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Required Points You Need To Know Before Applying for Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300

Migration Agent Adelaide ISA Migrations and
Education Consultants
Required Points You Need To Know Before
Applying for Prospective Marriage Visa
Subclass 300
What is Prospective Marriage Visa subclass 300?
Partner visa subclass 300 or prospective marriage visa allows you to go to
Australia to marry your prospective spouse and then you can apply for the
permanent visa. With this perspective marriage visa subclass 300, you'll stay in
Australia for up to 9 months from the date of grant of visa, add Australia, and
study in Australia at your own expense. You can also visit and from Australia as
repeatedly as you would like together with your partner.
With this visa, you can
• Work in Australia
• Study in Australia at your own expense
• Stay in Australia for up to 9 months from the date of visa grant
• Travel to and from Australia as many times as you want with this visa
Eligibility Criteria For Visa Subclass 300
You must be of 18 years or older
You must intend to marry an Australian citizen/permanent resident, or an eligible
New Zealand citizen for a subclass 300 prospective marriage visa.
You must be sponsored by your prospective spouse.- Your partner must be aged 18
or older.
You should meet your partner in person and be known to each other personally.
You must genuinely intend to marry your partner within 9 months of visa grant.
There must be no legal impediment to marriage in Australia.
You should genuinely intend to live together as spouses.
Your prospective spouse must meet a character requirement and provide police
clearances as evidence that this condition is satisfied.
You must meet health and character requirements.
How Long You Can Stay With Visa Subclass 300?
You can stay in Australia for up to 9 months from the date of prospective marriage v
partner visa subclass 300 granted because this is a temporary visa. The visa period
starts on the date it's granted.
Include family
You can include members of your relatives in your application once you apply. You
should include the details of all your family members after you apply but before they
decide on your visa application. They even have to satisfy health and character
requirements. Family members who aren't coming to Australia even have to satisfy
the wants.
Processing Times For a 300 Visa
Expect to Learn
75% of visa applications in 16 months and 90% of 300 visa applications in 22
months your application might take longer to process if:You don't include all the documents properly.
It takes some time to verify your information.
You are not paying the right visa application amount.
You don't fill the application form correctly.
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