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Increased Intracranial Pressure Care Guidelines

Décorticate rigidity = Abnormal flexion
Abnormal flexor posturing of the extremities, indicative of a lesion in the
cerebral hemispheres or disruption of the corticospinal tracts. The patient exhibits
bilateral adduction of the shoulders, pronation and flexion of the elbows and wrists,
and extension, internal rotation, and plantar flexion of the lower extremities.
Classically associated with lesions that involve the thalamus directly or large
hemispheric masses that compress it from above.
Decerebrate posturing = Abnormal extension
In response to painful stimuli the patient exhibits extension, internal rotation, and
wrist flexion in the upper extremities, and extension internal rotation and plantar
flexion in the lower extremities. The jaw may be blenched and neck hyperextended.
Decerebrate rigidity is symmetrical and usually indicates the presence of a lesion in
the midbrain and pons.
Decerebrate posturing generally implies more severe brain dysfunction than
decorticate posturing.