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Assignment Instruction - Business Law BUS 302 (Summer I 2021)

Assignment Instruction
Assignment Title
Course Name
Business Law
Course Number
BUS 302
Dr. Mohammad Abu Faiz
Assignment Value
20 Marks
Assignment Due Date
10th July 2021
Procedure for or where
to submit work (including
file name format for
TurnItIn where
 Submit the assignment to the instructor through Moodle by the deadline
 Use the file name specified by the instructor for the assignment
(normally your name course number) [Mustafa MGT 302]
 College policy requires instructors to process all written assignments
through TurnItIn
 One mark is deducted for each calendar day of late submission
Expected Return Date
13th July 2021
Semester or Session
Summer I
Credit Hours
Year 2021
Description of
Assignment Task
1. This assignment is an important and integral component of the
assessment strategy of the course, “Business Law – Bus 302”.
2. There are two tasks in this assignment. You are required to
complete both of them.
3. The deadline for submitting this work is 10th July 2021 Please
take note that this deadline date is final and can’t be extended.
4. Please ensure to adopt the APA citation style when preparing the
final submission.
5. Plagiarism is a serious sin in academia. The College’s policy
in this regard will be strictly observed.
Task One
Write a short essay (not more than 700 words) tracing how legal systems
developed over the years. (CLO 2 – 6 marks)
Task Two
Read the following cases and then address the issues and questions
raised at the end of each one:
Revised: September 2015
A. All
Bright Consumables (ABC) Ltd manufactures PC
components. It runs this aspect of its operation from a factory
that it leases from JJ Industrial Rentals Ltd (JJ), and the
machines used in the production process are rented from
iMachines and Tools Ltd (iMachines Ltd).
Given the economic crises in 2010, and increasing competition
from the Far East, ABC is in financial difficulties. In March 2010
ABC wrote to JJ of its financial problems and identified ‘We are
suffering severe financial difficulties in these austere times. We
both know you have factories that you are unable to rent, and
unless you can reduce the rent on this factory we will have no
choice but to cease trading and you’ll be left with another
unrented factory.’ Following a discussion between the managing
directors of both companies, JJ agree to accept half rent
payment until such a time as ABC’s business picks up.
ABC also informed iMachines Ltd in the same manner about its
financial problems and it agreed to take a quantity of the PC
components manufactured in lieu of its hire charges for the
financial year from 6 April 2010 to 5 April 2011.
In January 2011 JJ were suffering financial difficulties and
demanded that ABC pay the full rent on the factory from
February 2011. It also demanded payment of the rent owed from
March 2010. It considers this part- payment of a debt and wishes
to exercise its right to obtain payment. At this time, iMachines Ltd
discovered that the PC components it had taken in lieu of hire
charges were worth only half of the hire charges for the year. It
has demanded that ABC pay the balance owed in cash.
 Advise ABC as to whether the payments demanded have to
be made. (CLO 3 – 7 marks)
B. Delia is the managing director of ABC Ltd. She arrived at the
company’s head office to discover the building was ablaze. She
called the emergency services and when the firefighters arrived at
the scene Delia told them that the contents of her office were
extremely valuable and contained irreplaceable items. As such, if
they could prevent the fire spreading there she would reward them
with £100 each. The firefighters wersuccessful in extinguishing the
fire and it did not reach Delia’s office.
 Assess the likely success of the firefighters claiming the
reward. (CLO 4 – 7 marks)
Page 159 – James Marson – Business Law
Revised: September 2015
Course Learning
Outcomes Assessed
CLO 2: Communicate effectively using professional legal language and
CLO 3: Synthesize the ethical and legal business practices.
CLO 4: Describe current law pertaining to UAE commercial transactions.
Word or Page Limit
The final submitted work should not be more than 1,500 words; typewritten (using Arial or Times New Roman Font – size 12). 1.5 spacing.
This word limit will be strictly observed. The word limit includes the
bibliography/references and the annexed material (if any). You are
strongly advised to use a cover page in which your details (e.g. name and
ID) and course details are included. Text on the cover page is not counted
towards the total number of words required for submission.
Presentation Format
(e.g. MS Word
You may be required to make a 7-minute presentation on your
Resources and Support
College library, internet newspapers, magazines, or other reference
Evaluation Criteria
Rubrics are applied to evaluate the assignment.
Peer or SelfAssessment Required
Feedback Details
After marking the assignment, the instructor reviews the work with each
student and discusses overall performance based on the evaluation
criteria. The instructor uses a standard assignment feedback form.
Revised: September 2015
BUS 302 - Business Law
Assignment Rubrics
Business Law: Fall 2020
Course Assignment Rubric
Course Learning Outcomes
CLO 2:
Communicate effectively
using professional legal
language and terminologies.
CLO 3:
Synthesize the ethical and
legal business practices.
CLO 4:
Describe current law pertaining to
UAE commercial transactions.
Revised: September 2015
Task One:
The answer must clearly reflect a high-level analysis
and evaluation. The answer must have identified at least
five historical landmarks in the development of legal
systems. (6 marks).
Task Two:
A. The answer must demonstrate a clear understanding
of the 5 steps of the Critical Legal Analysis Process”.
The main areas and points of dispute must have been
clearly identified. The answer must be supported by
case law. (7 marks)
Task Two:
B. The answer must demonstrate a clear understanding
of the 5 steps of the “Critical Legal Analysis Process”.
The main area of dispute must have been clearly
identified. The answer must be supported by case law.
(7 marks)
Student’s Marks
Faculty Comments