Uploaded by Kimberly Higgins

Surf Shark VPN Review

Surf Shark VPN Review - Does It
Really Work?
Many people will choose Surf Shark VPN as a means of protecting their
identity online. They have chosen this particular provider because it is
one of the more reasonably priced and easy to use when it comes to
surfing the Internet. However, with any product there are always
positives and negatives that can be pointed out. Many of the people that
use Surf Shark do not realize what it is that they are getting for the price
that they pay. So this VPN review will di scuss why Surf Shark is so good at
saving users money while at the same time allowing them to get the
protection that they are seeking.
Reasons why Surf Shark works:
One of the main reasons why Surf Shark works so well at saving money is
because of the fact that it uses two separate servers. Each of these
servers offers a different level of protection for the user. When surfing
the Internet, you are constantly on a wide range of sites. Even when you
go from one site to another, all of these sites are visiting the Internet at
the same speed. However, if a site is visited faster than another, the site
with the faster connection is going to be affected.
Use Surf Shark:
Therefore, when you use Surf Shark, the connection speed of each
machine that is connected to the system is checked. This then determines
the exact type of protection that each machine needs. Some machines
will need to be protected from hackers while other machines will not. The
type of protection that each machine needs will vary by the type of
Internet site that is being visited.
Surf Shark is able to offer:
Surf Shark is able to offer this level of protection due to the fact that it
has two separate IP addresses. This is a great feat ure to see because it
makes it possible to be protected against hackers while still being able to
surf the Internet at an inexpensive cost. This is a very big attraction for
many users of the system.
connection speed:
With Surf Shark, the connection speed is continually checked as well. If
the connection speed is too slow, the Surf Shark website will notify the
user about the problem. The reason for this is to encourage customers to
purchase the product. The idea is that if the website can detect the user's
surfing abilities, they will be encouraged to purchase the product. This
means that the company is making more money off of each sale.
Surf Shark VPN review:
The customer reviews are also an interesting part of this Surf Shark VPN
review. Because of the way that the program works, there are a lot of
back and forth that goes on between the merchant (the website owner)
and the customer (the user). The customer is provided with an online
form to fill out. Once that information is filled out, the consumer (the
surf user) can choose which country that they would like to surf in. Once
that information is entered into the online form, it can d etermine where
that user wants to go.
One thing that is not mentioned in the Surf Shark VPN review is the fact
that the software is relatively slow. It seems that this is an issue with the
Flash plug-in that is used. However, the plug-in itself does speed things
up quite a bit. In the end, the users should be able to figure out how to
use everything smoothly.