Chapter 1: Thermodynamics 1. Enthalpy of an ideal gas is a function only of _________. A. B. C. D. Entropy Internal energy Temperature Pressure Answer: C. 2. Which of the following is the most efficient thermodynamic cycle? A. B. C. D. Brayton Otto Carnot Diesel Answer: C. 3. What is the first law of thermodynamics? 6. An ideal gas is compressed in a cylinder so well insulated that there is essentially no heat transfer. The temperature of the gas A. Decrease B. Increase C. Remain constant D. Is Zero Answer: B 7. What is the Sl unit of Pressure? πΎπ A.ππ2 B. π·π¦πππ ππ2 C. Pascal D. Psi Answer: C. A. Internal energy is due to molecular motions B. Entropy of the universe is increase by irreversible processes C. Energy can neither be created nor destroy heat energy cannot be completely transformed into work D. None of these Answer: C. 8. The equation πΆπ = πΆπ£ + R applies to which of the following? 4. An ideal gas is compressed isothermally. What is the enthalpy change? 9. In the flow process, neglecting kinetic and potential energies, the integral of Vdp represents what? A. Always negative B. Always positive C. Zero D. Undefined A. Enthalpy B. Ideal gas C. Two phase states D. all pure substance Answer: B. A. B. C. D. Heat transfer Flow energy Enthalpy change Shaft work Answer: C. Answer: D. 5. Name the process that has no heat transfer. A. Isothermal B. Isobaric C. Polytrophic D. Adiabatic Answer: D. 10. Mechanical energy of pressure transformed into energy of heat. A. Kinetic energy B. Enthalpy C. Heat exchanger D. Heat of compression 16. If the temperature is held constant and the pressure is increased beyond the saturation pressure, then the working medium must be: Answer: B. 11. The Theory mechanical work. of changing heat into A. Thermodynamics B. Kinetics C. Inertia D. Kinetics Answer: A. 12. Average pressure on a surface when a changing pressure condition exists. A. Back pressure B. Partial pressure C. Pressure drop D. Mean effective pressure Answer: D. 13. Which of the following cycles consist two isothermal and two constant volume processes? A. Diesel cycle B. Partial cycle C. Stirling cycle D. Otto cycle Answer: C. 14. A control volume refers to what? A. A fixed region in space B. A reversible process C. An isolated system D. A specified mass Answer: A. A. Compressed liquid B. Subcooled liquid C. Saturated vapor D. Saturated liquid Answer: A. 17. Is one whose temperature is below the saturation temperature corresponding to its pressure. A. Superheated vapor B. Wet vapor C. Subcooled liquid D. Saturated liquid Answer: C. 18. Number of molecules in a mode of any substance is a constant called ________. A. Rankine constant B. Avogadro’s number C. Otto constant D. Thompson constant Answer: B. 19. If the pressure of a gas is constant the volume directly proportional to the absolute temperature. A. Boyle’s law B. Joule’s law C. Charles law D. Kelvin’s law Answer: C. 15. In the polytropic process, ππ π = constant, if the value of n is infinitely large, the process is A. Isobaric B. Isometric C. Isothermal D. Polytropic Answer: B. 20. The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom or the number of electrons in the orbit of an atom. A. Atomic volume B. Atomic number C. Atomic weight D. Atomic mass Answer: B. 21. In a P – T diagram of a pure substance, the curve separating the solid phase from the liquid phase is: A. Vaporization curve B. Fusion curve C. Boiling point D. Sublimation point Answer: B. 22. A water temperature of 18 β in the water cooled condenser is equivalent in β to _____. Answer: B. 26. If the condition of pressure and temperature at which a liquid and its vapor are indistinguishable. A. B. C. D. Critical point Dew point Absolute humidity Relative humidity Answer: A. 27. When a substance in gaseous state is below the critical temperature, it is called _______. A. 7.78 B. 10 C. 263.56 D. -9.44 A. B. C. D. Answer: B. 23. The latent heat of vaporization in Joules per kg is equal to ______. Vapor Cloud Moisture Steam Answer: A. 28. Superheated vapor behaves 2 A. 5.4 x10 B. 4.13x103 C. 22.6x105 D. 3.35x105 A. B. C. D. Just as gas Just as steam Just as ordinary vapor Approximately as a gas Answer: C. Answer: D. 24. Form of energy association with the kinetic energy of the random motion of large number of molecules. A. Internal energy B. Kinetic energy C. Heat of fusion D. Heat 29. Which of the following provides the basis for measuring thermodynamic property of temperature? A. B. C. D. Zeroth law of thermodynamics First law of thermodynamics Second law of thermodynamics Third law of thermodynamics Answer: D. Answer: A 25. If the temperature is held constant and the pressure is increased beyond the saturation pressure, then, the working medium must be: A. B. C. D. Saturated vapor Compressed liquid Saturated liquid Subcooled liquid 30. Which of the following is commonly used as liquid absorbent? A. Silica gel B. Activated alumina C. Ethylene glycol D. None of these Answer: C. 31. Mechanism designed to lower temperature of air passing through it. A. B. C. D. the Air cooler Air defense Air spill over Air cycle Answer: A. 36. The sum of the energies of all the molecules in a system where energies appear in several complex form. A. B. C. D. Kinetic energy Potential energy Internal energy Frictional energy Answer: C. 32. A device for measuring the velocity of wind. A. B. C. D. Aneroid barometer Anemometer Anemoscope Anemograph Answer: B. 33. Heat normally flowing from a high temperature body a low temperature body to wherein it is impossible to convert heat without other effects. A. B. C. D. First law of thermodynamics Second law of thermodynamics Third law of thermodynamics Zeroth law of thermodynamics Answer: B. 34. The temperature at which its vapor pressure is equal to the pressure exerted on the liquid. A. B. C. D. Absolute humidity Calorimetry Boiling point Thermal point Answer: C. 37. The total energy in a compressible or incompressible fluid flowing across any section in a pipeline is a function of A. B. C. D. Pressure and velocity Pressure, density and velocity Pressure, density, velocity and viscosity Flow energy, kinetic energy, height above datum and internal energy Answer: D. 38. The ratio of the density of a substance to the density of some standard substance. A. B. C. D. Relative density Specific gravity Specific density Super heated vapor Answer: B. 39. Is one whose pressure is higher than the saturation pressure corresponding to its temperature. A. B. C. D. Compressed liquid Saturated liquid Saturated vapor Super heated vapor 35. A nozzle is used to Answer: A. A. B. C. D. Increase velocity and decrease pressure Decrease velocity as well as pressure Increase velocity as well as pressure Decrease velocity and increase pressure Answer: A. 40. The changing of solid directly to vapor without passing through the liquid state is called A. B. C. D. Evaporation Vaporization Sublimation Condensation Answer: C. 41. Weight per unit volume is termed as _____. A. B. C. D. Specific gravity Density Weight density Specific volume 46. When a system deviates infinitesimally from equilibrium at every instant of its state, it is undergoing: A. B. C. D. Isobaric process Quasi- static process Isometric process Cyclic process Answer: C. Answer: B. 42. What is the S1 unit of force? 47. What is the force which tends to draw a body toward the center about which it is rotating? A. B. C. D. Pound Newton Kilogram Dyne A. B. C. D. Centrifugal force Centrifugal in motion Centrifugal advance Centripetal force Answer: B. Answer: D. 43. The volume of fluid passing a cross-section of steam in unit time. A. B. C. D. Steady flow Uniform flow Discharge Continuous flow 48. Which of the process that has no heat transfer? A. B. C. D. Reversible isometric Isothermal Polytropic Adiabatic Answer: C. Answer: D. 44. What equation applies in the first law of thermodynamics for an ideal gas in a reversible open steady-state system? A. B. C. D. Q – W = π2 −π1 Q + VdP = π»2 − π»1 Q – VdP = π2 −π1 Q - PdV = π»2 − π»1 49. Which of the engine is used for fighter bombers? A. B. C. D. Turbojet Pulsejet Rockets Ramjet Answer: B. Answer: A. 45. A pressure of 1 milibar is equivalent to 50. Exhaust gases from an engine posses: A. 1000 ππ¦πππ ππ2 B. 1000 cm of Hg C. 1000 psi D. 1000 ππ A. B. C. D. Solar energy Kinetic energy Chemical energy Stored energy ππ2 Answer: B. Answer: A. 51. At critical point the latent enthalpy of vaporization is A. B. C. D. Temperature dependent Zero Minimum Maximum Answer: B. 52. What is the force which tends to draw a body toward the center about which it is rotating? A. B. C. D. Centrifugal force Centrifugal in motion Centrifugal advance Centripetal force Answer: D. 53. When a system deviates infinitesimally from equilibrium at every instant of its state, it is undergoing A. B. C. D. Isobaric process Quasi – static process Isometric process Cyclic process Answer: B. 54. A pressure of 1 milibar is equivalent to A. B. C. D. 1000 ππ¦πππ ⁄ππ2 1000 cm of Hg 1000 psi 1000 ππ⁄ππ2 Answer: A. 55. Work done per unit charge when charged is moved from one point to another. A. B. C. D. Equipotential surface Potential at a point Electrostatic point Potential difference Answer: B. 56. How many independent properties are required to completely fix the equilibrium state of a pure gaseous compound? A. B. C. D. 1 2 3 4 Answer: B. 57. Which of the following relation defines enthalpy? A. h=u + p/T B. h=u + pV C. h=u + p/V D. h=pV+ T Answer: B 58. Which of the following is true for water at a reference temperature where enthalpy is zero? A. Internal energy is negative B. Entropy is non-zero C. Specific volume is zero – zero D. Vapor pressure is zero Answer: A 59. On what plane is the Mollier diagram is plotted A. p-V B. p-T C. h-s D. h-u Answer: C 60. The compressibility factor z, is used for predicting the behavior of non-ideal gases. How is the compressibility factor defined relative to an ideal gas? (subscript c refers to critical value) A. z = P/Pc B. z= PV/RT C. z= T/Tc D. z= (T/Tc)(Pc/P) Answer: B 61. How is the quality x of a liquid – vapor mixture defined? A. The fraction of the total volume that is saturated vapor B. The fraction of the total volume that saturated liquid C. The fraction of the total mass that saturated vapor D. The fraction of the total mass that saturated liquid Answer: C 62. What is the expression for heat vaporization? is is is of A. Hg B. Hf C. Hg – hf D. Hf – hg Answer: C 63. What is the value of the work done for a closed, reversible, isometric system? A. Zero B. Positive C. Negative D. Indeterminate Answer: A 64. What is the equation for the work done by a constant temperature system? A. W = mRTln (V2 – V1) B. W= mR (T2-T1) ln (V2/V1) C. W= MRT ln (V2/V1) D. W= RT ln (V2/V1) Answer: C 65. What is true about the polytropic exponent n for a perfect gas undergoing an isobaric process? A. n > 0 B. n < 0 C. n = ∞ D. n = 0 Answer: D 66. How does an adiabatic process compare to an isentropic process? A. Adiabatic: heat transfer = 0 , Isentropic: Heat transfer = 0 B. Adiabatic: heat transfer = 0 , Isentropic: heat transfer = 0 C. Adiabatic: Reversible , isentropic: not reversible D. Both: Heat transfer = 0; isentropic: reversible Answer: D 67. During an adiabatic, internally reversible process, what is true about the change in entropy? A. It is always zero B. It is always less than zero C. It is always greater than zero D. It is temperature- dependent Answer: A 68. For an irreversible process, what is true about the change in entropy of the system and the surroundings? A. ds = dq/dt B. ds = 0 C. ds > 0 D. ds < 0 Answer: C 69. For which type of process does the equation dQ = Tds hold? A. Irreversible B. Reversible C. Isobaric D. Isothermal Answer: B 70. Which of the following is true for any process? A. βS (Surrounding) + βS (system) > 0 B. βS (Surrounding) + βS (system) < 0 C. βS (Surrounding) + βS (system) ≤ 0 D. βS (Surrounding) + βS (system) ≥ 0 Answer: D 71. Which of the following Thermodynamic cycle is the most efficient? A. Brayton B. Rankine C. Carnot D. Otto Answer: C 72. The ideal reversible Carnot cycle involves four basic processes. What type of processes are they? A. All isothermal B. All adiabatic C. All isentropic D. Two isothermal and two isentropic Answer: D 73. What is the temperature difference of the cycle of the entropy difference is βS, and the work done is W? A. W - βS B. W / βS C. βS / W D. βS – W Answer: B 74. Which of the following is not an advantage of a superheated, closed Rankine cycle over an open Rankine cycle? A. Lower equipment cost B. Increased efficiency C. Increased turbine life D. Increased boiler life Answer: D 75. Which of the following elements regarding Rankine cycle is not true? A. Use of a condensable vapor in the cycle increases the efficiency of the cycle B. The temperature at which energy is transferred to and from the working liquid are less separated than in a Carnot cycle C. Superheating increases the efficiency of a Rankine cycle D. In practical terms, the susceptibility of the engine materials to corrosion is not a key limitation on the operating efficiency. Answer: D 76. Which one of the following is standard temperature and pressure (STP) A. 0 K and 1 atm pressure B. 0 F and zero pressure C. 32F and zero pressure D. 0 degree C and 1 atm pressure Answer: D 77. A substance is oxidized when which of the following occurs? A. It turns red B. It loses electrons C. It gives off heat D. It absorbs energy Answer: B 78. Which of the following is not a unit of pressure? A. Pa B. Kg/m-s C. Bars D. Kg/m2 Answer: B 79. Which of the following is the definition of Joule? A. Newton meter B. Kg.m/s2 C. Unit of power D. Rate of change of energy Answer: A 80. Which of the following is the basis for Bernoulli’s law for fluid flow? A. The principle of conservation of energy of mass B. The principle of conservation of energy C. The continuity equation D. Fourier’s law Answer: B 81. Equation of state for a single component can be any of the following except: A. The ideal gas law B. Any relationship interrelating 3 or more state functions C. Relationship mathematically interrelating thermodynamic properties of the material D. A mathematical expression defining a path between states Answer: D 82. The state of a thermodynamic system is always defined by its: A. Absolute temperature B. Process C. Properties D. Temperature and pressure Answer: C 83. In any non quasi-static thermodynamic process, the overall entropy of an isolated system will A. Increase and then decrease B. Decrease and then increase C. Increase only D. Decrease only Answer: C 84. Entropy is the measure of: A. The internal energy of a gas B. The heat capacity of a substance C. Randomness or disorder D. The change of enthalpy of a system Answer: C 85. Which of the following statements about entropy is false? A. Entropy of a mixture is greater than that of its components under the same condition B. An irreversible process increase entropy of the universe C. Net entropy change in any closed cycle is zero D. Entropy of a crystal at 0 degree F is zero Answer: D 86. Work or energy can be a function of all of the following except: A. Force and time B. Power and time C. Force and time D. Temperature and entropy Answer: C 87. Energy changes are represented by all except which one of the following: A. mCpdt B. -∫ Vdp C. Tds – Pdv D. dQ / T Answer: D 88. U + pv is a quantity called: A. shaft work B. entropy C. enthalpy D. internal energy Answer: C 89. In flow process, neglecting KE and PE changes, ∫vdP represents which item below? A. Heat transfer B. Shaft work C. Enthalpy change D. Closed system work Answer: B 90. Power may be expressed in units of A. Ft – lb B. Kw – hr C. Btu D. Btu/hr Answer: D 91. Equilibrium condition exists all except which of the following? A. In reversible processes B. In processes where driving forces are infinitesimals C. In a steady state flow process D. Where nothing can occur without an effect on the system’s surrounding Answer: C 92. In a closed system (with a moving boundary) which of the following represents work done during an isothermal process? A. W = 0 B. W = P(V2-V1) C. W = P1V1 ln V2/V1 D. W = P2V2-P1V1/ 1 –n Answer: C 93. A substance that’s exists, or is regarded as existing, as a continuoum characterized by a low resistance to flow and the tendency to assume the shape of its container. A. Fluid B. Atom C. Molecule D. Vapor Answer: A 94. A substance that is homogeneous in composition and homogeneous and invariable in chemical aggregation. A. Pure substance B. Simple substance C. Vapor D. Water Answer: B 95. A substance whose state is defined by variable intensive thermodynamic properties A. Open system B. Closed system C. Isolated system D. Nonflow system Answer: B 97. A system that is completely impervious to its surrounding or neither mass nor energy cross its boundaries. A. B. C. D. Open system Closed system Isolated system Nonflow system Answer: C 98. A system in which there is a flow of mass across boundaries A. Open system B. Closed system C. Isolated system D. Steady flow system Answer: A 99. The properties that are dependent upon the mass of the system and are total values such as total volume and total internal energy. A. Intensive properties B. Extensive properties C. Specific properties D. State properties Answer: B 100. The properties that are independent if the mass the system such as temperature pressure, density and voltage. A. Intensive properties B. Extensive properties C. Specific properties D. State properties Answer: A 101. The properties for a unit mass and intensive by definition such as specific volume. A. Intensive properties B. Extensive properties C. Specific properties D. Thermodynamic properties Answer: C 102. The condition as identified through the properties of the substance, generally defined by particular values of any two independent properties. A. State B. Point C. Process D. Flow Answer: A 103. The only base unit with a prefix kilo is A. Kilogram B. Kilometer C. kiloJoule D. kilopascal Answer: A 104. The force of gravity on the body. A. Weight B. Specific volume C. Specific weight D. Specific gravity Answer: A 105. The total mass per unit volume of any substance A. Density B. Specific Volume C. Specific weight D. Specific gravity Answer: A 106. The force of gravity on unit in volume is A. Density B. Specific volume C. Specific weight D. Specific gravity Answer: C 107. The reciprocal of density is A. Specific volume B. Specific weight C. Specific gravity D. Specific heat Answer: A 108. Avogadro’s number a fundamental constant of nature, is the number if molecules in a gram-mole. This constant is A. 6.05222 x 10^23 B. 6.02252 x 10^23 C. 6.20522 x 10^23 D. 6.50222 x 10^23 Answer: B 109. The ratio of the gas constant to Avogadro’s number is: A. Maxwell’s constant B. Boltzmann’s constant C. Naper constant D. Joule’s constant Answer: B 110. The absolute zero on the Fahrenheit scale is at A. -459.7 degree F B. 459.7 degree F C. -273.15 degree C D. 273.15 decree C Answer: A 111. Absolute temperature on the Fahrenheit scale are called: A. Degrees Rankine B. Degrees Kelvin C. Absolute Fahrenheit D. Absolute Celsius Answer: B 112. The absolute zero on the Celsius scale is at A. -459.7 degree F B. 459.7 degree F C. -273.15 degree C D. 273.15 degree C Answer: C 113. What is the absolute temperature in Celsius scale? A. Degree Rankine B. Degrees Kelvin C. Absolute Fahrenheit D. Absolute Celsius Answer: B 114. The Fahrenheit scale was introduced by Gabriel Fahrenheit of Amsterdam, Holland in what year? A. 1592 B. 1742 C. 1730 D. 1720 B. -38.87°C C. 37.88°C D. -37.88 Answer: 1720 Answer: -38.87°C 115. The centigrade scale was introduced by Anders Celsius in what year? 120. The solid – liquid equilibrium of Tim is at what temperature? A. B. C. D. 1542 1740 1730 1720 A. B. C. D. A.- 38.87°C 38.87°C 231.9°C 231.9°C Answer: 1740 Answer: 231.9°C 116. The Bureau of Standard uses, among others, the liquid – vapor equilibrium of hydrogen at. 121. The solid – liquid equilibrium of Zinc is at what temperature? A. B. C. D. -196°C 196°C 253°C -253°C Answer:-253 °C 117. The Bureau of Standard uses, among others, liquid – vapor equilibrium of Nitrogen at. A. B. C. D. -196°C 196°C 253°C -253°C Answer: -196°C 118. The liquid – vapor equilibrium of Oxygen is at what temperature? A. B. A. C. 197.82°C 197.82°C C.182.97°C -182.97°C Answer: -182.97°C 119. the solid – liquid equilibrium of Mercury is at what temperature? A. 38.87°C A. B. C. D. 231.9°C 419.505°C 444.60°C 630.9°C Answer: 419.505°C 122. The liquid – vapor equilibrium temperature of Sulfur is at what temperature? A. B. C. D. 231.9°C 419.505°C 444.6°C 630.5°C Answer: 444.60°C 123. The solid – liquid equilibrium of Antimony is at what temperature? A. B. C. D. 630.5°C 419.505°C 444.60°C 231.9°C Answer: 630.5°C 124. The solid – liquid equilibrium of Silver is at what temperature? A. 630.5°C B. 960.8°C C. 1063°C D. 1774°C C. priming D. electro motive force Answer: 960.8°C Answer: Seebeck effect 125. The solid – liquid equilibrium of Gold is at what temperature? 130. The device that measure temperature by the electromotive force called thermocouple was discovered by: A. B. C. D. 630.5°C 960.8°C 1063°C 1774°C Answer: 1063°C 126. The solid – liquid equilibrium of Tungsten is at what temperature? A. B. C. D. 630.5°C 960.8°C 1063°C 1774°C Answer: 3370°C 127. The solid – liquid equilibrium of Platinum is at what temperature? A. B. C. D. 3730°C 3370°C 3073°C 3037°C Answer: 1774°C 128. The device that measures the temperature by the electromotive force. A. B. C. D. thermometer thermocouple electro-thermometer thermoseebeck Answer: thermocouple 129. The emf is a function of the temperature difference between a junctions, a phenomenon called: A. seebeck effect B. stagnation Effect A. B. C. D. Galileo Fahrenheit Celsius Seebeck Answer: Seebeck 131. When two bodies, isolated from other environment, are in equilibrium with a third body, the two are in thermal equilibrium with each other. A. B. C. D. Zeroth law of thermodynamics first law of thermodynamics second law of thermodynamics third law of thermodynamics Answer: Zeroth law of thermodynamics 132. The total entropy of a pure substance approaches zero as the absolute thermodynamics temperature approaches zero. A. B. C. D. Zeroth law of thermodynamics first law of thermodynamics second law of thermodynamics third law of thermodynamics Answer: third law of thermodynamics 133. If any one or more properties of a system change, the system is said to have undergone a ________. A. B. C. D. cycle process flow control Answer: process 134. when a certain mass of fluid in particular state passes through a series of process and returns to its initial state, it undergoes a: A. B. C. D. revolution rotation process cycle Answer: cycle 135. The term given to the collection of matter under consideration enclosed within a boundary. A. B. C. D. system matter environment atoms Answer: system 136. The region outside the boundary or the space and matter external to a system: A. B. C. D. Ex- system surrounding Matter Extension Answer: surrounding 137. The pressure measured above a perfect vacuum. A. B. C. D. absolute pressure gage pressure atmospheric pressure vacuum pressure Answer: absolute pressure 138. The pressure measured from the level of atmospheric pressure by most pressure recording instrument like pressure gage and open – ended manometer. A. gage pressure B. atmospheric pressure C. barometric pressure D. vacuum pressure Answer: gage pressure 139. The pressure obtained from barometric reading. A. B. C. D. absolute pressure gage pressure atmospheric pressure vacuum pressure Answer: atmospheric pressure 140. It is a form of energy associated with the kinetic random motion of large number of molecules. A. B. C. D. internal energy kinetic energy Heat Enthalpy Answer: heat 141. The heat needed to change to change the temperature of the body without changing its phase. A. B. C. D. latent heat sensible heat specific heat heat transfer Answer. Sensible heat 142. The heat needed by the body to change its phase without changing its temperature. A. B. C. D. latent heat sensible heat specific heat heat transfer Answer: latent heat 143. The measure of the randomness of the molecules of a substance. A. enthalpy B. internal energy C. entropy D. heat C. Dalton’s law D. Avogadro’s law Answer: entropy Answer: Dalton’s law 144. The heat energy transferred to a substance at a constant pressure process is ______. 149. The pressure exerted in a vessel by a mixture of gasses is equal to the sum of the pressure that each separate gas would exert if it alone occupies the whole volume of the vessel. A. B. C. D. enthalpy heat internal energy entropy Answer: enthalpy 145. it is the energy stored within the body. A. B. C. D. enthalpy heat internal energy entropy Answer: internal energy 146. A theoretical gas which strictly follows Boyle’s law and Charle’s law of gasses. A. B. C. D. universal gas perfect gas combined gas imperfect gas Answer: perfect gas 147. In a confined gas, if the absolute temperature is held constant, the volume is inversely proportional to the absolute pressure. A. B. C. D. Boyle’s law Charles law Dalton’s law Avogadro’s law Answer: Boyle’s Law 148. In a confined gas if the absolute pressure is held constant the volume is directly proportional to the absolute pressure. A. Boyle’s law B. Charles law A. B. C. D. Boyle’s law Charles law Dalton’s law Avogadro’s law Answer: Dalton’s Law 150. at equal volume, at the same temperature and pressure conditions. The gas contains the same number of molecules, A. B. C. D. Boyle’s law Charles law Dalton’s law Avogadro’s law Answer: Avogadro’s law 151. A process in which the system departs from equilibrium state only infinitesimally at every instant. A. B. C. D. reversible process irreversible process cyclic process quasi-static process Answer: quasi – static process 152. A process which gives the same states/conditions after the system undergoes a series of process: A. B. C. D. reversible process irreversible process cyclic process quasi-static process Answer: cyclic process 153. A thermodynamic system that generally serves as a heat source or sink for another system. A. B. C. D. combustion chamber heat reservoir heat engine stirling engine Answer: heat reservoir 154. A thermodynamic system that operates continuously with only energy (heat and work) crossing its boundaries; its boundaries are impervious to the flow of mass. A. B. C. D. Heat engine Steady flow work Stirling engine Ericson engine Answer: heat engine 155. A surface that is impervious to heat is A. B. C. D. Isothermal surface Adiabatic surface Isochoric surface Isobaric surface Answer: adiabatic surface 156. one of the consequences of Einstein’s theory relatively is that mass may be converted into energy and energy into mass, the relation being given by the famous equation, E = mc². What is the value of the speed of light c? A. B. C. D. 2.7797× 1010 π⁄π 2.9979× 1010 π⁄π 2.7797× 1010 π⁄π 2.9979× 1010 π⁄π Answer: 2.9979× 1010 π⁄π 157. In the polytropic process we have ππ£ π = ππππ π‘πππ‘ the value of n is infinitely large, the process is called. A. Constant volume process B. Constant pressure process C. Constant temperature process D. Adiabatic process Answer: constant volume process 158. The thermodynamic cycle used in a thermal power plant is A. B. C. D. Ericson Brayton Joule Rankine Answer: rankine 159. for the same heat input and same compression ratio: A. Both Otto cycle and diesel cycle are equally efficient B. Otto cycle is less efficient than diesel cycle C. Efficiency depends mainly on the working substance D. None of the above is correct Answer: efficiency depends mainly on working substance 160. heat exchange process where in the product of pressure and volume remains constant called: A. B. C. D. Heat exchange process Isentropic process Throttling process Hyperbolic process Answer: hyperbolic process 161. Which of the following provides the basis for measuring thermodynamic property of temperature? A. B. C. D. Zeroth law of thermodynamics First law of thermodynamics Second law of thermodynamics Third law of thermodynamics Answer: zeroth law of thermodynamics 162. 1 watt... A. B. C. D. 1Nm/s 1Nm/min 1 Nm/hr 1kNm/hr Answer:1 Nm/s 163. Under ideal conditions, isothermal, isobaric, isochoric, and adiabatic process are; A. B. C. D. Dynamic process Stable process Quasi – static process Static process Answer: quasi-static process 164. Isentropic flow is A. B. C. D. Perfect gas flow Irreversible adiabatic flow Ideal fluid flow Reversible adiabatic flow Answer: reversible adiabatic flow 165. exhaust gases from an engine possess A. B. C. D. Solar energy Kinetic energy Chemical energy Stored energy Answer: kinetic energy 166. The extension and compression of helical spring is an example of what process? A. B. C. D. Isothermal process Thermodynamic process Adiabatic process Reversible process Answer: reversible process 167. At critical point the latent enthalpy of vaporization is _______. A. B. C. D. Dependent on temperature Zero Minimum Maximum Answer: zero 168. Which of the following relations is not applicable in the free expansion process? A. B. C. D. Heat supplied is zero Heat rejected is zero Work done is zero Change in temperature is zero Answer: change in temperature is zero 169. The triple point of a substance is the temperature and pressure at which: A. The solid and liquid phases are in equilibrium B. The liquid and gaseous phases are in equilibrium C. The solid, liquid, and the gaseous phases are in equilibrium D. The solid does not melt, the liquid does not boil, and the gas does not condense Answer: the solid does not melt, the liquid does not boil, and the gas does not condense 170. according to Clausius statement A. Heat flow from hot surface to cold surface unaided B. Heat cannot flow from cold substance to hot substance C. Heat can flow from cold substance to substance with the aid of external work D. A and C Answer: heat flows from hot substance to cold substance unaided and heat can flow from cold substance to hot substance with the aid of external work 171. A heat engine is supplied heat at rate of 30,000J/s gives an output of 9kW. The thermal efficiency of the engine is: A. B. C. D. 30% 43% 50% 55% Answer: A 172. The RMS velocity of hydrogen gas at NTP is approximately: A. B. C. D. 3838 m/s 1839 m/s 4839 m/s 839 m/s Answer: B 173. Which of the following cycles has two isothermal and two constant volume processes? A. B. C. D. Joule cycle Diesel cycle Ericsson cycle Stirling cycle Answer: D 174. “It is impossible to construct a heat engine that operates in a cycle and receives a given quantity of heat from a high temperature body and does an equal amount of work”. The above statement is known as: A. B. C. D. Gay Lussac’s law Kinetic theory Kelvin-Planck’s law Joule-Thompson’s law Answer: C 175. For steam nozzle, which of the following ratios will have the value less than unity? A. Pressure at inlet/pressure at outlet B. Specific volume at inlet/specific volume at outlet C. Temperature of steam inlet/temperature of steam at outlet D. None of the above at Answer: B 176. A Bell-Coleman cycle is a reversed: A. B. C. D. Stirling cycle Brayton cycle Joule cycle Carnot cycle Answer: C 177. Ericsson cycle consists of the following processes: A. Two isothermal & processes B. Two isothermal isentropic C. Two isothermal pressure D. Two adiabatic pressures two constant volume and two constant and two constant two constant and Answer: C 178. A steam nozzle changes: A. B. C. D. Kinetic energy into heat energy Heat energy into potential energy Potential energy into heat energy Heat energy into kinetic energy Answer: D 179. Which is not correct for calculating air standard efficiency? A. All processes are reversible B. Specific heat remains unchanged at all temperatures C. No account of the mechanism of heat transfer is considered D. Gases dissociate at higher temperatures Answer: D 180. According to Pettlier Thompson effect: A. It is impossible to construct a heat engine that operates in a cycle and receives a give quantity of heat from a high temperature body and does an equal amount of work B. It is impossible to construct a device that operates in a cycle and produces no effect other than the transfer of heat form a cooler body to a hotter body. C. When two dissimilar metals are heated at one end and cooled at other, emf that is developed is proportional to difference of temperatures at two ends D. Work can’t be converted into heat Answer: D 181. In actual gases the molecular collisions are: A. B. C. D. Plastic Elastic Inelastic In plastic Answer: C 182. The Beattie-Bridgeman equation of state is quite accurate in cases of: A. All pressures above atmospheric pressure B. Densities less than about 0.8 times the critical density C. Near critical temperature D. None of the above Answer: B 183. Which of the following statement about Van der Waals equation is correct? A. It is valid for all pressures and temperatures B. It represents a straight line on PV versus V plot C. It has three roots of identical value at the critical point D. The equation is valid for diatomic gases only. Answer: C 184. The Clapeyron’s equation is applicable to: A. 1 system in equilibrium B. A change of state C. A change of state when two phases are in equilibrium D. A change of state when water and water vapor are involved Answer: C 185. The vapor pressure is related to the enthalpy of vaporization by the: A. B. C. D. Clausius-Clayperon equation Dalton’s law Rauolt’s law Maxwell’s equation 186. Solubility of a gas in a liquid at small concentration can be represented by which law? A. B. C. D. Henry’s law Clausius-Clapeyron’s equation Dalton’s law Roult’s law Answer: A 187. A compound pressure gauge is used to measure: A. B. C. D. Complex pressures Variable pressures Average pressures Positive and negative pressures Answer: D 188. Which of the following is used for fighter jets? A. B. C. D. Turbopop Turbojet Ramjet Pulsejet Answer: B 189. The thermal efficiency of gas vapor cycle as compared to the steam turbine or gas turbine: A. B. C. D. Greater than Less than Not comparable Equal Answer: A 190. The process in which heat energy is transferred to thermal energy storage device is known as: A. B. C. D. Adiabatic Regeneration Intercooling Heat transfer Answer: B 191. The absolute zero in Celsius scale is: A. B. C. D. 100 0 -273 273 Answer: C 192. What is the temperature when water and water vapor are in equilibrium with the atmospheric pressure? A. B. C. D. Ice point Steam point Critical point Freezing point Answer: B 193. The temperature of a pure substance at a temperature of absolute zero is: A. B. C. D. Unity Zero Infinity 100 Answer: B 194. When the number of reheat stages in a reheat cycle is increased, the average temperature: A. B. C. D. Increases Decreases Is constant Is zero Answer: A 195. The temperature measurement in an ordinary thermometer which has constant specific humidity: A. B. C. D. Critical temperature Dew point temperature Dry bulb temperature Wet bulb temperature Answer: B 196. In a closed vessel, when vaporization takes place, the temperature rises. Due to the rising temperature, the pressure increases until an equilibrium is established between the temperature and pressure. The temperature of equilibrium is called: A. B. C. D. Dew point Ice point Superheated temperature Boiling point Answer: D 197. When hot soup was served in a cup during dinner an engineer was so eager to drink it. Since it was hot he added cubes of ice to cool the soup and stirred it. He noticed that dew starts to form on the outermost surface of the cup. What is this temperature equal to? A. B. C. D. Superheated temperature Equal to zero Standard temperature Equal to air’s dew point temperature Answer: D 198. Is a measure of the energy that is no longer available to perform useful work within the current environment? A. B. C. D. Absolute entropy Absolute enthalpy Fugacity Molar value Answer: A 199. A graph of enthalpy versus entropy for steam: A. B. C. D. Mollier diagram Moody diagram Steam table Maxwell diagram Answer: A 200. The reaction of inertia in an accelerated body is called: A. B. C. D. Kinetic reaction Endothermic reaction Kinematic reaction Dynamic reaction Answer: C 202. The following are not included in the first law of thermodynamics for closed system EXCEPT: A. B. C. D. heat transferred in and out of the system work done by or on the system internal energy kinetic energy Answer: D 203. All processes below are irreversible except one. Which one? A. B. C. D. Magnetization with hysteresis Elastic tension and release of a steel bar Inelastic deformation Heat conduction Answer: B 204. The combination of conditions that best describes a thermodynamic process is given by which of the following? I. Has successive states through which the system passes II. When reversed leaves no change in the system III. When reversed leaves no change in the system or the surroundings IV. States are passes through so quickly that the surroundings do not change A. I & II B. I & III C. I &IV D. I only Answer: A Answer: D 201. A mollier chart of thermodynamic properties is shown in which of the following diagrams? A. B. C. D. T-S diagram P-V diagram h-S diagram p-h diagram 205. The sum of the energies of all the molecules in a system where energies appear in several complex forms is the: A. Kinetic energy B. Potential energy C. Internal energy D. Frictional energy D. Internal system Answer: D Answer: C 206. The Carnot refrigeration cycle includes all of the following processes except: 211. The following terms are included in the first law of thermodynamics for closed system except: A. B. C. D. Isentropic expansion Isothermal heating Isenthalpic expansion Isentropic compression Answer: B 207. The maximum possible work that can be obtained a cycle operating between two reservoirs is found from: A. B. C. D. Process irreversibility Availability Carnot efficiency Reversible work Answer: C 208. The following factors are necessary to define a thermodynamic cycle except: A. B. C. D. Working substance High and low temperature The time it takes to complete the cycle The means of doing work on the system Answer: C 209. All of the following terms included in the second law for open system except: A. B. C. D. Shaft work Flow work Internal energy Average energy Answer: D 210. All of the following terms included in the first law for open system except: A. Heat transferred in and out of the system B. Work done by or in the system C. Magnetic system A. B. C. D. Heat transferred in and out of the system Work done by or in the system Internal energy Kinetic energy Answer: D 212. Which of the following statements about a path function is not true? A. On a p-v diagram, it can represent work done B. On a t-s diagram, it can represent heat transferred C. It is dependent on the path between states of thermodynamic equilibrium D. It represents values for p, v, t and s between states that are path functions Answer: D 213. A constant pressure thermodynamic process obeys: A. B. C. D. Boyle’s law Charles’ law Amagat’s law Dalton’s law Answer: B 214. The first and thermodynamics are: A. B. C. D. second Continuity equations Momentum equations Energy equations Equations of state Answer: C laws of 215. Represents the temperature an ideal gas will attain when it is brought to rest adiabatically: A. B. C. D. Absolute zero temperature Stagnation temperature Boiling temperature Critical temperature Answer: B 216. Gauge pressure and absolute pressure differ from each other by: A. B. C. D. The system units Atmospheric pressure The size of the gauge Nothing they mean the same thing Answer: B 217. Each of the following is correct values of standard atmospheric pressure except: A. B. C. D. 1,000 atm 14.962 psia 760 torr 1013 mmHg Answer: D 218. All of the following are properties of an ideal gas except: A. B. C. D. Density Pressure Viscosity Temperature Answer: C 219. Which of the following is not the universal gas constant? A. B. C. D. 1545 ft-lb/lbmol-R 8.314 J/mol-K 8314 kJ/mol-K 8.314 kJ/kmol-K Answer: C 220. The following are all commonly quoted values of standard temperatures and pressures except: A. B. C. D. 32F and 14.696 psia 273.15K and 101.325 kPa 0C and 760mm Hg 0F and 29.92in Hg Answer: D 221. The variation of pressure in an isobaric process is: A. B. C. D. Linear with temperature Described by the perfect gas law Inversely proportional to temperature Zero Answer: D 222. For fluid flow, the enthalpy is the sum of internal energy and: A. B. C. D. Entropy Work flow Pressure Temperature Answer: B 223. A thermodynamic process whose deviation from equilibrium is infinitesimal at all times is: A. B. C. D. Reversible Isentropic In quasi-equilibrium Isenthalpic Answer: C 224. Which thermodynamic property best describes the molecular activity of a substance? A. B. C. D. Enthalpy Entropy Internal energy External energy Answer: C 225. Stagnation enthalpy represents the enthalpy of a fluid when it is brought to rest: A. B. C. D. Isometrically Adiabatically Isothermally Disobarically Answer: B 226. During stagnation process, the kinetic energy of a fluid is converted to enthalpy which results in an: A. Increase in the fluid specific volume B. Increase in the fluid pressure C. Increase in the fluid temperature and pressure D. Increase in the fluid temperature Answer: C 227. The properties of fluid at stagnation in state are called: A. B. C. D. Stagnation property Stagnation phase Stagnation state Stagnation vapor Ans. C. the ambient pressure 230. A system composed of ice and water at 0ºC is said to be _______________. A. B. C. D. a multiphase material in thermodynamic equilibrium in thermal equilibrium all of the above Ans. D. all of the above 231. The heat of fusion of a pure substance is: E. the change in phase from solid to gas F. the change in phase from liquid to gas G. the energy released in a chemical reaction H. the energy required to melt the substance Ans. D. the energy required to melt the substance Answer: C 228. All of the following are thermodynamic properties except_____________. A. B. C. D. C. the ambient pressure D. one standard atmosphere temperature pressure density modulus of elasticity Ans. D. modulus of elasticity 229. A liquid boils when its vapor pressure equals. A. the gage pressure B. the critical pressure 232. The heat of vaporization involves the change in enthalpy due to: E. the change in phase is from solid to gas F. the change in phase in phase from liquid to gas G. the energy released in a chemical reaction H. the change in phase from solid to liquid Ans. B. the change in phase from liquid to gas 233. The sublimation involves the change in enthalpy due to: A. the change in phase from solid to gas B. the change in phase from liquid to gas C. the energy released in a chemical reaction D. the change in phase from solid to liquid Ans. A. the change in phase from solid to gas Ans. A. subcooled liquid 237. If a substance temperature is equal to its saturation temperature, the substance is a ________. A. B. C. D. subcooled liquid wet vapor saturated liquid and vapor superheated vapor Ans. C. saturated liquid and vapor 234. a specific property A. defines a specific variable (e.g., temperature) B. is independent of mass C. is an extensive property multiplied by mass D. is dependent of the phase of the substance Ans. A. defines a specific variable (e.g., temperature) 238. if a substance temperature is greater than the saturation temperature, the substance is a ________. A. B. C. D. subcooled liquid wet vapor saturated vapor superheated vapor Ans. D. superheated vapor 239. Critical properties refer to A. extremely important properties, such as temperature and pressure 235. A material’s specific heat can be defined as; A. the ratio of heat required to change the temperature of mass by a change in temperature. B. being different for constant pressure and constant temperature processes. C. a function of temperature. D. all of the above Ans.all of the above 236. if a substance temperature is less than its saturation temperature , the substance is: A. B. C. D. subcooled liquid wet vapor saturated vapor superheated vapor a. heat required for phase change and important for energy production b. property values where liquid and gas phase are indistinguishable c. properties having to do with equilibrium conditions, such as the Gibbs and Helmholtz Ans. D. property values where liquid and gas phase are indistinguishable 240. for a saturated vapor, the relationship between temperature and pressure is given by: A. B. C. D. the perfect gas law Van der Waal’s equation the steam stable a Viral equation of state Ans. C. the steam stable 241. Properties of a superheated vapor are given by: 245. Which of the following is the best definition of enthalpy? A. the perfect gas law B. a superheated table C. a one to one relationship, such as the properties of saturated steam D. a Viral equation state A. The ratio of heat added to the temperature increases in a system B. The amount of useful energy in a system C. The amount of energy no longer available to the system. D. The heat required to cause a complete conversion between two phases at a constant temperature Ans. B. a superheated table 242. Properties of non-reacting gas mixture are given by: A. geometric weighting B. volumetric weighting C. volumetric weighting for molecular weight and density, and geometric weighting for all other properties except entropy. D. arithmetic average Ans. volumetric weighting for molecular weight and density, and geometric weighting for all other properties except entropy. 243. The relationship between the total volume of a mixture of non-reacting gases and their partial volume is given by: A. B. C. D. gravimetric fractions Amagat’s law Dalton’s law mole fractions Ans. B. Amagat’s law 244. The relationship between the total pressure of a mixture of non-reacting gases and the partial pressures of constituents is given by: Ans. B. The amount of useful energy in the system. 246. Which of the following statements is not true for real gases? A. Molecules occupy a volume not negligible in comparison to the total volume of gas B. Real gases are subjected to attractive forces between molecules (e.g. Van der Waal’s forces) C. The law of corresponding states may be used for real gases D. Real gases are found only rarely in nature Ans. D. Real gases ate found only rarely in nature 247. The stagnation of state is called the isentropic stagnation state when the stagnation process is: A. B. C. D. reversible as well dynamic isotropic adiabatic reversible as well as adiabatic Ans. D. Reversible as well as adiabatic A. B. C. D. gravimetric fractions volumetric fractions Dalton’s law mole fractions Ans. Dalton’s Law 248. The entropy of a fluid remains constant during what process? A. polytropic stagnation process B. unsteady stagnation process C. combustion process D. isentropic stagnation process 253. Adiabatic heat transfer within a vapor cycle refers to: Ans. D. Isentropic stagnation process 249. All of the following process are irreversible except. A. stirring a viscous fluid B. an isentropic deceleration of a moving perfect fluid. C. an unrestrained expansion of a gas D. phase changes Ans. B. an isentropic deceleration of a moving perfect fluid 250. All of the following irreversible except. processes are A. chemical reactions B. diffusion C. current flow through an electrical resistance. D. an isentropic compression of a perfect gas. A. Heat transfer that is atmospheric bit not reversible B. The transfer of energy from one stream to another in a heat exchanger so that the energy of the input streams equals the of the output streams. C. Heat transfer that is reversible but not isentropic D. There is no such thing as adiabatic heat transfer Ans. B. The transfer of energy from one stream to another in a heat exchanger so that the energy of the input streams equals the of the output streams. 254. Which of the following gives polytropic under n? A. Ans. D B. 251. all of the following processes are irreversible except: C. A. B. C. D. magnetization with hysteresis elastic tension and release of a steel bar inelastic deformation heat conduction Ans. B. elastic tension and release of a steel bar 252. Which of the following state(s) is/are necessary for a system to be in thermodynamic equilibrium. A. B. C. D. Chemical equilibrium Thermal equilibrium Mechanical equilibrium Chemical, mechanical, equilibrium and thermal Ans. D. Chemical, mechanical, and thermal equilibrium D. π2 π1 π1 πππ π2 π1 πππ π2 π1 πππ π2 π1 πππ π2 π2 πππ π1 π1 πππ π2 π1 πππ π2 πππ Ans. A. π2 π1 π1 πππ π2 πππ 255. The work done in an adiabatic process in a system: A. Is equal to the change in total energy in a closed system B. is equal to the net heat transfer plus the entropy change C. is equal to the change in total energy of closed system plus the entropy change D. is equal to the change in total energy of closed system plus net heat transfer Ans. D. is equal to the change in total energy of closed system plus net heat transfer 256. Based on the first law of thermodynamics, which the following is wrong? A. the heat transfer equals the work plus energy change B. the heat transfer cannot exceed the work done C. the net transfer equal the net work of the cycle D. the net heat transfer equals the energy change if no work done. Ans. B. the heat transfer cannot exceed the work done 257. Assuming real processes, the net entropy change in the universe: A. B. C. D. must be calculated equals zero is negative is positive Ans. D. is positive 258. Which of the following types of flowmeters is most accurate? A. B. C. D. Venturi tube Pitot tube Flow nozzle Foam type Ans. B. Pitot tube 259. What is referred by control volume? A. B. C. D. an isolated system closed system fixed region in space reversible process only Ans. C. fixed region in space 260. What is the most efficient thermodynamics cycle? A. B. C. D. Carnot Diesel Rankine Brayton Ans. A. Carnot 261. How do you treat a statement that is considered scientific law? A. We postulate to be true B. Accept as a summary of experimental observation C. We generally observed to be true D. Believe to be derived from mathematical theorem Ans. B. Accept as a summary of experimental observation 262. An instrument commonly used in most research and engineering laboratories because it is small and fast among the other thermometers. A. B. C. D. Mercury thermometer Liquid-in-glass thermometer Gas thermometer Thermocouple Ans. D. Thermocouple 263. In an actual gases, the molecular collisions are A. B. C. D. plastic elastic inelastic in plastic 264. Which of the following is used in thermal power plant? A. Brayton B. Reversed Carnot C. Rankine D. Otto Ans. C 265. The elongation and compression of a helical spring is an example of A. B. C. D. irreversible process reversible process isothermal process adiabatic process Ans. B. reversible process 266. Otto cycle consist of A. Two isentropic and two constant volume processes B. Two isentropic and two constant pressure processes C. Two adiabatic and two isothermal processes D. Two isothermal and two constant volume processes Ans. A. Two isentropic and two constant volume processes B. Joule cycle C. Carnot cycle D. Otto cycle Ans. B. Joule cycle 269. A steam nozzle changes A. B. C. D. kinetic energy into heat energy heat energy into potential energy heat energy into kinetic energy potential energy into heat energy Ans. C. heat energy into kinetic energy 270. The pitot tube is a device used for measurement of A. B. C. D. pressure flow velocity discharge Ans. C. velocity 271. The continuity equation is applicable to A. B. C. D. Viscous, unviscous fluids Compressibility of fluids Conservation of mass Steady, unsteady flow Ans. C. Conservation of mass 267. Brayton cycle has A. Two isentropic and two constant volume processes B. Two isentropic and two constant pressure processes C. One constant pressure, one constant volume and two adiabatic processes D. Two isothermal, one constant volume and one constant pressure processes Ans. B. Two isentropic and two constant pressure processes 268. A Bell-Coleman cycle is a reversed A. Stirling cycle 272. The work done by a force of R Newton’s moving in a distance of L meters is converted entirely into kinetic energy and expressed by the equation: A. B. C. D. RL=2MV2 RL= 2MV RL=1/2 MV2 RL=1/2 MV Ans. C. RL=1/2 MV2 273. Gas being heated at constant volume is undergoing the process of: A. isentropic B. adiabatic C. isometric D. isobaric Ans. C. isometric 274. Dew point is defined as A. The temperature to which the air must be cooled at constant pressure to produce saturation B. The point where the pressure and temperature lines meet C. The temperature which dew is formed in the air D. The pressure which dew is formed in the air. Ans. A. The temperature to which the air must be cooled at constant pressure to produce saturation 275. What do you call the changing of an atom of element into an atom of a different element with a different atomic mass? A. B. C. D. Atomization Atomic transmutation Atomic pile Atomic energy Ans. A. Dehydrator 278. What condition exist in an adiabatic throttling process? A. B. C. D. Enthalpy is variable Enthalpy is constant Entropy is constant Specific volume is constant Ans. B. Enthalpy is constant 279. The specific gravity of a substance is the ratio of its density to the density of: A. B. C. D. mercury gas air water Ans. D. water 280. A compound pressure gauge is used to measure: A. B. C. D. complex pressure variable pressure compound pressure positive and negative pressure Ans. D. positive and negative pressure Ans. B. Atomic transmutation 281. Isentropic flow is 276. What do you call the weight of the column of air above the earth’s surface? A. B. C. D. Air pressure Aerostatic pressure Wind pressure Atmospheric pressure Ans. D. Atmospheric pressure 277. What keeps the moisture from passing through the system? A. B. C. D. Dehydrator Aerator Trap Humidifier A. B. C. D. perfect gas law ideal fluid flow frictionless reversible flow reversible adiabatic flow Ans. D. reversible adiabatic flow 282. Under ideal conditions, isothermal, isobaric, isochoric and adiabatic processes are: A. B. C. D. dynamic processes stable processes quasi-static processes static processes Ans. C. quasi-static processes 283. One watt is: A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. 1Nm/s 1Nm/ min. 1Nm/ hr 1kNm/s Water Electricity Steam Air Ans. D. Air Ans. A. 1Nm/s 284. A temperature above which a given gas cannot be liquefied: A. B. C. D. Cryogenic temperature Vaporization temperature Absolute temperature Critical temperature A. Nitrogen B. Helium C. Oxygen D. Hydrogen Ans: B Ans. D. Critical temperature 285. The effectiveness of a body as a thermal radiator at a given temperature A. B. C. D. Absorptivity Emissivity Conductivity Reflectivity Ans. B. Emissivity 286. Which of the following occurs in a reversible polytropic process? A. B. C. D. Enthalpy remains constant Internal energy does not change Some heat transfer occurs Entropy remains constant Ans. C. Some heat transfer occurs 287. The instrument used atmospheric pressure is: A. B. C. D. 289. which of the following gasses can be used to measure the lowest temperature? to measure Rotator Manometer Venturi Barometer Ans. D. Barometer 288. A pneumatic tool is generally powered by 290. The triple point of a substance is the temperature and pressure at which: A. The solid and liquid phase are in equilibrium B. The solid and gaseous phase are in equilibrium C. The solid liquid and gaseous phases are in the equilibrium D. The solid does not melt, the liquid does not boil and the gas does not condense Ans: D 291. Which of the following relations is not applicable in a free expansion process? A. Heat rejected is zero B. Work done is zero C. Change in temperature is zero D. Heat supplied is zero Ans: C 292. Ericsson cycle has A. Two isothermal and two constant pressure processes B. Two isothermal and two constant volume processes C. Two isothermal and two constant entropy process D. Two adiabatic, one constant volume and constant pressure process Ans: A 293. A stirling cycle has A. Two adiabatic and two constant volume process B. Two adiabatic and two constant pressure processes C. Two isothermal and two constant pressure processes D. Two isothermal and two constant volume processes Ans: D 294. The temp of the fluid flowing under pressure through a pipe is usually measured by: A. A glass thermometer B. An electric resistance thermometer C. A thermocouple D. All of the above Ans: D 295. Specific heat capacity is an SI delivered unit describe as A. J/kg B. W/mK C. kJ/kgK D. J/m Ans: C 296. Which of the following is mathematically a thermodynamic property? A. A point function B. Discontinuous C. A path function D. Exact differential Ans: A 297. When the expansion or compression of gas takes place “without transfer of heat” to or from the gas, the process is called: A. Reversible B. Adiabatic C. Polytropic D. Isothermal Ans: B 298. Another name for liquid valve is : A. Freon valve B. Shut-off valve C. King valve D. Master valve Ans: C 299. A liquid whose temperature is lower than saturation temperature corresponding to the existing pressure: A. Subcooled liquid B. Saturated liquid C. Pure liquid D. Compressed liquid Ans: A 300. The law that state “Entropy of all perfect crystalline solid is zero at absolute zero temperature”: A. Zeroth law of thermodynamics B. First law of thermodynamics C. Second law of thermodynamics D. Third law of thermodynamics Ans: D 301. What should be the temperature of both water and steam whenever they present together? A. Saturation temperature for the existing pressure B. Boiling point of water at 101.325 kPa C. Super heated temperature D. One hundred degrees centigrade Ans: A 302. A manometer is an instrument that is used to measure: A. Air pressure B. Heat radiation C. Condensate water level D. Air volume Ans: A 303. What is the area under curve of a temperature entropy diagram? A. Volume B. Heat C. Work D. Entropy Ans: B 304. What do bodies at a temperature above absolute zero emit? A. Energy B. Heat of convection C. Thermal radiation D. Heat of compression Ans: C 305. In the absence of any irreversibilities, a thermoelectric generator, a device that incorporates both thermal and electric effects, will have the efficiency of a/an A. Carnot cycle B. Otto cycle C. Diesel cycle D. Rankine cycle Ans: A B. External combustion engines C. Carnot engines D. Brayton engines Ans: B 307. Nozzle does not involve any work interaction. The fluid through this device experiences: A. No change in potential energy B. No change in kinetic energy C. No change in enthalpy D. Vacuum Ans: A 308. If the actual kinetic energy of a nozzle is Ka and Ki is the maximum valve that can be attained by an isentropic expansion from an initial to final state, then the efficiency of the nozzle is: A. Ki/Ka B. Ka-Ki/ Ka C. Ka-Ki/ Ki D. Ka/Ki Ans: D 309. The convergent section of a nozzle increases the velocity of the flow of the gas. What does it to do on its pressure? A. Pressure become constant B. Pressure equal the velocity C. It increases the pressure D. It decreases the pressure Ans: D 310. I a close vessel, when vaporization takes place, the temperature rises. Due to the rising temperature, the pressure increases until an equilibrium established between the temperature and pressure. The temperature of equilibrium is called______. 306. Both Stirling and Ericson engine are A. Internal combustion engines A. Dew point B. Ice point C. Boiling point D. Super heated temperature Ans: C 311. At steam point, the temperature of water and its vapor at standard pressure are: A. Extremes or maximum B. Unity C. In equilibrium D. Undefined Ans: C 312. When hot soup was served in a cup during dinner, an engineer was so eager to drink it. Since it was hot, he added cubes ice to cool the soup and stirred it. He notice the dew starts to form on the outermost surface of the cup. He wanted to check the temperature of the outermost surface of the cup. What is this temperature equal to? A. Superheated temperature B. Equal to zero C. Standard temperature D. Equal to air’s dew point temperature Ans: D B. Specific weight C. Viscosity D. Density Ans: C 315. What is the pressure at the exit of a draft tube in turbine? A. Below atmospheric B. Above atmospheric C. Atmospheric D. Vacuum Ans: C 316. When changes in kinetic energy of a compressed gas are negligible or insignificant, the work input to an adiabatic compressor is___________. A. Negligible B. Zero C. Infinity D. Equal to change in enthalpy Ans: D 317. what is the area under the curve of a pressure volume diagram? 313. What do you call the conversion technology that yields electricity straight from sun light without the aid of a working substance like gas or steam without the use of any mechanical cycle? A. Nonflow work B. Steady flow work C. Heat D. Power Ans: A A. Power conversion B. Stirling cycle conversion C. Solar thermal conversion D. Photovoltaic-energy conversion Ans: D 318. In Stirling and Ericson cycle, regeneration can 314. Which of the following property of liquid extend resistance to angular or shear deformation? A. Specific gravity A. Increase efficiency B. Decrease efficiency C. Control efficiency D. Limit efficiency Ans: A 319. The first law of the thermodynamics is based on which of the following principle? A. Conservation of mass B. Enthalpy-entropy relationship C. Entropy-temperature relationship D. Conservation of energy Ans: D 320. In a two-phase system, 30% moisture means A. 70% liquid and 30% vapor B. 70% vapor and 30% liquid C. 30% liquid and 100% vapor D. 30% vapor and 100% liquid Ans: B A. 1 Joule B. 1 Btu C. 1 Calorie D. 1 Ergs Ans: A 325. Which of the following is the instrument used to measure fluid velocity? A. Pitot tube B. Orsat apparatus C. Anemometer D. Viscosimeter Ans: A 326. Cryogenic temperature ranges from: 321. At 101.325 kPa, the boiling point of water is 100C. If the pressure is decrease, the boiling temperature will: A. Increase B. Decrease C. Remain the same D. Drop to zero Ans: B 322. Which of the following is equivalent to 1 hp in btu/hr? A. 778 B. 2545 C. 746 D. 3.41 Ans: B 323. What is the pressure above zero? A. Gage pressure B. Absolute pressure C. Vacuum pressure D. Atmospheric pressure Ans: A A. -150F to -359F B. -250F to -459F C. -100F to -300F D. -200F to _400F Ans: B 327. Steam at 2 kPa is saturated at 17.5C. In what state will the state be at 40c if the pressure is 2 kPa? A. Superheated B. Saturated C. Subcooled D. Supersaturated Ans: A 328. Acceleration is proportional to force. A. Newtons law B. Archimedes principle C. Law of gravitation D. Theory of relativity Ans: A 329. Which of the following could be defined as simply push and pull? 324. One Newton-meter is equal to A. Power B. Inertia C. Work D. Force Ans: D 330. the true pressure measured above a perfect vacuum is: temperature and the properties of the material, composing the radiating body. A. Stefan-Boltzmann law B. Planck’s law C. Kirchhoff’s law D. Maxwell’s law Ans: B A. Absolute pressure B. Atmospheric pressure C. Gauge pressure D. Vacuum pressure Ans: A 335. For bodies in thermal equilibrium with their environment, the ratio of total emissive power to the absorptivity is constant at any temperature. 331. if an initial volume of an ideal gas is compressed to one-half its original volume and to twice its original temperature, the pressure: A. Stefan-Boltzmann law B. Planck’s law C. Kirchhoff’s law D. Maxwell’s law Ans: C A. Doubles B. Halves C. Quadruplets D. Triples Ans: C 332. When the expansion or compression of gas takes place without transfer of heat to or from the gas, the process is called: Chapter 2: FUELS AND COMBUSTION 1. Which is not a viscosity rating? A. B. C. D. Redwood SSU Centipoise Entropy Degrees API A. Isometric process B. Isothermal process C. Isobaric process D. Adiabatic process Ans: D Answer: D 333. A body radiates heat proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature: A. B. C. D. A. Stefan-Boltzmann law B. Planck’s law C. Kirchhoff’s law D. Maxwell’s law Ans: A 334. All substances emit radiation, the quantity and quality of which depends upon the absolute 2. Percent excess air is the difference between the air actually supplied and the theoretically required divided by The theoretically air supplied The actually air supplied The deficiency of air supplied The sufficient air supplied Answer: A 3. What is the apparatus used in the analysis of combustible gases? A. Calorimeter differential B. Calorimeter gas C. Calorimetry D. Calorimeter D. Carbon residue Answer: D 8. What kind of bonding do ommon gasses that exist in free state as diatomic molecules experiences 4. Percent excess air is the difference between the air actually supplied and the theoretical air divided by A. B. C. D. The sufficient air supplied The deficiency air supplied The actually air supplied The theoretically air supplied Answer: A A. B. C. D. Ionic bonds Covalent bonds Metallic bonds Nuclear bonds Answer: B Answer: D 9. An Orsat’s apparatus is used for 5. The viscosity of most commercially available petroleum lubricating oil changes rapidly above A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. 120 °F 180 °F 150 °F 130 °F Volumetric analysis of the flue gas Gravimetric analysis of the flue gas Smoke density analysis of the flue gas All of the above Answer: A 6. When 1 mol carbon combines with 1 mol oxygen 10. A theorem that states that the total property of a mixture of ideal gases is the sum of the properties that the individual gases would have each occupied the total mixture volume alone as the same temperature. A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. Answer: B 2 mols carbon dioxide 1 mol carbon dioxide 1 mol carbon and 1 mol carbon dioxide 1 mol carbon dioxide Gibbs theorem Dalton’s theorem Boltzmann theorem Maxwell’s theorem Answer: B Answer: A 7. What are the immediate undesirable products from the petroleum based lubricating oil when subjected to high pressure and temperature 11. A small enough particles suspended in a fluid will exhibit small random movements due to the statistical collision of the fluid molecules on the particle’s surface. This motion is called ______. A. Gums, resins and acids B. Sulfur C. Soots and ashes A. Boltzmann motion B. Rectilinear motion C. Kinetic gas motion D. Brownian motion Answer: C Answer: D 16. Which of the following chemical reactions in which heat is absorbed? 12. When two or more light atoms have sufficient energy (available only at high temperatures and velocities) to fuse together to form a heavier nucleus the process is called _____. A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. Answer: B Fusion Fission The photoelectric effect The compton effect Heat reaction Endothermic reaction Exothermic reaction Combustion reaction 17. A chemical reaction in which heat is given off Answer: A 13. What is the residue left after combustion of a fossil fuel? A. B. C. D. Heat reaction Endothermic reaction Exothermic reaction Combustion reaction Answer: C A. B. C. D. Charcoal Ash Scraper All of the choices 18. A colorless, odorless mixture if nitrogen and oxygen with traces of other gases water vapor and same impurities Answer: B 14. What is formed during combustion of carbon in fuels? A. B. C. D. incomplete Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide Nitrogen oxide Oxygenated fuel Answer: B 15. A gas produced by the combustion of fuel oil and cannot be found in the flue gases is: A. B. C. D. Air Helium Water gas Nitrite Answer: A 19. The transfer of air and air characteristics by horizontal motion is called ______. A. Convection B. Air transfer C. Advection D. Adhesion Answer: C A. B. C. D. Oxygen Nitrogen Hydrogen Carbon dioxide 20. Properties of non – reacting mixtures are given by A. Geometric weighting B. Volumetric weighting C. Volumetric weighting or molecular weight and density and geometric weighting for all other properties except entropy D. Arithmetic average B. Chemically correct air – fuel ratio by weight C. Theoretical mixture of air for complete combustion D. Actual ratio of air to fuel for maximum efficiency Answer: C Answer: B 21. The process of separating two or more liquids by means of the difference in their boiling point 25. A type of radiation consisting of singly charged particles that generate to intermediate distances. A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. Engler distillation Fractional distillation Gas scrubbing Fractional crystallization Nuclear radiation Alpha radiation Beta radiation Gamma radiation Answer: B Answer: C 22. The gaseous products of combustion of a boiler which contains carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxygen, nitrogen and water vapor is called ____. 26. The increase in velocity past the throat is due to the rapid decrease in the: A. B. C. D. Flue gas Producer gas Product gas Universal gas Answer: A 23. A substance whose burning with oxygen yields heat energy such as coal, petroleum and natural gas. A. B. C. D. Air Fluid Fuel Gas Answer: C 24. Stoichiometric ratio is A. Chemically correct air – fuel ratio by volume A. B. C. D. Fluid density Fluid specific volume Fluid temperature Fluid pressure Answer: A 27. In an oxidation – reduction chemical reaction, all of the following occur except: A. The exchange of electrons between elements B. Elements becoming more positive C. Elements becoming more negative D. Nuclear fusion Answer: D 28. The residual oil left after the distillation of gasoline and kerosene from crude petroleum; yellow to brown oil, used as a diesel fuel and for enriching water gas. A. B. C. D. Diesel oil Gasoline oil LPG Gas oil Answer: D 29. A fuel gas obtained by the destructive distillation of soft coal is called _____. A. B. C. D. Gas scrub Coal gas Alcogas Water gas Answer: B 30. Removing of impurities from a gas by bubbling it through a liquid purifying agent is called ____. A. B. C. D. Gas scrubbing Gas purifying Gas liquefying Gas bubbling Answer: A 31. During the fusion process, mass is lost and converted to energy according to: A. B. C. D. The Heisenburg uncertainty principle The Compton’s law Einstein’s law The second law of thermodynamics Answer: C 32. A finely divided carbon deposit by he smoke or flame is called ____. A. B. C. D. Fly ash Soot Residue All of the choices Answer: B 33. Rare gases such as helium, argon, kypton, xenon and radon that are non – reactive are called _____. A. B. C. D. Non – reactants Stop gases Inert gases Residual gases Answer: C 34. Kinematics and dynamic viscosity vary from each other only by a factor equal to the: A. B. C. D. Fluid density Temperature Pressure Specific gas constant Answer: A 35. The following properties are different for isomers of the same chemical compound except: A. B. C. D. Density Melting point Number of atoms in a mole of each isomers Specific heat Answer: C 36. Atomic weights of the elements in the periodic table are not whole numbers because of: A. The existence of isotopes B. Imprecise measurements during the development of the periodic table C. Round – off error in calculating atomic weights D. The exchange of reference of the atomic mass unit from oxygen – 16 to carbon – 12 in 1961 D. Le Chatelier’s principle Answer: A 41. What fuel gas obtained by the destructive distillation of soft coal? 37. The tendency of a pure compound to be composed of the same elements combined in a definite proportion by mass A. B. C. D. Avogadro’s law Boyle’s law The law of definite proportions Le Chatelier’s principle Answer: C 38. How do you call the process of removing of impurities from a gas by bubbling it through a liquid purifying agent? A. B. C. D. Gas scrubbing Gas purifying Gas liquefying Gas bubbling Answer: A 39. What is the effect of a catalyst in a chemical reaction? A. B. C. D. Absorb the exothermic heat of reaction Provide the exothermic heat of reaction Lower the activation energy Provide the heat of sublimation Answer: C 40. The relationship between the concentration of products and reactants in a reversible chemical reaction given by A. The ionization constant B. The equilibrium constant C. The solubility product Answer: B A. B. C. D. Gas scrub Coal gas Alcogas Water gas Answer: B 42. The process of splitting the nucleus into smaller fragments. A. B. C. D. Fusion Fission The photoelectric effect The Compton effect Answer: B 43. The ash that is removed from the combustor after the fuel is burn is the: A. B. C. D. Fly ash Bottom ash Scrapper ash Top ash Answer: B 44. A mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide made by passing steam over hot coke. A. B. C. D. Water gas Water vapor Hydrocarbon Air Answer: A 45. All of the following are true of non – stoichiometric reactions except A. There is an excess of one or more reactants B. The percentage yield measures the efficiency of the reaction C. Non – stoichiometric reactions are rare in the combustion process D. In combustion, air is often the excess reactant to assure complete combustion of fuel Answer: C 46. It is the ratio of the volume at the end of heat addition to the volume at the start of heat addition A. B. C. D. Compression ration Air fuel ratio Volumetric ratio Cut – off ratio Answer: D 47. Piston rings are made of A. B. C. D. Alloy steel Carbon steel Copper Cast iron Answer: D 48. Loss power is due to: A. B. C. D. Poor compression Restricted exhaust Clogging of air cleaner Low injection pressure A. Exhaust nozzle B. Exhaust deflection pipe C. Exhaust pipe D. Exhaust manifold Answer: D 50. The type of filter where the filtering elements is replaceable A. B. C. D. Paper edge filter Metal edge filter Pressure filter Filter with element Answer: B 51. When four events takes place in one revolution of a crankshaft of an engine, the engine is called: A. B. C. D. Rotary engine Steam engine Two stroke engine Four stroke engine Answer: C 52. Which of the following does not belong to the group? A. B. C. D. Air injection system Mechanical injection system Time injection system Gas admission system Answer: C 53. Specific heat capacity is an SI derived unit described as: Answer: D 49. A branch system of pipes to carry waste emissions away from the piston chambers of an internal combustion engine is called A. B. C. D. J/kg W/m °K J/m3 J/kg °K Answer: B Answer: D 54. A device whose primary function is to meter the flow of refrigerant to the evaporator A. B. C. D. Sniffer valve Equalizer Thermostatic expansion valve Crossover valve 58. The general chemical formula of a paraffin fuel is A. B. C. D. CnH2n CnH2n-6 CnH2n+2 CnH2n-2 Answer: C Answer: C 55. The internal combustion engines never work in A. B. C. D. Rankine cycle Diesel cycle Dual combustion cycle Otto cycle Answer: A 56. The general chemical formula for all hydrocarbons is CnHm. In different combinations of interest, as internal combustion engine fuel, n varies from: A. B. C. D. 1 to 26 2 to 54 2 to 26 1 to 54 59. Napthenes and olefins are types hydrocarbons with chemical formula of: A. B. C. D. of CnH2n CnH2n-6 CnH2n+2 CnH2n-2 Answer: A 60. Which of the following types of hydrocarbons have chemical formula of CnH2n-2? A. B. C. D. Diolefins Aromatics Asphaltics Paraffins Answer: A Answer: A 61. Which of the following types of hydrocarbons have the chemical formula, CnH2n-4? 57. The general chemical formula for all hydrocarbons is CnHm. In different combinations of interest, as internal combustion engine fuel, m varies from: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Answer: C 1 to 26 2 to 54 2 to 26 1 to 54 Diolefins Aromatics Asphatics Paraffins 62. What is the chemical formula of an Aromatic type of hydrocarbon fuels? A. CnH2n-6 B. CnH2n-2 C. CnH2n D. CnH2n+2 A. B. C. D. Answer: A 63. At atmospheric condition, hydrocarbon molecules with a low number of carbon atoms, 1 to 4 are… A. B. C. D. Liquids Atomic Gases Light oils more or less volatile light oils referred to as Heavy oils mixtures of many kinds of hydrocarbons commercial fuels A. B. C. D. valve tappet clearance incorrect valve springs of defective material valve guides gummed lubricating oil of poor quality A. B. C. D. early timing of fuel injection late timing of fuel injection head of piston carbonized valve springs weak of broken Answer: B. Answer: A 65. Hydrocarbons with 16 to 26 carbon atoms are referred to as: light oils heavy oils commercial oils lubricating oils 70. The thermal efficiency of a dual cycle engine with fixed compression ratio and fixed quantity of heat and with increase in pressure ratio, will… A. B. C. D. increase remain the same decrease depends of other factors Answer: A. Answer: B 25o 66. In a four-stroke engine, if a valve opens before B.D.C. and close 10o after T.D.C. the valves should be: A. B. C. D. 68. Sticking valves 69. Detonation of pinging noise is due to: 64. Hydrocarbons with 5 to 15 carbon atoms are: A. B. C. D. Answer: C Answer: B Answer: C A. B. C. D. mass rate of flow pressure velocity of flow all of the above puppet valve exhaust valve inlet valve spring valve Answer: B 67. In a hot wire anemometer , the rate of heat loss form the sensing element is a function of: 71. Scavenging efficiency of a four stroke diesel engine is: A. B. C. D. in the range 80-95 percent in the range 60-80 percent below 60 percent between 95% and 100% Answer: D. 72. Volumetric efficiency of a well-designed engine may be in the range of: A. 75 to 90 percent B. 60 to 75 percent C. 30 to 50 percent D. below 30 percent Answer: A 73. During idling in a compression ignition engine, the air fuel ratio may be of the order of: A. B. C. D. 30 200 150 100 . 74. Vapor lock is: A. lock of vaporization of fuel to atmospheric pressure B. excess fuel supply to the engine because of faster evaporation C. complete or partial stoppage of fuel supply because of vaporization of fuel in supply steam D. locking carburetor jets because of vapor pressure. Answer: C 75. Flash point of liquids is the temperature at which: A. the fuel emits vapors at a rate which produces an inflammable mixture of air. B. the fuel spontaneous ignites C. the fuel ignites with clearly vicible flash D. the fuel ignites without a spark Answer: A 76. The mean effective pressure of a diesel cycle having fixed compression ratio will increase if cut-off ratio is: increased decreased independent of compression ratio depends on other factors Answer: A. A. do not exist in engines B. are the hottest spots in engines C. are the spots where heavier functions of fuel are vaporized D. are the defects in SI engines. Answer: C. Answer: A A. B. C. D. 77. Hot spots: 78. Flash point for diesel fuel oil should be: A. B. C. D. maximum 49oC Maximum 49oC maximum 200oC maximum 300oC Answer: A 79. Morse test is conducted on: A. B. C. D. single-cylinder engines multi-cylinder engines horizontal engines vertical engines Answer: B. 80. Prony brake test is used for testing of: A. B. C. D. small engines large engines engines having small flywheel high speed engines Answer: A 81. Clog point of oil refer to: A. the point of maximum contamination of oil B. the level of impurities beyond which oil causes to flow C. the temperature at which oil solidifies D. the temperature at which paraffin and waxes in oil start precipitating Answer: D. 82. Otto cycle consists of A. two isentropic and two constant volume processes B. two isentropic and two constant pressure processes C. two adiabatic and two isothermal processes D. two isothermal and two constant volume processes Answer: A 83. Diesel cycle consists of: A. isentropic, isothermal, constant volume, constant pressure process B. two constant volume, one constant pressure and one isothermal processes C. two isentropic, one constant volume and one constant pressure processes D. two constant pressure, one constant volume and one isentropic processes B. piston pin C. cam D. crank Answer: D 87. To measure the clearance between the valve and tappet of an automobile engine, we use a __________. A. B. C. D. Answer: B 88. By supercharging: A. B. C. D. Answer: C. 84. Which is not correct for calculating air standard efficiency? vernier scale feeler gauge pneumatic gauge slip gauge power stroke becomes stronger loss in exhaust gets reduced engine can be made to run smoother thermal efficiency of the engine can be improved Answer: D 89. Speedometer drive is generally takes from: A. all processes are reversible B. Specific heat remains unchanged at all temperatures C. No account of the mechanism of heat transfer is considered D. Gases dissociate at higher temperatures Answer: D. 85. The king pin inclination is generally: A. B. C. D. less than 0.5” between 1” and 2” between 2” and 5” more than 9” Answer: C 86. For balancing a single cylinder engine, a counter weight is added to the: A. piston A. B. C. D. dynamo flywheel fan belt front wheel Answer: D 90. Odometer is: A. an instrument that indicates the condition of the battery B. an instrument used for measurement of fuel consumption C. an instrument used for BHP measurement D. an instrument used for distance measurement Answer: D. 91. Automobile radiator is filled with: A. B. C. D. acidic water alkaline water hard water soft water Answer: B 97. The device that is used for reducing the exhaust noise is called__________. A. B. C. D. Answer: D. 92. The ignition coil acts as: A. B. C. D. a capacitor an inductor an RC circuit step up transformer Answer: C Answer: D 93. The self-starting motor for automobiles is a: A. B. C. D. 98. The device that is used to measure the clearance between the valve and tappet of an internal combustion engine is measured by using: A. B. C. D. universal motor DC shunt motor DC series motor synchronous motor Snap gauge slip gauge feeler gauge micrometer Answer: C Answer: C. 99. Which of the following instrument is used in measuring specific gravity? 94. Starting motor current may be about: A. B. C. D. exhaust manifold exhaust pipe muffler none of the above 0.15A 0.5A 5.1A 25A A. B. C. D. Thermometer Hygrometer Anemometer Hydrometer Answer: D Answer: D 95. As a rule before the pistons are removed, it is essential to remove the: 100. Exhaust gas leakage into the cooling system is most likely to occur because of a defective: A. B. C. D. gudgeon pin high speed and worn engine short trips and cold weather frequent oil changes A. B. C. D. Answer: C 96. Common causes consumption include: A. B. C. D. for excessive heavy oil and light bearings high speed and worn engines short trips and cold weather frequent oil changes oil cylinder head gasket manifold gasket water pump any of the above Answer: A 101. Clutch slippage while clutch is engaged is especially noticeable __________. A. during idling B. at low speed C. during acceleration D. during braking Answer: C 102. To engage securely and prevent dragging the clearance between release bearing and release collar in a clutch is generally. A. B. C. D. 2-3mm 10-12mm 20-22mm 30-32mm Answer: A 103. Gudgeon pins are made of: A. B. C. D. same material as that of piston cast iron hardened and ground steel none of these Answer: D 104. Latex is: A. a plastic B. a cover on writes carrying current to spark plugs C. a variety of lubricant D. a milky juice of rubber Answer: D 105. Cross wire grooves on tires… A. decrease the danger of skidding B. absorb shocks because of road unevenness C. provide good traction D. provide better load carrying capacity Answer: B 106. The Diesel fuel pump is designed to supply fuel A. just sufficient against the demand of the injection pump B. in excess quantity than needed by the injection pump C. a constant quantity at all engine speeds D. insufficient quantity in accordance with the engine speed Answer: D 107. The fuel is injected into the cylinder in Diesel engine when the piston is: A. exactly at BDC after compression cycle B. exactly at TDC before compression stroke C. approaching the TDC during compression stroke D. approaching BDC during exhaust stroke Answer: C 108. In the cam, the distance between the base circle and the noise is known as _________. A. B. C. D. flank nose lobe lift Answer: D 109. Dirt or gum in fuel nozzle or jets can produce: A. B. C. D. excessive fuel consumption lack of engine power smoky black exhaust white exhaust Answer: C 110. Oil pan is attached: A. to the bottom of the cylinder block B. in a separate unit away from the crankcase C. at the top of the cylinder block D. at the outside wall of the crank case Answer: A Answer: A. 111. Excess oil consumption in engine may be because of: 116. When not in use, the self-discharge of an automobile battery in dry weather is generally: A. leakage of oil through the oil pan gasket B. poor quality or improper viscosity of engine oil C. excessive oil pressure D. any of the above Answer: D. 112. Wheel base of a vehicle is the: A. B. C. D. distance between front and rear axles distance between the front tires extreme length of the vehicle width of tires Answer: A 113. The percentage of heat released from fuelair ratio mixture in an internal combustion engine which is converted into useful work is roughly. A. B. C. D. 10 percent 10-20 percent 20-25 percent 40-45 percent 114. The efficiency of hydraulic braking system is: A. B. C. D. about 90 percent 60-80 percent 50-60 percent 40-50 percent A. B. C. D. 0.5 to 1% 3 to 5% 5 to 7.5% not more than 10% Answer: A 117. A laminated glass on cracking: A. B. C. D. bursts into sharp-edged fragments bursts into granular pieces sandwiched layer taps the fragments breaks into the farm of crystals Answer: C 118. Wax is applied on car body as: A. B. C. D. is it water repellent it seals off the pores the surface shines any of the above Answer: D 119. A spark voltage requires a voltage of: A. B. C. D. 112V 124V 220V 440V Answer: C 120. The minimum cranking speed in petrol engine is: Answer: A 115. The instrument that is used to check the state of charge of a battery is called a ________. A. B. C. D. hydrometer battery charger battery eliminator anemometer A. B. C. D. same as the normal operating speed half of operating speed one fourth of operating speed 60-80rpm Answer: D 121. Which oil is more viscous? A. SAE 30 B. SAE 50 C. SAE 80 D. SAE 40 Ans: D 127. The device for smoothing out the power impulses from the engine is known as: Ans: C. 122. Engine oil is changed generally changed after: A. 100 km B. 1500 km C. 1100 km D. 2500 – 6000 km Ans: D 123. The most probable cause for uneven wear of tires for a truck is: A. low tire pressure B. excessive camber C. tires overloaded D. any of the above Ans: D 124. In a vehicle the most probable cause for hard steering may be: A. low tire pressure B. bent wheel spindle C. tie rod ends tight D. any of the above A. B. C. D. clutch fly wheel gear box differential Ans: B 128. The firing order in case of four cylinder inline engines is generally _________. A. B. C. D. 1-2-4-3 1-3-4-2 1-4-3-2 either B or C Ans: D 129. In case of four cylinder opposed cylinder engines, the firing order is: A. B. C. D. 1-4-3-2 1-3-4-2 1-2-3-4 1-2-4-3 Ans: A Ans: D 125. Poor compression in a two stroke engine cannot be because of: A. leaky valves B. broken piston rings C. leaking cylinder head gasket D. poor fits between pistons, ringsand cylinder Answer: A 126. The number of exhaust manifolds in a V – 8 engine is: A. B. C. D. one four there is no exhaust manifold two 130. In a four stroke engine, for the combustion of one liter of fuel, the volume of air needed would be approximately A. B. C. D. 1 cu. m 2 cu. m 5-7 cu. m 9-10 cu. m Ans: D 132. Which of the following is the cause of loss power? A. B. C. D. poor compression restricted exhaust clogging of air cleaner low injection pressure Ans: D 138. In an Otto Engine, the heat is added during 133. A valve in the carburettor of an internal combustion engine which regulates the proportion of air gasoline vapors entering the cylinder. A. B. C. D. gate valve choke valve check valve globe valve Ans: B 134. What device contains air and fuel for burning in cylinder? A. intercooler B. regenerator C. fuel injection D. carburettor Ans: D 135. A passive restraint device consisting of bags in front of the driver and the passenger. A. B. C. D. air buoy air bag air balloon air duct A. B. C. D. isothermal process isometric process isobaric process isentropic process Ans: B 139. Exhaust stroke of gasoline engine is also known as A. B. C. D. supercharging choking scavenging knocking Ans: C 140. The mechanical efficiency of a devices the ratio of the A. the mechanical energy input to the mechanical energy output of the device B. idea energy input to the actual energy input C. actual energy extracted to the ideal energy extracted D. actual to the ideal energy input Ans: B Ans: B 136. The heat exchanger used in an Ericsson cycle is: A. regenerator B. combustion chamber C. intercooler D. recuperator Ans: D 137. In Sterling Engine, the heat is added during A. B. C. D. isothermal process isometric process isobaric process isentropic process 141. The smallest subdivision of an element that can take place in a chemical reaction is a/an A. B. C. D. Atom Molecule Electron Proton Ans: A 142. The smallest subdivision of a compound that can exist in a natural state is a/an A. B. C. D. Atom Molecule Electron Proton Ans: A Ans: B 143. Elements with different atomic weights but the same atomic number are: A. B. C. D. Isomers Isotropes Isotopes Isobars 148. Which of the following is not a prefix used in naming isomers? A. Para B. Meta C. Cis D. Bi Ans: D Ans: C 144. All of the following are characteristics of metals except: A. B. C. D. High Electrical Conductivities Tendency To Form Positive Ions Tendency To Form Brittle Ions High Melting Points 149. All of the following are types of chemical bonds except: A. Ionic Bonds B. Covalent bonds C. Metallic Bonds D. Nuclear bonds Ans: D 150. Ans: C 145. The following are all characteristics of nonmetals except A. having little or no luster B. appearing on the right end of the periodic table C. having low ductility D. being reducing agents Ans: D 146. Graduations in the properties of elements to the next are less pronounced in: A. B. C. D. the lanthanide series periods groups active metals Ans: C 147. All of the following are components of a chemical element except: A. protons B. neutrons C. electrons D. ions Ans: D The equilibrium distance between elements in an ionic bond is function of all the following except: A. B. C. D. Ionic Charge Coordination Number Atomic weight Temperature Ans: C 151. Which of the following statements is not a characteristic of ionic compounds? A. They are usually hard, brittle, crystalline solids B. They have high melting points C. They are non-volatile and have low vapour pressures D. They are good electrical conductors in the solid phase Ans: D 152. What kind of bonding do common gases that exist in a free state as a diatomic molecules experience? A. B. C. D. Ionic bonds Covalent bonds Metallic bonds Nuclear bonds Ans: B 153. Measure the diffuser’s ability to increase the pressure of the fluid is: A. B. C. D. speed recovery factor pressure recovery factor volume recovery factor diffuser recovery factor Ans: B 154. A decrease in stagnation pressure will decrease the max flux through the: A. diverging nozzle B. converging nozzle C. converging – diverging nozzle D. none of these Ans: A 156. What is the main power generating plant that produces the most electricity per unit thermal energy in the fuel input and has the greatest surplus of electricity for most cogeneration system? A. B. C. D. Steam engine Steam turbine Gas turbine Diesel engine D. Work required to raise a weight of 33, 000 lbs at a height of one foot in one minute of time. Ans: C 158. Average pressure on a surface when a changing pressure condition exist A. B. C. D. back pressure partial pressure pressure drop mean effective pressure Ans: D 159. What air pressure is needed for air starting a diesel engine? A. B. C. D. 350 psi 250 psi 450 psi 150 psi Ans: B 160. Mechanical energy of pressure transformed into energy of heat: Ans: D 156. Air standard efficiency of a diesel engine depends on: A. B. C. D. speed compression ratio fuel torque Ans: B 157. What is meant by brake horsepower? A. Power developed in the engine cylinder B. Final horsepower delivered to the equipment C. Actual horsepower delivered to the engine drive shaft A. B. C. D. Kinetic energy Enthalpy Heat Exchanger Heat of compression Ans: B 161. Ignition of the air-fuel mixture in the intake of the exhaust manifold. A. Backlash B. Backfire C. Exhaust Pressure D. Back Pressure Ans: B 162. The total sulphur content in a diesel fuel must not exceed ___________. A. 0.3 % B. 0.5 % C. 0.8 % D. 0.11 % B. Cetane number C. Octane number D. Diesel index Ans: B Ans: C 163. The sulphur content in a diesel fuel oil must not exceed A. B. C. D. 0.2 % 0.5 % 0.15 % 0.1 % 169. Amount of heat liberated by the complete combustion of a unit weight or volume of fuel is: A. B. C. D. heating value latent heat sensible heat work of compression Ans: B Ans: A 165. There are two broad types in the classification of lubricating oils, these are straight and A. B. C. D. active inactive crooked additives 170. Air that controls the rate of combustion in the combustion chamber is known as: A. B. C. D. secondary air excess air control air primary air Ans: A Ans: D 166. Most commercially available petroleum lubricating oil deteriorates starting from operating temperature of: A. B. C. D. 150 oF 200oF 300 oF 250 oF Ans: B 167. An Orsat apparatus is used for: A. B. C. D. volumetric analysis gravimetric analysis of the flue gases smoke density analysis of the gases all of the above Ans: A 168. The indicator used to determine the anti – knock characteristics of gasoline. A. Aniline point 171. Percentage of excess air is the difference between the air actually supplied and the theoretically required divided by: A. B. C. D. actual air supplied theoretical air supplied theoretical less actual supplied deficient air supplied Ans: B 172. When fuel oil has a high viscosity then the fuel oil A. will evaporate easily B. will have a low specific gravity C. will burn without smoke D. will flow slowly through pipes Ans: D 173. Engines using heavy fuels require heating of the fuel so that the viscosity at the injector is: A. B. C. D. around 200 SSU 100 SSU or less 200 SSU + 50 150 SSU or slightly higher 178. At what temperature where in an oil of any grade becomes cloudy and it freezes, thus its application is limited. A. B. C. D. Ans: D 174. A gas produced by the combustion of fuel oil and cannot be found in the flue gases is: A. B. C. D. Carbon di oxide hydrogen oxygen nitrogen Ans: A 179. Dry air can be approximated as ___% oxygen and ___% nitrogen by mole numbers. A. B. C. D. Ans: B 175. Amount of heat liberated by the complete combustion of a unit weight or volume of fuel is: A. B. C. D. heating value latent heat sensible heat work of compression 180. When H2O in the products of combustion is in liquid form, the heating value is known as A. B. C. D. 176. The products of complete combustion of gaseous hydrocarbons. carbon di oxide and water carbon monoxide carbon monoxide, water and ammonia Water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide Ans: A 177. When the water in the products of combustion is in the vapour state, the heating value is: A. B. C. D. lower heating value higher heating value gross calorific value average heating value Ans: A 30% and 70% 70% and 30% 21% and 79% 79% and 21% Ans: C Ans: A A. B. C. D. cold point flash point Pour point freezing point higher heating value lower heating value low and medium heating value average heating value Ans: A 181. A. B. C. D. Flow of fluids wherein its particles do not have definite paths and the paths of the individual and distinct particles cross one another is: non- uniform flow unsteady flow laminar flow turbulent flow Answer: D 182. If the composition of hydrocarbon fuel is known, the ratio between the nitrogen and oxygen that is supplied in air is: A. equal B. constant C. intensity D. fixed and gasoline in the combination of heat transfer processes that is constant pressure and constant volume. Answer: D 183. The property of liquid in which they extend resistance to angular or shear deformation is: A. B. C. D. specific gravity specific weight viscosity density Answer: C 184. A property of lubricating oil that measures the thickness of the oil and will help determine how long oil will flow at a given temperature is known as: A. B. C. D. viscosity flash point cloud point cloud point Answer: A 185. A. B. C. D. The minimum amount of air required for a complete combustion of fuel is called dry air excess air theoretical air flue gas A. B. C. D. Ericsson cycle Dual cycle Brayton cycle Rankine cycle Answer: B 188. A. B. C. D. gm/cc dimensionless numbers degrees none of the above Answer: C 189. A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. The temperature at which lubricating will form a cloud. Cloud point Pour point Critical point Boiling point Answer: A 190. API gravity of water is: A. B. C. D. zero 10 1.0 100 Answer: B 191. A. B. C. D. The ideal cycle based on the concept that the combustion process is both diesel Which of the following variety of coal has highest ash content? Lignite Bituminous coal Grade I steam coal Coking coal Answer: A 187. ASTM coal classification is based on: proximate analysis orsat analysis ultimate analysis none of the above Answer: C 186. The unit used for expressing API gravity is: Answer: A 192. Which of the following is a petroleum fue? A. B. C. D. Benzol Ethyl alcohol Methyl alcohol Naphta A. B. C. D. Answer: D 193. A. B. C. D. Diesel engine fuels are rated by: Answer: C 4. specific gravity calorific value cetane number octane number Answer: C 194. Which of the following needs to be filtered in a diesel engine? A. B. C. D. Air only Lubricating oil only Air and diesel oil only Air, diesel oil and lubricating oil 5. CHAPTER 3 – DIESEL PLANT An engine in which the fuel is burned outside of the power cylinder. A. Internal combustion engine B. External combustion engine C. Compression ignition engine D. Spark ignition engine Answer: B 3. An engine where the ignition is caused by heat of compression. In a four stroke Diesel engine, drawing air into the cylinder is what stroke? A. First stroke B. Second stroke C. Third stroke D. Fourth stroke Answer: A 7. Answer: A 2. What air pressure is required to produce the required ignition temperature? A. 350 to 500 psi B. 250 to 400 psi C. 450 to 600 psi D. 150 to 300 psi Answer: A 6. An engine in which the fuel is burned directly within the working cylinder. A. Internal combustion engine B. External combustion engine C. Compression ignition engine D. Spark ignition engine What temperature is required to ignite the fuel oil? A. 800 to 1000 0F B. 700 to 900 0F C. 900 to 11000F D. 1000 to 12000F Answer: A Answer: D 1. Internal combustion engine External combustion engine Compression ignition engine Spark ignition engine Compressing air in a four stroke cycle is A. First stroke B. Second stroke C. Third stroke D. Fourth stroke Answer: B 8. Which of the following strokes produced by the burning gases? A. First stroke B. Second stroke C. Third stroke D. Fourth stroke is Answer: C 9. 14. Which of the following strokes expels the burned gases? A. First stroke B. Second stroke C. Third stroke D. Fourth stroke Answer: D 10. Clearing a cylinder of exhaust gases by forcing into it a current of air which provides clean air for the next compression stroke. A. Scavenging B. Supercharging C. Choking D. Knocking Answer: D 15. Answer: A 11. Increasing the total amount of charging air in the working cylinder of the engine. A. Scavenging B. Supercharging C. Choking D. Knocking The portion of the piston which extends below the piston pin and serves as a guide for the piston and connecting rod. A. Piston skirt B. Piston ring C. Piston scoring D. Piston seizure 16. Rings located in the grooves of the piston usually near the top and near the bottom. A. Piston skirt B. Piston ring C. Piston scoring D. Piston seizure Answer: B A device which automatically governs or controls the speed of an engine. A. Servomotor B. Governor C. Indicator D. Speedometer Answer: B 17. A combination of liquids which do not mix – or combine chemically. A. Emulsion B. Deposition C. Evaporation D. Separation Answer: A Answer: A 13. Grooves in the cylinder wall or piston or in both. It I caused by the piston scraping the cylinder wall in its movement without proper lubrication. A. Piston skirt B. Piston ring C. Piston scoring D. Piston seizure Answer: C Answer: B 12. Binding of the piston and the cylinder wall as a result of the lubrication having been destroyed by excessive temperature and friction. A. Piston skirt B. Piston ring C. Piston scoring D. Piston seizure 18. What temperature should be the maximum to which lubricating oil is permitted to rise? A. Not more than 1000F B. Not more than 2000F C. Not more than 3000F D. Not more than 4000F Answer: A 19. What air pressure is needed for air starting a Diesel engine? A. 250 psi B. 150 psi C. 350 psi D. 450 psi C. Ante combustion chamber D. Mixed combustion chamber Answer: A 24. Answer: A 20. At what temperature will self igniting cartridges ignite? A. About 2000F B. About 1900F C. About 2100F D. About 2500F Answer: B 25. Answer: B 21. The fuel is supplied by the one pump and switched to each cylinder by a multi outlet rotating valve or distributor. A. Distributor system B. Injector system C. Non injector system D. Non distributor system 26. This virtually a distributor two stage pumping system that is, modified distributor system. A. Distributor system B. Injector system C. Non injector system D. Non distributor system Answer: B 23. A chamber so proportioned with respect to the clearance volume proper of the cylinder that only about 30% of the combustion takes place with in the chamber itself. A. Pre combustion chamber B. Separate combustion chamber A chamber so designed that injection takes place directly opposite its outlet, the chamber extending backward from the outlet. A. Pre combustion chamber B. Separate combustion chamber C. Ante combustion chamber D. Air cell chamber Answer: C Answer: A 22. The entire charge is ignited in the separate combustion chamber before the initial expansion takes place, forcing the burning gases through the connecting passages and against the moving piston. A. Pre combustion chamber B. Separate combustion chamber C. Ante combustion chamber D. Mixed combustion chamber Fuel is injected only into the main cylinder, during expansion of the burning gases in the main chamber, when the pressure therein drops below that of the air in the cell. A. Pre combustion chamber B. Separate combustion chamber C. Ante combustion chamber D. Mixed combustion chamber Answer: D 27. What is the temperature of the air in the cylinder when the Diesel engine is operating at full load? A. Between 800 and 11000F B. Between 800 and 10000F C. Between 900 and 12000F D. Between 900 and 11000F Answer: A 28. 33. What are the exhaust gas temperatures at normal operating conditions? A. Between 400 and 7000F B. Between 500 and 8000F C. Between 300 and 6000F D. Between 200 and 5000F Answer: A 29. How is high speed Diesel engines started? A. By an electric motor B. By compressed air C. By a diesel fuel D. By an electric spark Answer: B 34. Answer: A 30. What speeds are considered high speed diesel engine? A. 100 to 2000 rpm or 3000 rpm B. 100 to 1000 rpm C. 100 to 1500 rpm D. 100 to 1750 rpm It is a device used for atomizing of cracking fuel oil and through which the fuel oil is injected into the working cylinders of Diesel engines. A. Atomizer B. Fuel spray nozzle C. Injector D. Cracker 35. What is the proper seat width of a spray valve? A. 1/16 in B. 1/8 in C. 1/32 in D. 1/4 in Answer: A Which of the following is an automatic device used for keeping constant air pressure? A. Relief valve B. Unloader C. Strainer D. Barometer Answer: B 36. What is the other term of the diameter of the circular cylinder? A. Bore B. Stroke C. Swept volume D. Clearance Answer: A Answer: A 32. How hot are the exhaust gases? A. 400 to 700 0F B. 300 to 600 0F C. 200 to 500 0F D. 500 to 8000F Answer: A Answer: A 31. A cylindrical vessel connected in the fuel system to absorb the shock of the injection pumps and to provide a reservoir at high pressure for supplying an even flow of fuel oil to the cylinders. A. Absorber B. Accumulator C. Governor D. Injector 37. What do you call the maximum distance traveled by the piston? A. Bore B. Stroke C. Swept volume D. Clearance Answer: B 38. Which of the following is the product of the cylinder area and stroke? A. Bore B. Stroke C. Swept volume D. Clearance Answer: C 39. 41. 43. 45. Which of the following types of engine where the expanding combustion gases act on both ends of the piston? In standard Diesel, thermal efficiency was not much higher than about what percent? A. 35% B. 30% C. 40% D. 50% Answer: A 46. A closed heat exchanger that transfers heat from compressed air to cooler air. A. Regenerator B. Intercooler C. Aftercooler D. Reheater Answer: C 47. Which of the following engines where the expanding combustion gases act on end of the piston? A. Single acting engine B. Double acting engine C. Single expansion engine D. Double expansion engine Answer: A The compression ratio of a Diesel engine varies from about: A. 13.5 to 17.5 B. 8 to 10 C. 14to 19 D. 10.5 to 14.5 Answer: A The piston is closest to the crankshaft to which of the following? A. Top dead center B. Bottom dead center C. ¾ from top center D. ¾ from bottom center Answer: B 42. 44. The piston is at maximum reach from the crankshaft to which of the following? A. Top dead center B. Bottom dead center C. ¾ from top center D. ¾ from bottom center Answer: A Single acting engine Double acting engine Single expansion engine Double expansion engine Answer: B The ratio of the clearance volume to the swept volume. A. Fractional clearance B. Compression ratio C. Expansion ratio D. Cut off ratio Answer: A 40. A. B. C. D. Which of the following is used to improve cold weather starting? A. Poppet valve B. Glow plug C. Check valve D. Spark plug Answer: B 48. The rated power that the manufacture claims the engine is able to provide on a continuous basis without incurring damage. A. Brakepower B. Continuous duty rating C. Intermittent rating D. Power rating Answer: B 49. What is the peak power rating that can be produced on an occasional basis? A. Brakepower B. Continuous duty rating C. Intermittent rating D. Power rating Answer: C 50. Which of the following is the value of a property that includes the effect of friction? A. Brake value B. Friction value C. Indicated value D. Actual value Answer: A C. Brayton cycle is for slow speed engines only D. Large volume of low pressure air cannot be efficiently handled in reciprocating engines Answer: D 3. Which cycle is generally used for gas turbine? A. B. C. D. Otto cycle Dual cycle Carnot cycle Brayton cycle Answer: D 4. When r is the compression ratio, the efficiency of Brayton cycle is given by: A. B. C. D. 1 – 1/π (π−1)/π 1 – 1/π π−1 1 – 1/π π 1 – 1/ π Answer: A Chapter 4 – Gas Turbine 1. Brayton cycle has: A. Two isentropic and two constant volume processes B. Two isentropic and two constant pressure processes C. One constant pressure, one constant volume, and two adiabatic processes D. Two isothermals, one constant volume and a constant pressure process Answer: B 2. Brayton cycle cannot be used in reciprocating engines even for same adiabatic compression ratio and work output because: A. Otto cycle is highly efficient B. Brayton cycle is less efficient 5. A regenerator in a gas turbine: A. B. C. D. Reduces heat loss during exhaust Allows use of higher compression ratio Improves thermal efficiency Allows use of fuels of interior quality Answer: C 6. Which of the following compressor is generally used for gas turbines? A. B. C. D. Lobe type Centrifugal type Axial flow type Reciprocating type Answer: C 7. The constant pressure gas turbine works on the principle of: A. Carnot cycle B. Bell – Coleman cycle C. Rankine cycle D. Brayton cycle Answer: D 8. What type of gas turbine is used in an air craft? A. Open cycle type B. Closed cycle type with reheating C. Closed type with reheating and regeneration D. Open cycle type with reheating, regeneration and intercooling Answer: A 9. In a gas turbine combined cycle plant, a waste heat boiler is used to: A. B. C. D. Heat air from intercooler Gases from regenerator Recover heat from exhaust gases None of the above Answer: C 10. Overall efficiency of a gas turbine is: A. B. C. D. Equal to Carnot cycle efficiency Equal to Rankine cycle efficiency Less than Diesel cycle efficiency More than Otto of Diesel cycle efficiency Answer: C 11. Which of the following turbine has least weight per bhp developed? A. Simple open cycle gas turbine B. Open cycle gas turbine with inter-cooling and reheating C. Open cycle gas turbine with inter-cooling, reheating and regenerating D. Closed cycle gas turbine Answer: A 12. Which of the following is/are advantage of closed cycle gas turbine over open cycle gas turbine? A. No containing of working substance with combustion gases B. Inferior quality fuel can be used C. Low maintenance costs D. All of the above Answer: D 13. The range of compression ratio in a gas turbine is: A. B. C. D. 3 to 5 5 to 8 8 to 12 12 to 20 Answer: B 14. A constant volume combustion gas turbine operates on: A. B. C. D. Ericsson cycle Joule cycle Brayton cycle Atkinson cycle Answer: D 15. Past ME Board Question Heat exchanger used to provide heat transfer between the exhaust gases and the air prior to its entrance to the combustor. A. B. C. D. Evaporator Combustion chamber Regenerator Heater Answer: C 16. Past ME Board Question How does the value for work per unit mass flow of air in the compressor and turbine influenced by the addition of a generator? A. B. C. D. Slightly increased Unchanged Greatly decreased Greatly increased A. B. C. D. 8 MW 9 MW 10 MW 7 MW Answer: B Answer: C 17. Past ME Board Question 22. Large unit gas turbines regularly operate: What is the ideal cycle for gas turbine work? A. B. C. D. Brayton cycle Stag combined cycle Bottom cycle Ericsson cycle Answer: A 18. Past ME Board Question Brayton cycle cannot be used in reciprocation engines even for same adiabatic compression ratio and work output because: A. Brayton cycle is highly efficient B. Brayton cycle is for low speed engines only C. Brayton cycle needs large air-fuel ratio D. Large volume of low pressure air cannot be efficient handled in reciprocating engines A. B. C. D. In 100 to 200 MW range In 50 to 100 MW range Over 150 MW Below 150 MW Answer: A 23. Small units gas turbine operate below A. B. C. D. 20 MW 12 MW 30 MW 24 MW Answer: C 24. Heavy duty gas turbines typically have: A. B. C. D. Double shafts Single shafts Triple shafts Quadruple shafts Answer: D Answer: B 19. Past ME Board Question 25. Which of the following is basically a jet engine that exhausts into a turbine generator? In order to increase the gas velocity gas turbines generally have fixed nozzles. This is to allow the: A. B. C. D. Compression of gases Condensation of gases Expansion of gases Evaporation of gases Answer: C 21. Combustion turbines or gas turbines are the preferred combustion engines in application much above ____________. A. B. C. D. Aeroderivative gas turbine Industrial gas turbine Brayton engine Joule engine Answer: A 26. Most aeroderivative combustion turbine produce less than: A. B. C. D. 20 MW 30 MW 40 MW 50 MW Answer: C 27. The compression ratio based on pressure in the compression stage in a gas turbine is typically: A. B. C. D. 11 to 16 5 to 8 12 to 18 8 to 14 Answer: A 28. The compression ratio based on pressure of heavy duty gas turbine is in the range of ________. A. B. C. D. 14 to 15 19 to 21 11 to 16 16 to 18 D. 1300 C to 1390 C Answer: A 32. The exhaust temperature which makes the exhaust an ideal heat source for combined cycles is typically: A. B. C. D. 540 C to 590 C 600 C to 650 C 300 C to 350 C 440 C to 490 C Answer: A 33. The most combustion turbines have: A. B. C. D. 2 to 3 expander stages 3 to 4 expander stages 4 to 5 expander stages 1 to 2 expander stages Answer: A Answer: B 29. Aeroderivative combustion turbine have higher compression ratios typically: 34. The exhaust flow rate in modern heavy duty turbines per 100 MW is approximately: A. B. C. D. 14 to 15 19 to 21 11 to 16 16 to 18 A. B. C. D. 240 to 250 kg/s 140 to 150 kg/s 340 to 350 kg/s 440 to 450 kg/s Answer: B Answer: A 30. Most heavy duty combustion turbines have how many compression stages? 35. The Brayton gas turbine cycle is also known as: A. B. C. D. 14 to 16 18 to 20 10 to 12 16 to 18 A. B. C. D. Joule cycle Stirling cycle Ericsson cycle Atkinson cycle Answer: D Answer: A 31. The temperature of the gas entering the expander section is typically: 36. Approximately how many percent of the turbine power is used to drive the high efficiency compressor? A. 1200 C to 1290 C B. 1000 C to 1200 C C. 1500 C to 1490 C A. 50 to 75 % B. 60 to 85 % C. 45 to 70 % D. 30 to 55 % Answer: A 37. Depending on the turbine construction details, the temperature of the air entering the turbine will be between: A. B. C. D. 650 C to 1000 C 750 C to 1100 C 550 C to 950 C 850 C to 1200 C Answer: A 38. Which of the following engines are typically used by turbojet and turboprop? A. B. C. D. Open combustors Closed combustors Turbo combustors High combustors Answer: A 39. The full load thermal efficiency of existing heavy duty combustion turbines in simple cycles is approximately: A. B. C. D. 34 to 36 % 30 to 32 % 40 to 42 % 26 to 28 % B. 38 % C. 45 % D. 35 % Answer: A 42. Which of the following is the typical backwork ratio of gas turbines? A. B. C. D. 50 to 75 % 40 to 65 % 30 to 55 % 35 to 60 % Answer: A 43. Which of the following is an example of a regenerator? A. B. C. D. A counterflow heat exchanger A cross flow heat exchanger A mixed flow heat exchanger A parallel flow heat exchanger Answer: B 44. Which of the following is an effect of having a regenerator? A. B. C. D. Less heat is added Compressor work is reduced Turbine work is increased Compressor work is increased Answer: A Answer: A 40. New combustion turbines on the cutting edge of technology ( Advanced turbine systems ) are able to achieve 45. A regenerator in a gas turbine has no effect in: A. B. C. D. 38 to 38.5 % 36 to 36.5 % 40 to 40.5 % 34 to 34.5 % Answer: A 41. Aeroderivative turbines commonly achieve efficiency up to: A. 42 % A. B. C. D. Compressor and turbine work Heat added Thermal efficiency Combustor Answer: A 46. In a Brayton cycle multiple stages of compression and expansion will _______. A. Increase thermal efficiency B. Decrease thermal efficiency B. ππ /ππ‘ C. ππ‘ − ππ D. ππ‘ + ππ C. Limit thermal efficiency D. Control efficiency Answer: A 47. In a Brayton cycle, intercooling will ________. A. B. C. D. reheating and Increase thermal efficiency Decrease thermal efficiency Limit thermal efficiency Control efficiency Answer: A 48. In a Brayton cycle, reheating has no effect in: A. B. C. D. Heat added Thermal efficiency Backwork ratio Network Answer: A 49. In a Brayton cycle, intercooling has no effect in: A. B. C. D. Turbine work Thermal efficiency Backwork ratio Network Answer: A 50. If ππ‘ is the turbine power and ππ is the compressor power then backwork ratio is A. ππ‘ /ππ B. ππ /ππ‘ C. D. ππ‘ −ππ ππ‘ ππ‘ −ππ ππ Answer: B 51. If ππ‘ is the turbine power and ππ is the compressor power then the network is: A. ππ‘ π₯ ππ Answer: C 52. Physical limitations usually preclude more than how many stages of intercooling and reheating? A. B. C. D. 2 3 4 5 Answer: A Chapter 5: Steam Power Plant 1. Which of the following factors does bursting pressure of boiler doesn’t depend? A. Tensile strength of the shell B. Thickness of the shell C. Diameter of the shell D. Shear strength of shell material Answer: D 2. Which of the following factors does working pressure boiler doesn’t depend? A. Tensile strength of the shell B. Thickness of the shell C. Factor of safety D. Type of fuel being fire Answer: D 3. Total solid impurities in feed water for a boiler depend upon A. Boiler pressure B. Quantity of steam to be generated C. Type of fuel available D. Quantity of steam Answer: A 4. A high pressure chamber or a device in which the paths of rapidly moving particles can be observed and photographed. A. B. C. D. Cloud chamber Combustion chamber Fission chamber Air chamber Answer: A 5. The formation of gas bubbles in a liquid is called A. Bubbling B. Foaming C. Priming D. Carryover Answer: B 6. How many check valves should be provided between any feed pump and boiler? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Answer: B 7. The water level inside the boiler is indicated by the A. Baffles B. Fusible plug C. Water walls D. Water column Answer: D 8. What is the highest pressure under which distinguishable liquid and vapor phases can exist in equilibrium? A. Maximum pressure B. Atmosphere C. Critical pressure D. Peak pressure Answer: C 9. What is the average fuel-oil temperature of the oil in the discharge line to the boiler? A. 180 – 200 oF B. 240 – 260 oF C. 160 – 180 oF D. 140 – 160 oF Answer: A 10. The lowest permissible water level of a boiler without internal furnace is __ the height of the shell? A. 1/2 B. 1/3 C. 1/4 D. 1/5 Answer: B 11. In case of steam engine the cut off ratio is the ratio of A. Pressure at cut off to supply pressure B. Pressure at cut off to exhaust pressure C. Pressure at cut off to mean effective pressure D. Fraction of piston stroke which the piston has traveled when cut off occurs Answer: D 12. In a condensing steam engine A. Condensed steam is supplied B. Steam condenses inside cylinder C. Steam condenses as soon as it leaves the cylinder D. Exhaust steam is condensed in a condenser Answer: D 13. Flows through the nozzles and diffusers with increasing fluid velocity will create an equivalent A. Decrease in the static enthalpy of fluid B. Increase in the static enthalpy of fluid C. Decrease in the internal energy of fluid D. Decrease in the dynamic energy of fluid Answer: A 14. The term V2/2Cp responds to the temperature rise during such a process and is called the A. Kinetic temperature B. High temperature C. Dynamic temperature D. Elevation temperature Answer: C 15. All of the following mechanism can supply heat to a thermodynamic system except A. Conduction B. Natural convection C. Adiabatic expansion D. Radiation Answer: C 16. The flow through the nozzle is A. Isentropic B. Polytropic C. Isobaric D. Isovolumic Answer: A 17. If the reservoir is sufficiently large, the nozzle inlet velocity is A. Maximum B. Negative C. Positive D. Zero Answer: D 18. Which of the following is the pressure applied at the nozzle discharge section? A. Stagnant pressure B. Critical pressure C. Back pressure D. Atmospheric pressure Answer: C 19. When the back pressure is reduced to lowest exit pressure, the mass flow reaches a maximum value and the flow is said to be: A. Stacked B. Choked C. Stuck-up D. Clog-up Answer: B 20. An increase in stagnation pressure will increase the mass flux through the: A. Diverging nozzle B. Converging nozzle C. Converging-diverging nozzle D. None of these Answer: B 21. A converging-diverging nozzle standard equipment in: A. Subsonic aircraft B. Supersonic aircraft C. Hypersonic aircraft D. Trisonic aircraft is the Answer: B 22. For back pressure valves, abrupt changes in fluid properties occur in a very thin section of converging-diverging nozzle under supersonic flow conditions, creating A. Sound wave B. Tidal wave C. Shock wave D. None of these Answer: C 23. Is the locus of states which have the same value of stagnation enthalpy and mass flux are called: A. Fanno Line B. Straight Line C. Willan’s Line D. Cross Cut Line Answer: A 24. Combination of mass and momentum equations into single equation and plotted in h-s plane yield a curve called: A. Fair Line B. Freh Line C. Cutting Line D. Rayleigh Line C. The ratio of ideal to actual energy extracted D. None of the above Answer: D Answer: A 25. Generally steam turbines in power station operate at A. B. C. D. 3000 rpm 1000 rpm 4000 rpm 575 rpm Answer: A 26. Which of the following shows the relationship of the steam consumption and the load of steam turbine-generator? A. Dalton’s line B. Willian’s line C. Jonval’s line D. Rankine line Answer: B 27. An inventor proposes to develop electrical power by withdrawing heat from the geyser fields of northern California and converting it all to work in power turbines. This scheme will not work because: A. The geyser fields have only a limited lifetime B. The salinity of the steam is too great C. It violates the first law of thermodynamics D. It violates the second law of thermodynamics Answer: D 28. The isentropic efficiency of a turbine is given by A. The ratio of actual to ideal energy extracted B. The ratio of actual of ideal energy inputted 29. Which of the following is not a main part of a typical coal burner? A. Air registers B. Nozzle C. Atomizer D. Ignitor Answer: C 30. Measure of ability of a boiler to transfer the heat given by the furnace to the water and steam is: A. Grate efficiency B. Stroke efficiency C. Furnace efficiency D. Boiler efficiency Answer: D 31. A goose neck is installed in the line connecting a steam gauge to a boiler to: A. Maintain constant steam flow B. Protect the gauge element C. Prevent steam knocking D. Maintain steam pressure Answer: B 32. Which of the following is great advantage of a fire tube boiler? A. Steam pressure is not ready B. Contains a large volume of water and requires long interval of time to raise steam and not so flexible as to changes in steam demand C. Cannot use impure water D. Radiation losses are higher because fire is inside the boiler and surrounded by water Answer: B 33. One of the following tasks which is an example of preventive maintenance is A. Cleaning the cup on a rotary cup burner B. Cleaning a completely clog oil strainer C. Replacing a leaking valve D. Replacing a blown fuse Answer: A 34. The carbon dioxide (CO2) percentage in the flue gas of an efficiency fired boiler should be approximately A. 1 % B. 12 % C. 18 % D. 20 % Answer: B 35. When droplets of water are carried by steam in the boiler. A. Priming B. Foaming C. Carryover D. Embrittlement Answer: A 36. The process in which heat energy is transferred to a thermal energy storage device is known as: A. Adiabatic B. Regeneration C. Intercooling D. Isentropic Answer: B 37. When the boiler pressure increases or when the exhaust pressure decreases, the amount of moisture. A. Increases B. Decreases C. Constant D. Zero Answer: A 38. When the number of reheat stages in a reheat cycle is increased, the average temperature A. Increases B. Decreases C. is constant D. is zero Answer: A 39. A heat transfer device that reduces a thermodynamic fluid from its vapor phase to its liquid phase such as in vapor compression refrigeration plant or in a condensing steam power plant. A. Flash vessel B. Cooling tower C. Condenser D. Steam separator Answer: C 40. A simultaneous generation of electricity and steam (or heat) in a single power plant. A. Gas turbine B. Steam turbine C. Waste heat recovery D. Cogeneration Answer: D 41. Is one whose pressure is higher than the saturation pressure corresponding to its temperature? A. Compressed liquid B. Saturated liquid C. Saturated vapor D. Superheated vapor Answer: A 42. In a steam generator with good combustion control, what occurs if the load is increased? A. Air temperature leaving air heater decreases B. Air temperature entering air heater increases C. Furnace pressure is approximately constant D. Economizer gas outlet temperature decreases Answer: C 43. Total solid impurities in feed water for a boiler depend upon A. Boiler pressure B. Type of fuel available C. Quantity of steam to be generated D. Quantity of steam Answer: A 44. The gaseous state of water. A. Water gas B. Blue gas C. Water vapor D. Yellow gas Answer: C 45. A liquid boils when its vapor pressure equals A. The gage pressure B. The critical pressure C. The ambient pressure D. One standard pressure Answer: C 46. What are the main components in a combined cycle power plant? A. Diesel engine and air compressor B. Gas engine and waste heat boiler C. Steam boiler and turbine D. Nuclear reactor and steam boiler Answer: B 47. A change in the efficiency of combustion in a boiler can usually be determined by comparing the previously recorded readings with the current readings of ____. A. Stack temperature and CO B. Over the fire draft and CO C. Ringleman chart and CO2 D. Stack temperature and CO2 Answer: D 48. A boiler steam gauge should have a range of at least A. One half the working steam pressure B. 1 and ½ times the maximum allowable working pressure C. The working steam pressure D. Twice the maximum allowable working pressure Answer: B 49. In a water tube boiler, heat and gases of combustion passed: A. Through the combustion chamber only B. Through the tubes C. Away from tubes D. Around the tubes Answer: D 50. A chemical method of feedwater treatment which uses calcium hydroxide and sodium carbonate as reagents. A. Thermal treatment B. Lime soda treatment C. Demineralization process D. Ion exchange treatment Answer: B 51. The thermal efficiency of gas-vapor cycle as compared to steam turbine or gas turbine is A. Greater than B. Less than C. Lower than D. Equal to Answer: A 52. A rapid increase in boiler pressure occurs when there is: A. Moderate drop in steam load B. Constant drop in steal load C. Abrupt drop in steam load D. Gradual drop in steam load Answer: C 53. The most economical and low maintenance cost condenser. A. Water-cooled B. Air-cooled C. Evaporative D. Sub-cooled Answer: B 54. What is commonly used done to system when the turbine has excessive moisture? A. Frosting B. Diffusing C. Reheating D. Dehumidifying Answer: C 55. What is the result when the fluid’s kinetic energy during a stagnation process is transformed to enthalpy? A. Decrease in fluid’s volume B. Rise in the temp. and pressure of the fluid C. Rise the fluid’s volume D. Decrease in the temp. and pressure of the fluid Answer: B 56. How can the average temperature during heat rejection process of a Rankine cycle be decreased? A. Increase boiler pressure B. Increase turbine pressure C. Increase condenser pressure D. Reduce turbine exit pressure Answer: D 57. Which of the following ascertains the effectiveness and the size of a condenser? A. Number of passes B. Thickness of the shell C. Tube sizes D. Heat transfer Answer: D 58. A boiler has a bursting pressure, BP, of 600 kPa and a factor of safety, FS, of 8 is employed in design. As an engineer, would you advice to have a working pressure, WP, of 500 kpPa? A. No, WP must be higher than 500 kPa B. No, WP is only 75 kPa at a FS of 8 C. Yes, since BP is 600 Pa D. Yes, to attain better efficiency Answer: B 59. What cycle is used in vapor cycle of steam power plant? A. Brayton cycle B. Diesel cycle C. Ericsson cycle D. Rankine cycle Answer: D 60. Guage cock in the boiler is designed to determine: A. Level of steam B. Specific heat C. Level of water D. Pressure Answer: C CHAPTER 6 – GEOTHERMAL PLANT 1. Refers to the internal heat from the earth. A. Geothermal B. Thermal energy C. Molten heat D. Tectonic heat Answer: A 2. A rock – forming crystalline mixed silicate which constitute about 60% of the earth’s surface. A. Soil B. Feldspar C. Flux D. Flint Answer: B 3. A compound rock, a crypto – crystalline form of silica, which is dens, tough, breaking with a conchoidal fracture. A. B. C. D. Gravel Stalactite Flint Flux Answer: C 4. Is the process of using injection wells to bubble air through groundwater. A. Air stopping B. Staged combustion C. Sparging D. Soil washing usually light in the visible region. Answer: C 5. A popular term used by utilities to mean upgrading existing plant. A. B. C. D. Replanting Repowering Recharging Reorganizing Answer: B 6. A dense, fine grained, light colored igneous rock which is rich in silica. A. Felsite B. Feldspar C. Flint D. Flux Answer: A 7. An opening in lava or in volcanic area through which steam and other hot gases are escaping into the air is called: A. B. C. D. Fumarole Volcanic leaks Seismic outlets Seismic leaks Answer: A 8. Tidal power is the power generated from: A. Waves of the ocean B. Rise and fall tides C. Thermal energy of the ocean water D. Raw sea water Answer: B 9. Converts chemical energy directly into electrical energy. A. B. C. D. Fuel cell Magnetohydrodynamic generator Battery Thermoelectric generator Answer: A 10. Generates a voltage from incident light, A. B. C. D. Photovoltaic cell Solar cell Dry cell A or B Answer: D 11. All of the following terms synonymous with quanta electromagnetic theory except: A. B. C. D. are of Packets Corpuscles X-rays Photons Answer: C 12. In geothermal power plants waste water is: A. Recirculated after cooling cooling lowers B. Discharged into sea C. Evaporated in ponds D. Discharged back to earth Answer: D in 13. Past ME Board Question In a liquid-dominated geothermal plant, what process occurs when the saturated steam passes through the turbine? A. B. C. D. Isobaric Polytropic Isometric Isentropic 17. Past ME Board Question Tidal power plant is attractive because it has: A. B. C. D. Low head and intermittent power High head Cheap energy source Expensive energy source Answer: C Answer: B 18. Tidal power is the power generated from: 14. Past ME Board Question What do you call a conversion technology that yields electricity straight from sunlight without the aid of a working substance like gas or steam without the use of any mechanical cycle? A. Waves of the ocean B. Rise and fall tides C. Thermal energy of the ocean water D. Raw sea water Answer: B A. B. C. D. Power conversion Stirling cycle conversion Solar thermal conversion Photovoltaic-energy conversion Answer: D 15. Past ME Board Question Tidal power plant is attractive because it has: A. B. C. D. Low head and intermittent power High head Cheap energy source Expensive energy source Answer: C 16. Past ME Board Question What do you call a conversion technology that yields electricity straight from sunlight without the aid of a working substance like gas or steam without the use of any mechanical cycle? A. B. C. D. Power conversion Stirling cycle conversion Solar thermal conversion Photovoltaic-energy conversion Answer: D 19. Converts chemical energy directly into electrical energy. A. B. C. D. Fuel cell Magnetohydrodynamic generator Battery Thermoelectric generator Answer: A 20. Generates a voltage from incident light, usually light in the visible region. A. B. C. D. Photovoltaic cell Solar cell Dry cell A or B Answer: D 21. The statement that the product of the error in the measured determination of a particle’s position and its momentum is of the order of Planck’s constant h is known as: A. Bohr’s theory B. D’Alembert’s paradox C. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle D. Planck’s law Answer: C 22. The flow process through shock wave is highly irreversible and cannot be approximated as being: A. B. C. D. Polytropic Isometric Hyperbolic Isentropic 27. How many percent of solar energy survives absorption and reflection? A. B. C. D. 40 to 70% 30 to 60% 50 to 80% 20 to 50% Answer: A 28. Solar energy is captured in: Answer: D 23. Beaufort scale is used for measuring what? A. B. C. D. Beta and gamma radiations Wind speed Insolation Depth of sea Answer: B A. B. C. D. Sun capturer Solar collector Sun collector Greenhouse capturer Answer: B 29. Which of the following solar collectors are essentially wide, flat boxes with clear plastic or glass coverings known as the glazing. 24. Betz law is widely used in: A. B. C. D. MHD systems Solar cells Geothermal power plants Wind mills A. B. C. D. Flat plate collectors Concentrating collectors Focusing collectors Evacuated tube collectors Answer: A Answer: D 25. Rocks having excessive internal stresses may produces spalling. This rocks are called as _____. A. B. C. D. Stratified rocks Popping rocks Crushed rocks Swelling rocks 30. Which of the following collectors use mirrors and/or lenses to focus the suns energy on a small absorber area. A. B. C. D. Flat plate collectors Concentrating collectors Non focusing collectors Evacuated tube collectors Answer: B Answer: A 26. Solar energy arrives at the outside of the earth’s atmosphere at an average rate of ________. A. B. C. D. kW/m2 1.354 1.543 kW/m2 2.354 kW/m2 2.543 kW/m2 Answer: A 31. Which of the following collectors are more complex, but their efficiencies are higher? A. B. C. D. Flat plate collectors Concentrating collectors Focusing collectors Evacuated tube collectors Answer: D 32. Which of the following collectors are useful when extremely hot transfer fluid is needed and are generally limited to commercial projects? A. B. C. D. Flat plate collectors Concentrating collectors Focusing collectors Evacuated tube collectors Answer: A 37. Central receiver system is also known as: A. B. C. D. Trough electric system Distributed collector system Power tower system Dish/Stirling system Answer: C Answer: D 33. The shading factor in calculating the heat absorbed by the solar collector has a value of approximately: A. B. C. D. 0.95 to 0.97 0.85 to 0.87 0.75 to 0.77 0.65 to 0.67 Answer: A 34. The ratio of energy absorbed by the transfer fluid to the original incident energy striking the collector. A. B. C. D. Collector efficiency Sun efficiency Shading factor Absorptance Answer: A 35. As the difference between the ambient air and average plate (or inlet) temperatures increases, what happens to the collector efficiency? A. B. C. D. Increases Decreases Constant No effect Answer: B 36. Distributed collector system is also known as: A. B. C. D. Trough electric system Central receiver system Power tower system Dish/Stirling system 38. Which of the following main approaches to solar energy generating systems describes that parabolic tracking tough concentrators focus sunlight on evacuated glass tubes that run along the collectors focal lines. A. B. C. D. Trough electric system Central receiver system Power tower system Dish/Stirling system Answer: A 39. Trough electric technology is relatively mature but due to the low temperatures, average annual thermal efficiencies are only: A. B. C. D. 10 to 15% 5 to 10% 15 to 20% 25 to 30% Answer: A 40. A field of heliostats or tracking mirrors concentrates solar energy onto a receiver on a central tower. A. B. C. D. Trough electric system Distributed collector system Power tower system Dish/Stirling system Answer: A 41. In a power tower system typical thermal efficiencies is in the range: A. 10 to 15% B. 5 to 10% C. 15 to 20% D. 25 to 30% Answer: C 42. A dish engine system has an efficiency of A. B. C. D. 10 to 15% 5 to 10% 14 to 19% 24 to 28% Answer: D 43. Practical and economic issues limit trough electric systems to about: A. B. C. D. 200 MW 100 MW 300 MW 400 MW Answer: A 44. Practical and economic issues limit tower electric systems to approximately: A. B. C. D. 100 to 200 MW 150 to 250 MW 100 to 300 MW 150 to 400 MW Answer: C 45. Thermal efficiency of a geothermal power plant is approximately: A. B. C. D. 30% 22% 35% 15% Answer: B 46. A flash steam cycle can be used if the hot water temperature is approximately: A. B. C. D. 165 C or higher 150 C or higher 145 C to 200 C Below 200 C Answer: A 47. A binary cycle using a separate heat transfer fluid if the temperature of the hot water is between approximately _______. A. B. C. D. 165 C and 200 C 200 C and 150 C 225 C and 175 C 300 C and higher Answer: A 48. For every kilometer of depth, the temperature of the earth’s crust increase by: A. B. C. D. 30 F 40 F 50 F 20 F Answer: A 49. Multiple wells produce steam at 690 to 820 kPa and temperature of ___________. A. B. C. D. 205 C 155 C 250 C 175 C Answer: A 50. In a hot rock systems, water is injected through injection wells into artificially made fractured rock beds of how many kilometers below the surface? A. B. C. D. 1 to 6 km 3 to 9 km 4 to 10 km 6 to 11 km Answer: A CHAPTER 7 – NUCLEAR PLANT 1. Past ME Board Question What is the suggested maximum permissible dose (MPD) of gamma ray exposure for general individuals not working in a nuclear setting, by choice, in rem/year? A. B. C. D. 1 5 1/2 3 6. Which of the following is NOT a unit of energy? A. B. C. D. Atomic unit MeV Dynes Ergs Answer: C Answer: C 2. Past ME Board Question The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of the number of electrons in the orbit of an atom. A. Atomic volume B. Atomic number C. Atomic weight D. Atomic mass 7. The process in which a nucleus splits into smaller fragments. A. B. C. D. Fusion Fission Photoelectric effect Compton’s effect Answer: B Answer: B 3. The process in which a nucleus splits into smaller fragments. A. B. C. D. Fusion Fission Photoelectric effect Compton’s effect Answer: B 4. The ability of a substance to absorb neurons is dependent upon which parameter? A. B. C. D. Absorption cross section Scattering cross section Total cross section Atomic number Answer: A 5. What kind of bonding do common gases that exist in free as diatomic molecules experiences? A. B. C. D. Ionic bonds Convalent bonds Metallic bonds Nuclear bonds Answer: B 8. Which of the following is NOT a unit of energy? A. B. C. D. Calories Joules Pascals MeV Answer: C 9. The ability of a substance to absorb neurons is dependent upon which parameter? A. B. C. D. Absorption cross section Scattering cross section Total cross section Atomic number Answer: A 10. Which of the following is NOT a unit of energy? A. B. C. D. Atomic unit MeV Dynes Ergs Answer: C 11. An electrically charged atom or radical which carries electicity through an electrolyte is called: A. B. C. D. Ion Isotope Molecule Hole Answer: A 12. What is the smallest particle of an element that can enter into a chemical reaction? A. B. C. D. Molecule Ion Atom Isotope Answer: C 13. Beryllium, magnesium, and calcium all belong to which elemental grouping? A. B. C. D. Noble elements Halogens Lanthanons Alkaline earth metals D. Gamma radiations Answer: B 16. Radiation consisting of singly charged particles that generate to intermediate distances are called: A. B. C. D. Fast neurons Alpha radiations Beta radiations Gamma radiations Answer: C 17. Radiation with no charge, which produces no ionization, and which is difficult to attenuate thus posing a major health threat is A. B. C. D. Slow neutrons Alpha radiations Beta radiations Gamma radiations Answer: D 18. The property of fluid at a location where the Mach number is unity (at the throat) are called: Answer: D 14. The thickness of material required to attenuate radiation to a particular level depends on A. B. C. D. The particle The particle energy The shielding material The particle, its energy, and the shielding material Answer: D 15. Particles that are easily stopped within a few millimeter because their double charges generate path ionization and because they are susceptible to electrostatic interaction are: A. Alpha neurons B. Alpha radiations C. Beta radiations A. B. C. D. Critical properties Sonic properties Dynamic properties Stagnation properties Answer: A 19. Gamma attenuation is affected by: A. B. C. D. Their photoelectric effect Pair production Compton scattering The photoelectric effect, pair production, and Compton scattering. Answer: D 20. The amount of a radiation shield’s dimensional geometry that reduces radiation to half of its original value is called the __________. A. B. C. D. Half-value mass Half-value thickness Semi-cross section Logarithmic decrement Answer: B 21. The amount of a radiation shield’s density that reduces radiation to half of its original value is called the ___________. A. B. C. D. Half-value mass Half-value thickness Semi-cross section Logarithmic decrement Answer: A 22. Radiation exposure, the measure of gamma radiation at the surface of an object, is measured in: 25. All of the following are practical applications of Einstein’s principle of special relativity except _____. A. B. C. D. Mass increase Length of contraction Time dilation Space warping Answer: D 26. The postulate that no signal or energy can be transmitted with a speed greater than the speed of light is consistent with _______ A. The Heisenburg uncertainty principle B. The Compton effect C. Einstein’s law D. Newton’s second law Answer: C A. B. C. D. Rems Rads Roentegens Roentegens per second Answer: C 23. Radiation exposure rate, the rate of gamma radiation at the surface of an object, is measured in A. B. C. D. Rems Rads Roentegens Roentegens per second Answer: D 24. Exposure is a measure of ionization surrounding a person, but biological damage is dependent on the amount of energy. A. B. C. D. Striking the surface Passing through the body Absorbed Reflected by the surface Answer: C 27. The total energy of an electron in the same shell is defined by the _________. A. B. C. D. Principle quantum number Azimuthal quantum number Magnetic quantum number Hund rule Answer: A 28. The direction of an electron’s angular momentum vector is defined by the A. B. C. D. Principle quantum number Azimuthal quantum number Magnetic quantum number Electron spin quantum number Answer: C 29. The electron’s spin angular momentum vector is defined by the A. B. C. D. Azimuthal quantum number Magnetic quantum number Electron spin quantum number Hund rule Answer: C 30. The magnitude of an electron’s angular momentum vector is defined by the A. B. C. D. Principle quantum number Azimuthal quantum number Electron spin quantum number Hund rule Answer: B 31. The fact that each orbital of a set of equal-energy orbitals must be occupied with an electron before any orbitals has two electrons is specified by which of the following? A. B. C. D. Principle quantum number Azimuthal quantum number Magnetic quantum number Hund rule Answer: D 32. The statement that no two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers is known as the A. B. C. D. Hund rule Heisenburg uncertainty principle Pauli exclusion principle Schrodinger equation Answer: C 33. All of the following terms describe the radiation lines from transitions of electrons in an atom except A. B. C. D. Sharp Principle Obtuse Fundamental Answer: C 34. When electrons are not shared equally between two elements, and electrons spend more time with one elements than with the other, the bonding is called: A. Ionic bonding B. Polar covalent bonding C. Non-polar covalent bonding D. Metallic bonding Answer: B 35. When electrons are shared equally (e.g., when the atoms are the same as in diatomic gases), the bonding is called: A. B. C. D. Ionic bonding Polar covalent bonding Non-polar covalent bonding Resonance bonding Answer: C 36. All of the following are units of energy except: A. B. C. D. Atomic units MeV Dynes Ergs Answer: C 37. Einstein reasoned there was a discrete amount of energy needed to remove an electron from a surface, with the rest of the incident photon’s energy contributing to the kinetic energy of the photon., the amount of energy is called: A. B. C. D. Binding energy Work function Coulomb energy Fermi energy Answer: B 38. Which of the following is not a postulate of Bohr’s theory of the hydrogen atom? A. Electron orbits are discrete and non-radiating and an electron may not remain between these orbits B. The energy change experienced by an electron changing from one orbit to another is quantized C. Light waves exist simultaneously as high frequency electrical and magnetic waves D. Angular momentum is quantized Answer: C B. Baffles C. Fire tubes D. Zone controls CHAPTER 8 – BOILER 1. Which of the following is necessary to generate steam in boiler? A. B. C. D. A container Heat Water All of the above Answer: D 2. It is a part of the boiler with water on one side and heat on the other side. A. B. C. D. Furnace volume Fire side Heating surface Water side Answer: C 3. A __________ boiler has heat and gases of combustion that pass through tubes surrounded by water. A. B. C. D. Fire tube Cast iron sectional Water tube Straight-tube Answer: A 4. A __________ boiler has water in the tubes and heat gases of combustion passing around the tubes. A. B. C. D. Fire tube Cast iron sectional Water tube Firebox Answer: C 5. Which of the following are used in boilers to direct the gases of combustion over the boiler heating surface? A. Combustion control Answer: B 6. The three-basic type of low pressure heating boilers are _________, _________, and _________. A. Firebox; vertical; locomotive B. Scotch marine; wet-top; dry-top C. Straight-tube; bent-tube; multiple pass D. Fire-tube; water tube; cast iron sectional Answer: D 7. In a low pressure gas system, the gas regulator reduces that city gas pressure to ___ psi. A. B. C. D. 0 2 1 3 Answer: A 8. In the _________ air mixes with the fuel and burns. A. B. C. D. Fire tubes Combustion chamber Water tubes Breeching Answer: B 9. The function of the steam boiler is to _________. A. B. C. D. Produce condensate Create heat Produce steam Burn fuel Answer: C 10. Which of the following is the most common type of water tube boiler? A. B. C. D. Firebox Scotch marine Vertical Straight-tube multiple pass Answer: D 11. Excess fuel oil in the fuel oil system returns to the: A. B. C. D. Combustion chamber Fuel oil tank Burner Suction line Answer: B 12. It is the system that provides the air necessary for combustion. A. B. C. D. Feedwater Steam Draft Fuel Answer: C 13. The gases of combustion leave the boiler through the: A. B. C. D. Chimney Blower Air vent Breeching Answer: D 14. Which of the following boiler does not use tubes? A. B. C. D. Cast iron sectional Water tube Scotch marine Firebox Answer: A 15. Which of the following will make a boiler work more efficiently? A. More fuel is added B. Fire tubes are decrease in size C. The heating surface is increased D. All of the above Answer: C 16. What are the four systems necessary to operate a boiler? A. Combustion; draft; steam; boiler water B. Water; steam; combustion; stoker C. Boiler water; fuel; draft; condense D. Feedwater; fuel; draft; steam Answer: D 17. The __________ forms a vacuum that draws out of the condensate return line and into the vacuum tank. A. Suction line B. Main header C. Vacuum pump D. Heating equipment Answer: C 18. Which of the following can be a function of the container in the boiler? A. Holds the water B. Connects the steam that is produced C. Transfers heat to the water to produce steam D. All of the above Answer: D 19. At what temperature will water normally turns to steam? A. 100β B. 200β C. 150β D. 212β Answer: D 20. Which of the following statements is true for cast iron sectional boilers? A. Cast iron sectional boilers have fire tubes B. Can be expanded in size C. These boilers do not require water D. None of the above Answer: D 21. Which of the following is the most important valve on a boiler? A. Main steam stop valve B. Automatic nonreturn valve C. Safety valve D. Feedwater stop valve Answer: C 22. The MAWP on a low pressure steam boiler is _______ psi. A. 10 B. 20 C. 15 D. 30 Answer: C 23. Which of the following best defines a total force acting on a boiler? A. Area times diameter B. Area times pressure C. Area times distance D. The MAWP times pressure Answer: B 24. The ASME code states that the boiler with over ______ square feet heating surface must have two or more safety valve. A. 200 B. 400 C. 400 D. 500 Answer: D 25. The area of a safety valve 4 in. diameter is how many square inches? A. 2.3562 B. 6.2832 C. 3.1416 D. 12.5664 Answer: D 26. Which of the following is the only valve permitted between the safety valve and the boiler? A. Os&y gate B. Os&y globe C. Automatic nonreturn D. No valves are permitted between the boiler and the safety valve Answer: D 27. The range of the pressure gauge should be ________ times the MAWP on the boiler. A. 1 to 2 B. 2 to 3 1 C. 12 to 2 1 D. 22 to 3 Answer: C 28. The ASME code only allows ______ safety valve on boiler. A. Deadweight B. Spring-loaded pop type C. Lever D. None of the above Answer: B 29. How much is the total force on safety valve 1 22 in. diameter and with a steam pressure of 15 psi. A. 19.5413 B. 73.63125 C. 29.4525 D. 93.7512 Answer: B 30. The steam pressure gauge on the boiler is calibrated to read in: A. Inches of vacuum B. Absolute pressure C. Pounds per square in. D. Pressure below atmospheric pressure Answer: C 31. Live steam is prevented from entering the Bourdon tube of the pressure gauge by which of the following? A. Automatic nonreturn valve B. Os&y Valve C. Inspector’s test cock D. Siphon Answer: D 32. What the pressure gauge that can be read whether vacuum pressure or not. A. Compound B. Suction C. Duplex D. Vacuum Answer: A 33. Which of the following best defines a vacuum? A. A pressure above gauge B. A pressure below atmospheric C. A pressure below gauge D. A pressure equal to gauge Answer: B 34. Safety valves are designed to pop open and stay until there is a ______ psi drop in pressure. A. 0 to 1 B. 5 to 15 C. 2 to 4 D. Over 15 Answer: C 35. What type of boiler that uses safety valve? A. Fire tube B. Cast iron sectional C. Water tube D. All of the above Answer: D 36. The water column is located at the NOWL so the lowest visible part of the gauge glass is ______ above the highest surface. A. 2 in to 3 in B. Just C. 4 in to 5 in D. Never Answer: A 37. Blowback of a safety valve is to prevent: A. Burner cycling B. Premature popping C. Chattering D. Feathering 38. The boiler bottom blowdown line should discharge to a(n)______. A. Sewer B. Atmospheric tank C. Blowdown tank D. Return tank or open sump Answer: C 39. If the desired cut-in pressure of the boiler is 6 psi and the desired cut-out pressure is 10 psi, the differential pressure setting must be ______ psi. A. 2 B. 6 C. 4 D. 8 Answer: C 40. Impurities that build up on the surface of the water in the boiler prevent _______ from breaking through the surface of the water. A. Air B. πΆπ2 C. Oxygen D. Steam Answer: D 41. To prevent air pressure from building up in the boiler when filling the boiler with water, the _____ must be open. A. Safety valve B. Boiler vent C. Main steam stop valve D. Manhole cover Answer: B 42. To prevent a vacuum from forming when taking the boiler off-line, which of the following must be opened when pressure is still on the boiler? A. Safety valve B. Boiler vent C. Main steam stop valve D. Man hole cover Answer: B Answer: C 43. The operating range of the boiler is controlled by: A. B. C. D. Squastat Pressure control Vaporstat Modulating pressure control Answer: B 44. The _______ regulates the high and low fire of the burner. A. Aquastat B. Pressure control C. Vaporstat D. Modulating pressure control Answer: D 45. The best time to blow down the boiler to remove sludge and sediment is when the boiler is at: A. Its highest load B. Half its load C. Its lightest load D. Anytime Answer: C 46. The level of the water in the ______ indicates the water level in the boiler. A. Condensate return tank B. Gauge glass C. Try cocks D. Blowdown tank Answer: C 47. When blowing a boiler, the quick opening valve should always be opened ______ and closed ______. A. First; first B. Last; first C. First; last D. Last; last Answer: C 48. Which of the following is added to boiler so that water changes scale-forming salts into a non-adhering sludge? A. Oxygen B. Slag C. Minerals D. Chemicals Answer: D 49. A _____ valve is installed before the _____ to allow the steam pressure gauge to be changed if a malfunction occurs. A. Globe; safety valve B. Globe; U-tube siphon C. Gate; siphon D. Globe; pigtail siphon Answer: C 50. What pressure gauge that reads more pressure than is actually in the boiler. A. Broken B. Uncalibrated C. Slow D. Fast Answer: D 51. According to the ASME code, safety valves on low pressure boilers should be tested by hand at least: A. Once a month B. Once a year C. Once a shift D. Twice a year Answer: A 52. The purpose of the safety vale is prevent the pressure in the boiler from: A. Exceeding its MAWP B. Causing a boiler explosion C. Dropping below its MAWP D. Relieving water pressure Answer: A 53. The term applied when a safety valve opens and closes rapidly. A. Feathering B. Chattering C. Pressuring D. Huddling Answer: B 54. The safety valve on a low pressure boiler opens when pressure in the boiler exceeds how many psi? A. 5 B. 15 C. 10 D. 30 Answer: B 55. After the total force of the steam has lifted the safety valve off its seat, the steam enters the____ A. Huddling chamber B. Steam holding tank C. Combustion chamber D. Main steam line Answer: A 56. What causes false water readings in the gauge glass? A. Priming B. Foaming C. Carryover D. Blowing down level Answer: B 57. Fusible plugs are required on___boilers by the ASME code. A. Coal-fired B. Gas-fired C. Fuel oil-fired D. All of the above Answer: D 58. Onb a pressure control, ____ pressure plus ____ pressure equals ____ pressure. A. Differential; cut-out; cut-in B. Cut-in; cut-out; differential C. Cut-in; differential; cut-in D. Cut-in pressures equals cut-out pressure Answer: C 59. A burner should always start up in ___ fire and shut down in ____ fire. A. Low; low B. High; low C. Low; high D. High; high Answer: A 60. The water in the boiler is heated, turns to steam, and leaves the boiler through the: A. Feedwater line B. Main steam line C. Main header D. Main branch line Answer: B 61. When steams gives up its heat in a heat exchanger it turns to: A. Low pressure steam B. Makeup water C. Condensate D. Exhaust steam Answer: C 62. A ____ pump discharges the return water back to the boiler. A. Feed B. Gear C. Return D. Vacuum Answer: D 63. How do you call a valve that controls the flow of water in one direction only? A. Gate B. Os&y C. Globe D. Check Answer: D 64. The feedwater ___ valve should be located as close to the shell of the boiler as practical. A. Check B. Nonreturn C. Stop D. Regulating Answer: C 65. A ____ after each radiator allows ____ to pass through to the return line. A. Steam tarp; steam B. Water trap; steam C. Steam trap; condensate D. Water trap; condensate Answer: C 66. A ____ valve should be located between the boiler and the valve on the feedwater line. A. Stop; check B. Stop; regulator C. Check; stop D. Check; regulator 70. Top test the vacuum pump, the operator puts the selector switch in the ____ position. A. Float B. Float or vacuum C. Vacuum D. Continuous Answer: D 71. Water added to the boiler to replace water lost due to leaks and blowing down is known as ____ water. A. Extra B. Boiler C. Makeup D. Feed Answer: C Answer: A 67. The feedwater ___ valve opens and closes automatically. A. Return B. Check C. Bypass D. Equalizing Answer: B 68. The vacuum pump pumps water and discharging air to the: A. Expansion tank B. Return tank C. Compression tank D. Atmosphere Answer: D 69. The range of pressure on the vacuum switch is usually A. 2 to 6 psi B. 2” to 8” C. 6 to 12 psi D. 8” to 12” Answer: B 72. Excessive use of cold city water makeup reduces overall efficiency because the water must be ___ use in the boiler. A. Vented B. Filtered C. Heated D. Recirculated Answer: C 73. The vacuum pump selector switch is normally in the position during the heating season. A. Float or vacuum B. Vacuum only C. Float only D. Continuous Answer: A 74. The ____ shuts off the burner in the event of low water. A. Low water alarm B. Low water fuel cut-off C. Feedwater regulator D. Automatic low water feeder Answer: B 75. Water is supplied to the condensate return tank by the ____ pump. A. Vacuum B. Feedwater C. Condensate D. Return Answer: A 76. The feedwater regulator is located at the ____ and is connected to the boiler in the same manner as the ____ A. Right side; gauge glass B. NOWL; water column C. Bottom blowdown D. NOWL; safety valve Answer: B 77. What maintains a constant water level in the boiler? A. Gauge glass B. Automatic city water makeup feeder C. Water column D. Feedwater regulator Answer: D 78. The low water fuel cut-off should be tested: A. Daily B. Semiannually C. Monthly D. Annually Answer: A 79. The burner should be____ when the low water fuel cut-off is blown down. A. Off B. Tagged out C. Firing D. Tested Answer: C 80. Which the following valves must be used as boiler main steam stop valve? A. Globe B. Check C. Gate D. Os&y gate Answer: D 81. Gate valves should always be ____ or ____ closed. A. Partially open; completely. B. Completely open; completely C. Wide open; partly D. Throttled; completely Answer: B 82. Steam header valves should be ____ valves. A. Globe B. Check C. Gate D. Os&y gate Answer: C 83. When open the os&y valve offers ____ to the flow of steam. A. No resistance B. Velocity C. Throttling action D. Full resistance Answer: A 84. Steam traps are ____ devices. A. Manual B. Automatic C. Electrical D. Semiautomatic Answer: B 85. What valve should be used for throttling flow of material? A. Gate B. Check C. Globe D. Non-return Answer: C 86. Steam traps removed ____ and ___ from the steam lines. A. Air; water B. Water; oil C. Air; oil D. Air; steam Answer: A 87. Condensate in the steam lines can result in: A. carryover B. foaming C. priming D. water hammer Answer: D 88. Two types of steam traps are the ____ steam trap and the ____ steam trap. A. Return; float B. Nonreturn; thermostatic C. Return; nonreturn D. Nonreturn; float Answer: C 89. The ___ steam trap is the most common steam trap used. A. Thermostatic B. Inverted bucket C. Return D. Nonreturn; float Answer: A 90. Condensate from the nonreturn steam trap is pumped from the condensate return tank of the: A. Return tank B. Feedwater heater C. Vacuum tank D. Boiler Answer: D 91. Steam returning to the vacuum tank could causes the condensate pump to become: A. Waterbound B. Waterlogged C. Steambound D. Steamlogged Answer: C 92. Steam strainers should be located on the line____ the steam trap. A. In front of B. Above C. After D. Along sides of Answer: A 93. As the steam pressure increases the steam temperature: A. Decreased B. Remains the same C. Increases D. Fluctuates Answer: C 94. When the os&y valve is open the stem is in the ____ position. A. Floating B. Up C. Locked D. Down Answer: B 95. The thermostatic steam trap opens and closes the a(n): A. Float B. Electric sensor C. Inverted bucket D. Flexible bellows Answer: D 96. In the float the thermostatic trap the float rises to discharge: A. Condensate B. Feedwater chemicals C. Steam D. Water and steam Answer: A 97. A steam trap that failed to open would causes the heating unit to become: A. B. C. D. Steambound Very hot Waterlogged All of the above B. Condensate C. Fuel oil D. Circulating Answer: C Answer: C 98. Which of the following whose main function is to remove dirt and impurities that may cause the steam trap to malfunction? A. Vacuum pumps B. Steam strainers C. Globe valves D. Steam separators Answer: B 99. When a steam trap is functioning properly there is a ____ difference in temperature between the trap inlet and discharge. A. 5°F to 10°F B. 20°F to 30°F C. 10°F to 20°F D. No 103. The ____ valve protects the fuel lines and pump from excessive pressure. A. Safety B. Relief C. Bypass D. Stop Answer: B 104. A high vacuum on the fuel oil suction gauge normally indicates either ____ or ____. A. Low viscosity; a clogged vent B. A closed dischasrged valve; hot fuel oil C. Cold fuel oil; a dirty suction strainer D. Water in the fuel oil; a warm pump Answer: C Answer: C 100. When burning No. 6 fuel oil strainers should be cleaned at least once every ____ hours. A. 8 B. 12 C. 10 D. 24 Answer: D 101. When cleaning the fuel oil strainers the ___ must be carefully replaced to prevent ____ from getting into the system. A. Gaskets; fuel oil B. Cover; water C. Gaskets; air D. Cover; fuel oil Answer: C 102. The ____ pump draws fuel oil from the fuel oil tank. A. Transfer 105. Fuel oil burners deliver the fuel oil to the furnace in a: A. Steady steam B. Half spray, half steam C. Fine spray D. None of the above Answer: C 106. The rotary cup burner uses ____ and ____ to atomize the fuel oil. A. High temperature; pressure B. High temperature; air C. High pressure; steam D. A spinning cup; high velocity air Answer: D 107. In a low pressure gas burner gas is mixed with air in the ____ A. Burner register B. Combustion chamber C. Mixing chamber before the burner register D. Boiler furnace Answer: C 108. In a low pressure gas mixes with the air on the inside of the: A. Burner register B. Combustion chamber C. Mixing chamber D. Boiler furnace Answer: A 109. Regardless of the type of fuel oil used the fuel oil must be ______ before it enters the boiler furnace. A. Pressurized B. Treated C. Atomized D. Measured 113. The butterfly on the low pressure gas system is ______ valve. A. Slow-opening B. Screw C. Quick-opening D. Globe Answer: A 114. The amount of gas supplied to the burner in the low pressure gas system is controlled by: A. Gas pressure B. Steam pressure C. The boiler operator D. The amount of air passing through the butterfly valve Answer: D Answer: C 110. On the low pressure gas system the manual reset cannot be opened until the: A. Vaporstat proves pressure B. Pilot is lighted C. Boiler is vented D. All of the above Answer: B 111. Before any repair is attempted on any gas-fired boiler the: A. Insurance inspector must be notified B. Main gas cock must be secured C. State inspector must be notified D. Main solenoid valve should be secured Answer: B 115. If low water develops in the boiler having a low pressure gas system the ______ will secure the gas to the burner. A. Whistle valve B. Manual reset valve C. Vaporstat D. Main gas solenoid Answer: D 116. Combination gas/fuel oil burners permit the operator to switch from one fuel to another _______ . A. For economy B. Because of a shortage of fuel being used C. Because of a failure in the fuel system being used D. All of the above Answer: D 112. In a low pressure gas system when the vaporstat proves gas pressure up to zero reducing governor the _____ starts up. A. Induced draft fan B. Pressure C. Force draft blower D. Gas pump Answer: C 117. Hard coal, known as ______, has a ______ content. A. Bituminous; high carbon B. Anthracite; high volatile C. Bituminous; high volatile D. Anthracite; high carbon Answer: D 118. Soft coal, known as ____,has a ____ content. A. bituminous; high carbon B. anthracite; high volatile C. bituminous; high volatile D. anthracite; high carbon Answer : C 119. Boilers using soft coal must have ____ furnace volume to reduce the danger of____. A. small; overfiring B. large; smoking C. small; smoking D. large; overfiring Answer : B 120. When burning soft coal, If the volatile gases reach the heating surface before they have burned completely ____ and ____ develop. A. smoke; soot B. clinkers; ash C. uneven heat; ash D. high temperature; smoke Answer : A 121. The ____ of fuel oils is the lowest temp. at which it will flow as a liquid. A. fire point B. pour point C. flash point D. viscosity Answer : B 122. The ____ is the temp. at which the fuel oil gives off the flashes when exposed to an open flame. A. fire point B. pour point C. flash point D. viscosity Answer: C 123. The ____ is the temp. at which fuel oil will burn continuously when exposed to an open flame. A. fire point B. pour point C. flash point D. viscosity Answer : A 124. It is defined as the internal resistance of fuel oil flow? A. fire point B. pour point C. flash point D. viscosity Answer: D 125. What must be done in order to lower the viscosity of the fuel oil. A. lower its temp. B. increase its temp. C. lower its pour point D. viscosity Answer : B 126. A leak on the fuel oil suction lie between the tank and the suction side of the fuel oil pump would result in : A. the suction gauge pulsating B. air entering the suction line C. pulsating of the fire in the boiler D. all of the above Answer : B 127. Stokers were developed to: A. increase efficiency of burning coal B. keep furnace temp. constant to protect brickwork C. allow of development of larger coal-fired boiler D. all of the above Answer : D 128. Any foreign matter in the coal feed mechanism of the screw- feed stoker is best removed by. A. emptying the coal hopper B. reversing the stoker C. forcing it through with a heavy shear pin D. using the cut-off gate to the bottom of the hopper Answer : D 129. In the event of obstruction clogging the feed screw a ____ is used to prevent damage to transmission. A. slip clutch B. shear pin or key C. fuse D. none of the above Answer : B 130. In order to bank the stoker it is necessary to secure the ____ while the ____ continues to operate. A. combination fan; coal feeder B. coal feeder; forced draft fan C. feedwater; induced draft fan D. boiler stop valve; coal feeder Answer : B 131. In a screw feed stoker, what fan draft supplies air for combustion? A. Induced B. Forced C. Combination D. Natural Answer : B 132. To prevent smoke and to aid in complete combustion in the screw-feed stoker,____ is provided using a separate damper control. A. underfire air B. retort air C. overfire air D. grate zone air Answer : C 133. The ram-feed stoker is a(n) ___ stoker. A. Overfeed B. side feed C. travelling gate D. underfeed Answer : D 134. The ram-feed stoker provides : A. uniform feed B. quick ash discharge C. even coal distribution D. all of the above Answer : D 135. Combustion is rapid burning of fuel and oxygen resulting in : A. release of heat B. oxidation C. release of steam D. nitrogen and oxygen Answer : A 136. What combustion occurs when all the fuel is burned using the theoretical amount of air? A. incomplete B. perfect C. complete D. imperfect Answer : B 137. It is the burning of all the fuel using the minimum amount of excess air. A. incomplete combustion B. complete combustion C. perfect combustion D. imperfect combustion Answer : B 138.____ combustion occurs when all the fuel is not burned resulting in formation of soot and smoke. A. incomplete B. perfect C. complete D. imperfect Answer : A 139.Which of the following is required to achieve complete combustion ? A. proper atomization B. proper temp.of fuel C. time of complete combustion D. all of the above Answer : D 140. The combustion process must be complete before the gases combustion come in contact with the : A. atmosphere B. superheater C. heating surface D. main steam outlet Answer : C 141. Soot build up on heating surface: A. acts an insulation B. prevents heat transfer C. increases temp. of gases of combustion D. all of the above Answer : D 142.The purpose of automatic combustion control is to control ____ and ____. A. high fire: low fire B. stoker firing; fuel rate C. overfire air; fuel mixture D. proper air to fuel mixture; firing rate Answer : D 143. At 0 psig, how many BTU are necessary to change 1 lb of water at 212°F of steam? A. 144 B. 970 C. 180 D. 1190 Answer : B 144. Radiation is : A. the movements of liquids or gases created by a temp. difference B. the transfer of eat by direct molecular contact C. the weight of the substance compared to unity D. a form of heat transfer Answer : D 145. Steam at 100 psi and 400°F is : A. saturated B. superheated C. wet D. none of the above Answer : B 146. Which of the following most closely defines sensible heat ? A. an established relationship comparing any substance to the heat content of water B. heat quantity that can be felt or measured by a thermometer C. heat quantity above the point of saturation D. measure of heat intensity Answer : B 147. What is required to raise the temp.of 1 lb of of water from 32° to 212°F ? A. 144 Btu B. 970.3 Btu C. 180 Btu D. saturated heat Answer : C 148. Increasing the pressure has what effect of the boiling point of water? A. no change B. temp.will be raised C. temp.will be lowered D. temp.will increase 2°F for every psi Answer : B 149.Heat absorbed by water when it changes from liquid to steam at the boiling point is called : A. sensible heat B. specific heat C. latent heat D. superheat Answer : C 150. Heat may be transferred in how many ways? A. one B. three C. two D. four Answer : B Chapter 9 1. In turbine installation, the air is removed from the condenser by A. Air pump B. Air injector C. Air ejector D. Air jet Answer: C 2. The primary purpose of a turbine in a fluid loop is to: A. Add energy to the flow B. Add mass to the flow C. Extract energy from the flow D. None of the above Answer: C 3. A vena contracta in a fluid jet issuing through a hole in a plate is located approximately: A. 10 diameters downstream of the hole B. At jet’s minimum diameter C. At the orifice minimum diameter D. At the orifice maximum diameter Answer: B 4. The following are all examples of indirect (secondary) miscellaneous methods to measure flow except: A. Turbine and propeller meters B. Magnetic flow meters C. Positive displacement meters D. Hot – wire anemometers Answer: C 5. One could expect the possibility of Reynolds number similarity in all of the following cases except: A. Pumps B. Fans C. Turbines D. Weirs Answer: D 6. One could expect the possibility of Froude number similarity in all of the following cases except: A. Surface ships B. Surface wave motion C. Flow over weirs D. Closed – pipe turbulent pipe flow Answer: D 7. One could expect the possibility of Froude number similarity in all of the following cases except: A. Motion of a fluid jet B. Flow over spillways C. Surge and flood waves D. Subsonic airfoils Answer: D 8. In fluid flow, linear momentum is: A. A vector quantity equal to the product of mass and velocity B. A scalar quantity equal to the product mass and velocity C. A scalar quantity equal to the product of force and length of time is applied D. The change in impulse Answer: A 9. All of the following fluid phenomena are based on the force momentum principle of a flowing fluid except: A. Turbines B. Pelton wheels C. Diesel automobile engines D. Jet engine Answer: C 10. The fact that a fluids velocity increases as the cross sectional area of the pipe through which it flow decreases is due to: A. Bernoulli’s equation B. The continuity equation C. The momentum equation D. The perfect gas law Answer: B 11. In the absence of any heat and work interactions and any changes in potential energy, the stagnation enthalpy of a fluid remains constant during: A. Unsteady flow B. Steady flow C. Turbulent flow D. Variable flow Answer: B 12. When a falling object reaches a speed at which the drag force equals its weight, it has achieved : A. Mach one B. A laminar boundary layer C. A turbulent boundary layer D. Terminal velocity Answer: C 13. The coefficient of contraction is the ratio of the: A. Area of vena contracta to the orifice area B. Actual discharge to the theoretical discharge C. Actual velocity to the theoretical velocity D. Effective head to the actual head Answer: A 14. The coefficient of discharge is the ratio of the: A. Area of vena contracta to the orifice area B. Actual discharge to the theoretical discharge C. Actual velocity to the theoretical velocity D. Effective head to the actual head Answer: B 15. The coefficient of velocity is equal to the: A. Product of the coefficient of discharge and the coefficient of contraction B. Actual velocity divided by the theoretical velocity C. Sum of the coefficient of discharge and the coefficient of contraction D. Difference of the coefficient of discharge and the coefficient of contraction Answer: B 16. Which of the following is not a similarity between a submerged culvert and a siphon A. They both operate full B. Torricelli’s equation holds C. Both can experience entrance and exit losses D. In both, the water flows downhill Answer: B 17. In parallel pipe system originating and terminating in common junctions, A. Mass flows through each branch are equal B. Pressure drops through each branch are equal C. Length of each branch are equal D. Flow areas of each branch arre equal Answer: B 18. Flows through multi – loop systems may be computed by: A. Any closed – from solution of simultaneous equations B. The hardy – cross method C. Trial and error D. All of the above Answer: D 19. Flow measuring devices include all of the following except: A. Venturi meters B. Static pressure probes C. Turbine and propeller meters D. Magnetic dynamometers Answer: D 20. Flow measuring devices include all of the following except: A. Orifice plate meters B. Hot – wire anemometers C. Magnetic flow meters D. Mercury barometers Answer: D 21. Flow measuring devices include all of the following except: A. Flow nozzles B. Venture area meters C. Pitot tubes D. Precision tachometers Answer: D 22. The following are examples of indirect( secondary) measurements to measure flow rates using obstruction meters except: A. Variable area meters B. Venture meters C. Volume tanks D. Flow nozzles Answer: C 23. The following are examples of indirect( secondary) measurements to measure flow rates using obstruction meters except: A. Pitot static meters B. Static pressure probes C. Weight and mass scale D. Direction – sensing probes Answer: C 24. In series pipe systems, all of the following parameters vary from section to section except: A. Pressure drop B. Friction loss C. Head loss D. Mass flow Answer: D 25. Venturi meters, pitot static gauges, orifice meters, flow nozzles, and differential manometers all depend upon the relationship between: A. Flow velocity and friction B. Flow velocity and pressure C. Friction and pressure D. Pressure and mass flow Answer: B 26. The combination of enthalpy and kinetic energy of fluid is termed as: A. Latent enthalpy B. Heat enthalpy C. Throttling enthalpy D. Stagnation enthalpy Answer: D 27. The coefficient of velocity, Cv, accounts for the: A. Effects on the flow area of contraction, friction and turbulence B. Small effect of friction and turbulence of the orifice C. Changes in diameters of a converging pipe D. Effects of compressibility Answer: B 28. Expansion factors take into account the: A. Area of the vena contracta B. Small effect of friction and turbulence of the orifice C. Changes in diameters of a converging pipe D. Effects of compressibility Answer: D 29. The matching of scale model and full – scale results for a fluid dynamic phenomena with a free surface requires equality of: A. Reynolds number B. Weber number C. Froude number D. Cauchy number Answer: C 30. The matching of scale model and full – scale results for a fluid dynamic phenomena involving compressible fluids requires equality of : A. Reynolds number B. Froude number C. Cauchy number D. Mach number Answer: D 31. The matching of scale model and full – scale prototype results for a fluid dynamic phenomena involving requires equality of: A. Reynolds number B. Weber number C. Froude number D. Cauchy number surface tension Answer: B 32. The matching of scale model and full – scale prototype results for a fluid dynamic phenomena involving a fully submerged body requires equality of: A. Reynolds number B. Weber number C. Froude number D. Mach number Answer: A 33. The water hammer phenomenon is primarily what kind of fluid mechanics? A. Static( a phenomena independent of time) B. Dynamic( a time – dependent phenomena ) C. Compressible D. Incompressible Answer: B 34. All of the following are forms of drag on a body moving through a fluid except: A. Skin friction B. Wake drag C. Profile drag D. D’ alembert’s paradox drag Answer: D 35. The magnitude of the drag coefficient of a sphere in water is dependent upon all of the following except: A. Fluid density B. Fluid velocity C. Units of measure( SI or English engineering system) D. Drag force Answer: C 36. The fact that there is no resistance to bodies moving through an ideal (non- viscous) fluids is known as: A. Reynold’s analogy B. D’ alemberts paradox C. Newton’s second law D. The second law of thermodynamics Answer: B 37. One could expect the possibility of Reynolds number similarity in all of the following cases except: A. Submarines B. Torpedoes C. Seaplane hulls D. Supersonic aircraft Answer: C 38. The function of a turbine is to: A. Transfer heat from one fluid to another B. Increase the total energy content of the flow C. Extract energy from the flow D. Exchange heat to increase energy to the flow Answer: C 39. Pitot tube is use to measure the: A. Velocity of mass B. Velocity of pipe C. Flow D. Velocity of flow Answer: D 40. Orifice coefficients are used to determine: A. Energy losses B. Energy gains C. Mass loses D. Energy losses and mass gains Answer: A 41. The coefficient of velocity is the ratio of the: A. Area of vena contracta to the orifice area B. Actual discharge to the theoretical discharge C. Actual discharge velocity to the theoretical discharge D. Effective head to the actual head Answer: C 42. The volume flow venturimeter is: A. Increasing B. Decreasing C. Constant D. Varying passes through a Answer: C 43. What must be done to change the direction of rotation of a 440 volt, 3 phase induction motor? A. Reverse lines to start winding B. Interchange any two power leads C. Replace any two wires to the rotor D. Remove any power leads Answer: B 44. A draft tube is a part of which power plants? A. Diesel engine power plant B. Gas turbine power plant C. Steam power plant D. Hydro – electric power plant Answer: D 45. In the hydro – electric plant having a medium head and using a Francis turbine, the turbine speed may be regulated through: A. Deflector gate B. Nozzle C. Wicket gate D. Forebay Answer: C 46. A Francis turbine has what flow? A. Inward flow reaction B. Outward flow impulse C. Outward flow reaction D. Inward flow impulse Answer: A 47. Which of the following is a type of water turbine? A. Parson B. Hero C. Pelton D. Bankl Answer: C 48. What is the use of a hydraulic jump? A. Increase the flow rate B. Reduce the flow rate C. Reduce the velocity of flow D. Reduce the energy of flow Answer: D 49. A Kaplan turbine is: A. A high head mixed flow turbine B. An inward flow impulse turbine C. An outward flow reaction turbine D. Low head axial flow turbine Answer: D 50. The locus of elevation is: A. Critical point B. Hydraulic gradient C. Energy gradient D. Friction gradient Answer: B 51. The locus of elevation to which water will rise in the piezometer tube is termed: A. Energy gradient B. Friction head C. Hydraulic gradient D. Critical path Answer: C 52. The intake pipe to a hydraulic turbine from a dam is: A. B. C. D. Tailrace Spiral casing Surge tank Penstock Answer: D 53. A type of water turbine where a jet of water is made to fall on the blades or buckets and due to the impulse of water, the turbine starts to move. A. Pelton wheel B. Steam turbine C. Francis turbine D. Reaction turbine Answer: A 54. The lowest portion to storage basin from where the water is not drawn is: A. Bottom storage B. Sub – soil storage C. Spring reserve D. Dead storage Answer: D 55. In a hydro – electric plant using a francis turbine with medium head, the speed can be regulated using the A. Deflector gate B. Nozzle C. Wicket gate D. Weir Answer: C 56. In the deep well installation or operation, the difference between static water level and operating water level is known as: A. Suction lift B. Drawdown C. Priming level D. Clogging Answer: B 57. Which of the following is a characteristic of an impulse turbine? A. B. C. D. Steam striking blades on angle No steam reaction to velocity Steam striking blades at zero angle Steam reversing direction Answer: C 58. What is the pressure at the exit of a draft tube in a turbine? A. Below atmospheric B. Vacuum C. Atmospheric D. Gage Answer: C 59. An impulse turbine are used for: A. Low head B. Medium head C. High head D. Very low head Answer: C 60. Which of the following is used as high head turbine? A. Impulse B. Francis C. Reaction D. Propeller Answer: A 61. In pumped storage plant A. Power is produced by pumps B. Water is stored by pumping to high pressures C. Pressure accumulators are used D. Downstream water is pumped upstream during offload periods Answer: D 62. What is the pressure at the exit of a draft tube in a turbine? A. Below atmospheric B. Vacuum C. Atmospheric D. Gage Answer: C 63. An impulse turbine has: A. Low head B. Medium head C. High head D. Very low head Answer: C 64. High head turbine is a/an: A. Impulse B. Francis C. Reaction D. Propeller Answer: A 65. The lowest portion to storage basin from where the water is not drawn is A. Bottom storage B. Sub – soil storage C. Spring reserve D. Dead storage Answer: D 66. In a hydro electric plant using a Francis turbine with medium head, the speed can be regulated using the A. Deflector gate B. Nozzle C. Wicket gate D. Weir Answer: C 67. In the deep well installation or operation, the difference between static water level and operating water level is called: A. Suction lift B. Drawdown C. Priming level D. Clogging Answer: B 68. Which of the following is a characteristic of an impulse turbine? A. B. C. D. Steam striking blades on angle No steam reaction to velocity Steam striking blades at zero angle Steam reversing direction Answer: C 69. A type of water turbine where a jet of water is made to fall on the blades or buckets and due to the impulse of water, the turbine starts to move. A. Pelton wheel B. Steam turbine C. Francis turbine D. Reaction turbine Answer: A 70. The intake pipe to a hydraulic turbine from a dam is: A. Tailrace B. Spiral casing C. Surge tank D. Penstock Answer: D 71. In the hydro – electric plant having a medium head and using a Francis turbine, the turbine speed may be regulated through: A. Deflector gate B. Nozzle C. Wicket gate D. Forebay Answer: C 72. A Francis turbine has what flow? A. Inward flow reaction B. Outward flow impulse C. Outward flow reaction D. Inward flow impulse Answer: A 73. Which of the following is a type of water turbine? A. Parson B. Hero C. Pelton D. Bankl Answer: C 74. Hydraulic jump is used to: A. Increase the flow rate B. Reduce the flow rate C. Reduce the velocity of flow D. Reduce the energy of flow Answer: D 75. A Kaplan turbine is: A. A high head mixed flow turbine B. An inward flow impulse turbine C. An outward flow reaction turbine D. Low head axial flow turbine Answer: D 76. The locus of elevation is: A. Critical point B. Hydraulic gradient C. Energy gradient D. Friction gradient Answer: B 77. The locus of elevation to which water will rise in the piezometer tube is termed: A. Energy gradient B. Friction head C. Hydraulic gradient D. Critical path Answer: C 78. In turbine installation, the air is removed from the condenser by: A. Air pump B. Air injector C. Air ejector D. Air jet Answer: C 79. The primary purpose of a turbine in a fluid loop is to: A. B. C. D. Add energy to the flow Add mass to the flow Extract energy from the flow None of the above Answer: C 80. A vena contracta in a fluid jet issuing through a hole in a plate is located approximately: A. 10 diameters downstream of the hole B. At jet’s minimum diameter C. At the orifice minimum diameter D. At the orifice maximum diameter Answer: B 81. The following are all examples of indirect (secondary) miscellaneous methods to measure flow except: A. Turbine and propeller meters B. Magnetic flow meters C. Positive displacement meters D. Hot – wire anemometers Answer: C 82. One could expect the possibility of Reynolds number similarity in all of the following cases except: A. Pumps B. Fans C. Turbines D. Weirs Answer: D 83. One could expect the possibility of Froude number similarity in all of the following cases except: A. Surface ships B. Surface wave motion C. Flow over weirs D. Closed – pipe turbulent pipe flow Answer: D 84. One could expect the possibility of Froude number similarity in all of the following cases except: A. B. C. D. Motion of a fluid jet Flow over spillways Surge and flood waves Subsonic airfoils Answer: D 85. In fluid flow, linear momentum is: A. A vector quantity equal to the product of mass and velocity B. A scalar quantity equal to the product mass and velocity C. A scalar quantity equal to the product of force and length of time is applied D. The change in impulse Answer: A 86. All of the following fluid phenomena are based on the force momentum principle of a flowing fluid except: A. Turbines B. Pelton wheels C. Diesel automobile engines D. Jet engine Answer: C 87. The fact that a fluids velocity increases as the cross sectional area of the pipe through which it flow decreases is due to: A. Bernoulli’s equation B. The continuity equation C. The momentum equation D. The perfect gas law Answer: B 88. In the absence of any heat and work interactions and any changes in potential energy, the stagnation enthalpy of a fluid remains constant during: A. Unsteady flow B. Steady flow C. Turbulent flow D. Variable flow Answer: B 89. When a falling object reaches a speed at which the drag force equals its weight, it has achieved : A. Mach one B. A laminar boundary layer C. A turbulent boundary layer D. Terminal velocity Answer: C 90. The coefficient of contraction is the ratio of the: A. Area of vena contracta to the orifice area B. Actual discharge to the theoretical discharge C. Actual velocity to the theoretical velocity D. Effective head to the actual head Answer: A 91. The coefficient of discharge is the ratio of the: A. Area of vena contracta to the orifice area B. Actual discharge to the theoretical discharge C. Actual velocity to the theoretical velocity D. Effective head to the actual head Answer: B 92. The coefficient of velocity is equal to the: A. Product of the coefficient of discharge and the coefficient of contraction B. Actual velocity divided by the theoretical velocity C. Sum of the coefficient of discharge and the coefficient of contraction D. Difference of the coefficient of discharge and the coefficient of contraction Answer: B 93. Which of the following is not a similarity between a submerged culvert and a siphon A. They both operate full B. Torricelli’s equation holds C. Both can experience entrance and exit losses D. In both, the water flows downhill Answer: B 94. In parallel pipe system originating and terminating in common junctions, A. Mass flows through each branch are equal B. Pressure drops through each branch are equal C. Length of each branch are equal D. Flow areas of each branch arre equal Answer: B 95. Flows through multi – loop systems may be computed by: A. Any closed – from solution of simultaneous equations B. The hardy – cross method C. Trial and error D. All of the above Answer: D 96. Flow measuring devices include all of the following except: A. Venturi meters B. Static pressure probes C. Turbine and propeller meters D. Magnetic dynamometers Answer: D 97. Flow measuring devices include all of the following except: A. Orifice plate meters B. Hot – wire anemometers C. Magnetic flow meters D. Mercury barometers Answer: D 98. Flow measuring devices include all of the following except: A. Flow nozzles B. Venture area meters C. Pitot tubes D. Precision tachometers Answer: D 99. The following are examples of indirect( secondary) measurements to measure flow rates using obstruction meters except: A. Variable area meters B. Venture meters C. Volume tanks D. Flow nozzles Answer: C 100. The following are examples of indirect( secondary) measurements to measure flow rates using obstruction meters except: A. Pitot static meters B. Static pressure probes C. Weight and mass scale D. Direction – sensing probes Answer: C 101. In series pipe systems, all of the following parameters vary from section to section except: A. Pressure drop B. Friction loss C. Head loss D. Mass flow Answer: D 102. Venturi meters, pitot static gauges, orifice meters, flow nozzles, and differential manometers all depend upon the relationship between: A. Flow velocity and friction B. Flow velocity and pressure C. Friction and pressure D. Pressure and mass flow Answer: B 103. The combination of kinetic energy of fluid is termed as : A. latent enthalpy B. heat enthalpy C. throttling enthalpy D. stagnation enthalpy Answer : D 104. The coefficient of velocity, πΆπ accounts for the A. effects on the floor area of contraction, friction, and turbulence B. small effect on friction and turbulence of the orifice C. changes on the diameter of a converging pipe D. effects on compressibility Answer : B 105. Expansion factors take into account the : A. area of the vena contrata B. small effect on friction and turbulence of the orifice C. changes on the diameter of a converging pipe D. effects on compressibility Answer : D 106. The matching of a scale model and full scale results for fluid dynamic phenomena with a free surface requires equality of : A. Reynolds number B. Weber number C. Froude number D. Cauchy number Answer : C 107. The matching of a scale model and full scale results for fluid dynamic phenomena involving compressible fluids requires equality of : A. Reynolds number B. Froude number C. Cauchy number D. Mach number Answer : D 108. The matching of a scale model and full scale prototype results for fluid dynamic phenomena involving surface tension requires equality of : A. Reynolds number B. Weber number C. Froude number D. Cauchy number Answer : B 109. The matching of a scale model and full scale prototype results for fluid dynamic phenomena involving a fully submerged body requires equality of : A. Reynolds number B. Weber number C. Froude number D. Mach number Answer : A 110. The water hammer phenomenon is primarily what kind of fluid mechanics? A. static (a phenomena independent of time) B. dynamic ( a time-dependent phenomena) C. compressible D. incompressible Answer : B 111. All of the following are forms of drag on a body moving through a fluid except : A. skin friction B. wake drag C. profile drag D. d’Alembert’s paradox drag Answer : D 112. The magnitude of the drag coefficient of a sphere in water is dependent upon all of the following except: A. fluid density B. fluid velocity C. units of measure(SI or English Engineering System) D. drag force Answer : C 113.The fact that there is no resistance to bodies moving through an ideal(non-viscous) fluids is known as : A. Reynolds number B. d’Alembert’s paradox C. Newton’s second law D. the second law of thermodynamics Answer : B 114. One could expect the possibility of Reynolds number similarity in all of the following cases except : A. submarines B. torpedoes C. seaplane hulls D. supersonic craft Answer : C 115. The function of turbine is to A. transfer heat from one fluid to another B. increase the total energy content of the flow C. extract energy from the flow D. exchange heat to increase energy to the flow Answer : C 116.Pitot tube is use to measure the : A. velocity of mass B. velocity of pipe C. flow D. velocity of flow Answer : D 117. Orifice coefficient are used to determine A. energy losses B. energy gains C. mass losses D. energy losses and mass gains Answer : A 118. The coefficient of velocity is the ratio of the A. area of vena contrata to the orifice area B. actual discharge to the theoretical discharge C. actual discharge velocity to theoretical discharge velocity D. effective head to the actual head Answer : C the 119. The volume flow passes through a venturimeteris : A. increasing B. decreasing C. constant D. varying Answer : C 120. Which of the following devices used to measure the discharge of outflow from a vessel? A. pitot tube B. orifice C. pump head D. obstruction meter Answer : B CHAPTER 10 – VARIABLE LOAD & ENVIRONMENTAL ENG’G 1. The maximum continuous power available from a hydro-electric plant under the most adverse hydraulic conditions is called ____. A. base power B. firm power C. primary power D. secondary power Answer : B 2. The area under load curve divided by maximum demand represents A. load factor B. connected load C. average load D. diversity factor Answer : D 3. What is the reverse capacity of a plant? A. maximum demand- average demand B. plant capacity - maximum demand C. plant capacity - average demand D. plant capacity x (1- load factor) Answer : B Answer : B 4. Load curve refers to the plot of : A. load vs. generating capacity B. load vs. current C. load vs. time D. load vs. cost of power Answer : C 9. The ratio of maximum load to the rated plant capacity. A. load factor B. utilization factor C. maximum load factor D. capacity factor Answer : B 5. The ratio of maximum load to the rated plant capacity is called ____. A. load factor B. utilization factor C. maximum load factor D. capacity Answer : B 10. The ratio of the average load to the peak load over the designated period of time is called A. load factor B. reactive power C. diversity factor D. plant use factor Answer : A 6. Peak load for a period of time divided by installed capacity is : A. capacity factor B. demand factor C. utilization factor D. load factor Answer : C 11. The ratio of the sum of individual maximum demands of the system to the overall maximum demand of the whole system. A. demand factor B. diversity factor C. power factor D. utilization factor Answer : B 7. The ratio of the sum of individual maximum demands of the system to the maximum depend of the whole system is : A. diversity factor B. utilization factor C. power factor D. demand factor Answer : A 8. The ratio between the actual power and the apparent power in any circuit is known as the ____ of that circuit. A. measured power B. capacity C. power factor D. KVAR 12. Load curve refers to the plot of : A. load vs. generating capacity B. load vs. current C. load vs. time D. load vs. cost of power Answer : C 13. Load curve refers to the plot of : A. load vs. generating capacity B. load vs. current C. load vs. time D. load vs. cost of power Answer : C 14. The ratio of the maximum load to the rated plant capacity A. load factor B. utilization factor C. maximum load factor D. capacity factor Answer : B 15. The ratio of the average load to the peak load over a designated period of time is called____. A. load factor B. reactive factor C. diversity factor D. plant use factor Answer : A 16. Peak load for a period of time divided by installed capacity is _____. A. capacity factor B. demand factor C. utilization factor D. load factor E. Answer :C 17. The area under load curve divided by maximum demand represents A. Load factor B. Connected load C. Average load D. Diversity factor Answer : D 18. The ratio of the sum of individual maximum demands of the system to the overall maximum demand of the whole system. A. Demand factor B. Diversity factor C. Power factor D. Utilization factor Answer : B 19. The ratio of the sum of individual maximum demands of the system to the max. demand of the whole system is known as ____. A. Diversity factor B. Utilization factor C. Power factor D. Demand factor Answer : A 20. The ratio between the actual power to the apparent power in any circuit is known as the ____ of that circuit. A. Measured power B. Capacity C. Power factor D. KVAR Answer : C 21. Yeast as raw material for beer making is added to the equipment called : A. Fermenters B. brew kettle C. cooler D. starting tube Answer : A 22. A major cause of pollution resulting from the burning fuel oil is : A. nitrous B. hydrogen C. sulfur dioxide D. silicon Answer : C 23. Heavy water is : A. B2 O B. H2 O C. W2 O D. D2 O Answer : D 24. Scintillation counter are used to detect : A. Beta rays B. X-ray C. Gamma rays D. All of the above Answer : D 25. All of the following are common types of chemical reactions except A. Direct combination B. Fission C. Decomposition D. Double replacement Answer : B 26. Redox reactions can often be type of : A. direct combination B. fission C. decomposition D. double replacement Answer : D 27. The fact that the amount of slightly soluble gas absorbed in a liquid is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas is known as : A. Dalton’s law B. Henry’s law C. Raoult’s law D. Boyle’s law Answer : B 28. All of the following pollutants are produced because of decaying organic matter except: A. Ammonia B. Sulfur dioxide C. Methane D. Hydrogen sulfide Answer : B 29. The velocity of radiations(v) and the frequency of radiations(f) are related to the wavelength of radiations by : A. v/f B. f/v C. vf D. v 2 f Answer : A 30. Swimming pool water needs A. pre-chlorination B. super-chlorination C. dual- chlorination D. de- chlorination Answer : D 31. Aeration of water is done for all of the following purposes except of : A. removal of CO2 B. removal of bad taste C. increasing the amount of oxygen in water D. removal of temporary hardness Answer : D 32. Which of the following area of works requires lowest noise level? A. Gymnasiums B. Library C. lecture halls D. kitchens Answer : B 33. Mycotoxins are poisonous chemicals produced by : A. Molds B. Virus C. Bacteria D. Algae Answer : B 34. Turbidity in water is due to : A. Algae B. fungi C. organic salts D. finally divide particles of clay, silt and organic matter Answer : D 35. Per- capita consumption of water is generally taken as : A. 50 -100 liters B. 150 – 300 liters C. 400 – 500 liters D. 750 – 1000 liters Answer : B 36. Which of the following industries have the highest consumption of water for processing? A. Foundry B. Automobile industry C. Paper mill D. Aluminum industry Answer : C 37. The ratio activity of water because of strontium can be removed by : A. Aeration B. alum coagulation C. phosphate coagulation D. lime Answer : C 38. Chemical used for checking the growth of algae in reservoirs is A. copper sulphate B. alum C. bleaching powder D. brine Answer : C 39. Which of the following is not the pollutant from a sulfuric acid plants? A. sulfur dioxide B. sulfur trioxide C. acid moist D. hydrogen sulfide Answer : D 40.Which of the following is a cold cathode lamp? A. sodium vapor lamp B. high pressure mercury vapor lamp C. low pressure mercury vapor lamp D. neon lamp Answer : D 41. Which has an octane rating of more than 100? A. gobar gas B. methyl alcohol C. benzol D. ethyl alcohol Answer : C 42. The part per million is identical to : A. grains per gallon B. pounds per cubic foot C. milligrams per kg D. tones per acre foot Answer : C 43. In power plant an electrostatic precipitators is installed between : A. Forced draft fan and induce draft fan B. Furnace and chimney C. Primary air and secondary air D. Furnace and forced draft fan Answer : B 44. At present, the number of true elementary particles which include leptons and quarks, is thought to be : A. 4 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12 Answer : D 45. The effective size of a target atom that interacts with a moving particle is called its A. Length B. Width C. cross section D. pseudo – area Answer : C 46. Most nuclear particles can react with atoms in several different ways including _____ A. absorption B. scattering C. absorption and scattering D. reflection and absorption Answer : C 47. The operation that produces highest noise level is : A. welding B. riveting C. machining D. pressing Answer : B 48. The ratio absorbed by the transfer fluid to the original incident energy striking the collector. A. shading factor B. collector efficiency C. betz coefficient D. transmittance Answer : B 49. A swinging support constructed as part of the vessel and that supports that manway cover when it is bolted and moved aside. A. Davit B. Handhole C. Nozzle neck D. Manway arm Answer : A 50. Is the subjective method in which the smoke density is visually compared to the five standardized white – black grids. A. Ringelman scale B. Dalton scale C. Smoke spot scale D. Dew point scale Answer : A 51. The ratio of fugacity at actual conditions to the fugacity at some reference state is known as : A. Compressibility B. Activity C. Gravimetric coefficient D. Saturation Answer : B a) b) c) d) Polyvinyl chloride(pvc) Polystyrene (ps) Low density poltethylene(lpde) Polypropylene(pp) Answer: c 54. a radioactive gas produced from the decay of radium within the rocks beneath a building. a) b) c) d) Spills Radon Smoke Smog Answer:b 55. consist of ground-level ozone and peroxyacyl nitrate (pan) a) b) c) d) Smog Spills Sulphur oxide Smoke Answer: a 56. a term used to mean the corrective steps taken to return the environmenttoitsoriginal condition. a) b) c) d) Stabilization Remediation Greenhouse effect Opacity Answer: b 52. A type of polymer used for detergents, milk bottles, oil containers and toys. A. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) B. Polystyrene (PS) C. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) D. Polypropylene (PP) Answer : C 57. the burning of low-sulfur fuel is known as : 53. a type of polymer used for grocery bags and food wraps. 58. the removal of particulate matterfromagas flow by exposing the flow to a liquid or slurry is known as: a) b) c) d) Fuel switching Fuel adding Fuel binding Fuel swapping Answer: a a) b) c) d) Stripping Spraying Scrubbing Absorption a) b) c) d) Dust or fugitive dusts Dioxins Fugitive emissions CFCs Answer: c Answer: d 59. the drop in a solvent’s vapour pressure and the increase in mole fraction as solute is addedis described by: 63. equipment leaks from plant equipments are known as a) b) c) d) Dalton’s law Henry’s law Raoult’s law Boyle’s law Answer: c 60. all of the following statements are characteristics of bases except a) They conduct electricity in aqueous solutions b) They turn red litmus paper blue c) They have a ph between 0 and 7 d) They neutralize acids forming salts and water Answer: c 61.all of the following statements about conjugate acids and bases are true except a) A conjugate acids results when a base accept a proton b) A conjugate base results when a base accept a proton c) Strong acids tend to give weak conjugate bases d) The bronsted-lowry theory defines bases as proton acceptors Answer: b 62. are any solid particulate matter that becomes airborne, with the exception of particulate matter emitted from the exhaust stack of a combustion process. a) b) c) d) Fugitive leaks Fugitive dust Fugitive exhaust Fugitiveemissions answer: d 64. what is a substance that absorbs or retains moisture? a) b) c) d) Surface acting agent Dry ultra-fine coal Fossil fuel Humectant Answer: d 65. is a soluble compound that reduces a liquid’s surface tension or reduces the interfacial tension between a liquid and a solid. a) b) c) d) Surface-acting agent or surfactant Humectant Oxygenated fuel CFC Answer: a 66. a material or substantce that is accidentally or intentionally introduced to the environment in a quantity that exceeds wthat occurs naturally. a) b) c) d) Waste Sludge Pollutant Biosolids Answer: d 67. refers to organic waste produced from biological Waterwaste treatment processes. a) b) c) d) Toxic waste Biosolids Extrinsic waste Process waste Answer: b 68. a rule which states that any solid waste mixedwith hazardous waste becomes hazardous. a) b) c) d) The moixture rule The derived from rule The environmental rule The hazard rule Answer: a 69. a rule which states that any waste derived from the treatment of a hazardous waste remains a hazardous waste. a) b) c) d) The mixture rule The treatment rule The derived from from rule The hazard rule Answer: c 70. generally refers to sulphur trioxide SO3 in the flue gas. a) b) c) d) Acid rain Acid gas Hydrochloric acids Stack gas Answer: b 71. what consist of weak solutions of sulphuric, hydrochloric, and to a lesser extent,nitric acids? a) b) c) d) Stack gas Acid rain Acid compound Pollutant Answer: b 72. a fibrous silicate mineral material that is inert, strong and incombustible. a) b) c) d) Fiberglass Plastic Rubber Asbestos Answer: d 73. an insulator with superior tensile strength but low heat resistance. a) b) c) d) Rubber Plastic Fiberglass Asbestos Answer: c 74. are highlyconcentrated liquid wastes produced in landfills. a) b) c) d) Aerosols Leachates Nitrogen dioxide Urea Answer: b 75. what is the primary cause of smog formation? a) b) c) d) Toxins Dioxins Oxidants Nitrogen oxides Answer: d 76. is a water soluble organic compound prepared from ammonia. It has significant biological and industrial usefulness. a) Urea or carbamide urea b) Nitrite c) Chlorinated organics d) Oxidants Answer: a 77. are by products of reaction between combustion products. a) b) c) d) Photochemicals Oxidants Organics Sediments Answer: b 78. “particulate matter” is defined as all particles that are emitted by a combustion source .what is another term for particulate matter? a) b) c) d) Dust Aerosol Biosolids Sediments b) Polystyrene(ps) c) Low density polyethelene(lpde) d) Polypropylene(pp) Answer: d 82. a type of polymer usedfor clear bottles. a) b) c) d) Polyvinyl chloride(pvc) Polystyrene(ps) Low density polyethelene(lpde) Polypropylene(pp) Answer: a 83. refers to the high-temperature removal of tarry substances from the interior of the carbon granule leaving a highly porous structure. a) b) c) d) Absorbent Activated Breakthrough Adsorbent Answer: b Answer: b 79. are organic compounds manufactured in oily liquid and solid forms through the late 1970s and subsequently prohibited. 84. a substance high surface area per unit weight, and intricateporestructure,and a hydrophobic surface. a) b) c) d) Polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) Polyvinyl chloride(pvc) Trihalomethanes Plastic a) b) c) d) Adsorbent substance Adsorbent substance Homogeneous substance Activated substance Answer: a Answer: a 80. a type of polymer used for Styrofoam cups and “clamshell”food containers. 85. is a high- temperature process that turns incinerator ash into a safe , glass-like material. a) b) c) d) Polyvinyl chloride(pvc) Polystyrene(ps) Low density polyethelene(lpde) Polypropylene(pp) a) b) c) d) Advance oxidation Biofitration Vitrification Bioventing Answer: d Answer: c 81. a type of polymer used for labels,bottles and housewares. 86. refers to the use of compoting and soil beds. a) Polyvinyl chloride(pvc) a) Biofiltration b) Biomediation c) Bioventing d) Bioreactors c) Pascals d) MeV Answer: a Answer:c 87. are open or closed tanks containing dozens or hundreds of slowly rotating disks covered with a biological film of microorganisms. 92. what do you call the mixture if the solute particles of a solid suspended in a liquid are larger than molecules? a) b) c) d) Biofilter Bioreactor Biomediator Bioinventor Answer: b 88. refersto the treatment of contaminated soil in a large plastic-covered tank. a) b) c) d) Bioventing Biological recycling Biocycle Bioremediation Answer: a 89. all the following occur during oxidation of a substance except a) b) c) d) Oxidation state increases Loss of electrons The substance becomes less negative Oxidation of the oxidizing agent a) b) c) d) Answer: b 93.what do you call the mixture when a solvent has dissolve as much solute as it can? a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) An increase in negative charge Loss of electrons An oxidation state decrease Reduction of the oxidizing agent answer: b 91. all of the following are units of energy except: a) Calories b) Joules Solution Suspension Hydration Saturated solution Answer: d 94.theequilibirium constant for weak solution is known as a) b) c) d) Answer:d 90. all of the following occur during reduction of a substance except Solution Suspension Hydration Saturated solution Ionization constant Arrhenius exponent Solubility product La Chatelier’s constant Answer: A 95.what do you call the mixture if the solute particles of solid suspended in a liquid are larger than the molecules? a) b) c) d) Solution Suspension Hydration Saturated solution Answer: B 96. what do you call the mixture when a solvent has dissolved as much solute as it can? a) b) c) d) Solution Mild solution Hydration Saturatedsolution Answer: D 97. The equilibrium constant for weak solution is known as: a) b) c) d) Ionization solution Arrhenius exponent Solubility product La Chatelier’s constant a) b) c) d) Normality Molarity Formality Isotropy Answer: D 102.The desirable temperature inside an air conditioned auditorium is: a) b) c) d) 0 deg 5 deg 10 deg 20 deg Answer: A Answer D 98.If the solute particles of solid suspended in a liquid are larger than molecules, themixture is known as: 103. What of the following acts as ignition accelerator forinternalcombustion engine fuels? a) b) c) d) Solution Suspension Hydration Saturated solution Answer: B 99. When a solvent has dissolved as much as solute as it can, the mixture is called: a) b) c) d) Solution Suspension Hydration Saturated solution Answer: D 100. When excess solute in a solution settles to the bottomof the container, the process is called: a) b) c) d) Salvation Deemulsification Precipitation Equation Answer: D 101.Allthe following express units of concentration exept: a) b) c) d) Acetone peroxide Hydrogen peroxide Aromatic compounds N- heptane Anwer: A 104. Which of the following does not use ambient air for propulsion? a) b) c) d) Turbo jet Turbo-prop Pulse jet Rocket Anwer: B 105.Most observed properties of light and other radiant energy are consistent with waves in nature, but in interactions with matter, electromagnetic energy behaves as though its consist of discrete pieces or a) b) c) d) Blocks Balls Quanta Atomic masses Answer: C 106. The amount of energy absorbed when a substance enters a solution is called the: a) b) c) d) Heat of fusion Heat of sublimation Endothermic heat of solution Exothermic heat of solution Answer: C 107. The absorption of water by a dessicant often demonstrates: a) b) c) d) Heat of fusion Heat of vaporization Endothermic heat of solution Exothermic heat of solution Answer: D 108. A substance that absorbs moisture from the air is: a) b) c) d) Deliquescent Efflorescent Effervescent A precipitant Anwer: A 109. The removal of a dissolved gas or other volatile component from liquid by exposing the liquid to air or steam is known as: a) b) c) d) Stripping Gas absorption Spraying Scrubing Answer: A 110. Which of the following contribute to the deterioration of the earth’s ozone layer? a) Carbon monoxide b) Chlorofluorocarbons c) Carbon dioxide d) Refrigerants Answer: b 111. Ozone filters out what type of radiation that damages crops and causes skin cancer? a) b) c) d) Tropospheric radiation Atmospheric radiation X-rays Ultraviolet radiation Answer:D 112. all of the following factors affect rates of reaction except: a) b) c) d) Exposed surface area Concentrations Temperature Pressure Answer: d 113. lechatelier’s principle predicts the direction of a state of chemical equilibrium based on all of the following factors except: a) b) c) d) Temperature Specific volume Pressure Concentration Answer: b 114. the amount of energy necessary to cause a reaction to occur is called the a) b) c) d) Heat of formation Heat of solution Activation of energy Heat of fusion Answer: c 115. the equilibrium constant for weak solution is known as a) The ionization constant b) The Arrhenius exponent c) The solubility product d) Le chatelier’s principle Answer: a 116. the speed at which a reaction proceeds to equilibrium is the purview of a) b) c) d) Reaction kinetics Le chatelier’s principle Neutralization Ionization Answer: a 117. thecolor of water is measured : a) b) c) d) In terms of pH value In terms of degree of hardness In terms of platinum cobalt scale Ppm of dissolved solid Answer:c 118. whatturbidimeter that gives direct readings in ppm? a) b) c) d) Jackson turbidimeter Helligeturbidimeter Baylisturbidimeter All of the above Answer: a 119. which of the following is not a sound absorptive material? a) b) c) d) Rugs Mirrors Carpets Heavy drapes Answer: b 120.the total cross section of a target atom is made up of a) The absorption across section b) The scattering across section c) The absorption and scattering cross sections d) The reflection and absorption cross section Answer: c 121. which of the following cannot be a phenomenon of neutron interactions? a) b) c) d) Ineslastic scattering elastic scattering fission fusion answer: d 122. which of the following cannot be usedto describe neutron kinetic energy level? a) b) c) d) Cold Thermal Slow Freezing Answer: d 123. all of the following are words used to describe neutron kinetic energy levels except: a) b) c) d) Slow(resonant) Fast Supersonic Relativistic Answer: c 124.the reduction of nuclearradiation intensity(called attenuation) is accomplished by: a) b) c) d) Matter Antimatter Shielding Neurons Answer: c 125. the ability of substance to absorb neurons depends upon its a) Absorption cross section b) Scattering cross section c) Total cross section d) Atomic number Answer a