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Online vs. Traditional Media: Advantages & Disadvantages

Bordon, Estefania
Thanks to the latest technology developments more and more people have
started replacing traditional media by online media. This last one has several
positive aspects as well as some drawbacks. Firstly, it allows fast access to
information. There is no need to wait for tv programmes to release the first news,
no matter where you are you can get immediate access to press. Secondly, it
gives users freedom. There are plenty of global websites to choose from. This
allows visitors to navigate different web pages and so to get diverse perspectives
on the same topics.
However, reading online can also have some disadvantages. To start with,
the growing problem of fake news. The abuse of social media and other digital
platforms can lead to the spread of misinformation, that is why it is always
important to check the credibility of the source. And another negative aspect is
the amount of pop-up ads on the websites. They can be a threaten to software
devices as well as annoying for the readers.
In conclusion, despite a few people are reluctant to quit traditional media
because of the mentioned reasons above, many others are beneficiating from
speed, convenience and freedom offered by online media.