Uploaded by Gilbert Joyosa

Society and Culture Quiz

M.L. Quezon St. Antipolo City
Society and Culture
Name: _____________________
Course & Section: ____________
Date: ______________
Prof: Gilbert G. Joyosa
I.MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it down on the space provided for in each item:
____1. Which of the following is not major process of
human interaction?
A. conflict
B. competition
C. aggression
D. cooperation
____2. The ultimate aim of this is to reach the goal and
to destroy its competitors:
A. cooperation
B. competition
C. aggression
D. conflict
____3. The refers to the degree of attraction members
feel the group:
A. cohesion
B. communication
C. interaction
D. control
____4. A social group with two members:
A. dyad
B. triad
C. quad
D. none of the above
____5. Social interaction in this kind of relationship is
more intense:
A. dyad
B. triad
C. quad
D. all the above
____6. The basis of control in a group:
A. love
B. fear
C. interaction
D. none of the above
____7. In a big organization, decision-making can be
attained through:
A. consensus
B. majority rule
C. selection
D. none of the above
____8. In this kind of communication pattern, each
person can freely interact with one another:
A. all channel network
B. circle pattern
Society and Culture
Quiz # 5
C. wheel pattern
D. no pattern
____9. The bigger the size of a group:
A. the more the interaction
B. the lesser the interaction
C. there is no interaction
D. moderate interaction
____10. In this kind of pattern, not only is interaction
reduced, but also a single pivotal individual gains greater
power in group:
A. all channel network
B. circle pattern
C. wheel pattern
Gilbert G. Joyosa