WORKOUT ( Push 1 ) Exercise weight sets Reps 3 20 5 10 Incline Barbell Bench press 4 8 Arnold Press 4 12 Cable side lateral raises 3 12 Incline Plyo Push ups 3 20 Dumbell Skullcrushers 3 15 3 10 3 15 3 Max hold Push Ups Dips Parallel grip Abs Hanging Leg Raise / Knee Raise Pallof press with bands or cable L-sit Max holds Start with Bodyweight Tucked L-sit if hard comments Add weights if possible WORKOUT ( Pull 1 ) Exercise sets Reps Pull up shrugs 3 10 Bodyweight Chin-ups 5 5 Wide Grip Cable Lat pulldowns 4 12 Dumbell rows on incline bench 3 12 Seated Cable Row Wide grip 3 12 Machine concentration curls 4 12 3 12 Dumbell Shrugs 4 10 Machine Hyperextension 3 12 Rope Face pulls weight Pause for 1sec comments Maintain form and FULL REPS WORKOUT ( Legs ) Exercise weight sets Reps 3 12 3 12 3 1min 3 12 Machine Leg Press 3 12 Kossaq Squats 3 12 3 15 1 100 Barbell Deadlift Bulgarian split squats Carry weight if easy Step ups with weights Walking Lunges Glute bridges with one leg raises Standing Calf Raises Stairmaster Carry Dumbells Slow and Controlled 20min comments Watch video WORKOUT ( Push 2 ) Exercise sets Reps comments 3 30 Each arm 3 5-10 Watch Video Smith machine Shoulder press 4 10 Flat Dumbell Bench press 3 10 3 12 Machine Cable Crossover 3 15 Dumbell front raises 4 12 SLOW Bicycle Crunches 3 20 Hollow Rock holds with weight 3 Max weight Lying Dumbell Shoulder External Rotations Tempo Push ups Diamond Push ups 4-0-4 Watch video VERY SLOW MOVEMENT WORKOUT ( Pull 2 ) Exercise weight sets Reps 3 15 5 10 Chin ups 3 10 Barbell Bent-over rows 3 12 Straight arm lat pulldowns (Narrow & Wide) 4 12 Cable Upright row 3 15 Seated Cable row ( close grip ) 4 12 Barbell curls 7-7-7 3 15 V-sit ups Side plank holds 3 20 3 30sec Rope Face Pulls Pull ups with isometric holds at top Hold top position for 5sec each rep comments Make sure you go all the way down to hanging Athlete: Omar Workout: Push Phase: Week 1-4 ACTIVE Phase Phase 1: Release Method SMR Target Muscle Release Exercise(s) Foam Roll: Back, Lats, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps Sets 1 1 Reps 30sec each muscle 15 1 1 30sec 15 1 15 1 12 1 1 30sec 10 1 10 (self massage release) Phase 2: Open/Anchor (Isolated/Independent) Mobility Drills All joints are Wrist rotations arms while arms on the side + moving well Shoulder Circles + band shoulder dislocations Activation Drills Phase 3: Core (Reset/Resync) Global Core Activation (Short and Intense) Phase 4: Integrated Movement (Interdependent) Fundamental Movements Phase 5: CNS (Explosive Power/Speed) Jump, Sprint, Throw, SportSpecific Drills Phase 6: Rehearsal (Primary Movement Pattern) Upper/Lower Primary Movement Shoulder, Chest, Back stretch with bands Core engagement Mountain climbers or bear walks in fundamental positions RKC planks Dynamic motor Push up Shrugs (control) control Or Dips Shrugs CNS activation Dumbbell Front raise drops Plyo Push ups Primary Hindu push up Movement Shoulder reach through Phase 7: Auto-Regulate (Add, Remove, Modify) Fillers Substitutions 1B) Internal rotation shoulder stretch 1C) Chest stretches 1D) Foam roll any tightness you feel Add, Remove, Modify Athlete: Omar Workout: Pull Phase: Week 1-4 ACTIVE Phase Phase 1: Release Method SMR Target Muscle Release Exercise(s) Foam Roll: Back, Lats, Biceps Sets 1 All joints are Band pull aparts 45 degree + Scarecrows moving well Or Band Horizontal Abduction with external rotation 1 Reps 30sec each muscle 15 1 30sec 1 15 1 30sec 1 15 1 8 1 1 30sec 8 (self massage release) Phase 2: Open/Anchor (Isolated/Independent) Mobility Drills Activation Drills Phase 3: Core (Reset/Resync) Global Core Activation (Short and Intense) Phase 4: Integrated Movement (Interdependent) Fundamental Movements Phase 5: CNS (Explosive Power/Speed) Jump, Sprint, Throw, SportSpecific Drills Phase 6: Rehearsal (Primary Movement Pattern) Phase 7: Auto-Regulate (Add, Remove, Modify) Upper/Lower Primary Movement Fillers Substitutions Shoulder, Back, Lat stretch with bands Core engagement Bird dogs or Deadbug (core engaged) in fundamental positions Sit ups Dynamic motor Pull up Shrugs (control) control CNS activation Explosive Burpees or High jumps from squat Or Jump jacks + Seal jumps for 30sec Active Hang Primary Pull ups Movement Or Chin ups 1B) Band Lat Stretches. 1C) Dead hang 1D) Foam roll Forearms and biceps Add, Remove, Modify Athlete: Omar Workout: Legs Phase: Week 1-4 ACTIVE Phase Phase 1: Release Method SMR Target Muscle Release Exercise(s) Foam Roll: Hip flexor, Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, and Calves Sets 1 Reps 30sec each 1 1 1 20 10 30sec 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 10 1 10 (self massage release) Phase 2: Open/Anchor (Isolated/Independent) Mobility Drills Activation Drills Phase 3: Core (Reset/Resync) Global Core Activation (Short and Intense) Phase 4: Integrated Movement (Interdependent) Fundamental Movements Phase 5: CNS (Explosive Power/Speed) Jump, Sprint, Throw, SportSpecific Drills Phase 6: Rehearsal (Primary Movement Pattern) Upper/Lower Primary Movement Phase 7: Auto-Regulate (Add, Remove, Modify) Fillers Substitutions All joints are Sitting knee rolls moving well Quadruped slides Seated Glute Stretch Core engagement Striders in fundamental positions Frankestains Dynamic motor Squat to stand and reach control X-band walks CNS activation High jumps Primary Bodyweight squat Movement 1B) All leg stretches specially half-kneeling 1C) Foam roll tight areas 1D) Eliminate jumping if there is knee pain Add, Remove, Modify