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Abiotic Factors: Temperature & Life

Abiotic factors-Temperature
Biosphere composed with biotic and abiotic factors. There are huge
interrelationships between biotic and abiotic factors.The creatures
deals with abiotic factors for complete their life cycle. This relationship
extend and other living creatures mainly deal with abiotic factors. For
mainly their nutrients, shelter and reproduction. Temperature, light,
water and soil mainly effect for above purposes. Most of the organisms
are adapt to live-in favorable temperature, which is room temperature.
But there are some extends. Because some organisms are adapt to live
in extreme conditions.They can tolerate in extreme conditions.
Extremophilic bacterias have ability to live in high temperatures, cold
zones and other extreme conditions occur mostly due to seasonal
changes. As a result, of those seasonal changes some organisms die.
Because they don’t have adaptations to control their body
temperature. Due to changing the body temperature with the
environment temperature. But some of the organisms have the ability
to control their body temperature against environment temperature.
The animals which can control their body temperature against
environment temperature changes referred as Andotherms. They have
ability to generate heat in their bodies in highly efficient metabolic
reactions. And animals which don’t have the ability to maintain their
body temperature, referred as Ectotherms. Fishers, amphibians,
reptiles are belongs to Ectotherms. And birds, mammals belongs to
Endotherms. They have the ability to control their body temperature.
They show circulatory mechanisms, such as altering blood flow
patterns, insulations, such as fur, fat or feathers and evaporative.
Mechanisms such as panting and sweating. The high temperature can
cause dehydration, heat stroke and death if untrated and low
temperature can cause hypothermia and death if untrated. And also,
the metabolic reactions of organisms breakdown as a result of
temperature. High temperature cause to denaturation of enzymes and
low temperature cause down to rate of reaction. Therefore, maintains
of internal temperature is highly influence to sustainable life. Animals
skip the unfavourable climatic conditions following hibernation and
migration. Certain animals tolerate adverse winter condition following
hibernation. Hedgehogs ground squirrels, bats, turtles are able to
hibernate and tolerance in extreme conditions.
Many animals migrate from one area to another area to skip
extreme conditions. Mostly the birds birds migrate to another
continent to skip extreme conditions. Animals which are able to
migrate experience favorable environmental condition for survival.
Temperature highly influence to distributions of creatures in
the world. Most of creatures can survive under narrow range of
temperature. The environment temperature is a result of emission of
green house gases to atmosphere. As a result of it animals move to
higher elevations and latitudes. These moving are not favourable
solution for animals. They have to face new environment, new
territory. So animals have to competitive with other creatures for
habitats, foods and other abiotic factors. The water availability of soil is
decrease with high temperature. The soil water evaporate with high
temperature. Therefore ,water availability for plants are decrease with
temperature rising. Therefore, food availability for animals, decrease
with temperature rising. Therefore, temperature can limit distribution
of living things.
Plants and animals show some adaptation to prevent the
waterloss. These adaptations mostly show in creatures which live in
arid areas mainly in desert. Because these animal have to survive in
desert area without drinking water. They get water from their foods.
Kangaroo rats are herbivorous. They eat seeds. Those seeds are high in
fat and they breakdown that fat into water and energy. Their bodies
take most of the water out of their urine so that, they pass thick urick
acid. Cactus mice eat fruits and insects fort their water requirement
from pray. Animals which live in arid environment have thicky skin and
fewer sweat glands than their counterparts in less extreme conditions.
Plants which tolerate extreme arid conditions show adaptations
to survival in arid conditions. Such as reduced leaves, thick waxy cuticle,
stomata in pits, low growth and CAM physiology. Reducing the total
number and size of leaves will reduce the surface area available for
water loss. Rollin up leaves reduces the expose the exposure of
stomata to the air and hence reduces evaporation water loss, having
leaves covered by a thickened cuticle prevents water loss from the leaf
surface, having stomata in pits, surrounded by hairs, traps water vapour
and reduce the transpiration. Low growing plants are more exposed to
wind and move likely to be shaded reducing water loss. And plants with
CAM physiology open there stomata at night reducing water loss via
The temperature variation not only influence the terrestrial
environment it also influence the aquatic habitats. The dissolution of
oxygen in water increase with decreasing temperature with
environmental temperature rising, the dissolution of oxygen get
minimum amount and it negatively feedback to animals which live in
aquatic habitats.