G RO U P E B RU X E L L E S L A M B E RT 1 9 9 7 Brought to you by Global Reports CONTENTS KEY FIGURES 5 DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS IN 1997 6 MANAGEMENT REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 10 GENERAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 10 G B L’ S A C T I V I T I E S 10 HIGHLIGHTS OF 1997 11 EVENTS SINCE THE END OF THE YEAR AND OUTLOOK 12 R E S U LT S F O R T H E Y E A R 13 PROFIT DISTRIBUTION POLICY AND PROPOSED DIVIDEND FOR 1997 E S T I M AT E D VA L U E 14 GBL SHARES 14 WARRANTS 14 SPONSORSHIP 14 P O RT F O L I O 15 I N T E R M E D I A T E H O L D I N G C O M PA N I E S 15 M A I N O P E R A T I N G C O M PA N I E S 19 C O M PA R I S O N O F C O N T R I B U T I O N T O O P E R A T I N G R E S U LT S A N D E S T I M AT E D VA L U E 1 9 9 7 / 1 9 9 6 23 25 INVESTMENTS AT 31 DECEMBER 1997 S U E Z LYO N N A I S E D E S E A U X PE T R O F I N A 28 C L T- U F A 30 R OYA L E B E L G E 32 I M E TA L 34 BERNHEIM-COMOFI 36 UNQUOTED SHAREHOLDINGS 26 38 39 ACCOUNTS AT 31 DECEMBER 1997 E C O N O M I C S U M M A RY 40 SYNTHETICAL CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET E C O N O M I C A L C O N S O L I D A T E D R E S U LT S 42 E S T I M AT E D VA L U E 44 C O N S O L I DAT E D AC C O U N T S 49 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 73 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 40 83 R E S O LU T I O N S P R O P O S E D T O S H A R E H O L D E R S ’ GLOSSARY 13 92 94 C O N TA C T S A N D R E P LY C A R D 95 * * * FINANCIAL CALENDAR Ordinary General Meeting 1998: 26 May at 5pm Payment of coupon no. 37: 11 June 1998 Exercising of the warrant: between 1 and 20 June inclusive and between 1 and 20 December inclusive Publication of 1998 interim results: end September Publication of 1998 annual results: end March 1999 Ordinary General meeting 1999: 25 May at 5pm * * * On 5 May 1998, the Banking and Financial Commission authorized the use of this document as a reference for any public offer which may be made by Groupe Bruxelles Lambert S.A. up to the date of publication of its next annual report, under the provisions of Title II of Royal Decree no. 185 of 9 July 1935, under the dissociated information procedure. Under this procedure, this annual report should be accompanied by an operations note in order for it to constitute a prospectus within the meaning of article 29 of Royal Decree no. 185 of 9 July 1935. This prospectus will be submitted for the approval of the Banking and Financial Commission in accordance with article 29ter. 1st paragraph, 1st sentence of Royal Decree no. 185 of 9 July 1935. Brought to you by Global Reports G R O U P E B R U X E L L E S L A M B E R T S . A . ANNUAL REPORT PRESENTED TO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING O F S H A R E H O L D E R S O N TU E S D A Y 2 6 M A Y 1 9 9 8 1997 FINANCIAL YEAR 24, AVENUE MARNIX 1000 BRUSSELS - BELGIUM TEL.: 32-2-547.23.52 - FAX: 32-2-547.22.85 REGISTERED IN BRUSSELS: 246.108 VAT: BE 403 228 010 Brought to you by Global Reports KEY FIGURES 90 ANNUAL REPORT 1997 2 Brought to you by Global Reports 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 TOTAL Total profit and operating profit 16,891 Operating profit and group share of profits of related companies 31,725 8000 8000 7000 7000 6000 6000 5000 5000 4000 4000 3000 93 94 95 Total Profit 96 3000 97 93 94 95 96 Operating Profit Operating Profit Shareholders' equity and shareholdings Stock market capitalisation 200000 200000 190000 190000 180000 180000 170000 170000 160000 160000 150000 150000 140000 140000 130000 130000 120000 120000 110000 110000 100000 100000 90000 90000 80000 93 94 95 Shareholders' equity 96 80000 97 Shareholdings ANNUAL REPORT 1997 3 Brought to you by Global Reports 93 94 95 97 Group share 96 97 PER SHARE Total profit and gross dividend 718 Operating profit and gross dividend 1,327 350 350 300 300 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 93 94 95 Total Profit 96 97 93 Gross dividend 94 95 Operating Profit 96 Share price and estimated value Share price and BEL 20 9500 9500 9000 9000 8500 8500 8000 8000 7500 7500 7000 7000 6500 6500 6000 6000 5500 5500 5000 5000 4500 4500 4000 4000 3500 3500 3000 3000 2500 2500 2000 92 93 94 Share price 95 96 2000 97 Estimated value 93 94 Share price ANNUAL REPORT 1997 4 Brought to you by Global Reports 92 97 Gross dividend 95 96 97 BEL20 TOTAL (BF million) 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 7,644 31,725 7,764 16,891 6,660 6,602 6,223 6,633 5,900 6,382 Fixed long-term resources Shareholders’ equity Third party interests Long-term debt 117,319 80,170 11,472 88,676 77,049 12,885 75,597 58,578 8,157 74,184 49,627 11,929 71,370 44,110 7,864 Stock market valuation at 31 December 130,248 96,033 94,034 88,627 91,342 Total estimated value at 31 December 178,987 137,234 116,590 110,608 116,504 320 1,327 330 718 283 281 265 282 259 281 Dividends Gross dividend Net dividend Net VVPR/AFV dividend 210.00 157.50 178.50 200.00 150.00 170.00 195.33 146.50 166.03 195.29 145.00 169.14 195.29 145.00 146.75 Pay-out Dividend / operating profit Dividend / total profit 65.63% 15.83% 60.61% 27.86% 69.02% 69.51% 73.69% 69.25% 75.40% 69.50% Share price at 31 December maximum minimum average in year 5,360 6,160 4,020 5,377 4,085 4,300 3,680 4,011 4,000 4,190 3,200 3,783 3,770 4,590 3,625 4,173 4,015 4,035 2,605 3,545 Gross return Dividend / average share price 3.91% 4.99% 5.16% 4.68% 5.51% 36.11% 7.01% 11.28% −1.24% 51.26% 17 4 12 6 13 13 16 15 14 13 Estimated value at 31 December 7,366 5,838 4,959 4,705 5,121 Discount at 31 December 27.2% 30.0% 19.3% 19.9% 21.6% Weighting in BEL-20 (%) 2.6 2.4 3.3 3.5 3.5 Percentage of capital traded on stock exchange 15.4 17.0 11.8 12.7 11.7 Number of shares in issue Number of warrants in issue Wheighted average number of shares 24,299,940 1,483,638 23,903,200 23,508,759 2,274,819 23,508,679 23,508,607 2,274,971 23,508,600 23,508,600 2,274,978 23,508,580 22,750,218 0 22,749,992 Consolidated profit (Group share) Operating Total Per share (BF) Consolidated profit Operating Total Gross annual return Price earnings ratio Average share price / operating profit Average share price / total profit ANNUAL REPORT 1997 5 Brought to you by Global Reports DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS IN 1997 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Term of office Chairman, Managing Director BARON FRERE Vice-Chairman, Managing Director COUNT JEAN-PIERRE de LAUNOIT Chairman, Managing Director of Royale Belge Vice-Chairman, Director Managing Directors Directors 1994-2000 resignation effective 1 January 1998 PAUL DESMARAIS Chairman of the Executive Power Corporation du Canada 1994-2000 DIDIER BELLENS GERALD FRERE THIERRY de RUDDER 1993-1999 1994-2000 1993-1999 MICHEL BERTHEZENE Director of European Investment Fund 1995-1999 DOTTORE ALFONSO DESIATA Chairman, Managing Director of Alleanza Assicurazioni S.p.A. resignation effective 31 March 1998 PAUL DESMARAIS Jr. Chairman and joint CEO of Power Corporation du Canada 1996-2002 ANDRE DESMARAIS Chairman and joint CEO of Power Corporation du Canada 1996-2002 JACQUES FRIEDMANN Chairman of Supervisory Board of AXA-UAP resignation effective 25 March 1998 AIMERY LANGLOIS-MEURINNE Vice-Chairman and Director General of Parfinance 1993-1999 JEAN PEYRELEVADE Chairman of Crédit Lyonnais 1996-2002 MICHEL PLESSIS-BELAIR Vice-Chairman of the Board and Head Financial Services of Power Corporation du Canada 1996-2002 FAHAD AL-RAJAAN Director General of The Public Institution for Social Security 1995-2001 GILLES SAMYN Managing Director of Compagnie Nationale à Portefeuille 1993-1999 PIERRE SCOHIER Chairman of the Board of Directors of Compagnie Benelux Paribas «Cobepa» 1993-1999 AMAURY-DANIEL de SEZE 1994-2000 Member of the Directoire of Compagnie Financière and of Banque Paribas SHEIKH ABDULAZIZ ABDULLAH AL-SULAIMAN Chairman of Rolaco Trading & Contracting 1997-2000 ALDO VASTAPANE Chairman of Belgian Sky Shops 1993-1999 ANNUAL REPORT 1997 6 Brought to you by Global Reports Honorary Managing Directors JACQUES MOULAERT EMILE QUEVRIN Honorary Directors LEOPOLD BLAMPAIN JACQUES de BRUYN PIERRE CAMBIER † COUNT BAUDOUIN du CHASTEL de la HOWARDERIE CHARLES DESPRET COUNT de FELS G. PETER FLECK JACQUES-HENRI GOUGENHEIM BARON LAMBERT COUNT JEAN-JACQUES de LAUNOIT PHILIPPE van der PLANCKE EXECUTIVE COMMITEE Chairman GERALD FRERE DIDIER BELLENS MICHEL BERTHEZENE* PAUL DESMARAIS PAUL DESMARAIS Jr. BARON FRERE COUNT JEAN-PIERRE de LAUNOIT** THIERRY de RUDDER GILLES SAMYN PIERRE SCOHIER * resignation effective 11 June 1997 ** resignation effective 1 January 1998 REMUNERATION COMMITTEE JACQUES MOULAERT MICHEL PLESSIS-BELAIR GILLES SAMYN PIERRE SCOHIER ALDO VASTAPANE AUDIT COMMITTEE (established 31 March 1998) MICHEL PLESSIS-BELAIR GILLES SAMYN PIERRE SCOHIER ANNUAL REPORT 1997 7 Brought to you by Global Reports MANAGEMENT Investment department PHILIPPE GRUWEZ OLIVIER PIROTTE Finance department PATRICK DE VOS Consolidation, Budget, Financial engineering JEAN-PIERRE DEMOLDER TOM BAMELIS Accounting Treasury - Securities portfolio ANDRE HELBO ESTHER JAKOBER MARC DESCLEZ PASCAL PEIGNEUX Legal and taxation department Legal ANN OPSOMER VINCENT de DORLODOT Taxation PASCAL REYNAERTS Human resources and administration Personnel, General services MICHEL HUCKLENBROICH JACQUES WAUTIER MARIE SKIBA Research and documentation Secretary to the Board of Directors and Executive Committe MONIQUE SCHARTZ AUDITOR DELOITTE & TOUCHE Reviseurs d’Entreprises scc represented by Mr. CLAUDE POURBAIX ANNUAL REPORT 1997 8 Brought to you by Global Reports S TAT U T O R Y N O M I N AT I O N S Following a long career with the Group, and in accordance with the rules on age limits, Count Jean-Pierre de Launoit has retired from his office as a director and relinquished the executive duties associated therewith. As an expression of its gratitude to him for his outstanding service to the company, the Board of Directors has decided to propose to the Annual General Meeting that he be appointed honorary Vice-President and Managing Director. Mr Jacques Friedmann and Dottore Alfonso Desiata have resigned from their respective functions within the group. The Board of Directors has decided not to propose any replacement for the directors who have resigned. The term of office as auditor of Deloitte & Touche expires at the close of the Annual General Meeting. It is proposed to renew this term of office for a period of three years. If this proposal is approved, Messrs Claude Pourbaix and Michel Denayer will represent Deloitte & Touche. COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS At 31 December 1997, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert had five executive directors and fifteen non-executive directors. In future, directors will be elected for terms of office of three years duration. ROLE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS On the basis of proposals formulated by the Executive Committee, the Board determines the company’s strategic objectives, puts in place the structures and resources required to enable these objectives to be achieved, takes responsibility for the management and control of the company and reports to shareholders. It studies internal control reports and determines what action is required to be taken. It agrees the annual and half-yearly accounts and studies the reports of directors on the on-going management of the company. ROLE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee’s role is to continuously examine the group’s strategy and to present appropriate proposals to the Board of Directors. R O L E O F T H E R E M U N E R AT I O N C O M M I T T E E The Remuneration Committee makes proposals to the Board of Directors regarding the remuneration to be awarded to members of the Board of Directors and the Board Committees, to the Managing Directors and senior managers within the group. It also suggests the overall pay policy the company should adopt. ROLE OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE At its meeting on 31 March 1998, the Board of Directors decided to set up an Audit Committee. This committee’s role is to support the Board of Directors in maintaining internal controls, with a special focus on the analysis of: • half-yearly and annual accounts; • systems of internal control; • financial information to be provided to shareholders and third parties; • consultation at least twice each year with external auditors, to examine the scope of their work and conclusions they have arrived at in performing their role. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 9 Brought to you by Global Reports M A N AG E M E N T R E P O RT O F T H E B OA R D O F DIRECTORS Ladies and Gentlemen, We are pleased to present you with our report on the activities of GBL and to submit for your approval the annual accounts drawn up at 31 December 1997. GENERAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Economic growth picked up in Europe during 1997, building on improvements first discernable in 1996. This growth is not only export-driven, as previously, but is also fuelled by internal demand. The global picture was very variable. While the United States continued to benefit from strong growth, Asia was hit by serious financial crisis. It is difficult to estimate the future impact of this crisis but it had little effect on other industrialised countries in 1997. The confirmation of the launch of economic and monetary union with the introduction of the Euro in eleven European countries, including Belgium, is also highly significant. This is a major event, which will contribute significantly to the stability of a large internal market. It will also strengthen competition by forcing companies to make immediate short term structural adjustments. GBL operates within this stimulating environment and its activities cover three main areas: the management of the holding company as an investment vehicle, portfolio operations and monitoring the group’s operating companies. GBL’S ACTIVITIES GBL’s objective remains to manage a portfolio of strong and balanced investments that is diversified but limited to a small number of large companies whose development it can actively support. This portfolio evolves over time, with the disposal of investments that have reached maturity. The most significant example in 1997 was BBL, which was sold to ING. GBL has re-focused its energies on a strong but reduced core of operating companies: Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, PetroFina, CLT-UFA, Royale Belge, Imétal and Bernheim-Comofi, which with the exception of CLT-UFA, are stock exchange quoted. These operating companies are mainly held through 4 intermediate holding companies: Electrafina, Audiofina, Parfinance and Royale-Vendôme. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 10 Brought to you by Global Reports ELECTRAFINA PETROFINA SUEZ LYONNAISE DES EAUX PARFINANCE AUDIOFINA CLT-UFA ING* IMETAL ROYALEVENDOME ROYALE BELGE BERNHEIMCOMOFI * following acquisition by ING of BBL at the end of 1997 HIGHLIGHTS OF 1997 • January 1997: Audiofina and Bertelsmann set up CLT-UFA, which immediately became the premier audio-visual group in Europe. In order to equalise their respective holdings, Audiofina sold 16.7% of CLT-UFA to Bertelsmann for the sum of LUF 32 billion. GBL’s share of the profit from this disposal amounted to BF 4.8 billion. • February and December 1997: Taking advantage of highly attractive market conditions, American Cometra, a 100% subsidiary of Electrafina, disposed of its entire oil-sector operations in the United States. GBL’s share of the profit arising on this disposal amounted to BF 3.2 billion. • March-April 1997: GBL sold its 1.8% stake in GIB, realising a gain of BF 0.8 billion. • June and December 1997: Shareholders’ equity was increased by BF 3.5 billion, following the exercise of 791,181 GBL warrants at BF 4,400. • December 1997: GBL accepted the terms of ING’s takeover offer for BBL, receiving ING shares in exchange for its BBL stock. GBL realised a book profit on disposal of approximately BF 15.4 billion from this transaction. • January to December 1997: During the year, GBL, through Electrafina, on several occasions strengthened its holding in Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, a global communal services group that emerged from the take-over of Compagnie de Suez by Lyonnaise des Eaux. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 11 Brought to you by Global Reports Its holding at 31 December 1997 amounted to 11.2% of the share capital. If shares held by Royale Belge are included, the group’s interest in the new entity at the end of 1997 was 13.0%. Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux constituted GBL’s largest investment in terms of estimated value at 30 March 1998. EVENTS SINCE THE END OF THE YEAR AND OUTLOOK v In January 1998, GBL increased its holding in Electrafina, taking it above the 50% level; together with Royale Belge, it now controls 58.5% of the share capital. v Taking advantage of favourable stock market conditions at the beginning of 1998, GBL sold almost half of its shares in ING, realising a profit of BF 3.5 billion. Following this disposal, and on the basis of stock market prices on 30 March 1998, GBL’s investment in ING had an estimated value of BF 18.3 billion. v GBL disposed of its investments in Dewaay and in Banque Paribas Belgique (Banque Artesia), realising a gain on these transactions of BF 1.7 billion. v Parfinance, in which GBL has a 40.7% stake, sold its shares in Paribas and AXA-UAP in March. GBL’s share of the profit on disposal is in the region of BF 2 billion. Parfinance will distribute an exceptional dividend of FF 100 per share (GBL’s share of which will be BF 5.8 billion) and will then be absorbed by Imétal, in line with proposals to be submitted to shareholders of both companies. GBL will then become a direct shareholder in Imétal, with a stake of some 23.5%, while the Pargesa/GBL grouping will retain overall control with a combined holding of more than 50%. v Audiofina sold its holding in Havas, generating a gain of BF 0.4 billion in GBL’s accounts. v Electrafina disposed of its entire stake in Fibelpar to the Frère-Bourgeois group, generating a book profit of approximately BF 0.9 billion as a result. v AXA-UAP acquired GBL’s 25.1% stake in Royale-Vendôme, through which GBL and AXA-UAP exercised joint control over Royale Belge. This will be followed by an offer on the same terms from AXA-UAP for those shares in Royale Belge that it does not already own. GBL realised a profit of approximately BF 18 billion as a result of this transaction and received cash of BF 16 billion, in addition to shares in AXA-UAP with a stock market value of some BF 15 billion. Furthermore, GBL agreed that, after the offer has closed, it will buy from AXA-UAP and Royale Belge, directly or indirectly, a number of GBL shares, representing a minimum of 9.8% and a maximum of 13.1% of its share capital. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 12 Brought to you by Global Reports RESULTS FOR THE YEAR GBL recorded a consolidated profit (group share) of BF 31.7 billion in 1997, compared with BF 16.9 billion in the previous year, the increase being primarily attributable to the profits earned on the disposal of investments in BBL, CLT-UFA and Cometra. The 1996 result, in turn, had been significantly affected by the disposal of Tractebel. The consolidated operating profit was BF 7.6 billion, almost unchanged from 1996. Contributions from related companies amounted to BF 6.2 billion, down 9% from the previous year. Improved performance from PetroFina, BBL, Royale Belge and Imétal failed to compensate for losses at CLT-UFA and the deconsolidation of Tractebel. It should be noted that CLT-UFA’s losses of BF 2.9 billion include start-up costs of BF 6.5 billion. The group’s results are presented in more detail in the financial statements contained in the second part of this annual report. PROFIT DISTRIBUTION POLICY AND PROPOSED DIVIDEND FOR 1997 GBL’s distribution policy attempts to strike a balance between yielding an attractive return for shareholders and achieving growth in the capital value of its share holdings. Distributions are dependent on both the trend in the consolidated operating result and dividend income received from the group’s main operating subsidiaries. For 1997, the Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting a total dividend of BF 5,103 million, compared to BF 4,702 million the previous year. The resulting gross dividend per share is fixed at BF 210, an increase of BF 10, and represents: - BF 157.50 net per ordinary share - BF 178.50 net per ordinary share presented with a VVPR strip. Following approval of this proposal, the dividend will be payable from 11 June 1998 by either cheque or bank transfer to nominative shareholders, or upon the presentation of coupon no. 37 detached from the share certificates at branches of the following banks: BELGIUM Bank Brussels Lambert Banque Artesia (formerly Banque Paribas Belgique) FRANCE BBL France GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG Banque Internationale à Luxembourg NETHERLANDS ABN-AMRO Bank ANNUAL REPORT 1997 13 Brought to you by Global Reports ESTIMATED VALUE The estimated value of GBL at 31 December 1997 was BF 179 billion, compared to BF 137 billion at the end of 1996. This is equivalent to BF 7,366 per ordinary share at 31 December 1997 and BF 5,838 at 31 December 1996, an increase of 26.2%. The discount to estimated value, which stood at 30.0% on 31 December 1996 was 27.2% on 31 December 1997. A detailed calculation of the estimated value is given on page 44 of this annual report. GBL SHARES GBL shares are traded on the main Brussels stock exchange. Key stock market data for the last five years are summarised as follows: 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 Amount traded (BF billion) Number of shares traded (thousands) Average number of shares traded per day Percentage of capital traded on the stock market 29.1 13.8 10.5 12.5 10.3 3,752 3,988 2,784 2,976 2,659 15,008 15,952 11,136 11,904 10,636 15.4 17.0 11.8 12.7 11.7 WARRANTS GBL issued 758,340 new ordinary shares in February 1994, to which 2,275,020 warrants were attached (3 warrants per share). At the end of 1997, 1,483,638 of these warrants had not been exercised. They can be exercised between 1 and 20 June 1998 inclusive and, for the last time, between 1 and 20 December 1998 inclusive. The exercise price is fixed at BF 4,400. New ordinary shares issued in June will be entitled to a dividend for that year (payable in 1999) while those issued in December 1998 will enjoy dividend rights only from 1 January 1999 (dividend payable in 2000). 791,181 warrants were exercised in 1997, resulting in an increase of BF 3.5 billion in GBL’s shareholders’ equity. SPONSORSHIP Our sponsorship policy has been focused for almost 20 years on four main areas: - Charity - Scientific research - Painting and music - Miscellaneous ANNUAL REPORT 1997 14 Brought to you by Global Reports A committee meets monthly to consider requests and each case is considered individually on its own merits. A total amount of BF 6.4 million was allocated in 1997 to more than 70 projects, the most significant of which, put forward by the King Baudouin Foundation, received an amount of BF 1.5 million. PORTFOLIO The intermediate holding companies are reviewed over the next few pages. This is followed by a review of the contribution of main operating companies (PetroFina, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, CLT-UFA, BBL, Royale Belge and Imétal) to the estimated value and to the consolidated results of GBL. Finally, from page 25, there is a description of the activities of each of the operating companies. INTERMEDIATE HOLDING COMPANIES ELECTRAFINA COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES EAUX ROYALE BELGE 8.0% 48.4% 22.6% ELECTRAFINA Electrafina, whose stock market capitalisation and estimated value at 31 December 1997 amounted to BF 135 billion and BF 198 billion, respectively, has historically been the group’s holding company in the oil sector, in addition to managing investments in the audio-visual and local communal services sectors. In the audio-visual sector, Electrafina has come to an agreement with the Havas group under which Electrafina acquired Havas’s 40% stake in Compagnie Luxembourgeoise Multi Media (CLMM) in return for a certain number of shares and loan stock redeemable in shares in Audiofina that Electrafina had previously held directly. Following this transaction, Havas’s holding in Audiofina amounted to 19.6%. With a view to simplifying its organisation, Electrafina then dissolved CLMM. It currently has a direct investment of 48.5% in Audiofina and, together with GBL, controls more than 50% of the company. Electrafina has also transferred its 1.4% stake in Canal+ to Audiofina. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 15 Brought to you by Global Reports During the year, Electrafina significantly strengthened its interests in the local communal services sector through the creation of Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, formed by the merger between Compagnie de Suez and Lyonnaise des Eaux, Electrafina held 11.2% of the capital and almost 10% of the voting rights in the newly formed company at 31 December 1997. Investments entered into during the financial year amounted to some BF 32 billion. PetroFina is the company’s principal holding in the oil sector, accounting for 36.7% of Electrafina’s estimated value. American Cometra disposed of its US oil sector assets to Lomak Petroleum and Pioneer Natural Resources Cy. Electrafina is continuing to pursue its interests in Canada through its 100% subsidiary Canadian Cometra and internationally through Monument Oil and Gas, a London Stock Exchange quoted company in which it has a 25.6% stake. As a result of the improved performance of its operating subsidiaries, Electrafina recorded an operating profit of almost BF 6.0 billion producing a group share of the net profit for the 1997 financial year amounting of BF 10.5 billion. Electrafina will distribute a gross dividend per share of BF 145 in respect of the 1997 financial year, with a total pay-out of BF 5.5 billion. AUDIOFINA 56.4%* ELECTRAFINA 48.5% AUDIOFINA * including 8% held by Royale Belge ANNUAL REPORT 1997 16 Brought to you by Global Reports 1.7% On January 13, 1997, the combination of CLT and UFA, the audio-visual subsidiary of the Bertelsmann group of Germany, created the premier audio-visual group in Europe, CLT-UFA. In order to balance their respective shareholdings in the new entity, Audiofina sold 16.7% of CLT-UFA to Bertelsmann for a sum of LUF 32 billion. Following these transactions, Audiofina and Bertelsmann held 98% of the capital of CLT-UFA. At 31 December 1997, Audiofina had investments in Havas (3.3%) and Canal+ (1.4%). Early in 1998, following the announcement of Compagnie Générale des Eaux’s takeover bid for Havas, Audiofina sold its Havas shares on the stock market, realising a profit of LUF 1.5 billion. PARFINANCE PARGESA 46.5% 47.6% PARFINANCE 40.7% At 31 December 1997, GBL held 40.7% of the capital of Parfinance, a French-based holding company. At that date, more than 65% of the estimated value of Parfinance was accounted for by Imétal, in which Parfinance’s interest was increased during 1997 from 52.5% to 54.4%. At 31 December 1997, Parfinance still had a 1.9% interest in the Paribas group, as well as 0.7% in AXA-UAP, both of which were disposed of early in 1998. These disposals raised a total of FF 3.1 billion in cash. GBL’s share of the profit on disposal should amount to approximately BF 2 billion. The net consolidated profit for 1997 amounted to FF 583 million against FF 126 million in 1996. The current year’s figures include the writing back of a provision (FF 230 million) made in previous years against the value of Paribas shares. Imétal’s net contribution to the result was FF 299 million, which was unchanged from 1996. The Board of Directors of Parfinance will propose to its Annual General Meeting on 12 May the payment of an exceptional dividend of FF 100 per share, on top of the unchanged dividend of FF 7.5 per ordinary share. Following this exceptional distribution, Parfinance’s net assets will be made up of its 54.4% stake in Imétal and cash resources of around FF 1 billion. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 17 Brought to you by Global Reports The Board also approved a proposal for Parfinance to be absorbed by Imétal, which will become effective on 1 July 1998 with the issue of 2 ex-dividend Imétal shares for 5 Parfinance shares after ordinary and exceptional distributions. Further details of this transaction are given on page 35 of this annual report. ROYALE-VENDOME 25.1% AXA-UAP ROYALEVENDOME 74.9% 51.2% ROYALE BELGE 9.5% GBL and AXA-UAP jointly own Royale-Vendôme, an unquoted company which acts as a vehicle for the joint control of Royale Belge. Royale-Vendôme’s interest in Royale Belge remained unchanged from the previous year, at 51.2%. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 18 Brought to you by Global Reports MAIN OPERATING COMPANIES In 1997, the main operating companies (PetroFina, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, CLT-UFA, BBL, Imétal and Royale Belge), each of which is managed through intermediate holding companies, contributed BF 6.2 billion to GBL’s total operating profit of BF 7.6 billion. SUEZ LYONNAISE DES EAUX Share of estimated value Share of GBL’s operating profit 6% 15.7% BF 28.1 billion (BF 6.5 billion in 1996) BF 0.4 billion At 31 December 1997, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux accounted for some 15.7% of the estimated value of GBL. Following an increase in its share price, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux was GBL’s single largest investment at 30 March 1998, representing almost 20% of the group’s estimated value. Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux’s contribution to the consolidated result consists solely of Compagnie de Suez’s ordinary dividend distributed in June 1997, the balance being deducted from the carrying value of the investment in the consolidated accounts. A full explanation of the accounting treatment of this dividend is given on page 42. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 19 Brought to you by Global Reports PETROFINA Share of estimated value Share of GBL’s operating profit 31% 19.6% BF 35.1 billion (BF 25.9 billion in 1996) BF 2.4 billion (BF 1.7 billion in 1996) Profit for the year was BF 22.1 billion, an increase of 38% over the 1996 financial year. PetroFina accounted for 31% of the group’s operating profit. GBL’s economic holding in PetroFina amounts to 11.0%, through Electrafina which owns 22.7% of PetroFina. PetroFina’s share of GBL’s estimated value rose from BF 25.9 billion to BF 35.1 billion at 31 December 1997, reflecting an increase in the company’s share price (BF 13,675 on 31 December 1997 against BF 10,100 on 31 December 1996). ROYALE BELGE Share of estimated value Share of GBL’s operating profit 12.2% 15% BF 21.8 billion (BF 13.5 billion in 1996) BF 1.2 billion (BF 1.0 billion in 1996) Royale Belge accounted for 12.2% of GBL’s estimated value at 31 December 1997, against 9.8% in 1996. This is primarily explained by its share price, which increased from BF 6,550 at the end of 1996 to BF 10,550 at the end of 1997. Profits for the year in question amounted to BF 9 billion, not including a capital profit of BF 14.2 billion realised on the disposal of BBL shares. The profit figure for 1996 was BF 7.1 billion, excluding a gain of BF 4.2 billion on the disposal of Tractebel shares. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 20 Brought to you by Global Reports The relative shares of GBL’s operating profit for 1996 and 1997 do not take into account these gains on disposal. Royale Belge’s contribution to GBL’s result also includes its investments in Electrafina and BBL. AUDIOFINA / CLT-UFA Audiofina’s share of estimated value Audiofina’s share of GBL’s operating profit 14.1% -1% BF −0.01 billion (BF 0.8 billion in 1996) BF 25.2 billion (BF 24.5 billion in 1996) Following the contribution by Bertelsmann of its audio-visual subsidiary, UFA, to CLT at the beginning of 1997 and the subsequent sale of 16.7% of the new group, CLT-UFA, to Bertelsmann for BF 32 billion, Audiofina and Bertelsmann own 98% of CLT-UFA in equal proportions. CLT-UFA reported a loss of BF 2.9 billion in 1997, including start-up losses of BF 6.5 billion. In 1996, profit amounted to BF 3.4 billion. GBL’s transitive interest in CLT-UFA dropped from 22.1% to 11.2%, following the re-balancing transaction described above that took place in January 1997. Audiofina contributed about 13% of GBL’s estimated value at the end of March 1998 (approximately BF 1,110 per GBL share). Apart from the 49% stake in CLT-UFA, Audiofina had a 1.4% interest in Canal+ and cash on hand of BF 38 billion at 31 March 1998. The Havas shares were sold in early 1998. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 21 Brought to you by Global Reports IMETAL Share of estimated value Share of GBL’s operating profit 8.5% 11% BF 15.2 billion (BF 15.0 billion in 1996) BF 0.8 billion (BF 0.8 billion in 1996) Imétal’s contribution to the consolidated results increased from BF 787 million to BF 827 million, largely as a result of Parfinance’s increased investment in Imétal. At the end of 1997, GBL’s economic interest in Imétal was 22.1%, representing some 8.5% of the group’s estimated value. BANK BRUSSELS LAMBERT - ING ING’s share of estimated value BBL’s share of GBL’s operating profit 13.5% 19% BF 24.2 billion BF 1.5 billion (BF 1.3 billion in 1996) ING Groep launched a takeover bid for BBL on 11 November 1997, in a share exchange deal valuing the shares at BF 9,500. GBL and Royale Belge responded positively to this offer and exchanged their BBL shares for those of ING. This transaction generated a book profit of BF 15.4 billion for GBL, of which BF 1.6 billion represents the share of the profit realised by Royale Belge. This profit recorded by GBL in 1997 was calculated on the basis of a reference share price of BF 9,500. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 22 Brought to you by Global Reports The terms of the offer were: 6 ING ordinary shares, a call B warrant (exercisable for a period of 10 years at a price of NLG 110) and a cash sum of BF 300 for each BBL share. The ING shares received as part of the exchange were booked at the corresponding value of the BBL shares on the date in question, which was less than NLG 85. The offer was open from 3 to 17 December and resulted in ING Groep acquiring 95.57% of the bank’s shares. As required by law, the offer was re-opened under the same conditions from 8 to 23 January 1998, enabling ING to increase its stake to 98.60%. At the beginning of 1998, GBL realised a profit of BF 3.5 billion through selling almost half of its investment in ING. As the stake in BBL was owned by GBL and Royale Belge throughout almost the entire year, BBL was treated as a related company for the purposes of the consolidated result. It contributed BF 1,462 million, against BF 1,276 million in 1996. COMPARISON OF CONTRIBUTION TO OPERATING RESULTS AND ESTIMATED VALUE 1997/1996 In 1997, GBL’s operating result was BF 7,644 million, against BF 7,764 in 1996. It can be broken down as follows: At 31 December 1997 (BF million) At 31 December 1996 (BF million) 2,397 1,724 1,462 1,276 1,154 827 713 972 741 805 787 750 439 871 579 -89 Suez PetroFina Royale Audiofina Imétal Lyonnaise Belge des Eaux BBL Miscellaneous Cash PetroFina Royale Audiofina Imétal Belge ANNUAL REPORT 1997 23 Brought to you by Global Reports BBL Tractebel Miscellaneous Cash At 31 December 1997, GBL’s estimated value increased by 26% and stood at BF 7,366 per share, compared to BF 5,838 a year earlier. At 30 March 1998, the estimated value per share amounted to BF 8,586 - a 47% increase since the start of 1997. During the same period, the share price increased by 59% and the Belgian stock exchange index (BEL-20) grew by 57%. At 31 December 1997 Miscellaneous 946 Cash 264 At 31 December 1996 Cash 490 Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux 1,155 ING 996 PetroFina 1,443 Miscellaneous 1,007 Royale Belge 573 BBL 712 Imétal 627 Audiofina 1,036 Imétal 638 Royale Belge 899 Estimated value per share: BF 7,366 Audiofina 1,041 Estimated value per share: BF 5,838 ANNUAL REPORT 1997 24 Brought to you by Global Reports Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux 277 PetroFina 1,100 I N V E S T M E N T S AT 3 1 D E C E M B E R 1 9 9 7 ELECTRAFINA PETROFINA SUEZ LYONNAISE DES EAUX PARFINANCE AUDIOFINA CLT-UFA ING* IMETAL ROYALEVENDOME ROYALE BELGE BERNHEIMCOMOFI * following ING’s acquisition of BBL in late 1997 The following information is provided in respect of each of the operational investments over the next few pages: • an organisation chart of the investment structure showing the percentage of shares held at 31 December 1997; • a graph showing GBL’s percentage stake in the company’s capital (not fully diluted). The figure given for percentage control is based on voting rights. The percentage holding is the result of the transitive calculation through the different group entities owning shares in the company in question; the significance of this percentage is that it represents the share of profits of the related companies included in the consolidated accounts for the year ending 31 December 1997; • a graphical representation of the company’s results. The key figure used is the group share of the net consolidated profit after tax, as published in the annual report of the company in question; • a table of key figures covering financial and operating data appropriate to each company; • the group’s non fully diluted interest (%), which is shown in each table, includes any investments held by Royale Belge. The glossary with definitions of key words can be found on page 94. Some comments are required about the contents of the financial data tables for each of the related companies. Unless indicated otherwise, data relating to the company as a whole are expressed in million Belgian francs while data relating to individual shares are expressed in Belgian francs. Balance sheet data are consolidated. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 25 Brought to you by Global Reports 48,4% AUDIOFINA ELECTRAFINA ROYALEVENDOME PARFINANCE 11,2% SUEZ LYONNAISE DES EAUX PETROFINA CLT-UFA ROYALE BELGE IMETAL Percentage holding 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 93 94 95 CONTROL 96 BERNHEIMCOMOFI Profit (FF) 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 97 93 94 EQUITY INTEREST 1997 Financial data (in FF) Shareholders’ equity Market capitalisation Profit Distributed profit Profit per share Dividend per share ** Share price Number of shares in issue Group share (%) 95 96 97 pro forma 1996 Pro forma 49,301 84,073 4,013 2,450 45,400 71,057* 1,981 N.A. 32.3 15.0 666 126,235,772 13.0 15.9 12.0 566* 125,541,972* 6.3 * at 19 June 1997, the date of the merger between Compagnie de Suez and Lyonnaise des Eaux ** excluding tax credit Operational data (in FF) Turnover Gross operating margin (EBITDA) Operating profit Net operating result (group share) Net consolidated debt Financial fixed assets and capital expenditure Debt / equity ratio Group profitability (EBIT / capital employed) Employees ANNUAL REPORT 1997 26 Brought to you by Global Reports 1997 1996 Pro forma 190,420 41,669 15,030 3,995 60,400 29,300 53% 11% 174,458 173,214 36,363 12,393 3,438 61,300 N.A. 57% N.A. 169,238 Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux was created in June 1997 from the merger between Compagnie de Suez and Lyonnaise des Eaux. The group will focus on four activities that help fulfil man’s basic needs: Energy, Water, Cleaning and Communications, with the ultimate objective of becoming the world’s leading supplier of local communal services. With sales of FF 190 billion and a market capitalisation of more than FF 120 billion, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux is one of the largest European companies in its sector. Since the merger, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux has made significant investments in its four core activities and sold off non-strategic assets. The group has also continued to simplify its structure. With a presence in over a hundred countries, the group is continuing to develop internationally in its four core areas. Key events in 1997: • Significant transactions in the Energy sector, mainly realised by the Tractebel group and including: the acquisition of a network of gas pipelines in Kazakhstan, the operation of power stations in Thailand, the purchase of two co-generation facilities in the United States and the wining of a contract for the construction and operation of a 350 MW facility in Luxembourg. • International water contracts won include Budapest, Cordoba, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh City, Manilla, Medan, Milwaukee and Potsdam. The group now provides drinking water for over 70 million people. • The acquisition of the French and Spanish activities of Waste Management International, those of VEA (Brazil’s foremost cleaning sector company) and, most significantly, the acquisition from Browning Ferris Industries (BFI) of all that company’s activities outside North America. The BFI acquisition, which will make Sita the European leader and world number three in the cleaning sector, represents an investment of FF 8.3 billion. Following the transaction, sales of the cleaning division will rise from BF 15 billion to BF 20 billion. • The formation of a strategy for the communications sector. The Board indicated at the time of the merger that the extent of the group’s commitment to the communications sector would be decided upon by the end of the year. Accordingly, and in order to use the full capacity of both the founding companies’ networks, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux has decided to launch a multi-services package for cable: digital television, internet access and a telephone all on the same network. As part of its strategy of refocusing on core activities, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux sold its entire portfolio of debt owned by real estate professionals as well as property promotion activities for its own behalf, for FF 3 billion. It also disposed of 50% of Factofrance Heller. The group made other major disposals, such as 25% of Union Minière for FF 3.2 billion, Accor for FF 2.2 billion, Orion for FF 550 million, and 30% of Sephora, in addition to the sale of Rougié and of 51% of the trading activities of Domaines Cordier. An agreement on ISM is currently being finalised. Elsewhere, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux simplified its structure through increasing its holdings in subsidiaries (including the full take-over of Elyo and Degrémont), and through mergers (Tractebel/Powerfin; Suez Industrie / Astorg / Suez Ventures / Société Finance Conseil and Banque Monod with Banque Le Hénin). With an increase in sales of 10% (over 30% outside France and Belgium in its core activities), the group share of the 1997 net consolidated profit was FF 4.0 billion, double the pro forma figures for 1996. Net operating profit was FF 4.0 billion, against a pro forma figures of FF 3.4 billion for the year ending 31 December 1996, with exceptional items close to zero. This performance puts the group ahead of schedule for achieving its objective of doubling net operating profit per share by 2001. At its meeting on 14 April 1998, the Supervisory Board of Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux examined the group accounts and proposed a dividend distribution of FF 15 (excluding tax credit) in respect of the 1997 financial year. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 27 Brought to you by Global Reports 48.4% AUDIOFINA ELECTRAFINA ROYALEVENDOME PARFINANCE 22.7% SUEZ LYONNAISE DES EAUX PETROFINA CLT-UFA ROYALE BELGE IMETAL Percentage holding Profit 25 25000 20 20000 15 15000 10 10000 5 5000 0 93 94 95 CONTROL 96 0 97 93 94 95 96 97 EQUITY INTEREST 1997 1996 1995 155,915 320,274 22,060 10,773 135,011 233,581 15,948 9,301 123,098 209,760 11,826 8,185 945 460 13,675 23,420,432 23.5 686 400 10,100 23,252,863 23.4 509 352 9,070 23,252,451 23.3 1997 1996 1995 727,031 57,142 43,660 622,145 43,965 33,142 558,724 39,660 29,852 52.2 208.9 32.9 38,701 1,900 2,170 14,675 49.3 210.7 31.8 37,293 1,733 2,041 13,588 50.7 204.0 29.3 36,745 1,674 1,793 13,653 Financial data* Shareholders’ equity Market capitalisation Profit Distributed profit Profit per share Gross dividend per share Share price Number of shares in issue Group share (%) Operational data* Sales Cash flow Investments Production of oil (in million barrels) Production of natural gas (in billion cubic feets) Refineries processed crude oil (in million tonnes) Sales of petroleum products (in thousand tonnes) Production of monomers (in thousand tonnes) Production of polymers (in thousand tonnes) Employees * figures presented are stated in accordance with US GAAP ANNUAL REPORT 1997 28 Brought to you by Global Reports BERNHEIMCOMOFI PETROFINA PetroFina is an international oil and petrochemicals group with a strong presence in northern Europe and the south-eastern United States. With a third of the company’s 14,675 employees based in Belgium, it is the country’s largest industrial group. Its oil activities include exploration and production as well as refining and distribution. PetroFina is also a major global producer of polymers, especially polypropylene, polyethylene and polystyrene. PetroFina made several discoveries in Vietnam during the year. In Angola, the group was involved in a major new deep water discovery in block 17 and obtained a 30% stake and operating licence in block 19, also in deep offshore waters. The company’s first exploration contract has been signed in the Caspian Sea, in the Azerbaijani offshore area. Several development projects were started or developed further, notably in the North Sea and the United States. Downstream, the company began construction of an aromatics extraction unit at its Antwerp refinery. This BF 4 billion investment is intended to increase the production of aromatics - xylene and benzene - at the expense of fuels production, and will enable the aromatics content of petrol to be reduced by the year 2000, in anticipation of stricter European environmental controls. In January 1998, the group signed an agreement with Electrabel for the construction of a 126 MW electricity co-generating station with steam production of 165 tonnes per hour on the site of the Fina Raffinaderij Antwerpen. This facility will result in significant savings in energy costs and will optimise the refinery’s economic and technical capacity. In the chemicals sector, the group signed an agreement with BASF to build the largest liquid vapocrackling facility in the world on the site of the Port Arthur refinery. This plant, which will produce ethylene and propylene, strengthens the group’s industrial position in the United States and is expected to become operational in 2000. The group decided to increase the polypropylene production capacity of its American facility, to an annual 975,000 tonnes by the fourth quarter of 1998. With the inauguration of another production line, the capacity of the Bayport high density polyethylene factory is being doubled to 385,000 tonnes per year. The group plans investments of BF 45 billion in 1998, compared to BF 44 billion in 1997. In the upstream sector, this will primarily be focused on exploration efforts, developments which are already planned or underway, mainly in the United States and British North Sea as well as the completion of the Ekofisk redevelopment. Downstream, the primary objective will be the modernisation and expansion of the Fina chain of petrol stations in Europe, financing the construction of a vapocrackling facility at the Port Arthur refinery in the United States, the on-going extension of the polypropylene and polyethylene production capacity in the group’s American factories and the removal of bottlenecks in Europe. PetroFina’s net consolidated profit amounted to BF 22.7 billion in 1997, a rise of 37% over 1996. Group share of the profit was BF 22.1 billion, against BF 15.9 billion in 1996, an increase of 39%. The consolidated cash generated during the financial year was BF 57 billion, compared to BF 44 billion in 1996. The group’s share of the cash flow was BF 55 billion, against BF 42.4 billion the previous year. The growth in profits at PetroFina is primarily attributable to excellent performance in the downstream sector, due to the excellent quality of refining operations, as well as to an increase in volume and an improvement in margins. Profits in the upstream sector were up slightly, with an increase in production volumes of more than 9%, and the appreciation of the dollar exchange rate, by 16% compared to 1996, offset by a fall in the price of Brent crude of around $ 1.56 per barrel and higher level of spending on exploration. Profits in the chemicals sector were down slightly, with increased profitability in Europe and overall volume growth not proving sufficient to compensate for the effect of lower margins in America. The Board will propose to the Annual General Meeting of 8 May 1998 the distribution of a gross dividend of BF 460 per share, representing an increase of 15% over the previous year. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 29 Brought to you by Global Reports 48.4% 0.3% ELECTRAFINA ROYALEVENDOME PARFINANCE AUDIOFINA 51.5% 49.0% SUEZ LYONNAISE DES EAUX PETROFINA ROYALE BELGE IMETAL CLT-UFA Percentage holding Profit (LUF) 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 -1000 -2000 -3000 -4000 100 80 60 40 20 0 93 94 CONTROL 95 96 97 93 94 95 96 97 EQUITY INTEREST Financial data (in LUF) Shareholders’ equity Profit Distributed profit Profit per share Gross dividend per share Number of shares in issue Group share (%) Operational data (in LUF) Turnover Cash flow Investments Employees 1997 1996 1995 19,187 (2,882) − 22,011 3,372 1,461 16,584 3,335 1,437 (149) − 19,305,277 49.0 282 122 13,075,881 97.1 279 120 11,976,352 96.8 1997 1996 1995 114,067 11,730 26,801 4,007 92,766 14,354 25,462 3,437 91,192 17,597 19,349 3,246 ANNUAL REPORT 1997 30 Brought to you by Global Reports BERNHEIMCOMOFI 1997 was the first year of operation for the new CLT-UFA structure, which was established on 13 January as Europe’s premier television and radio group. During its first year, CLT-UFA’s results were in line with its stated strategic objectives, consolidating its position as a leader in commercial television and radio while investing in new projects. The group also continued to strengthen its production activities and its stock of audio-visual rights. In the German market, RTL Television, market leader in terms of number of viewers for the fifth consecutive year, concluded an agreement with RTL2 to provide it with high quality programmes. VOX, for its part, reported improved results both in terms of viewing figures and advertising revenues. Two of the group’s television channels celebrated their 10th anniversaries in 1997: M6 in France and RTL TVI in Belgium. For the second successive year, M6 was the only national terrestrial channel to increase its share of the television audience, with an average share of 13.2% of French households. RTL TVI continues to perform well and remains Belgium’s leading French-language channel. In the Netherlands, the reorganisation of activities around HMG, which was started in 1996, enabled the group to strengthen its position as Dutch market leader with RTL4 and Veronica. RTL 5 was re-launched with a new format, transforming it from a general entertainment channel into a news and information service called RTL5 Nieuws & Weer (News and Weather). RTL confirmed its position as market leader for radio in France. RTL2 had an excellent year in 1997, doubling its turnover. CLT-UFA also began a process of reorganising its activities in the French market with a view to improving the synergy between its three radio stations operating in the country: RTL, RTL2 and Fun Radio. In French-speaking Belgium, Bel RTL achieved outstanding results, reaching an audience of over a million listeners in 1997 for the first time. In Germany, where CLT-UFA has eight stations, general and specialised, national and regional, 1997 was also a highly successful year, confirming the leading positions of 104.6 RTL, Radio Hamburg and Antenne Bayern. A highlight of 1997 was the initiation of the reorganisation programme aimed at aligning the group’s TV channels and radio stations more closely with the advertising sales organisation under the name of IP (Information et Publicité), within the Havas Intermediation structure. CLT-UFA acquired Havas Intermediation for the sum of FF 860 million. CLT-UFA continued its expansion in 1997 in the three sectors of strategic importance which are the purchase of fiction rights, the purchase of sporting rights and production. In line with its strategy, CLT-UFA continued to develop its activities in the pay television sector in Germany, with Premiere attracting more than 1.6 million subscribers by the end of 1997. In September 1997, the Boards of Directors of Audiofina and CLT-UFA approved a merger between Premiere and DF1, the Kirch group’s digital offshoot. This merger is subject to approval by the European Commission and various national authorities. In France, the digital satellite television operator, TPS, had an outstanding first year of operation, closing the year with 345,000 subscribers. In addition to launching new specialised themes to complete its programme package, TPS focused on developing new exclusive and original interactive television services. In early 1998, CLT-UFA sold its 20% direct stake in TPS to M6 (5%) and Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux (15%), earning it a gross profit on disposal of LUF 2.2 billion. Numerous new ventures went on air in 1997, such as Channel 5 in the United Kingdom, RTL7 in Poland and RTL Klub in Hungary. Following these major investments, CLT-UFA reported a net loss, in line with expectations, of LUF 2.9 billion in 1997 the first financial year after the merger - compared to a profit of LUF 3.4 billion in 1996. The key features of 1998 will be the continuation of changes announced in 1997 together with improved profitability of the company’s core activities (mainly commercial television) alongside a varying range of financial effects from the many on-going developments, particularly at Premiere. The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting on 19 May 1998 not to distribute a dividend in respect of 1997. The previous year’s figure was LUF 122 million. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 31 Brought to you by Global Reports 25.1% AUDIOFINA ELECTRAFINA ROYALEVENDOME PARFINANCE 51.2% SUEZ LYONNAISE DES EAUX PETROFINA CLT-UFA Percentage holding Profit 60 25000 50 20000 40 15000 30 10000 20 5000 10 0 93 94 95 CONTROL 96 0 97 93 94 95 96 97 EQUITY INTEREST Financial data Shareholders’ equity Market capitalisation Profit Distributed profit Profit per share Gross dividend per share Share price Number of shares in issue Group share (%) Operational data Insurance − premium income Gross life premiums Gross non-life premiums Total IPPA − Banking products Profit − technical account life Profit − technical account non-life Profit − non-technical account Consolidated profit (Group share) Employees 1997 1996 1995 74,954 168,800 23,159 7,317 61,900 104,800 11,315 5,843 56,434 94,240 6,176 4,244 1,447 453 10,550 16,000,000 51.2 443 360 6,550 16,000,000 51.2 386 260 5,890 16,000,000 51.9 1997 1996 1995 47,428 64,727 112,155 7,432 5,948 3,448 3,849 23,159 6,203 46,702 65,734 112,436 7,320 3,655 2,550 3,011 11,315 6,733 44,787 64,566 109,353 6,273 3,254 2,070 3,227 6,176 6,926 ANNUAL REPORT 1997 32 Brought to you by Global Reports BERNHEIMCOMOFI ROYALE BELGE IMETAL Royale Belge is an insurance and financial services group operating in the Benelux and Northern European markets, with a strategy of yielding strong growth and high returns. To this end, it offers a full range of life and non-life insurance products, savings and investment products and personal loans, aiming to offer a quality local service and to continuously develop its distribution capacity. Since 1 January 1997, Royale Belge has had a non-life insurance agency operating in Sweden, allowing it to evaluate opportunities in the Scandinavian markets. Banque Ippa and Royale Belge Finance merged their activities in March 1997. This was the logical development of the synergies between Royale Belge’s two banking subsidiaries and the integration of Banque Ippa into the group’s insurance network. In July 1997, Royale Belge Re, the group’s reinsurance subsidiary stopped subscribing to new reinsurance contracts. Royale Belge Re will continue to manage its existing portfolio and the reinsurance operations of group companies. In December 1997, Royale Belge group, which jointly controlled BBL with GBL group and Crédit Communal de Belgique group, sold its interest in BBL under the terms of a takeover bid made by the Dutch group ING. In Belgium, Royale Belge continued to develop and strenghten relationships with independent brokers, who account for 90% of all personal insurance sales. While strengthening its relationship with professional brokers, Royale Belge also developed its policy of building multiple distribution channels. The group will continue to make distribution agreements with Belgian banks taking into account the new factors affecting the Belgian market. Through two jointly owned subsidiaries, the partnership with La Poste will enable life assurance and personal IARD products to be sold through post office branches. In the Netherlands, Royale Belge controls the UAP-NieuwRotterdam group. Having been reorganised around an insurance business, operating in life, non-life and collective extra-legal contingency insurance, the group is continuing to stabilise its portfolios, redefine its links with distribution networks and develop new life assurance products in line with market demand. In the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, where Royale Belge operates through the Royale UAP group, activity was in line with objectives. Future developments will focus on starting up multi-risk business insurance cover and new opportunities in the companies’ pension market. Royale Belge group’s premium income in 1997 was BF 112.2 billion, almost unchanged from 1996. Total premium income earned by Belgian insurance companies increased by 2.1%. In the Netherlands, turnover fell as a result of losing a major appointed broker’s life assurance premium income, the stabilisation of the business IARD portfolio and a tailing off in health insurance cover through strong competition. Turnover in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg grew by 5.8%. Royale UAP’s sales of insurance bonds were affected by low interest rates with income increasing across the rest of the range of life and non-life products. In northern Europe, Royale Belge’s Swedish branch earned premium income of BF 600 million and finished the year with a profit of BF 5 million. The group share of the net consolidated profit amounted to BF 23.2 billion, including an exceptional profit of BF 14.2 billion realised on the disposal of BBL shares. Excluding exceptional items, the operating profit was BF 9 billion, against BF 7.1 billion in 1996 and BF 6.2 billion in 1995. Return on shareholders’ equity, which amounted to BF 75 billion before appropriation of profits for 1997, was 14.5%. At the same date, consolidated latent profits on quoted stock and buildings was BF 81.2 billion, up from BF 64 billion in 1996 and BF 51.1 billion in 1995. The Board of Directors decided to propose to the Annual General Meeting on 12 May 1998 the distribution of a gross dividend of BF 453 per share. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 33 Brought to you by Global Reports 40.7% AUDIOFINA ELECTRAFINA ROYALEVENDOME PARFINANCE 54.4% SUEZ LYONNAISE DES EAUX PETROFINA CLT-UFA ROYALE BELGE IMETAL Percentage holding Profit (FF) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 93 94 95 CONTROL 96 BERNHEIMCOMOFI 97 92 93 94 95 96 EQUITY INTEREST Financial data (in FF) Shareholders’ equity Market capitalisation Profit Distributed profit Profit per share Dividend per share * Share price Number of shares in issue Group share (%) 1997 1996 1995 6,573 11,167 620 261.25 5,849 11,418 614 238.50 5,329 8,687 596 215.33 44.25 17.5 748 14,928,496 54.4 41.2 16.0 766 14,906,496 52.5 40.1 14.5 585 14,850,296 52.7 1997 1996 1995 11,051 1,270 781 9,933 8,100 1,026 660 8,252 7,737 1,004 760 7,614 * excluding tax credit Operational data (in FF) Turnover Cash flow Capital expenditure Employees ANNUAL REPORT 1997 34 Brought to you by Global Reports Imétal, whose shares are quoted on the Paris stock exchange, is an international industrial group specialised in three areas: construction materials, industrial minerals and metals processing. In 1997, Imétal made major investments in organic and external growth projects. Turnover in 1997 exceeded FF 11 billion, representing growth of over 36%, with strong external growth (22%) and a sustained level of organic growth (6%) in continuing operations at constant exchange rates. Exchange rates had a positive impact (8%), primarily as a result of the strength of the dollar. Operating profit, after employee profit-sharing, was up by almost 25% to FF 1,206 million, with significantly increased contributions from the metals processing and industrial minerals activities and a reduction in results in construction materials due to difficulties at Ardoisières d’Angers. The group share of the net operating profit was FF 600 million, up by almost 9%. The result includes losses from related companies in connection with the Brazilian kaolin project (FF 37 million) in which the group has a 44% stake and the impact of higher tax rates in France, which cost FF 16 million. Net consolidated profit, group share, after exceptional items and the writing down of over-valued items, amounted to FF 620 million, which is not comparable with the previous year’s figure, which was inflated by significant profits arising on the disposal of activities. Investments in industrial developments of FF 781 million and external growth of FF 941 million, spent on shares or assets, continued at a sustained rate. These investments significantly strengthened market positions, mineral reserves and the group’s production capacity, as well as control of downstream markets. Gross cash flow improved by 24% to FF 1,270 million. After five years of rationalisation and development (during which profits more than doubled), Imétal has now acquired real international stature. The group is today well-placed to capitalise on its leadership position to increase growth and create further value for its shareholders. With this in mind, the Board of Directors approved a proposal for a merger with Parfinance, whose only assets following prior rationalisation were its 54% stake in Imétal and cash resources of FF 1 billion. This merger, agreed in principle by the Boards of both Imétal and Parfinance under the advice of Rothschild & Co and Lazard Frères & Co respectively, will become effective on 1 July 1998, on the basis of a swap of 2 ex-dividend Imétal shares for 5 Parfinance shares, after ordinary and exceptional distributions. This swap ratio was calculated via a transparent analysis of the net revalued assets of Parfinance as derived from recent market prices for Imétal shares. Apart from the simplification of its shareholding structure and increased liquidity of its shares, the main consequence of this transaction for Imétal will be an increase of FF 1 billion in shareholders’ equity and the creation of 1,047,000 new shares. This proposed merger will be put to an Extraordinary General Meeting, which will be called on 30 June 1998, after the required authorisations have been received. Following this merger, Imétal’s capital will be made up of 16 million shares, with the Pargesa/GBL grouping retaining an interest of over 50%. The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting on 7 May 1998 the distribution of a dividend of FF 17.50 per share (FF 26.25 including tax credit), an increase of 9.4% over the previous year, reflecting the company’s improved results. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 35 Brought to you by Global Reports 25.1% AUDIOFINA ELECTRAFINA ROYALEVENDOME PARFINANCE 40.5% 51.2% SUEZ LYONNAISE DES EAUX PETROFINA CLT-UFA ROYALE BELGE IMETAL BERNHEIMCOMOFI 20.4% Percentage holding 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 93 94 95 CONTROL 96 Profit 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 97 Financial data Shareholders’ equity Market capitalisation Profit Distributed profit Profit per share Gross dividend per share Share price Number of shares in issue Group share (%) Operational data Securisation: • amounts paid • value of related assets Number of parking spaces under management 94 95 96 97 1997 1996 1995 4,145 4,874 317 306 4,132 4,992 (160) 295 4,586 5,420 426 308 107.4 100 1,650 2,953,886 60,9 (54.3) 100 1,690 2,953,886 60,8 144.1 100 1,835 2,953,636 60,8 1997 1996 1995 2,146 28,276 102,500 1,765 21,686 100,683 1,600 19,907 86,321 ANNUAL REPORT 1997 36 Brought to you by Global Reports 93 EQUITY INTEREST BERNHEIM-COMOFI Bernheim-Comofi is a property company operating in five sectors: property development, ownership and operation of public car parks, ownership and operation of self-storage facilities, real estate securitisation and land parcelling. Building on real estate expertise acquired over many years’ involvement in land parcelling and development activities, Bernheim-Comofi is now beginning to concentrate on high value added sectors of the property market. With this in mind, the group structure was strengthened and simplified by focusing each of the core activities around a specialised company: • Immobilière Bernheim-Outremer for property development; • Bernheim Asset Management for securitisation; • Access Self-Storage (formerly MSC) for self-storage; • Interparking for car parking; • Bernheim-Outremer Properties for land parcelling (and property management). Property development remains the cornerstone of the group’s operations. Key events of the year were the sale to Deutsche Bank of the company that owns the building developed in Budapest, as well as an as yet unfinished 7,000 m2 building, located at Avenue des Communautés in Brussels. Work began on a new development in Budapest, while construction and commercial negotiations are continuing in respect of other sites in Brussels. The group participated in the setting up of Wetinvest, in which it has a 33% stake and which is starting work on a 15,000 m2 property on the outskirts of Brussels. The value of securitised property increased by 35% during the year, from BF 21 billion to BF 28 billion. This growth is largely attributable to the merger of Secafi Befimmo and companies in the Prifast group, as a result of which Befimmo’s property portfolio increased from BF 6.7 billion to BF 10.8 billion. Interparking, in which Bernheim has a 50% stake, continued to grow, reflected in a 21% jump in sales and a 29% improvement in net cash flow to over BF 800 million. The group currently manages 213 car parks with a total of over 107,000 parking spaces in six countries in continental Europe. Four new car parks were recently opened in Belgium (Poelaert, Namur, Lombardia, De Keyser) and a further 10 were acquired in Antwerp. These activities, combined with the successful integration of Codeparc in France and a reduction in interest rates resulted in the consolidated profit after tax exceeding BF 240 million. Progress in self-storage development was evidenced by the opening of a site in Dusseldorf and the acquisition of four sites in Paris. Sites currently being operated, together with seven further sites being developed, account for a total storage capacity of 70,000 m2. Increases in the number of sites and the associated start-up costs are today in line with the business plan. In the longer-term, this business has strong potential to see growth in capital value assuming it develops along lines experienced in Anglo-Saxon countries. New administrative changes delayed developments in land parcelling in both Flanders and Wallonia. Overall, taking account of the start-up losses of BF 63 million in the self-storage business, the result for the year was a profit of BF 317 million, with all other group activities yielding positive contributions. The development strategy, which is to concentrate on high-growth activities, should generate additional value for shareholders in both 1998 and beyond. In this context, and notwithstanding the major investment required to achieve the group’s growth policy, the Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting the distribution of a gross dividend of BF 100 per share, unchanged from the previous year. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 37 Brought to you by Global Reports UNQUOTED SHAREHOLDINGS BATC (Brussels Airport Terminal Company), in which GBL has a 6.6% stake, manages Brussels-National airport. Results for the year under review benefited from a strong growth in passengers’ number, with the company’s turnover increasing by 16% while consolidated net profit increased by 86% up to BF 892 million. In addition, the process of restructuring the management of the airport, launched several months ago, should be finalised in 1998. In this respect, a preliminary draft law was adopted on 20 March 1998 providing for the merger between BATC and Régie des Voies Aérienne to create BAIC (Brussels Airport International Company), the new management entity for the airport. GBL has a further presence in Zaventem through its 38% stake in Distripar, which owns Belgian Sky Shops, which operates boutiques and duty-free sales outlets in airports. The company’s sales grew sharply in 1997, benefiting both from growth in passengers’ number and increased customer usage at outlets in the old terminal following the completion of modernisation in 1997. Elsewhere, the company is following closely the European Union decision-making process regarding to the abolition of duty-free sales for passengers travelling within the European Union from June 1999 and is preparing strategies to deal with all possible outcomes. Distripar extended its town-centre perfumes and cosmetics retail activity by acquiring joint-controlling stakes in several companies operating, Cloquet and Planète Parfums stores. In 1997, GBL retained a 49% interest in the holding company of the Dewaay group, which mainly operates in asset management and all aspects of dealing in fixed and variable rate securities. This investment was sold in early 1998. Groupe Jean Dupuis, half of whose capital is held by GBL, operates in the publishing sector through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Editions Dupuis, and in printing, through its 50% stake in Hélio Charleroi (together with Hachette Filipacchi Presse). Editions Dupuis is the world leader in French language comic strips, with annual sales of 11 million books. From this core activity, the company is developing peripheral activities in the audio-visual sector, and also in licensing, the sale of publishing rights, direct marketing and marketing of products of other publishers. Dupuis also publishes the last great weekly comic strip, le Journal de Spirou. Hélio Charleroi prints magazines, catalogues and publicity leaflets. A new rotary press will be ordered in 1998. It will become operational in 1999 and will ensure that the company is able to continue to grow currently since it is currently constrained by production capacity. The group reported a net consolidated profit for 1997 of BF 202 million, against BF 142 million in 1996. Gillam, of which 46.5% is held by GBL, is an industrial group that develops and markets telecommunications products. It has also invested in cable television in France, taking a stake in Réseaux Câblés de France alongside KPN. Focusing on the deregulation of the telecommunications market, the company has developed new niche products for networks, which are particularly useful in rural areas. The Transcor group, in which GBL holds a 47.6% stake, distributes and trades energy products through three entities: Astra, Transcor AG and Transcor Energy. Astra, which has traditionally operated in the oil sector, reported good results for 1997, benefiting from its policy of concentrating on specific high-potential niche markets. Transcor AG, which trades coal on the European and North American markets, made a positive contribution to the group’s result, showing an improvement over the previous year. Transcor Energy (formerly known as Hauterat & Watteyne) is a Belgian subsidiary that distributes energy products. It maintained its market share in terms of fuel oil sales to its Belgian customer base but also launched new coke and coal activities on the German market. The group share of the net consolidated profit for 1997 amounted to BF 216 million, against BF 173 million in 1996. ANNUAL REPORT 1997 38 Brought to you by Global Reports AC C O U N T S AT 3 1 D E C E M B E R 1 9 9 7 ECONOMIC SUMMARY 40 CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 49 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 73 CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 39 Brought to you by Global Reports E C O N O M I C S U M M A RY SYNTHETICAL CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET In BF million Fixed assets Goodwill Tangible fixed assets Financial fixed assets Current assets Shareholders’ equity Third party interests Provisions Long-term debt Current liabilities 1997 1996 Variation 147,550 10,791 54 136,705 73,153 154,713 25,995 58 128,660 35,137 (7,163) (15,204) (4) 8,045 38,016 220,703 189,850 30,853 117,319 80,170 947 11,472 10,795 88,676 77,049 758 12,885 10,482 28,643 3,121 189 (1,413) 313 220,703 189,850 30,853 Total assets at 31 December 1997 amounted to BF 221 billion, against BF 190 billion in the previous year, an increase of BF 31 billion. The main changes can be summarised as follows: 1. Fixed assets Two areas need to be considered when examining fixed assets: goodwill on consolidation and financial fixed assets. 1.1. Goodwill on consolidation The reduction in this item arises primarily from the elimination of third party interests in goodwill in CLT-UFA, which amounted to BF 14 billion at 31 December 1996. 1.2. Financial fixed assets v Holdings in related companies The reduction in holdings in related companies is due to the reduced stake in CLT-UFA, which had an impact of BF 13 billion and the disposal of BBL, which had been valued at BF 11.5 billion at 31 December 1996. v Other holdings The increase in this item is largely attributable to the strengthening of the group’s stake in Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, to the tune of BF 31 billion. CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 40 Brought to you by Global Reports 2. Current assets ING shares acquired following the take-over of BBL were included under ’’short-term investments’’ at BF 23 billion. The balance of the movement in current assets is attributable primarily to the variation in cash received on the sale of part of CLT-UFA to Bertelsmann and amounts spent to acquire further shares in Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux. 3. Shareholders’ equity Shareholders’ equity amounted to BF 117.3 billion, against BF 88.7 billion, reflecting the distribution of profit (BF 26.6 billion) and the exercise of warrants (BF 3.5 billion). 4. Third party interests Third party interests arise in Electrafina and Audiofina. 5. Long-term debt Long-term debt includes loan stock redeemable in shares issued by Electrafina and Audiofina, representing a total of BF 5.8 billion. 6. Current liabilities Current liabilities mainly consist of the profit for the year to be distributed in the amount of BF 5.1 billion. CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 41 Brought to you by Global Reports ECONOMICAL CONSOLIDATED RESULTS Total In BF million Share of profit of affiliates accounted for on an equity basis Dividends Net financial income Net sundry charge Depreciation and provisions Taxes (1) 7,808 1,651 1,752 (404) (39) (195) Group share 1997 1996 1996 1997 (2) 12,340 666 931 (340) (27) (34) (1) 6,227 882 937 (288) (21) (93) (2) 6,834 424 796 (242) (26) (22) Operating result 10,573 13,536 7,644 7,764 Depreciation of goodwill on consolidation Gains on disposal Exceptional items Profit attributable on third parties (1,010) 29,823 23 (7,683) (1,545) 20,271 (697) (14,674) (620) 24,673 29 − (772) 10,428 (529) − Total 31,726 16,891 31,726 16,891 (1) Excluding profit realised on the disposal of Cometra and amounts realised by Royale Belge on BBL (2) Excluding profit realised by Royale Belge on the disposal of Tractebel A distinction needs to made in the consolidated profit between the overall profit and the group share thereof. The overall profit takes account of the full value of the income statement of each subsidiary while the group share of the consolidated profit is calculated in proportion to GBL’s economic interest in the companies concerned. Comments that follow relate exclusively to the group share of the profit. It should be noted that in calculating the profit (group share) amounting to BF 31,726 million at 31 December 1997, no account was taken of the exceptional portion of the dividend distributed by Compagnie de Suez, representing BF 0.8 billion, which was used to reduce the value of the holding in the new merged entity, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux. In effect, following the disposal of Banque Indosuez during 1996 and in view of the merger/takeover between Compagnie de Suez and Lyonnaise des Eaux that was effected in June 1997, Compagnie de Suez decided to distribute an exceptional dividend, three times the dividend in 1995, or FF 24.6 per share. In each of the years from 1993 to 1995, Compagnie de Suez paid an unchanged dividend per share of FF 8.20. On the basis of this information, Electrafina, GBL’s subsidiary, decided to credit the 1997 income statement with the recurring part of the dividend, or the FF 8.20 per share that had been distributed in each of the three previous years. The balance, which was exceptional in nature and which was taken into account in the determination of the share exchange terms applied in the merger/takeover, was charged by Electrafina against the book value of its holding. CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 42 Brought to you by Global Reports The operating result amounted to BF 7,644 million, against BF 7,764 million at 31 December 1996. This slight fall in the operating result is principally due to changes in the results of related companies, dividends and financial revenues. 1. Share of profits of related companies In BF million Company’s result 1996 1997 PetroFina Royale Belge CLT-UFA Imétal BBL Tractebel Miscellaneous 22,060 8,983 (2,882) FF 620 11,778 − (2) Group share 15,948 7,090 3,372 FF 614 10,291 (4) 7,510 (2) TOTAL 1997 (2)(3) 2,397 1,154 (326) 827 1,462 − 713 6,227 % of GBL in the result (1) 1996 1997 1996 1,724 972 746 787 1,276 (4) 750 579 11 13 11 22 12 − 11 14 22 21 12 10 (2)(3) 6,834 (1) Calculation of the percentage of the overall result takes into account the movements in the year and does not necessarily correspond to the holding at 31 December (2) Excluding profit on disposal of BBL in 1997 and Tractebel in 1996 (3) GBL’s share of Royale Belge’s result also includes the results (under the proportional accounting method) of Royale Belge’s related companies, BBL and Electrafina (4) Result at 30 June 1996 GBL’s share of the profits of related companies amounted to BF 6,227 million at 31 December 1997, compared to BF 6,834 million the previous year, a fall of almost 10%. The group’s increased share in the results of PetroFina, BBL, Royale Belge and Imétal was insufficient to compensate for the loss of contribution from Tractebel and the negative impact of the result of CLT-UFA. While the three companies of the Cometra group are treated as related, the results of American Cometra and Cometra Resources (GBL share BF 3.2 billion) were reclassified in 1997 as nonoperating items in the economic presentation of the consolidated profit, in view of the disposal of their assets and their liquidation. Only Canadian Cometra is still included in the operating result. 2. Dividends Dividends include the recurring portion of the dividend paid out by Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, as well as dividends received from Fibelpar and Havas. CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 43 Brought to you by Global Reports 3. Net financial revenues Financial revenues were boosted by an increase in cash on hand at Audiofina following the disposal of its CLT-UFA stock to Bertelsmann and by trading profit. The improvement in the ’’non-operating’’ part of the group share of the result is primarily attributable to the profits realised by the group on the disposal of BBL stock (BF 15,447 million, of which BF 1,595 million arose at Royale Belge), CLT-UFA shares (BF 4,793 million), the Cometra group’s oil sector assets (BF 3,159 million) and the investment in GIB (BF 804 million). CONSOLIDATED RESULTS PER SHARE (Group share) in BF 1996 1997 Share of profits of affiliates accounted for on an equity basis PetroFina Royale Belge CLT-UFA Imétal BBL Tractebel Miscellaneous Dividends Net financial income Net sundry charges Depreciation and provisions Taxes 100 48 (13) 35 61 − 30 Operating profit 261 37 39 (12) (1) (4) 73 41 32 34 54 32 25 291 18 34 (11) (1) (1) 320 330 Depreciation of goodwill on consolidation Gains on disposal Exceptional results (26) 1,032 1 (33) 444 (23) TOTAL 1,327 718 ESTIMATED VALUE The analysis of estimated value is carried out in three stages: 1. Breakdown of the overall estimated value at 31 December 1997; 2. Movement since 1991 in estimated value per share and the share price of holdings; 3. Estimated value per share at 30 March 1998 and impact of the hypothetical exercise of all outstanding GBL warrants on this value. CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 44 Brought to you by Global Reports 1. Breakdown of the overall estimated value at 31 December 1997 GBL’s estimated value at 31 December 1997 was BF 179 billion, against BF 137 billion at the end of 1996, corresponding respectively to BF 7,366 per share at 31 December 1997 and BF 5,838 at 31 December 1996, an increase of 26% (BF 1,526). The method used to calculate estimated value is described on page 94. The following table shows the overall estimated value in accordance with the different holdings in the portfolio. 31 December 1996 Share % price est. val. 31 December 1997 Share % price est. val. In BF million * 6,501 25,869 13,473 24,465 15,001 16,733 23,685 − 4.7 18.9 9.8 17.8 10.9 12.2 17.3 − 96.4 125,727 91.6 6,402 3.6 11,507 8.4 TOTAL ESTIMATED VALUE 178,987 100.0 137,234 100.0 Stock market valuation 130,248 Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux PetroFina Royale Belge Audiofina Imétal BBL Sundry ING FF 666 13,675 10,550 1,510 FF 748 − NLG 85.4 TOTAL PORTFOLIO Cash 28,071 35,072 21,843 25,184 15,243 − 22,978 24,194 15.7 19.6 12.2 14.1 8.5 − 12.8 13.5 172,585 FF 220.6 10,100 6,550 1,500 FF 766 6,730 − 96,033 * Share price of Compagnie de Suez The estimated value of other shareholdings can be broken down as follows: At 31 December 1997 Electrafina oil assets Paribas AXA-UAP Canal+ Bernheim-Comofi Other Total At 31 December 1996 6,900 4,037 2,563 − 1,972 7,506 8,197 2,936 1,989 1,320 2,020 7,223 22,978 23,685 The fall in the value of Electrafina’s oil assets results primarily from the disposal by American Cometra of its oil sector activities in the United States. The increase at Paribas and AXA-UAP is due to strong share price appreciation. CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 45 Brought to you by Global Reports 2. Movements since 1991 in estimated value per share and the share price of group companies The following tables show the estimated value per share and the share price of holdings in the portfolio. Estimated value per share of GBL (BF) 30/3/98 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux PetroFina Royale Belge Audiofina ING Imétal Other BBL * Tractebel Cash 1,693 1,583 1,123 1,110 752 686 643 996 1,155 1,443 899 1,036 996 627 946 264 277 1,100 573 1,041 638 1,007 712 490 930 522 1,128 319 787 529 679 65 961 436 1,145 264 923 435 513 28 927 544 1,132 258 922 450 561 327 690 364 428 134 810 296 407 456 931 342 423 85 830 256 412 528 Estimated value Share price Discount 8,586 6,480 24.5% 7,366 5,360 27.2% 5,838 4,085 30.0% 4,959 4,000 19.3% 4,705 3,770 19.9% 5,121 4,015 21.6% 3,585 2,780 22.4% 3,807 3,290 13.6% * Following the takeover of BBL by ING at the end of 1997 Movements in the estimated value per share are the result of modifications in the percentage holding in group companies and the changes in the share price as shown in the table below. Group companies share prices Growth 1991/1998 30 March (in %) 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 GBL Share price Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux (FF) PetroFina Royale Belge Audiofina ING (NLG) Imétal (FF) BBL Tractebel 97% 6,480 97% 28% 239% 94% 40% 244% - 889 13,950 13,200 1,510 119.6 818 - 5,360 4,085 4,000 3,770 666 * 452 13,675 10,100 9,070 10,550 6,550 5,890 1,510 1,500 1,580 85.4 748 766 585 - 6,730 5,100 - 12,400 4,015 2,780 9,440 9,870 4,870 5,880 1,600 1,448 516 552 4,305 4,475 9,520 10,700 3,290 7,490 10,900 4,135 3,890 740 777 350 238 3,130 3,240 7,830 7,990 * Share price of Compagnie de Suez at 31 December 1996 (BF 220.6) adjusted on the basis of the agreed exchange ratio of 2.05 decided in the course of the takeover of Compagnie de Suez by Lyonnaise des Eaux in June 1997. CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 46 Brought to you by Global Reports 3. Estimated value per share at 30 March 1998 and the impact of the hypothetical exercise of all outstanding GBL warrants on this value (diluted value) In February 1994, GBL issued 758,340 new ordinary shares, with 2,275,020 warrants attached (3 warrants per ordinary share). The conditions under which the warrants can be exercised are explained on page 14. If all the warrants were exercised, the estimated value per share calculated using the share price at 30 March 1998 would fall from BF 8,586 to BF 8,345, with the discount correspondingly falling from 24.5% to 22.4%. Share price Estimated value at 30 March 1998 Before exercise of warrants Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux PetroFina Royale Belge Audiofina Imétal Other ING FF 889 13,950 13,200 1,510 FF 818 NLG 119.6 PORTFOLIO Cash TOTAL ESTIMATED VALUE Estimated value per share Share price Discount Weighted average number of shares % est. val. 19.7 18.4 13.1 12.9 8.0 7.5 8.8 41,140 38,455 27,285 26,966 16,662 15,670 18,268 19.1 17.9 12.7 12.5 7.7 7.3 8.5 184,446 88.4 184,446 85.7 24,193 11.6 30,721 14.3 208,639 100.0 215,167 100.0 CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 Brought to you by Global Reports After exercise of warrants 41,140 38,455 27,285 26,966 16,662 15,670 18,268 8,586 6,480 24.5% 24,299,940 47 % est. val. 8,345 6,480 22.4% 25,783,578 Brought to you by Global Reports C O N S O L I DAT E D AC C O U N T S CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 50 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT 52 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 54 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW 60 ANNEXE TO THE CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 61 REPORT OF THE STATUTORY AUDITOR 70 CONSOLIDATED FIGURES OVER TEN YEARS 71 CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 49 Brought to you by Global Reports C O N S O L I DAT E D B A L A N C E S H E E T ASSETS (BF million) 1997 1996 1995 FIXED ASSETS 147,550 154,713 140,543 Goodwill (NOTE 1) Group share Third party interests Tangible fixed assets Financial fixed assets Companies included under equity method Investments (NOTE 2) Amounts receivable Other companies Investments (NOTE 3) Amounts receivable 10,791 6,205 4,586 54 136,705 76,274 76,274 0 60,431 59,823 608 25,995 6,785 19,210 58 128,660 94,092 94,092 0 34,568 33,782 786 13,313 7,632 5,681 27 127,203 114,124 109,778 4,346 13,079 12,597 482 CURRENT ASSETS 73,153 35,137 20,425 Amounts receivable after one year Amounts receivable within one year Trade debtors Other amounts receivable Current investments (NOTE 4) Cash at the bank or on hand Deferred charges and accrued income 2,920 5,280 38 5,242 63,789 343 821 3,135 3,312 9 3,303 28,016 101 573 3,384 4,215 17 4,198 12,064 143 619 220,703 189,850 160,968 TOTAL CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 50 Brought to you by Global Reports LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (BF million) 1997 1996 1995 117,319 88,676 75,597 Capital Share premium account Reserves Negative goodwill (NOTE 5) Differences on translation (NOTE 5) 24,300 28,220 66,290 220 (1,711) 23,509 25,530 40,388 2,684 (3,435) 23,509 25,530 28,199 2,974 (4,615) THIRD PARTY INTERESTS (NOTE 6) 80,170 77,049 58,578 947 758 201 CREDITORS 22,267 23,367 26,592 Amounts payable after one year (NOTE 8) Financial debts Amounts payable within one year Current portion of amounts payable after one year Financial debts Trade debts Taxes, remuneration and social security Other amounts payable Proposed dividend Accrued charges and deferred income 11,472 11,472 10,268 660 3,729 30 169 577 5,103 527 12,885 12,885 9,828 209 4,387 16 155 359 4,702 654 8,157 8,157 17,802 3,689 9,094 12 96 319 4,592 633 220,703 189,850 160,968 CAPITAL AND RESERVES (NOTE 5) PROVISIONS AND DEFERRED INCOME TAXES (NOTE 7) TOTAL CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 51 Brought to you by Global Reports C O N S O L I DAT E D I N C O M E S TAT E M E N T CHARGES (BF million) 1997 1996 1995 Interest and similar charges Other financial charges Depreciation of goodwill on consolidation (NOTE 9) Group share Third party interests Services and other goods Remuneration, social security and pensions costs Other operating charges Depreciation Amounts written off on financial fixed assets (NOTE 10) current assets Provisions for liabilities and charges Loss on disposal of financial fixed assets of current assets Exceptional charges (NOTE 11) Taxes Group share of profits of companies included under the equity methods - loss (NOTE 12-16) Consolidated profit Group share Third party interests 1,171 2,586 1,010 620 390 313 226 20 26 834 690 144 25 76 1 75 127 199 1,035 891 1,545 771 774 352 180 10 11 260 201 59 27 418 95 323 932 35 1,031 439 972 558 414 254 138 12 15 202 195 7 4 105 15 90 62 104 1,423 39,409 31,726 7,683 68 31,565 16,891 14,674 0 11,810 6,602 5,208 TOTAL 47,445 37,329 15,148 CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 52 Brought to you by Global Reports INCOME (BF million) 1997 1996 1995 Income from financial fixed assets Dividends (NOTE 13) Interest Income from current assets Other financial income Income from services rendered Other operating income Reinstatement of amounts written off on financial fixed assets current assets Release of provisions for liabilities and charges Gains on disposal of intangible and tangible fixed assets of financial fixed assets (NOTE 14) of current assets Exceptional income Adjustement of income taxes and release of tax provisions Group share of profits of companies included under the equity method - Profits (NOTE 15 - 16) 1,902 1,651 251 2,029 2,967 74 81 202 153 49 12 22,621 1 22,187 433 149 0 867 666 201 1,144 1,166 14 189 204 203 1 11 20,461 0 19,735 726 235 1 807 489 318 964 465 15 119 14 8 6 4 1,106 11 780 315 63 14 17,408 13,037 11,577 TOTAL 47,445 37,329 15,148 39,409 31,726 7,683 (7,683) (26,623) (5,103) 31,565 16,891 14,674 (14,674) (12,189) (4,702) 11,810 6,602 5,208 (5,208) (2,010) (4,592) APPROPRIATION OF PROFITS (BF million) Profit for the year: - group share - third party interests Third party interests Carried to reserves Dividends CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 53 Brought to you by Global Reports NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (in BF million) The consolidated accounts have been prepared on the basis of the balance sheet, after appropriation, of parent company, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert S.A. and on the balance sheets of its subsidiaries, before appropriation. The accounting period covers the 12 months ended 31 December 1997. The balance sheets of the Group companies expressed in foreign currencies have been converted at exchange rates applicable on the last day of the financial year. Income statements have been converted using average rates for the year. 1997 US dollar Dutch Guilder French Franc Pounds Sterling Canadian Dollar 1. 36.92 18.30 6.17 61.14 25.76 Year end rate 1996 1995 32.01 18.36 6.11 54.39 23.36 29.45 18.35 6.01 45.68 21.61 1997 35.78 18.33 6.13 58.59 25.85 Average rate 1996 1995 30.96 18.37 6.05 48.35 22.70 29.51 18.37 5.91 46.56 21.50 GOODWILL Group share: 6,205 (6,785) PetroFina Royale Belge Monument Imétal Transcor CLT-UFA 1997 3,389 1,802 512 502 − − 6,205 1996 3,835 1,984 574 377 15 − 6,785 1995 3,828 2,200 238 − 16 1,350 7,632 1997 4,042 544 − 4,586 1996 4,540 623 14,047 19,210 1995 5,137 286 258 5,681 Third party interests: 4,586 (19,210) PetroFina Monument CLT-UFA 2. INVESTMENTS IN COMPANIES INCLUDED UNDER EQUITY METHOD: 76,274 (94,092) 1997 35,329 10,795 9,422 9,362 5,070 2,466 1,444 − − 2,386 76,274 PetroFina Royale Belge CLT-UFA Imétal * Group Cometra Monument Bernheim-Comofi Tractebel BBL Miscellaneous * Parfinance in 1995 CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 54 Brought to you by Global Reports 1996 32,523 8,781 22,487 8,072 4,881 1,823 1,432 − 11,446 2,647 94,092 1995 29,817 7,797 17,330 12,663 4,082 1,802 1,618 21,712 10,446 2,511 109,778 3. INVESTMENTS: 59,823 (33,782) 1997 43,461 6,975 3,574 2,876 1,805 − 1,132 59,823 Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux Havas Fibelpar Paribas AXA-UAP Canal+ Miscellaneous 4. 1995 − 7,584 3,574 − − − 1,439 12,597 1996 689 13,337 12,473 1,517 28,016 1995 422 5,856 5,786 − 12,064 CURRENT INVESTMENTS: 63,789 (28,016) 1997 30,058 17,713 15,355 663 63,789 Shares Bank deposits Fixed income securities Sundry 5. 1996 12,879 7,169 3,574 3,622 2,161 2,807 1,570 33,782 CAPITAL AND RESERVES: 117,319 (88,676) At 31 December 1996 Movements during the year: Variation in capital reserves Variation in consolidated reserves Goodwill Differences on translation Profit of the year Proposed dividends At 31 December 1997 88,676 3,481 (721) (2,464) 1,724 31,726 (5,103) 117,319 The movement in consolidated reserves reflects the adaptation by PetroFina of its accounts to US GAAP standards. Goodwill was BF 220 million at 31 December 1997, compared to BF 2,684 at 31 December 1996. This variation can be analysed as follows: 1997 − − 220 220 BBL Tractebel Miscellaneous CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 55 Brought to you by Global Reports 1996 2,440 − 244 2,684 1995 2,415 319 240 2,974 Difference on translation amounted to BF (1,711) million at 31 December 1997, against BF (3,435) million at 31 December 1996. These figures can be analysed as follows: 1997 506 35 69 (2,355) (48) − − 82 (1,711) Imétal Electrafina - North American holdings Monument PetroFina Royale Belge BBL Tractebel Miscellaneous 6. 1997 67,662 12,508 80,170 1996 63,492 13,557 77,049 1995 42,563 16,015 58,578 1996 149 43 566 758 1995 109 0 93 202 PROVISIONS AND DEFERRED TAXES: 947 (758) 1997 239 0 708 947 Pensions and similar obligations Taxes Other liabilities and charges 8. 1995 (338) (442) (193) (3,182) (92) (26) (279) (63) (4,615) THIRD PARTY INTERESTS: 80,170 (77,049) Electrafina Audiofina 7. 1996 (73) (293) (66) (2,898) (72) (29) − (4) (3,435) AMOUNTS PAYABLE AFTER ONE YEAR: 11,472 (12,885) These can be broken down as follows: Non-subordinated debentures Loan stock redeemable in shares Other debentures 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 After Total 510 10 4,998 10 10 35 5,573 5,799 100 − − − − − − − − − − 5,799 100 6,409 10 4,998 10 10 35 11,472 CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 56 Brought to you by Global Reports 9. DEPRECIATION OF GOODWILL ON CONSOLIDATION: Group share: 620 (771) PetroFina Royale Belge Imétal CLT-UFA Miscellaneous 1997 291 186 81 − 62 620 1996 293 186 47 208 37 771 1995 274 192 − 74 18 558 1997 352 − 38 390 1996 359 375 40 774 1995 375 18 21 414 Third party interests: 390 (774) PetroFina CLT-UFA Miscellaneous 10. AMOUNTS WRITTEN OFF ON FINANCIAL FIXED ASSETS: 690 (201) Havas − Canal+ Réseaux Câblés de France Paribas Miscellaneous 11. 1997 1996 1995 36 − 91 127 381 300 251 932 27 − 35 62 1997 1,423 − 1,423 1996 − 68 68 1995 − − − 1997 915 240 206 108 40 142 1,651 1996 − 169 206 149 48 94 666 1995 − 166 206 − − 117 489 DIVIDENDS: 1,651 (666) Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux Havas Fibelpar Paribas AXA-UAP Miscellaneous CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 57 Brought to you by Global Reports 1995 − 144 − 51 195 GROUP SHARE OF PROFITS OF COMPANIES INCLUDED UNDER THE EQUITY METHODS - LOSS: 1,423 (68) CLT-UFA Miscellaneous 13. 1996 − 22 108 71 201 EXCEPTIONAL CHARGES: 127 (932) Costs associated with capital increase and assimilated operations (public offer of exchange, public offer to buy-back its own shares and debentures) Parfinance’s provisions Miscellaneous 12. 1997 456 121 − 113 690 14. GAINS ON FINANCIAL FIXED ASSETS: 22,187 (19,735) BBL CLT-UFA GIB Bonds redeemable in shares Audiofina AXA-UAP Tractebel CarnaudMetalbox M6 Miscellaneous 15. 1997 13,851 6,895 804 439 67 − − − 131 22,187 1996 − − − − − 19,094 421 93 127 19,735 1995 − − − − − 95 − 489 196 780 GROUP SHARE OF PROFITS OF RELATED COMPANIES: 17,408 (13,037) 1997 6,438 4,997 2,750 1,462 827 294 133 − − 507 17,408 Electrafina - North American holdings PetroFina Royale Belge BBL Imétal * Monument Bernheim-Comofi Tractebel CLT-UFA Miscellaneous 1996 434 3,608 1,601 1,276 786 153 − 1,570 3,243 366 13,037 1995 274 2,597 890 1,109 620 133 165 2,366 3,208 215 11,577 * Parfinance in 1995 16. SUMMARY OF BALANCE SHEET AND INCOME STATEMENT OF OPERATIONAL SUBSIDIARIES * (consolidated data in millions of currency units) 1997 1996 1995 Fixed assets Current assets Total assets 43,948 67,019 110,967 32,306 52,524 84,830 31,101 45,465 76,566 Shareholders’ equity (before appropriation) Third party interests Bonds redeemable in shares Provisions Debts Total liabilities 19,187 3,267 18 8,253 80,242 110,967 23,472 7,183 18 6,878 47,279 84,830 18,021 6,245 3,319 6,526 42,455 76,566 CLT-UFA (LUF) CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 58 Brought to you by Global Reports Operating revenues Operating costs Operating result Financial results and miscellaneous Exceptional results Taxes Results for the year Group share Third party interests 121,592 (117,504) 4,088 (4,421) 1,415 (3,492) (2,410) (2,882) 472 103,026 (102,522) 504 (2,196) 7,609 (1,469) 4,448 3,372 1,076 1997 1996 1995 Fixed assets Current assets Total assets 84.8 122.5 207.3 213.1 50.5 263.6 201.1 28.3 229.4 Shareholders’ equity Long-term debt Current liabilities Total liabilities 152.1 10.6 44.6 207.3 151.0 21.0 91.6 263.6 137.2 23.0 69.2 229.4 COMETRA GROUP (USD) Operating results Financial results and other Exceptional results Taxes Results for the year (group share) (26.9) 0.8 327.8 (106.3) 195.4 10.8 (4.2) 14.1 (6.7) 14.0 11.7 (1.9) (0.2) (0.5) 9.1 1997 1996 1995 Fixed assets Current assets Total assets 872 2,202 3,074 900 2,206 3,106 1,132 2,115 3,247 Shareholders’ equity Provisions for liabilities and charges Amounts payable beyond one year Other debt Total liabilities 1,537 104 79 1,354 3,074 1,463 86 193 1,364 3,106 1,380 102 307 1,458 3,247 GROUPE JEAN DUPUIS (BF) Operating results Financial results Taxes Results for the year (group share) 255 14 (67) 202 * the complete version of the financial statements are available at the registered office of GBL CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 59 Brought to you by Global Reports 100,407 (94,493) 5,914 (884) 1,678 (1,946) 4,762 3,335 1,427 163 28 (49) 142 111 21 (16) 116 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW (in BF million) Comments on the main variations are described in the economic summary and the annexes to the consolidated accounts 1997 1996 1995 Net profit - group share Net profit - third party interests Depreciation and amounts written off Movement in provision for liabilities and charges (charged or written back) 31,726 7,683 1,668 189 16,891 14,674 1,612 557 6,602 5,208 1,175 (87) Gross cash flow 41,266 33,734 12,898 CASH FLOW FROM OPERATIONS Movement in current assets Amounts receivable within one year Prepayments and adjustments Sub-total 1,968 248 2,216 Movement in current liabilities Amounts payable within one year Accruals and adjustments Sub-total 1,098 (127) 971 Increase (reduction) in cash flow from operations 40,021 (903) (46) (949) (139) 57 (82) (3,267) 21 (3,246) 1,346 (34) 1,312 31,437 14,292 INVESTMENTS Net movement in tangible fixed assets Net movement in financial fixed assets Net movement in amounts receivable beyond one year (22) (8,582) 215 (42) (1,455) 249 238 (12,276) (2,015) Increase (decrease) in capital cash flow (8,389) (1,248) (14,053) Movement in goodwill 14,194 (14,227) (593) FUNDING OPERATIONS Increase (decrease) in share capital and share premiums Other movements in shareholders’ equity Movement in third party interests Net movement in other liabilities Proposed dividend 3,481 (1,461) (4,562) (2,071) (5,103) 0 890 3,797 21 (4,702) 0 (597) 3,743 2,005 (4,592) Increase (decrease) in funding (9,716) 6 559 Movement in cash on hand 36,110 15,968 205 Liquid funds at end of financial year Liquid funds at start of financial year 64,227 28,117 28,175 12,207 12,208 12,003 Net increase in liquid funds 36,110 15,968 205 CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 60 Brought to you by Global Reports A N N E X E T O T H E C O N S O L I DAT E D AC C O U N T S (BF million) I. PERIMETER AND METHODS OF CONSOLIDATION A full consolidation approach is used for those subsidiaries over which the Group exercises either effective or legal control. Under this method each item of assets, liabilities, income and expenses is incorporated into the consolidated accounts. The proportional basis is applied to those companies in which the Group exercise control jointly with another group. In this case only that part of the balance sheets and income statements attributable to the Group is included in the consolidated accounts. No third party interests are shown. Consolidation on an equity basis is used for related companies in which the group can exercise significant influence. Operating companies are treated as related in order to give a better reflection in the consolidated accounts of the financial holding activities of the group, the balance between the various businesses, and the results of exercising its profession. More detailed information on the consolidated accounts of non-consolidated subsidiaries is given in the annexe. Consolidation excludes the financial situation and consolidated results of those subsidiaries which are considered to have an immaterial effect on the appreciation of net worth. This includes subsidiaries in which the group share in shareholders’ equity is less than ECU 5 million where the total of these subsidiaries represents less than 5% of the Group’s investment portfolio and consolidated profits. II. ACCOUNTING POLICIES FORMATION COSTS In principle these are written off in the year in which they are incurred. GOODWILL Goodwill arising on the consolidation of a subsidiary on a full or a proportional basis is apportioned to balance sheet elements whose book value is below market value. Gains on disposals of investments between fully consolidated subsidiaries and those consolidated on an equity basis are eliminated pro-rata to the holding in the latter and are netted off against goodwill arising on their consolidation. Goodwill arising on companies accounted for on an equity basis is written off over a period determined by the nature and duration of the investment. The 20 years period adopted here conforms with Belgian practice for similar investment company structures. However, where goodwill on a particular investment is small, it may be written off in a single year. The Group share of goodwill and capital reserves arising on consolidation of the same subsidiary is netted off. FINANCIAL FIXED ASSETS 1. Investments These are accounted for at cost, which may be adjusted to reflect changes in value as necessary, excluding related expenses which are written off. At the end of each year a review is made of the value of each investment so as to reflect as far as possible its status, profitability and prospects. For unquoted companies this valuation is based on estimated worth, i.e. net asset value adjusted for unrealised profits or losses determined on a prudent basis. For quoted companies the valuation is based on their respective share price at the year end. The Board of Directors may however select some other commonly used basis of valuation or a combination of methods including net worth. Provision is made against any reduction in the value of an investment which is of a permanent nature. If subsquently the estimated value exceeds the written down value, and this increase in value is of a permanent nature, the provision is written back. Unrealised gains are not included in the accounts. The basis of valuation adopted for each investment is applied on a consistent basis unless this is prevented by a change in circumstances. CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 61 Brought to you by Global Reports 2. Receivables These are stated at their nominal value or cost of acquisition. Provision is made to the extent that recovery is considered doubful. CASH AT THE BANK AND ON HAND These investments are stated at the lower of cost and market value. PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES The Board of Directors undertakes a thorough review each year of the provisions previously made or to be made to cover liabilities and charges to which the company is subject. Full provision is made in respect of all liabilities and charges applicable to the Group. ASSETS, LIABILITIES, CHARGES AND INCOME EXPRESSED IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES Asset and liabilities expressed in foreign currencies are translated into Belgian francs at the exchange rates ruling at the year end. Unrealised exchange differences arising from the application of the above policy are reported as part of the income or expenses for the year. However, unrealised exchange gains and losses arising on the translation of the shareholders’ equity of consolidated companies are not recorded in the current year’s income statement but are reported as movements on reserves under the heading ″difference on translation″. Income and expenses are translated into Belgian francs at the average rate for the year. Gains or losses arising due to differences between average rates and year end rates are carried to shareholders’ equity under the heading ″difference on translation″. III. SUBSIDIARIES OR RELATED COMPANIES (percentage on a non fully diluted basis at 31 December 1997) GBL 0.3 % 48.4 % ELECTRAFINA 51,5% 40.7 % AUDIOFINA PARFINANCE 50.0% 22.7 % PETROFINA 54.4 % CLT-UFA HOLDING IMETAL 25.1 % ROYALEVENDOME 51.2 % ROYALE BELGE 12.4 % BBL 12.4 % 98.0% 100% 25.6 % COMETRA GROUP 20.4 % CLT-UFA MONUMENT OIL AND GAS BERNHEIMCOMOFI 40.5 % GROUPE JEAN DUPUIS 50.0 % TRANSCOR BELGIAN SKY SHOPS DISTRIPAR FINANCIERE GROUPE DEWAAY Fully consolidated Related companies Consolidated on a proportional basis CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 62 Brought to you by Global Reports 47.6 % 38.0 % 49.0 % IV. FULLY CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIES Name and registered office Share of capital held by GBL and its subsidiaries at 31 December (%) GBL Belgian Securities BV, Amsterdam Brussels Securities, Brussels GBL Coordination Center, Brussels GBL Finance, Luxembourg GBL Overseas Finance NV, Curaçao Natural Resources Consultants, Brussels Sagerpar, Brussels Electrafina group Cometra Oil & Gas BV, Amsterdam Electrafina Holding BV, Amsterdam Finance et Participations, Brussels Interenergy Investment Corporation, Luxembourg CLMM, Luxembourg Audiofina group Fratel A, Luxembourg Audiomedia, Luxembourg 1997 1996 1995 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 48.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 − 51.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 47.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 60.0 68.2 95.9 − 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 45.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 60.0 51.6 95.9 − PROPORTIONALLY CONSOLIDATED COMPANIES Name and registered office Share of capital held by GBL and its subsidiaries at 31 December (%) Royale-Vendôme, Brussels Parfinance, Paris CLT-UFA Holding, Luxembourg 1997 1996 1995 25.1 40.7 50.0 25.1 41.0 − 25.1 − − SUBSIDIARIES EXCLUDED FROM THE CONSOLIDATION BECAUSE OF THEIR INSIGNIFICANCE Name and registered office Share of capital held by GBL and its subsidiaries at 31 December (%) Suprafin, Brussels GBL Investments SA, Brussels GBL Participations SA, Brussels CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 63 Brought to you by Global Reports 1997 1996 1995 − 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 V. RELATED COMPANIES Name and registered office Share of capital held by GBL and its subsidiaries at 31 December (%) Cometra group American Cometra of Delaware, Fort Worth Canadian Cometra, Calgary Cometra Resources Inc., Fort Worth Bank Brussels Lambert, Brussels Distripar / Belgian Sky Shops, Brussels Bernheim-Comofi, Brussels CLT-UFA, Luxembourg Financière Groupe Dewaay, Luxembourg Groupe Jean Dupuis, Charleroi Imétal, Paris Monument Oil and Gas, London Nimex Resources, London Parfinance, Paris PetroFina, Brussels Royale Belge, Brussels Tractebel, Brussels Transcor, Brussels 1997 1996 1995 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 * 38.0 40.5 49.0 49.0 50.0 22.1 25.6 − − 22.7 12.9 − 47.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 12.4 38.0 40.5 97.1 49.0 50.0 21.5 25.7 − − 22.8 12.9 − 47.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 12.4 38.0 40.5 96.8 49.0 50.0 − − 66.7 27.0 22.8 13.0 20.5 47.6 * Disposed of in December 1997 VI. PRINCIPAL (*) OTHER COMPANIES IN WHICH CONSOLIDATED COMPANIES HAVE INTERESTS OF AT LEAST 10% Name and registered office Share of capital held by GBL and its subsidiaries at 31 December (%) Artemis, Luxembourg Belfin, Brussels Deceuninck, Roulers Fibelpar, Loverval Gillam, Liège LBFC (in liquidation), Delaware 1997 1996 1995 11.7 15.7 11.3 19.3 46.5 57.0 11.7 15.7 11.8 19.3 46.5 57.0 11.7 15.7 12.3 19.3 46.5 57.0 * The list of other companies in which consolidated companies have interests of at least 10% is available at the registered office of GBL and will also be deposited with the National Bank of Belgium along with the annual accounts CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 64 Brought to you by Global Reports VII. STATE OF TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Land and buildings Furniture and vehicles Other tangible fixed assets Total a) Acquisition value Closing balance last year 6 117 18 141 Changes during the year ß Acquisitions ß Disposals and write-backs Total changes 0 0 0 19 (16) 3 0 0 0 \9 (16) 3 Closing balance this year 6 120 18 144 Closing balance last year 1 75 7 83 Changes during the year ß Charged ß Disposals and write-backs Total changes 0 0 0 21 (16) 5 2 0 2 23 (16) 7 Closing balance this year 1 80 9 90 5 40 9 54 b) Depreciation and amounts written off c) Net book value at the end of this year (a - b) VIII. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL FIXED ASSETS 1. Subsidiaries included under equity method a) INVESTMENTS Closing balance last year 94,092 Changes during the year ß Acquisitions - capital increase ß Disposals - repayments of capital ß Changes in consolidation perimeter ß Profit generated ß Dividends received ß Differences on translation ß Other movements Total changes 2,105 (32,789) (221) 15,985 (4,495) 3,043 (1,446) (17,818) Closing balance this year 76,274 CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 65 Brought to you by Global Reports 2. Other companies a) INVESTMENTS a. Acquisition value Closing balance last year 34,025 Changes during the year ß Acquisitions ß Disposals ß Transfers Total changes 30,743 (1,293) (2,807) 26,643 Closing balance this year 60,668 b. Amounts written off Closing balance last year 243 Changes during the year ß Charged ß Provisions made Total changes 153 449 602 Closing balance this year 845 c. Net book value at the end of this year (a - b) b) 59,823 AMOUNTS RECEIVABLE a. Acquisition value Closing balance last year 786 Changes during the year ß Changes in consolidation perimeter ß Repayments ß Differences on translation Total changes 117 (296) 1 (178) Closing balance this year 608 b. Depreciation and amounts written off Closing balance last year 0 Changes during the year ß Provisions made Total changes 1 1 Closing balance this year 1 c. Net book value at the end of this year (a - b) CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 66 Brought to you by Global Reports 607 IX. CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Capital Closing balance last year Reserves Goodwill Differences on translation Total 23,509 25,530 40,388 2,684 (3,435) 88,676 0 0 1,724 0 0 0 3,481 (721) 1,724 (2,464) 31,726 (5,103) Changes during the year ß Capital reserves ß Consolidated reserves ß Differences on translation ß Goodwill ß Profit for the year ß Profit distribution 791 0 0 0 0 0 Closing balance this year X. Share premiums 2,690 0 0 0 (721) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2,464) 0 31,726 0 0 (5,103) 0 24,300 28,220 66,290 (1,711) 117,319 STATEMENT OF GOODWILL ARISING ON CONSOLIDATION Closing balance last year: ß Gross ß Amortisation Net book value at the end of last year Changes during the year ß Increases in percentage holding ß Reductions in percentage holding (gross) ß Reductions in percentage holding (amortisation) ß Amortisation ß Changes in consolidation perimeter ß Other movements Total changes Closing balance this year: ß Gross ß Amortisation Net book value at the end of this year XI. Positive goodwill Negative goodwill 33,697 (7,702) 25,995 2,686 115 (15,066) 819 (1,010) (22) (40) (15,204) 0 (2,466) 0 0 0 0 (2,466) 18,684 (7,893) 10,791 220 STATEMENT OF DEBTS ORIGINALLY PAYABLE AFTER ONE YEAR Non-subordinated loan stock Bonds redeemable in shares Financial institutions Other loan stock Total Maturing within one year More than one but less than five years More than five years to run Total payable beyond one year Overall total 10 0 200 450 660 5,538 5,799 0 100 11,437 35 0 0 0 35 5,573 5,799 0 100 11,472 5,583 5,799 200 550 12,132 CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 67 Brought to you by Global Reports 220 XII. XIII. AVERAGE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF CONSOLIDATED COMPANIES: − FULLY CONSOLIDATED: − PROPORTIONALLY CONSOLIDATED: 45 7 RIGHTS AND COMMITMENTS NOT REFLECTED IN THE BALANCE SHEET 1997 ß Guarantees given by third parties on behalf of the group ß Guarantees given on behalf of third parties Loans granted by Belgian Securities Other ß Guarantees received ß Guarantees in connection with the issue of bearer certificates ß Investment or divestment commitments Investments commitments Divestment commitments ß Futures market - currencies ß Put and call options granted ß Forward rate ageements made ß Swap options outstanding ß Interest swap concluded ß Floor options granted ß Interest swap assets ß Miscellaneous 1996 13 1,685 1,680 5 13 2,017 2,013 4 3,149 2,865 635 1,095 813 7,500 0 1,095 7,249 251 1,108 9,670 4,951 0 24,021 5,000 15,542 4,236 5,163 17,877 0 6,064 25,796 5,000 0 2,640 Financial instruments utilised Derivative financial instruments are used by the GBL group, within strict limits, to improve treasury profitability. Such transactions are recorded in the commitment accounts at their notional value, which does not reflect the risk of on-going transactions. This risk is a small percentage of the notional value. The total of transactions maturing during 1997 was largely profitable, contributing to a significant improvement in the profitability of treasury operations. Summary of accounting policies applicable to derivative products Forward currency contracts, other than those intended to cover specific transactions, are valued on the basis of the year end exchange rate and a provision for liabilities and charges is made to cover any latent losses arising. In respect of forward purchases of loan stock, a provision is made for the negative difference between the forward rate of the securities at the end of the financial year and their forward purchase price. In respect of loan stock sold forward and not covered by identical stock, a provision for liabilities and charges is also made to cover the negative difference between the forward selling price and the price quoted on the stock market at the end of the financial year. CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 68 Brought to you by Global Reports Put and call options acquired are revalued on the basis of their rate at the end of the financial year. Any reduction in value is charged against profits, being the negative difference between the closing price and purchase price. Put and call options granted are analysed in the same way; negative differences between the selling price and purchase price give rise to a provision for liabilities and charges of the appropriate amount. Calculations of the market value of swap contracts agreed may indicate the existence of latent losses on certain contracts. Except where such contracts are to cover specific transactions, latent losses give rise to a provision for liabilities and charges. XIV. RELATIONS WITH AFFILIATED COMPANIES AND COMPANIES LINKED BY PARTICIPING INTERESTS Investments ß shareholdings ß receivables Amounts receivable ß beyond one year ß within one year Amounts payable ß within one year Real or personal guarantees given or irrevocably promised for the security of the liabilities or commitments of subsidiaries Financial results ß income from investments ß income from current assets ß interest charges XV. Companies linked by participating interests 4,062 423 50,576 15 600 2,294 525 1,680 208 149 12 TOTAL AMOUNT OF REMUNERATION AND RETIRMENT BENEFITS AWARDED TO DIRECTORS Total amount of remuneration awarded in respect of the financial year to directors of the parent company in respect of their functions in the parent company, and its subsidiairies and related companies: Exceptional pension provision: 130.8 98.8 CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 69 Brought to you by Global Reports Affiliated companies R E P O RT O F T H E S TAT U T O RY AU D I T O R REPORT OF THE STATUTORY AUDITOR TO THE SHAREHOLDERS’ ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ON THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 To the shareholders, In accordance with the legal and statutory requirements, we report on the audit assignment which you have entrusted to us. We have examined the consolidated annual accounts for the year ended December 31, 1997, which were prepared under the responsibility of the Board of Directors and which show a balance sheet total of BF 220,703 million and an income statement resulting in a profit, for the year of BF 31,726 million (Group’s share). In addition, we have performed specific procedures with respect to the Directors’ report. Unqualified audit opinion on the financial statements Our examination has been conducted in accordance with the auditing standards of the «Institut des Reviseurs d’Entreprises / Instituut der Bedrijfsrevisoren». Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the consolidated annual accounts are free of material misstatement and are in compliance with the Belgian legal and regulatory requirements. In accordance with these standards we have taken into account the administrative and accounting organization of your company as well as internal control procedures. The responsible officers of the company have clearly replied to all our requests for information and explanations. We have examined, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts included in the consolidated financial statements. We have assessed the accounting policies used, the significant estimates made by the company and the overall presentation of the consolidated annual accounts. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the consolidated annual accounts present fairly the financial position of the company as of December 31, 1997, and the results of its operations for the year then ended taking into account the legal and regulatory requirements, and the supplementary information given in the notes is adequate. Additional certification - The directors’ report includes the information required by the law and is in accordance with the consolidated financial statements. Brussels, 6 May 1998 The statutory auditor DELOITTE & TOUCHE Reviseurs d’Entreprises scc Represented by Claude Pourbaix CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 70 Brought to you by Global Reports C O N S O L I DAT E D F I G U R E S OV E R T E N Y E A R S 1989 1988 Fixed assets Current assets 147,550 154,713 140,543 129,086 117,471 109,400 102,078 116,333 118,455 73,153 35,137 20,425 18,288 16,350 28,101 33,571 14,358 22,060 87,955 22,793 Total assets 220,703 189,850 160,968 147,374 133,821 137,501 135,649 130,691 140,515 110,748 BALANCE SHEET 1997 Shareholders’ equity 117,319 Third party interests 80,170 Provisions for liabilities and charges 947 Long-term debt 11,472 Short-term debt 10,795 Total liabilities 1996 88,676 77,049 758 12,885 10,482 1995 75,597 58,578 201 8,157 18,435 1994 74,184 49,627 288 11,929 11,346 1993 71,370 44,110 450 7,864 10,027 1992 68,336 41,679 452 8,915 18,119 1991 64,573 42,696 520 20,017 7,843 1990 56,206 39,524 213 21,581 13,167 54,238 44,625 342 24,233 17,077 41,177 25,402 356 27,263 16,550 220,703 189,850 160,968 147,374 133,821 137,501 135,649 130,691 140,515 110,748 INCOME STATEMENT Profits of companies accounted for on an equity basis Financial revenues Amounts written back and profits on disposal Exceptionnal income Tax regularisation 15,985 7,053 12,969 3,380 11,577 2,370 9,586 2,242 8,378 2,725 6,468 3,898 7,272 3,892 10,252 3,402 10,745 4,570 1,925 7,634 22,835 149 0 20,676 235 1 1,124 63 14 2,860 91 0 1,504 107 104 2,051 1 2 4,841 123 2 5,426 38 5 4,098 416 17 3,733 124 159 Total revenues 46,022 37,261 15,148 14,779 12,818 12,420 16,130 19,123 19,846 13,575 Financial costs Operating costs Depreciation, provisions and amounts written off Exceptional charges Taxes Amortisation of goodwill Profit of the year - group share - third party interests Total costs 3,757 585 1,926 553 1,470 419 1,238 470 1,445 495 1,840 563 1,888 796 2,783 723 3,537 1,923 3,805 2,267 935 127 199 1,010 705 932 35 1,545 311 62 104 972 166 479 77 1,048 2 185 97 875 349 22 97 876 1.389 688 136 849 1.959 3,134 92 880 1.239 12,262 54 1,517 610 110 138 340 31,726 7,683 16,891 14,674 6,602 5,208 6,633 4,668 6,382 3,337 6,335 2,338 7,023 3,361 5,689 3,863 4,259 (4,945) 5,850 455 46,022 37,261 15,148 14,779 12,818 12,420 16,130 19,123 19,846 13,575 PROFIT PER SHARE Total 1,327 718 281 282 281 278 322 274 216 333 Operating 320 330 283 265 259 222 217 N.D. N.D. N.D. GROSS DIVIDENDS Per share 210.00 200.00 195.33 195.29 195.29 190.00 190.00 186.67 182.00 173.33 COUPON N° 37 36 35 33 32 30 29 28 27 25 NUMBER OF SHARES IN ISSUE 24,299,940 23,508,759 23,508,607 23,508,600 22,750,218 22,749,564 22,748,963 20,758,091 20,757,001 17,576,278 NUMBER OF WARRANTS IN ISSUE 1,483,638 2,274,819 2,274,971 2,274,978 0 2,696,155 2,696,756 4,795,533 4,796,623 4,799,442 WEIGHTED AVERAGE NUMBER OF SHARES 23,903,200 23,508,679 23,508,600 23,508,580 22,749,992 22,749,214 21,809,946 20,757,139 19,702,105 17,576,278 CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 1997 71 Brought to you by Global Reports Brought to you by Global Reports ANNUAL ACCOUNTS NOTE ON THE IMPORTANCE OF CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS RELATIVE TO ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 74 NOTE RELATING TO THE ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 75 BALANCE SHEET 76 INCOME STATEMENT 78 APPROPRIATION OF PROFIT 79 DISTRIBUTION 80 STATEMENT OF AMOUNTS PAYABLE 80 ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES 81 The abbreviated version of the annexe to the annual accounts of Groupe Bruxelles Lambert S.A. is presented hereafter. In accordance with legal requirements, the annual accounts, management report and auditor’s report have been deposited with the Banque Nationale de Belgique (Belgian National Bank). In conformity with the law of 22 December 1995 relating to measures aimed at putting in place a multi-annual employment plan and the Royal Decree of 4 August 1996 implementing of this law, companies are required to prepare and publish a ″social report″ relating employment developments within the company, the effort devoted to training and the effects within the company of various employment-boosting measures. This social report is an integral part of the company’s annual accounts and has also been deposited with the Banque Nationale de Belgique (Belgian National Bank). These documents are available on request from: GROUPE BRUXELLES LAMBERT S.A. Administrative secretary Avenue Marnix 24 B-1000 Brussels (Belgium) The statutory annual accounts of GROUPE BRUXELLES LAMBERT S.A. were approved without reservation in the auditor’s report. ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 1997 73 Brought to you by Global Reports N O T E O N T H E I M P O RTA N C E O F C O N S O L I DAT E D AC C O U N T S R E L AT I V E T O A N N UA L AC C O U N T S In GBL’s annual accounts, the balance sheet gives a snapshot of all the assets and liabilities at 31 December, while the annual income statement relates the impact of the various transactions entered into by GBL during the year. Included among GBL’s assets are those shareholdings it owns directly, which are: - operating companies in which GBL holds direct stakes: Bernheim-Comofi, Groupe Jean Dupuis and Transcor; - intermediate holding companies: Electrafina, Audiofina, Parfinance and Royale-Vendôme; - fully-owned subsidiaries which form the restricted consolidation group and include Brussels Securities, Natural Resources Consultants, GBL Coordination Center, Sagerpar and GBL Finance. The group’s other main operating companies are held through the intermediate holding companies: - CLT-UFA through Electrafina and Audiofina; - Royale Belge through Royale-Vendôme; - Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, PetroFina, Monument Oil and Gas and the Cometra group through Electrafina; - Imétal through Parfinance. The income statement included in GBL’s annual accounts reports the revenues and costs relating to financial transactions carried out in connection with its direct shareholdings. Portfolio income consists mainly of dividends from the direct holdings referred to above. Dividends from companies in which GBL does not hold a direct stake, such as CLT-UFA, PetroFina and Imétal show up in the income statement of GBL’s annual accounts after a certain lapse of time as they are first reported as dividends received by their parent companies. In consolidated accounts, on the other hand, there is no time difference as, regardless of the existence of intermediate holding companies, the results of the operating companies themselves, and not the dividends received, are shown as part of the GBL result in the year in which they occur. In the consolidated accounts, the concept of GBL as an entity is enlarged to include the group, which also includes intermediate holding companies and fully consolidated subsidiaries included in the restricted consolidation. The consolidated accounts thus reflect all third-party transactions effected by all the companies making up the group. Internal transactions between companies within the group are eliminated for the purposes of consolidation: these are mainly dividends paid within the group and profits arising on transactions between group companies. In conclusion, the balance sheet and income statement included in the annual accounts cannot be analysed meaning fully without having first studied the balance sheet and income statement in the consolidated accounts which analyse and detail all transactions carried out within the group during the period in question. ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 1997 74 Brought to you by Global Reports N O T E R E L AT I N G T O T H E A N N UA L AC C O U N T S Total assets shown in the annual accounts of Groupe Bruxelles Lambert S.A. amounted to BF 113.0 billion, compared to BF 93.8 billion the previous year, representing an increase of BF 19.2 billion. On the assets side, this increase can be explained in large part by an increase in the value of financial fixed assets of BF 16.9 billion, with the disposal of BBL stock generating a profit of BF 15.6 billion and also the reclassification in GBL of stock of 100% subsidiaries. Current assets increased by BF 2.3 billion. This increase is mainly attributable to amounts receivable upon the disposal of BBL stock and the dynamic management of short-term investments in shares. On the liabilities side, amounts payable after more than one year and amounts payable within one year were both almost unchanged from the previous year. Net profit was BF 20.7 billion against BF 2.2 billion in 1996. The improved profit is largely attributable to higher dividend income and to profits realised on the disposal of stock. Dividends received amounted to BF 5.1 billion, against BF 3.2 billion the previous year. The increase in dividend income is mostly due to profit distributions by fully-owned subsidiaries of BF 1 billion, in addition to which Electrafina paid out BF 0.3 billion and Royale-Vendôme BF 0.2 billion. Profits on disposal were BF 16.3 billion, including principally the profit of BF 15.6 billion earned on the disposal of BBL. ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 1997 75 Brought to you by Global Reports BALANCE SHEET 1997 1996 1995 FIXED ASSETS 109,873,451 92,985,347 92,788,810 III. Tangible fixed assets C. Vehicles and movable property IV. Financial investments A. Related companies 1. Shareholdings 2. Amounts receivable B. Other companies 1. Shareholdings C. Other investments 1. Stocks and shares 2. Amounts receivable and cash guarantees 39,834 39,834 109,833,617 87,194,519 84,175,656 3,018,863 35,000 35,000 22,604,098 22,469,950 134,148 40,885 40,885 92,944,462 92,448,798 88,439,935 4,008,863 35,000 35,000 460,664 326,496 134,168 17,276 17,276 92,771,534 92,238,038 92,180,561 57,477 70,782 70,782 462,714 328,515 134,199 CURRENT ASSETS 3,140,602 795,114 548,707 VII. Receivables due within one year A. Trade receivables B. Other receivables VIII. Short-term investments IX. Cash on hand X. Prepayments and adjustments 1,132,219 37,633 1,094,586 1,989,087 19,296 − 321,684 4,030 317,654 462,666 10,364 400 281,199 13,691 267,508 242,957 24,544 7 113,014,053 93,780,461 93,337,517 ASSETS (BF thousand) TOTAL ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 1997 76 Brought to you by Global Reports 1997 1996 1995 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 95,069,151 75,960,988 78,416,800 I. 24,299,940 24,299,940 28,220,518 6,384,880 2,429,994 1,004,095 1,004,095 2,750,791 200,000 36,163,813 23,508,759 23,508,759 25,530,503 6,305,762 2,350,876 1,004,095 1,004,095 2,750,791 200,000 20,615,964 23,508,607 23,508,607 25,529,986 6,305,746 2,350,860 1,004,095 1,004,095 2,750,791 200,000 23,072,461 PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES AND DEFERRED TAXES 260,032 175,712 128,551 VII. Provisions for liabilities and charges A. Pensions and similar obligations D. Other liabilities and charges 260,032 201,957 58,075 175,712 133,969 41,743 128,551 91,401 37,150 AMOUNTS PAYABLE 17,684,870 17,643,761 14,792,166 VIII. Amounts payable beyond one year A. Financial liabilities 5. Other loans IX. Amounts payable within one year A. Portion of long-term debt falling due within one year B. Financial liabilities 2. Other loans C. Trade payables 1. Suppliers D. Taxes, salaries and social charges payable 1. Taxes 2. Salaries and social charges F. Other amounts payable X. Accrued charges and deferred income 5,604,950 5,604,950 5,604,950 11,785,133 5,604,950 5,604,950 5,604,950 11,765,790 5,604,950 5,604,950 5,604,950 8,844,514 − 6,562,000 6,562,000 7,412 7,412 26,396 21,534 4,862 5,189,325 294,787 − 6,844,500 6,844,500 11,046 11,046 25,668 21,313 4,355 4,884,576 273,021 2,925,000 1,171,500 1,171,500 3,283 3,283 30,908 23,596 7,312 4,713,823 342,702 113,014,053 93,780,461 93,337,517 LIABILITIES II. IV. V. (BF thousand) Share capital A. Share capital Share premiums Reserves A. Legal reserve B. Non-distributable reserves 2. Other C. Tax-exempt reserves D. Distributable reserves Profit carried forward TOTAL ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 1997 77 Brought to you by Global Reports I N C O M E S TAT E M E N T CHARGES A. B. C. D. E. F. (BF thousand) Interest charges Other finance costs Miscellaneous goods and services Salaries, social charges and pensions Miscellaneous operating costs Depreciation and other amounts written off the value of set-up and tangible and intangible fixed assets Amounts written off 1. long-term investments 2. current assets Provisions for liabilities and charges Losses on disposal 2. long-term investments 3. current assets Exceptional charges Taxes Profit for the year 1997 1996 1995 695,669 162,527 209,410 28,981 6,686 678,883 114,593 212,583 38,685 571 822,004 71,691 202,843 57,022 1,458 8,267 75,330 − 75,330 (697) 34,363 − 34,363 107,310 − 20,729,472 2,095 14,568 − 14,568 21,363 497,534 454,840 42,694 257,840 1 2,245,269 8,087 18,044 18,044 − (447) 10,775 10,775 − 26 10,471 6,148,759 TOTAL 22,057,318 4,083,985 7,350,733 O. 20,729,472 2,245,269 6,148,759 G. H. I. J. L. M. Profit for the year to be appropriated ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 1997 78 Brought to you by Global Reports INCOME A. B. C. D. E. G. H. I. J. L. (BF thousand) Income from financial fixed assets 1. dividends 2. interest Income from current assets Other operating income Income from services provided Other operating income Reinstatement of amounts written off on 1. financial fixed assets 2. current assets Release of provisions for liabilities and charges Gains on disposal 1. tangible and intangible fixed assets 2. financial fixed assets 3. current assets Exceptional income Adjustement of income taxes and release of tax provisions TOTAL 1997 1996 1995 5,267,247 5,075,732 191,515 34,642 148,041 65,901 105,280 124,544 109,976 14,568 4 16,267,104 500 16,059,324 207,280 44,555 3,336,921 3,232,900 104,021 22,853 34,304 4,870 200,470 51,241 51,241 − 484 198,067 5 137,591 60,471 234,025 5,370,036 5,303,840 66,196 62,571 1,325 8,498 134,278 − − − 4,438 1,742,467 320 1,741,042 1,105 25,828 − 750 1,292 22,057,318 4,083,985 7,350,733 1997 1996 1995 41,345,436 25,317,730 27,664,442 20,729,472 20,615,964 2,245,269 23,072,461 6,148,759 21,515,683 (79,118) (15) (1) 79,118 15 1 (36,163,813) (20,615,964) (23,072,461) 36,163,813 20,615,964 23,072,461 (5,102,504) 5,102,504 (4,701,750) 4,701,750 (4,591,981) 4,591,981 A P P R O P R I AT I O N O F P R O F I T S (BF thousand) PROFIT TO BE APPROPRIATED Profit for the year to be appropriated Profit brought forward TRANSFER TO RESERVES To the legal reserve PROFIT TO BE CARRIED FORWARD Profit to be carried forward DISTRIBUTION OF PROFIT Dividends ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 1997 79 Brought to you by Global Reports DISTRIBUTION With profits carried forward from the previous year of BF 20,615,964,271, the profit to be appropriated amounts to BF 41,345,435,974, which the Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting on 26 May 1998 to allocate as follows: Dividends on 24,297,640 shares Transfer to reserves To be carried forward 5,102,504,400 79,118,100 36,163,813,474 The dividend per share is as follows: 1996 Coupon no. 36 1997 Coupon no. 37 Share Share + strip VVPR 1995 Coupon no. 35 Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net 210 210 157.5 178.5 200 200 150 170 195.33 195.33 145.00 169.14 S T A T E M E N T O F A M O U N T S PAYA B L E Amounts payable falling due after one year (including those maturing during the year) (BF thousand) 1997 31 December 1996 1995 UNSECURED LOANS Other loans TOTAL 5,604,950 5,604,950 NIET-GECONSOLIDEERDE REKENING 1997 80 Brought to you by Global Reports 5,604,950 5,604,950 8,529,950 8,529,950 ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES The accounting principles are identical to those used in the consolidated accounts, with the following exceptions: - in respect of assets and liabilities expressed in foreign currencies, differences on translation of amounts receivable or payable falling due within one year are charged to the income statement; - operating revenues and costs expressed in foreign currencies are converted into Belgian francs at the rate applicable on the day of the transaction; - provisions solely applicable to consolidated accounts, such as those contained in the Royal Decrees of 6 March 1990 and 25 November 1991, are not relevant to non-consolidated accounts. NIET-GECONSOLIDEERDE REKENING 1997 81 Brought to you by Global Reports Brought to you by Global Reports A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M AT I O N I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. IDENTIFICATION 1. Name Groupe Bruxelles Lambert S.A. Groep Brussel Lambert N.V. The French and Dutch names can be used together or separately 2. Registered office 24, avenue Marnix - 1000 Brussels The registered office may be transferred to any other location in Belgium upon a decision by the Board of Directors. 3. Legal form, establishment, legal publications A limited company established under Belgian law set up on 6 July 1953 by a deed before Notary Albert Raucq, of Brussels, and Notary René Van Beneden, of Schaerbeek, published in the appendices to the Moniteur Belge of 27 and 28 July 1953, ref. n° 19-416. The current name has been used since 1 August 1977. The company statutes were most recently altered on 29 December 1997, as published in the appendix to the Moniteur Belge of 23 January 1998, ref. no. 980123-150/151. 4. Company register The Company is entered on the Brussels Companies’ Register, n° 246.108. 5. Duration The Company has an unlimited duration. 6. Objectives The Company’s objectives are to carry out financial and real estate transactions, transport operations, particularly by rail, trading in goods and equipment, especially the rental of transport equipment and general industrial equipment, as well as research and consultancy work covering the foregoing areas and any other financial and economic issues. The Company may act on its own behalf or on behalf of third parties. It may participate in any enterprises or operations which relate directly or indirectly to its objectives or which could be useful in achieving those objectives. The Company may buy, sell, rent or manage any movable or immovable property and may involve itself through contribution, disposal, participation, merger or other means in any syndicates or companies, where this could contribute to the achievement of its objectives. 83 Brought to you by Global Reports 7. Location where public documents may be consulted The Company’s statutes and articles of association may be consulted at the Registry of the Brussels Commercial Tribunal and at the registered office. The annual accounts are lodged with the National Bank of Belgium. Decisions on the nomination and dismissal of members of the Company’s executive organs are published in the appendices to the Moniteur Belge. Financial opinions about the Company are published in the financial press and daily newspapers. Other documents accessible to the public and referred to in the prospectus can be consulted at the Company’s registered office. The Company’s annual reports are sent each year to nominative shareholders as well as any person who has requested a copy; they may be obtained free of charge from the registered office. B. SHARE CAPITAL 1. Issued capital The fully paid-up share capital at 31 December 1997 was BF 24,299,940,000, represented by 24,299,940 ordinary shares with no nominal value. Number of ordinary shares - Registered or bearer shares Registered Bearer 15,445,315 8,854,625 All shares have the same rights, with the exception of 2,300 shares issued on the exercise of 2,300 warrants in December 1997 (warrants issued in February 1994). These new ordinary shares enjoy dividend rights from 1 January 1998. In accordance with article 28 of the Articles of Association, each ordinary share carries entitlement to one vote. GBL has not issued any other category of share such as non-voting shares or preference shares. 2. Authorised capital Following the decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting on 28 May 1996, the Board of Directors is authorised to: - increase the share capital in one or several tranches, up to a total of BF 10 billion; - decide to issue convertible loan stock or subscription rights in one or more forms, up to an amount such that the amount of the capital increase that could arise from the exercise of the conversion or subscription rights attached to such stock does not result in the newly issued authorised capital exceeding the above limit. In either case, the Board of Directors may, in the common interest, limit or cancel the preferential subscription rights of shareholders in accordance with the provisions laid down by the law. This facility, first granted on 26 May 1992, and renewed on 28 May 1996, is valid for a period of five years from 25 June 1996, or up to and including 24 June 2001. 84 Brought to you by Global Reports On 7 December 1993, the Board of Directors, using the power granted on 26 May 1992, issued 758,340 ordinary shares with 2,275,020 warrants attached. 1,483,638 of these warrants are still outstanding. When the authorised capital increase was renewed at the Extraordinary General Meeting of 28 May 1996, it was agreed that the exercise of these warrants would be considered to be covered by the previously authorised capital. It follows that the authorised capital remains at BF 10 billion. 3. Changes in share capital since 1 january 1995 Dates Details of the change 1/1/95 15/1/96 27/6/96 17/1/97 24/6/97 29/12/97 Situation at that date Exercise of 7 warrants Exercise of 144 warrants Exercise of 8 warrants Exercise of 788,881 warrants Exercise of 2,300 warrants Capital in BF Number of shares issued 23,508,600,000 7,000 144,000 8,000 788,881,000 2,300,000 23,508,600 7 144 8 788,881 2,300 24,299,940,000 24,299,940 C. SHARE CAPITAL The shareholding structure described is based on declarations made up to 31 March 1998 in accordance with article 1 of the law of 2 March 1989 relating to the announcement of major shareholdings and the date of such declaration. The organisation chart of the control of GBL is included under item E. Number of shares held % Number of warrants held % Total % Date of declaration 10,398,210 45.71 60,289 2.23 10,458,499 41.10 06.12.91 Fonds de Pension GBL - Avenue Marnix, 24 - 1000 Brussels 20,000 0.10 - - 20,000 0.08 30.06.89 UAP Vie S.A. - Place Vendôme, 9 - F - 75042 Paris Société Centrale UAP - Place Vendôme, 9 - F - 75042 Paris UAP Incendie Accidents - Place Vendôme, 9 - F - 75042 Paris TOTAL UAP 1,718,262 261,955 177,390 2,157,607 8.27 1.26 0.85 10.38 69,972 22,174 92,146 1.45 0.46 1.91 1,788,234 261,955 199,564 2,249,753 7.00 1.02 0.78 8.80 20.06.91 20.06.91 20.06.91 Royale Belge S.A. - Boulevard du Souverain, 25 - 1170 Brussels Urbaine UAP S.A. - Boulevard du Souverain, 25 - 1170 Brussels Lloyd Belge S.A. - Jan Van Rijswijcklaan, 162 - 2020 Antwerpen La Garantie Belge - Boulevard du Souverain, 25 - 1170 Brussels La Foncière Liégeoise S.A. - Boulevard d’Avroy, 37 - 4000 Liège TOTAL ROYALE BELGE 1,167,245 369,440 25,456 2,400 1,125 1,565,666 5.62 1.78 0.10 0.01 7.51 35,425 18,609 141 54,175 0.74 0.39 1.13 1,202,670 388,049 25,456 2,400 1,266 1,619,841 4.71 1.52 0.10 0.01 6.34 20.06.91 20.06.91 20.06.91 20.06.91 20.06.91 Shareholders PARGESA NETHERLANDS B.V. Rodenrijselaan 23b - NL - 3037 XB Rotterdam 85 Brought to you by Global Reports The table above, while meeting legal requirements, no longer reflects the reality: - the warrants referred to matured on 20 May 1993; - 2,275,020 warrants were issued in January 1994; - the percentages shown in the table do not correspond to the economic interests of each of the shareholders; - restructuring within the Royale Belge group resulted in the disappearance of Urbaine UAP and Lloyd Belge and the establishment of a new entity, Royale Belge 1994. - in 1997, UAP was absorbed into the AXA group, which consequently changed its name to AXA-UAP. Companies referred to above that are part of the UAP group have therefore become subsidiaries of the new entity, AXA-UAP. The company formerly known as Centrale UAP has changed its name to Compagnie UAP. D. SHAREHOLDERS CONTROLLING AT LEAST 5% OF THE CAPITAL AT 31 DECEMBER 1997 Companies Pargesa Royale Belge AXA-UAP Others Total Shares Number % 11,999,611 49.38 1,358,151 5.59 2,391,348 9.84 8,550,830 35.19 24,299,940 100.00 Warrants Number % 0 0.00 0 0.00 231,417 15.60 1,252,221 84.40 1,483,638 100.00 Total Number 11,999,611 1,358,151 2,622,765 9,803,051 25,783,578 % 46.54 5.27 10.17 38.02 100.00 E. SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF GBL AT OP 31 DECEMBER 1997 POWER FINANCIAL CORPORATION GROUPE FREREBOURGEOIS CNP 50% PARJOINTCO 50% 54,5% PARGESA HOLDING AXA-UAP ROYALE BELGE 49,4% (46,5%) 9,8% (10,2%) 5,6% (5,3%) ( ) after exercice of warrants Joint control agreement Under an agreement reached in 1990, the Power and Frère-Bourgeois/CNP groups, acting through a Dutch holding company, Parjointco, jointly control Pargesa Holding S.A., which in turn owns 49.4% of the capital of GBL. In September 1996, this agreement, which had been made for an initial period of 11 years, was extended until the year 2014. 86 Brought to you by Global Reports F. STOCK MARKET DATA (ADJUSTED SHARE PRICE) Year 1995 1996 1997 1998** Share price BF Shares Share price BF VVPR shares High Low High Low 4,190 4,300 6,160 6,680 3,200 3,680 4,020 5,220 4,110 4,250* − − 3,340 3,845* − − * from 1 January 1996 to 8 May 1996 ** from 1 January 1998 to 30 March 1998 II. GENERAL INFORMATION ON GBL’S ACTIVITIES A. OPERATIONS GBL is a holding company. It has direct and indirect stakes in a range of first class companies in Belgium and abroad. These are Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, PetroFina, in which the group is the largest shareholder, CLT-UFA, Royale Belge, Imétal and Bernheim-Comofi. Through the intermediate holding companies, Electrafina and Parfinance, it also has stakes in Monument Oil and Gas, Paribas and AXA-UAP (the last two were disposed of in early 1998) as well as in unquoted companies, such as Distripar, Gillam, Transcor and Dupuis. B. AVERAGE NUMBER OF STAFF AVERAGE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 1997 31 December 1996 1995 12 12 16 C. INVESMENTS MADE IN THE LAST THREE YEARS During the last three years, GBL has devoted the main share of its investment capital to several large companies in which it aims to perform its role as stable shareholder to the full. Audiofina - CLT - November 1995: Audiofina makes a takeover bid for CLT, enabling it to increase its holding, in association with Fratel, to 97% of CLT. At 31 December 1995, GBL held 51.6% of Audiofina through CLMM; - 1995: Audiofina’s economic interest in CLT is 96.2% compared to 53.3% at the end of 1994; - 1996: GBL sells its 35% stake in CLMM to Electrafina, which in turn acquires a direct stake of over 17% in Audiofina. At the end of 1996, Electrafina controls 48% of Audiofina; 87 Brought to you by Global Reports - 1997: Audiofina sells 16.7% of CLT-UFA to Bertelsmann for LUF 32 billion. Following the dissolution of CLMM, Electrafina has a direct stake of 48.5% in Audiofina; - June 1997: Audiofina acquires the 1.4% stake in Canal+ that had been held by Electrafina; - December 1997: capital increase of BF 1 billion at Audiofina (conversion of loan stock redeemable in shares). Havas - 1995: Audiofina invests a further BF 650 million in Havas; at the end of the year it holds 4.3% of the capital; - At the end of 1996, Audiofina’s stake in Havas is 4,0%; - 1997: Audiofina holds 3.3% of Havas. Electrafina - 1995: holding increased further, from 45% to 45.4% through purchases on stock market; - 1996: capital increase of BF 30 billion. GBL participates to the tune of BF 16 billion and at 31 December 1996 controls 47.9% of the capital of Electrafina; - December 1997: capital increase of BF 1 billion (conversion of loan stock redeemable in shares); - GBL and Royale Belge control 54.6% of Electrafina at the end of 1997. Parfinance - May 1996: Parfinance carries out share buy-back operation. GBL holding increases from 27% to 41% at the end of 1996 while Pargesa holds 49% of Parfinance; - at the end of 1997, GBL owns 40.7% of Parfinance, while Pargesa owns a further 47.6%. Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux - 1996: acquisition by Electrafina of shares in Suez for BF 12.9 billion. Shareholding in Suez at the end of the year is 6.1%; - 1997: acquisition by Electrafina of shares in Compagnie de Suez and Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux for BF 30.6 billion. Electrafina holds 11.2% of the capital and almost 10% of the voting rights in the company. Tractebel - 1996: disposal by Electrafina of its holding to Société Générale de Belgique for BF 41 billion. 88 Brought to you by Global Reports D. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET TRENDS OF THE LAST THREE YEARS BF million Fixed assets Current assets TOTAL ASSETS Shareholders’ equity (group share) Third party interests Provisions for liabilities and charges Amounts payable after one year Other amounts payable TOTAL LIABILITIES 1997 1996 1995 147,550 73,153 154,713 35,137 140,543 20,425 220,703 189,850 160,968 117,319 80,170 947 11,472 10,795 88,676 77,049 758 12,885 10,482 75,597 58,578 201 8,157 18,435 220,703 189,850 160,968 Movements in financial investments of the last three years 1995 - purchase through the stock market of 103,700 Electrafina shares at a cost of BF 0.3 billion; - disposal by Royale-Vendôme of 77,050 Royale Belge shares for BF 0.4 billion; - disposal of the Métropole Télévision (M6) stake for BF 0.5 billion; - repayment of 1987/1995 $ 60 million loan for BF 2.4 billion; - because Audiofina’s holding in CLT increased from 62.4% to 96.8%, the value of the net assets of CLT (consolidated using the equity method by Audiofina, which itself is fully consolidated) increased by more than BF 7 billion. As the economic interest of GBL in CLT fell from 23.3% to 22.9% primarily as a result of the conversion of other parties of loan stock redeemable in shares, this increase in assets is counterbalanced by a corresponding increase in third party interests in Audiofina. 1996 - investments of BF 17 billion in Electrafina; - disposal by Royale-Vendôme of 107,375 shares in Royale Belge for BF 0.5 billion; - subscription for 70,718 new ordinary shares in BBL (exercise of B warrants) for BF 0.3 billion; - disposal by GBL to Electrafina of its 35% stake in CLMM for BF 18.3 billion. Purchase by Electrafina of 10,518,738 shares in Audiofina for BF 17.4 billion; - repayment and conversion into shares at the end of 1996 of all (1,099,518) CLT shares held by Audiofina and Fratel; - Parfinance share buy-back. GBL stake increases from 27% to 41%. - disposal by Electrafina and Royale Belge of their Tractebel shares to Société Générale de Belgique for BF 49.4 billion. The GBL group’s share of the profit realised on this transaction was almost BF 10 billion; - acquisition by Electrafina of Suez and Canal + shares for BF 15.7 billion. It holds 6.1% of Suez and 1.6% of Canal + at the end of 1996; - repayment of GBL Finance loan of LUF 3 billion. 89 Brought to you by Global Reports 1997 - January: Audiofina and Bertelsmann established CLT-UFA, Europe’s premier audio-visual group. In order to balance their respective shareholdings, Audiofina sold 16.7% of CLT-UFA to Bertelsmann for a sum of LUF 32 billion; - February-December: taking advantage of very favourable market conditions, American Cometra, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Electrafina, disposed of all its oil sector interests in the United States; - March-April: GBL sold its 1.8% stake in GIB; - June-December: increase of BF 3.5 billion in shareholders’ equity following the exercising of 791,181 GBL warrants at BF 4,400; - December: GBL exchanged its holding in BBL for shares in ING, which had made a takeover bid; - January to December: during the year, GBL, through Electrafina, strengthened on several occasions its holding in Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, a global industrial group specialising in local communal services and arising from the merger between Compagnie de Suez and Lyonnaise des Eaux. Its holding at 31 December 1997 amounted to 11.2% of the share capital; - December: conversion of Audiofina loan stock repayable in shares by Electrafina (BF 1 billion) and Electrafina loan stock repayable in shares by GBL (BF 1 billion). Acquisitions or sales of quoted securities generally take place at stock market rates. III.INFORMATION ON THE COMPANY’S ADMINISTRATION, MANAGEMENT AND AUDITOR A. ADMINISTRATION AND AUDITOR (see pages 6, 7 and 8 of the annual report) B. AUDITOR Deloitte & Touche, Reviseurs d’Entreprises scc represented by Mr. Claude POURBAIX avenue de la Renaissance 20 bte 25 1000 Brussels Statutory auditor This mandate expires at the close of the Annual General Meeting on 26 May 1998. A proposal will be made to the Meeting to renew this term of office as Statutory Auditor for a period of three years. If this proposal is approved, Messrs Claude Pourbaix and Michel Denayer will represent the company. 90 Brought to you by Global Reports C. REMUNERATION PAID TO BOARD MEMBERS AND EXECUTIVES FOR THE 1997 FINANCIAL YEAR Extract from the 1997 consolidated accounts (BF million): Total amount of remuneration awarded in respect of the financial year to directors of the parent company in respect of their functions in the parent company, and its subsidiaries and related companies: 130.8 Exceptional pension provision: 98.8 Extract from the 1997 parent company accounts (BF million): Financial relations with directors and managers - direct and indirect remuneration and pensions charged to the income statement, to the extent that this does not relate exclusively or primarily to a single identifiable person: - directors - exceptional pension provision 90.1 76.3 D. FEES PAID TO THE AUDITOR IN RESPECT OF THE 1997 FINANCIAL YEAR The fees paid to the auditor amounted to BF 2,045,000. E. NUMBER OF SHARES IN THE COMPANY HELD BY BOARD MEMBERS, EXECUTIVES OR AUDITOR Members of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee between them hold 227 registered shares of GBL. F. PROFIT-SHARING PLAN FOR EMPLOYEES GBL does not have any profit-sharing plan for its employees. 91 Brought to you by Global Reports RESOLUTIONS PROPOSED TO SHAREHOLDERS’ A) To the ordinary shareholders’ meeting 1. Management report and auditor’s reports on the 1997 financial year. 2. Annual accounts at 31 December 1997. The Board proposes the meeting to approve the accounts, including the allocation of profits. 3. Discharge of Directors. The Board proposes the meeting to discharge the Directors. 4. Discharge of the Auditor. The Board proposes the meeting to discharge the Auditor. 5. Resignation of three Directors. Statutory nomination: the Board of Directors proposes to renew, for a period of three years, the term of office of statutory auditors granted to Deloitte & Touche, Auditors, and to set their fees accordingly. 6. Miscellaneous. B) To the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting 1. Temporary authorisation to purchase shares in the company Proposal to authorise the Board of Directors for a period of eighteen (18) months, to purchase the company’s shares in the stock market, up to a maximum number of two million four hundred thousand (2,400,000) shares at a minimum price of three thousand five hundred francs (3,500) and a maximum price of eight thousand francs (8,000) and to authorise subsidiaries of the company, as defined in the second paragraph of article 52 quinquies section 1 of the co-ordinated laws on commercial companies to purchase shares in it subject to the same conditions. 2. Renewal of express temporary authorisation to increase the share capital where there is a takeover bid a) Proposal to renew, from this day for a period of three years, the express authorisation given to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital in the case of a bid being made to take over the company. This authorisation does not restrict the power of the Board of Directors to enter into transactions using the authorised capital, other than those restrictions imposed by sections 3 and 4 of article 33 bis of the co-ordinated laws on commercial companies. b) Consequently, proposal to renew this authorisation granted to the Board on the same terms and under the same conditions as those defined by the general meeting of the twenty-eighth of May nineteen hundred and ninety-six, included under item II.b. of article 6 of the articles of association, the text of which is retained subject to the replacement of the date of the twenty-eighth of May nineteen hundred and ninety-six by that of the general meeting that decides upon this renewal. 92 Brought to you by Global Reports 3. Renewal of the authorisation to purchase shares in the company to avoid it suffering serious and imminent damage a) Proposal to renew, from this day for a period of three years from the date foreseen in law, the authorisation given to the Board of Directors to purchase shares in the company to avoid it suffering serious and imminent damage. b) Consequently, proposal not to modify article 10 of the articles of association except to replace, in the third paragraph of section 1 of this article, the date of the twenty-eighth of May nineteen hundred and ninety-six by that of the general meeting that decides upon this renewal. 4. Other modifications to the by-laws: ARTICLE 5: proposal to modify this article relating to the share capital by the introduction of a second paragraph drafted as follows: “As soon as the EURO, the European Union’s new single currency, enters into circulation, the Board of Directors will have the power to use it as the currency in which the share capital is expressed and, where appropriate, to amend the articles of association to this effect. Any such decision will be published by the company in the Appendices of the Moniteur Belge.” ARTICLE 8: proposal to replace the words “through a stockbroker” with the words “using an intermediary recognised by law” in the second paragraph. ARTICLE 30: proposal to modify this article relating to the annual accounts by inserting a new paragraph, between the second and third paragraphs, containing the following text: “The annual accounts are drawn up in the currency in which the share capital is expressed, that is the Belgian franc, or as soon as the EURO enters into circulation, in the new single currency of the European Union should the Board of Directors exercise the power granted in article 5 of these by-laws.” 5. Powers Proposal to confer all powers on the Board of Directors necessary for the execution of resolutions adopted on the foregoing items. 93 Brought to you by Global Reports G L O S S A RY Shareholders’ equity (also known as net worth) calculated after profit distribution and any amounts charged to or withdrawn from tax-exempt reserves, it includes share capital, share issue premiums, revaluation surpluses and reserves, as well as the reported result after deducting any third party interests Stock market capitalisation (stock market valuation) the value of a company calculated on the basis of the price of its shares on the stock market and obtained by multiplying the share price by the number of shares in issue to which are added the number of shares represented by loan stock redeemable in shares Net result (net profit or net loss) excludes third party interests and before transfers to or from tax-exempt reserves Profit distribution includes dividends and directors’ bonuses Earnings per share (EPS) net result for the year divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year Gross dividend per share dividend before deduction of withholding tax Stock market rate (share price) at 31 December Number of shares in issue number of shares that represent the share capital on 31 December Group holding (%) (stake) percentage of share capital held directly, or indirectly through intermediate holding companies and Royale Belge Weighted average number of shares obtained by adding ’’prorata temporis’’ to the number of shares in issue at 31 December of the previous year, any shares issued as a result of a capital increase (including conversion of loan stock or exercising of warrants) during the year in question Fully diluted taking into account the number of shares that would be in existence if all outstanding warrants were exercised and outstanding loan stock redeemable in shares were converted Estimated value (break-up value) this value is obtained by valuing the assets, mainly shareholdings, at market value, after the deduction of liabilities and provisions. The market value of shareholdings corresponds to: - stock market value for quoted companies; - relative share of shareholders’ equity for unquoted companies consolidated in the accounts; - book value of unquoted companies not consolidated. However, in accordance with the principle of prudence, if the net realisable value of a shareholding is known and is less than the market value, the holding in question is valued at its net realisable value (because it is the lower of the two). GBL’s portfolio is made up for the most part of major holdings in subsidiaries, which could justify valuations exceeding the stock market valuation. The estimated value does not take account of any such control premium. Estimated value per share this is equal to the total estimated value divided by the number of shares in issue at 31 December to which are added the number of shares represented by loan stock redeemable in shares Discount this is the difference in percentage terms between the share price and the estimated value per share VVPR-strip presented at the same time as the corresponding coupon attached to the share, the VVPR strip confers entitlement to a reduced withholding tax of 15% instead of the normal 25% rate Annual average share price the arithmetic mean of the share price at the close of each day’s trading during the year in question Gross annual return price is equal to 94 Brought to you by Global Reports Gross dividend received + movement in share between 1 January and 31 December Share price at 1 January Contacts To obtain a copy of the annual report, please contact: Carine Dumasy Tel: 32-2-547.23.52 Fax: 32-2-547.22.85 E-mail: cdumasy@gbl.be To report a theft or loss or for information about GBL shares, please contact: Marc Desclez Tel.: 32-2-547.24.28 Fax: 32-2-547.22.85 E-mail: mdesclez@gbl.be CARTE POSTALE BRIEFKAART POSTCARD Timbre Zegel Stamp GROUPE BRUXELLES LAMBERT S.A. 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