1 OCS OPORD FORMAT v2.0 as of 07DEC18 SITUATION FRIENDLY FORCES Enablers Requested: SQD/TM ENEMY FORCES Task Organization: SQD/TM SQD/TM T: T: T: P P: P: AREAOFOPERATIONS (So What): Orient: You tell/show your squad where your element (the squad) is on the terrain model. B: N Box: You’re briefing your squad on the parameters of the area of operations. Using the terrain model to assist with SQD/TM GENERAL: T: P: Two levels up: DO NOT REGURGITATE HIGHER LEVEL OPORD. Use the ‘tasks to subordinate units’ portion of the higher level OPORD to create. What is our specific enemy (the 3-4 man team) doing? Ex: “A team of SAPA forces wants to defend OBJ WOLFPACK”. How many personnel do they have, what weapons, do they have mortars, etc.? An example: “This node is guarded by a 3-4 man element with small arms. It’s likely that they have one PKM and two AK47’s. They are also in support of two mortar systems. S:, E:, W: Trace: Anything inside of the Area of Operation that’s worth noting to your squad. The intent is for your squad to better understand the AO. E.g. “Squad, we have this road to our West, this river to our East, etc.” Familiarize: This is where you brief important items within the Area of Operation: hill tops, lakes, essentially anything that is important to the mission that your squad members should know about. CAS/CCA: Does the enemy have attack helicopters or attack aircraft? If so, what triggers deployment of the enemy’s aircraft? “Squad, the enemy has a helicopter landing zone thirty minutes away from the objective. When we attack the objective, we can expect to see an attack helicopter. You’re taking Paragraph 1, Part B (friendly forces). Number (2) (Company-level). “C Co disrupts SAPA operations in AO…” Composition brief. Basically, you’re telling them where the grid lines of your operation are. “Our Area of Operation is outlined with the 81 Northing at the North, 13 Easting to the East, etc…” AREAOF INTEREST:(Composition / Location/ Time or Range/ Trigger / Priority): The area of interest section is enemy related. Mission: Copy and paste this section from the Platoon OPORD. OTHER: Anything else worth noting to your squad that may be a triggered event. You probably won’t have anything written in this section during your OPORD. “Squad, after attacking the objective, the enemy will go on national television to announce their master plan.” section. RAKKAN.” Where is the enemy? What are they doing? An example: “Our enemy is likely occupying a lookout/observation post Southeast of OBJ Wolfpack. Their task is to control (Mission Task) in order to (IOT) prevent U.S troops from entering the OBJ. They are on order to defeat if provoked. RESERVE/ REINFORCEMENTS: Same thing: Is there a group that will reinforce the enemy on our objective? If so, we need to inform our squad how long it’ll take reinforcements to arrive, what their approximate location, etc. Really, any pertinent information regarding those reinforcements. Key Tasks: Copy/paste para 1, Part B (friendly forces), (2) intent Endstate: The info below is copy/paste from para 1, B, (2) endstate E: Enemy: “SAPA unable to influence Atropian civil activities within Dispositi on: ARTILLERY/MTRs: Same as the prior example. Does the enemy have mortars, if so, you need to brief your squad in this section about those mortars and what triggers the enemy to utilize them. Intent: Don’t need to put anything. Expanded purpose: Don’t need to put anything. T: Terrain: C: Civilian: “Minimal disruption to civilian life or livelihood.” F: Friendly: “Coalition forces (CF) are staged for follow on operations.” One Level up: Mission: Copy/paste entire paragraph 2. Terrain (So What): This part is super important: it’s your personal analysis of the mission’s terrain. You’re analyzing key terrain features and how they affect both your squad and the enemy. MPCOA Most Probably Course of Action: This requires your analysis. Based on everything that you have reviewed about the enemy and terrain/weather, what do you believe to be the MPCOA? Also, very important: after MPCOA, state what conditions you think they must set in order to commit to their MDCOA (Most dangerous course of action). An example: “Squad, if U.S troops are seen near OBJ Wolfpack, the enemy is likely to defend the OBJ to the death. [However, if the firefight lasts for more than ten minutes, they will call in ‘fire for effect’ (airstrike), effectively suppressing both our element and their element”.] Brackets indicate the conditions they must set in order to commit to their MDCOA. O: Obstacles: Examples of obstacles would be: Dense vegetation, hydrology, structures, roads, minefields, booby traps, concertina wire, tank ditch, etc… An example: “There is severely restricted terrain in North and South of AO. There is concertina wire on OBJ Wolfpack. The restricted terrain requires infiltration, and the concertina wire requires breaching.” A: Avenues of approach: You’re briefing about Air avenues of approach (AOA) and ground avenues of approach (AOA) for both you and the enemy. Air AOA’s involve fixed wing, rotary wing, etc. Ground AOA involves foot, wheeled, tracked, etc. An example of your analysis: “Squad, there is a platoon dismounted AOA, it supports a platoon column at 2 kilometers per hour. Additionally, there is a section dismounted AOA that supports a squad column at 2 kilometers per hour. An example of an analysis for the enemy: “There is a two squad, dismounted AOA, This AOA supports a squad column at two kilometers per hour. Additionally, there is a section Hind-D (an attack helicopter) AOA (Air AOA) that supports two sorties (an attack made from troops coming out from a position of defense).” K: Key terrain: Any terrain that marks a key advantage to our squad or the enemy. An example: “K1 (key terrain one) (Purple or red circle on COA sketch dependent on enemy or your control – point this out to your squad) is a hill that provides observation of the AO and supports communication throughout the Area of Interest. O: Observations and fields of fire: We’re analyzing this for both our squad and the enemy. You’re briefing your squad on what both you and the enemy can see. An example: “The enemy listening post and observation post will probably be forward of key terrain one (K1), and will allow the enemy to interdict our element (the squad) from East to West toward OBJ Wolfpack.” C: Cover and Concealment: Cover – Protection from the effects of fire. Concealment – Protection from observation or surveillance. We analyze these two factors for both us and the enemy. Examples could be: thick terrain, buildings/structures, etc. An example: “The enemy’s lookout post and observation post positions afford them overhead protection (cover) and must be primed with delayed fuse mortars (your analysis of that cover) Weather & Light Data: (So What): Analysis of how weather and light data affect both your squad and the enemy. Only include information that could impact the mission. Your Joes probably don’t need to know that there’s 0 percent humidity. V: Visibility- Is it foggy? Is it extremely bright? How does that affect the mission? An example: “We will execute movement while there’s heavy fog, so as to avoid detection.” W: Wind- How fast and in what direction is the wind moving? How does that affect the mission? An example: Pretend there’s a lack of wind. “Squad, we will employ smoke directly on OBJ Wolfpack to obscure their vision and enable breach of concertina wire.” P: Precipitation- If there’s precipitation (rain, sleet, hail, thunderstorm), when will it occur? Will that affect the mission? An example: Pretend there’s heavy rain during the mission. “Because it’ll pour after our line of departure (LD), we’ll need to wear ponchos. Additionally, the enemy will probably move into the building on OBJ Wolfpack. C: Cloud Cover- This one’s easy: how cloudy is it, and does that affect our mission or the enemy’s mission? If so, why? An example: pretend it’s very cloudy during the mission. “Squad, CAS/CCA/UAS (air vehicles) employment will be limited, so resupply and medevac operations will occur through the logistical resupply point (LRP) and the Ambulatory Exchange Point (AXP), you can view the points here on the terrain model/COA sketch.” You do not need to tell your squad that those things are happening because of ‘cloud cover’. T/H: Temperature/humidity- How will this affect your mission, how will it affect the enemy’s mission? An example: Pretend it’s very hot and very humid outside. “Squad, we will roll the sleeves of our OCP tops three times before crossing LD”. You do not need to tell them that we’re rolling our sleeves due to the heat. MDCOA: Intent: Don’t need to put anything. Expanded purpose: Copy and paste from para 2, section 2 (company intent) (company intent will almost certainly be the same as platoon intent) Key Tasks: Don’t need to put anything. Endstate: The info below is copy/paste from para 1, B, (2) endstate E: Enemy: “SAPA unable to influence Atropian civil activities within RAKKAN.” T: Terrain C: Civilian: “Minimal disruption to civilian life or livelihood.” F: Friendly: “Coalition forces (CF) are staged for follow on operations.” Adjacent Units: Found in Para 3, part A, (1). what units are adjacent to our squad? Why are they doing it? T: Task: Write the adjacent unit’s task P: Purpose: What’s the point? Most Dangerous Course of Action: Also requires your analysis based on enemy, terrain, and weather. Make sure to show your squad on the map for both the MPCOA and the MDCOA. An example: “Squad, I say again, if the firefight lasts for more than ten minutes, SAPA (the enemy) will call in ‘fire for effect’, effectively defeating our squad. SAPA forces will then send reinforcements from OBJ DANGER to reinforce OBJ Wolfpack.” “To prevent enemy from reinforcing the objective for a while”. T: P: T: P: T: P: Attachments / Detachments: Is another squad following (attached) to our squad during the mission? “Squad, 3rd squad, 1st Platoon will be Areas, structures, capabilities, tagging along organizations, people, events: today to deny Only include civil considerations IOT defend”. that are important to the mission. Civil Considerations (ASCOPE): Yes, maybe there is a special structure in RAKKAN, but how does that special structure affect the mission? OCS OPORD FORMAT v2.0 as of 07DEC18 MISSION-5w’s (Method to Task IOT Purpose) (Say x2) 2 You create and develop the mission statement. Use a task and purpose from the list provided by Captain Ford. Repeat the mission once to your squad. “Squad …we will block (task) to prevent (purpose) Rakkan forces... I say again, we will block...” COA/CONCEPT STATEMENT: The Purpose of this operation is: “To establish support by fire (SBF) on OBJ WOLFPACK. We will accomplish the mission by conducting: attack (task) to clear (purpose). Decisive to this operation is: Destruction of the enemy’s assault rifle. This is decisive because: If we accomplish this thing (destroy enemy assault rifle), we will accomplish the mission. We will mitigate risk by: Ignore this. PHASE I: ‘Planning/prep’ is a safe bet for this phase. Begins with: What is the first thing that happens in your planning/prep phase? AKA what initiates this phase? “Squad, here’s your WARNO, I need Alpha team to make the terrain model, etc…” Ends with: What is the last thing that happens in your planning/prep phase? What ends this phase? Critical/Key Tasks: What tasks must happen during this phase that are critical to the mission. “Alpha team secures rucks, loads weapons, etc.” Formation: Will you be in formation during this phase? Maybe, but probably not. This is asking if you will be moving in a wedge, how far apart, etc. Order of March: What’s the order of march? A team leads, B team follows 50m behind. Movement Technique Route: Will your squad be in traveling, traveling overwatch, or bounding overwatch? The scheme of movement and maneuver section is the bread and butter of your OPORD’s tactical plan. Most points on grade come from this section. Think of the phases as a table of contents for your mission. Meanwhile, think of the narratives as a ‘Barneystyle story’ PHASE III: Actions on OBJ/on contact Begins with: Getting in a security formation. Ends with: Critical/Key Tasks: Formation: Order of March Movement Technique Route: Fire Control Measures Scheme of Scheme of fires (TTLODAC): PHASE IV: Consolidation/Reorganization (what happens after we shot the bad guys? Begins with: Ends with: Critical/Key Tasks: Formation: Order of March Movement Technique Route: Fire Control Measures Scheme of Scheme of fires (TTLODAC): SCHEME OF MOVEMENT AND MANEUVER PHASE I NARRATIVE: “Squad, this is what will happen in phase 1 of our mission (the planning phase). Alpha team will create a terrain model, secure rucks, etc…” Fire Control Measures: Do you have Target Reference Points (TRP’s) or planned sectors of fire for this phase? Scheme of Scheme of fires (TTLODAC): Will you use indirect fire, and then move in with your squad during this phase? Will you use a mortar round and then call in a ‘fire for effect’? If so, mention it. But you probably will not PHASE II NARRATIVE: be doing those things during phase 1. PHASE II: Crossing the LD (Movement) is a safe bet for your second phase. Begins with: Ends with: Critical/Key Tasks: Formation: Order of March Movement Technique Route: Fire Control Measures Scheme of Scheme of fires (TTLODAC): PHASE III NARRATIVE: PHASE IV NARRATIVE: EXECUTION (cont) OCS OPORD FORMAT v2.0 as of 07DEC18 3 SUSTAINMENT TASKS TO SUBORDINATE UNITS: ATM (SO1) -(TASK): SUPPRESS, (PURPOSE): PROVIDE BTM (DO) FREEDOM OF MANEUVER -PRIMARY PACE/COMPASS AND AID/LITTER -CONDUCT MAP RECON/DEVELOP PRIMARY AND ALTERNATE ROUTES (KDDTMK) -BUILD TERRAIN MODEL FROM AA TO OBJ (DFCM SUGGESTIONS) -REHEARSE SBF AND ORP ESTABLISHMENT BTM Personnel : Copy and paste para 4, part b. (1) Classes of Supply: Copy and paste from para 4, part a. (1-5) COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS CCIR (PIR/FFIR/EEI): Health Systems Support: CCP: Where will your squad be? HLZ: ROE: It would behoove you to have an ROE card created. “Everyone pull out your ROE card. CASEVAC: Phase 1: AA, Phase 2: ORP, Phase 3: OBJ Do you have a helicopter landing zone? If so, what are the coordinates? Do you have a casevac location? If so, what are the coordinates? REPORTS Command and Signal Location of Higher Leader: Timeline: Time Event/Phase Succession of Command: Radio Freq / Call Signs/ Make sure to restate your timeline, even if it’s the same as the WARNO’s timeline. Location of higher leader: PL FOLLOWS OUR SQD, I WILL FOLLOW A TM Succession of command: A TL, B TL, RTO, A GRENADIER, B GRENADIER, A SAW, B SAW, ETC… Radio freq: 55.000 Call signs: PL- C16, PSG- C17, FO- C16F, 5SL- C15, 6SLC10, SL(ME)- C16, A TL- 16A, B TL- 16B. Communications: PRIMARY- FM (RADIO), ALTERNATEHAND AND ARM SIGNALS, CONTIGENT- VOICE, EMERGENCY- RUNNER. Communications: P: A: C: E: Number Combination: 7 Challenge and Password: Salsa - Flop Running Password: Rush Lift & Shift Fire PACE: P: A: What’s your primary mode of C: communicating during Lift and shift E: fire? Probably some sort of radio channel. What’s your alternate? A whistle, maybe? It’s your plan, be creative! NOTES OCS OPORD FORMAT v2.0 as of 07DEC18 4