compound content and free-radical
scavenging capacity in lettuce leaf.
2.2 Plant Growth
Plant growth could be defined as the increasing of plant volume and/or
mass with or without formation of new structures such as organs, tissues, cells or
cell organelles. Growth is usually associated with development (cell and tissue
specialization) and reproduction (production of new individuals). The study of
Brukin & Morozova (2011) had provided a big help in the field of biological science.
Their study was about plant growth and development. One of the most intriguing
questions in life science is how living organisms develop and maintain their
predominant form and shape via the cascade of the processes of differentiation
starting from the single cell. Mathematical modeling of these developmental
processes could be a very important tool to properly describe the complex
processes of evolution and geometry of morphogenesis in time and space. Brukin
& Morozova’s study summarizes the most important biological knowledge on plant
development, exploring the different layers of investigation in developmental
processes such as plant morphology, genetics, plant physiology, molecular biology
and epigenetics. As knowledge on the fundamentals of plant embryo genesis,
growth and development is constantly improving, they gather the latest data on
genetic, molecular and hormonal regulation of plant development together with the
basic background knowledge. Special emphasis is placed on the regulation of cell
cycle progression, on the role of the signal molecules phytohormones in plant
development and on the details of plant meristems (loci containing plant stem cells)
function. they explore several proposed biological models regarding regulating
plant development. The information presented here could be used as a basis for
mathematical modeling and computer simulation of developmental processes in
Plants sustain life on earth by producing the oxygen that living organisms
need to survive. They play a critical role in the food web, transferring energy to
other living organisms as they are consumed (eaten). However, the specific
purpose of each individual plant is to produce its own food so that it can reach
maturity and reproduce. Since sunlight provides the necessary energy for
photosynthesis, it is one of the most important influences on a plant’s growth.
However, several other factors also influence the rate of plant growth. These
include the temperature of the air and the temperature of the soil the plant's roots
are growing in. These factors help determine when agricultural crops will be
planted and when those plants will be ready for harvesting. For example, seed
producers calculate the necessary number of days of optimal air temperature (the
temperature at which a plant will grow best) for a specific plant variety to reach
maturity. Agricultural producers then choose between plant varieties, matching the
season and conditions with the "growing degree days," referred to as "growing
degree units" or "heat units." Rather than maintaining consistent air and soil
temperatures year-round, Kansas experiences four distinct seasons: spring,
summer, fall, and winter. The spring season brings mild weather and higher rainfall
so most plants will grow faster during the spring. Once the soil warms up enough
for the seeds to germinate, crop producers plant spring crops, including corn,
soybeans, grain sorghum, sunflowers, fruits, and vegetables. During the summer
season, warmer temperatures continue to encourage plant growth. Many plants
also mature and produce seeds or fruit, like wheat, cotton, and tomatoes. The fall
season brings cooler temperatures, and there is less sunlight available for
photosynthesis due to the shorter days. Most spring-planted crops mature and are
harvested during the fall months (Kansas Foundation for Agriculture in the
Classroom, page 25).
Plant growth and development is accomplished through many chemical and
physiological processes which are governed by environmental factors such as
light, water, temperature, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Growth of a new plant
usually starts with seed germination which is the sexual form of propagation. Seed
stratification requirements must be satisfied. Stratification provides the conditions
for pre-germination physiological maturation which occurs under specific
temperature and moisture regimes. In some instances, scarification is required on
seeds with hard seed coats. Scarification is the softening of hard seed coats via
freezing and thawing or other physical or chemical mechanisms.
stratification, scarification and light requirements have all been satisfied, water is
absorbed and the cells of the embryo begin to enlarge. This seed enlargement
usually ruptures the seed coat and allows the embryonic root or radicle, to emerge.
Seed is germinated when the radicle and primary shoot are visible. The absorption
of water activates many enzymes in the seed that cause the breakdown of
carbohydrates to the simple sugar glucose, and the breakdown of protein to amino
acids. Natural plant growth regulators, called phytohornones are also synthesized
and translocated to sites of action. The embryo is completely dependent upon the
stored food in the cotyledons, which are the first “leaves”, or food in the endosperm,
which is a storage organ, until the first true green leaves emerge and begin active
photosynthesis. Then, water and mineral uptake must actively occur through the
roots. The seedling is self-sustainable at this stage providing proper environmental
conditions exist (Bert T. Swanson and Jerry Cohen, PLANT GROWTH AND
DEVELOPMENT, page 12-1).
2.3Light Emitting Diode
On the study of Strandberg, et al. (2012), Light Emitting Diode is a
semiconductor device that emits visible light of a certain color, and is
fundamentally different from conventional light sources such as incandescent,
fluorescent, and gas-discharge lamps, in that an LED: uses no gas or filament, has
no glass bulb, and no failure-prone moving parts.
Their study had focused on the Basics of LED which its origin was cited. In
1962 the first red LED was developed by Nick Holonyak at G.E. Throughout the
60’s red LEDs were ued as small indicator lights on electronic devices. Green and
yellow LEDs were introduced in the early 70’s, and were used in electronics, traffic
signals, exit signs, and watches, etc. There were great minds that had contributed
to LED in the history. On the present, The Department of Energy expects LED
technology to become the preferred method of lighting in homes and offices by
In addition, their stated presented ideas and statements which lead to the
advantages of LEDs: Comparable in efficacy to CFLs, gaining on fluorescent
tubes, and incandescent. Fixtures are directional, allowing for more efficient optics.
Quality of White Light LEDs now comparable to CFLs, recent advances assure
better consistency in color and CCT. Significantly longer ‘Useful’ life. Many more
were presented on their study. As a whole, varied uses and advantages LEDs offer
to the world. Thus, this is one the world’s great inventions.
This chapter discusses the procedural description, subject sample of the
study, project environment, design concept, design description, and statistical
analysis procedure.
3.1 Subject Sample of the Study
In this study the researchers chose Monggo plant as the experimental
Actual Picture of Mung
beans to be used
3.2 Environment of Experimentation
The researchers will conduct the experimentation in an indoor and closed
area where there will be no direct sunlight at Juarez’ residence in Brgy. Consuelo,
Ilog, Negros Occidental.
3.3 Procedural Description
This study will undergo procedures and these processes will take circle of
the experimental subject, the usage of LED lights, and the days of
experimentation. First there will be 10 Mung beans, the experimental subjects;
three colors of LED lights (blue, red & white). To conduct the experiment, the
researchers will prepare the materials needed for the experimentation such as pot,
soil, LEDs, and used boxes. To cover the plant from direct sunlight, the
researchers will utilize an improvised cover made of used boxes. The boxes will
be attached with LED lights. Each cover will only have one color of LED light per
plant for the experimentation while the untreated subject which is cultivating
naturally will be planted like the usual cultivation of plants. The time schedule for
the switching on and off of the lights will be, 6am-7:00pm which serves as the time
the LED lights will be switched on, while 7:01pm-5:59am will be scheduled as the
time for switch off. All subjects will be scheduled with the same time of watering.
This process will undergo to 21-31 days.
To gather the data, the researchers will measure the plant growth of the
Mung beans on the last day of process. Furthermore, the data that will be gathered
will be tallied and will undergo statistical testing.
Design Concept
Effect of Red, Blue
and White LED
Lights on Mung
Beans’ Growth
of the
Results of the
Preparation of
Sunlight Cover
of the
Data Collected
Planting of the Mung
Measuring Plant
Conduct of Experimentation
(21-31 days)
On ang Off
Of LED lights
Plant Condition
3.4 Design Description
The diagram on the previous page was the design concept of the study. It
illustrates the flow of the processes that this study will undergo. First is the
construction of ideas which leads to the title of the study, Effect of Red, Blue and
White LED Lights on Mung Beans’ Growth. Second is the preparation of the
materials needed for the experimentation such as soil, pots/vases, LED lights.
Third is the construction of sunlight cover for experimental subjects. The
researchers will utilize a man-made cover from used boxes. Fourth is the
production or planting of Mung beans and after that the conduct of the experiment
will start. The conduct will span to 21-31 days. The next step is the measuring of
plant growth. The researchers will use a measuring tool to measure the Monggo
plant. Afterwards, the data collected will be tallied and will undergo statistical
testing. On the last part of the process, the researchers will analyze the results of
the study and will be interpreted.
3.5 Statistical Analysis Procedure
The data that will be gathered in this study will use the Microsoft Excel for
tallying of data. To get the result for the plant growth of Monggo in terms of height,
number of leaves, and size of leaves on the untreated and treated experimental
subject, the researchers will measure manually by the use of ruler with centimeters
as the unit of measurement.
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