Uploaded by Reshad Hanna

Psychosocial Assessment: Nursing of Adults & Older Adults

GN 6552: Clinical Practicum Nursing of Adults and Older Adults II
Psychosocial Assessment
Erikson’s Developmental Stage:
Generativity vs. stagnation
Has the current health problem interfered with accomplishing the development tasks? If so, how?
Yes. In a way patient feels they are stagnating with deteriorating health. First time she has felt this
much pain in legs and shortness of breath. However, is still cheerful.
What impact does the illness have on the client and the family? What fears and concerns are expressed
that relate to client’s present illness?
Family is concerned for the patient because she is getting older and they will have to make sure
she is taken care of and has no further pain. They do not want her condition to worsen or reoccur while
she has limited assistance at home
How does the client seem to be coping? _Accepts her condition and is trying to be positive, but can tell
some lack of motivation due to her age and worsening health.
What supportive behaviors from family/significant others are evident?
Patient’s family calls to check in and talks to her. Daughter is busy at work so did not have time to
come in today but visited her second day here.
What cultural practices should be considered during hospitalization?
None, patient has no special cultural practices.
Does culture/language influence communication between client/family and the healthcare providers?
_________No, English is native language.____________________________________
What seems to be the client’s emotional state?
Normal for age/culture
Withdrawn Depressed
Flat affect
Anxious (slightly) Fearful
Expressive Other: cheerful
Updated April 2021
Are there any signs or symptoms that may indicate actual or potential physical, emotional, or financial
abuse? Describe:
None. Patient has no signs of abuse and has good family support.
Does the client express or display signs of spiritual distress? _______N/A_________ Describe:________________
Social Services __Possible home health follow up to ensure she has resources and assistance if
Chaplain ______N/A___________________________________________________________________________
Case Manager ______Reviews all cases per Kaiser
Updated April 2021