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Business Ethics Quarterly Exam

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Quarterly Exam
Question 1
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This particular philosopher is very famous in Asia. His teachings described as tradition, a philosophy,
a religion, a humanistic or rationalistic religion, a way of governing, or simply a way of life. This
teachings developed from what was later called the Hundred Schools of Thought from the teachings.
Select one:
a. Socrates
b. Eudaimonism
c. Confucius
d. Plato
Question 2
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This form of business ethics has penetrated culture, values, and ideas of modern life including
modern businesses. It relies on the Torah for its written law, and have had great impact on
marketing and business philosophy.
Select one:
a. Muslim Business Ethics
b. Buddhist Business Ethics
c. Jewish Business Ethics
d. Christian business ethics
Question 3
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When an employee misbehave on the duty, the employer may be held liable for how that situation
affects clients, individuals or other employees.
Select one:
a. Employees Job Description
b. Equal Opportunity
c. Balance
d. Liability
Question 4
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This philosopher has a great influenced in business ethics. Just like one of the philosophers, he
concluded that the proper object of virtue is happiness and a person can become wise through habit.
Select one:
a. Plato
b. Aristotle
c. Socrates
d. Confucius
Question 5
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A policies that prohibit the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco products during work hours, on
company property or during company functions.
Select one:
a. Disciplinary Policy
b. Workplace Safety Policy
c. Attendance and Time Off Policy
d. Substance Abuse Policy
Question 6
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With resourcefulness comes passion to work. Filipinos are very determined and persevering in
accomplishing whatever they set their minds to. Filipinos over the years have proven time and time
again that they are a people with an productive attitude.
Select one:
a. Ability to Survive
b. Hospitality
c. Hard Work and Industrious
d. Faith and Religiosity
Question 7
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This system in the Philippines has been the source of many controversies and corruption. It has
been an open secret that one cannot join the political arena of the Philippines without mastery this
system. Many would still deny this, it may even be contested and be considered as a false
accusation but in our political system, from the lowest Barangay official, to the President of the
Republic, it is expected that one gains political debts and dispenses political favor to advance one's
career or influence, if not wealth.
Select one:
a. Suki
b. Filial Piety
c. Padrino
d. Utang na Loob
Question 8
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Foreigners who come to visit the Philippines speak of Filipinos going out of their way to help them
when lost, or the heart-warming generosity of a Filipino family hosting a visitor in their povertystricken home. This Filipino value is not limited to the Philippines. It is everywhere wherever there
are Filipinos.
Select one:
a. Faith and Religiosity
b. Hospitality
c. Hard Work and Industry
d. Ability to Survive
Question 9
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Which if the following is an unethical practice in a business:
Select one:
a. explicit affair
b. plagiarism
c. harassment
d. all of the choices
Question 10
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This stage is carefully weigh of all the information by separating facts from opinions and opinions
from speculation. Although at times we draw reasonable inferences but know when you have done
so and the premises on which you base your conclusion.
Select one:
a. Fair Hearing
b. Gather Facts
c. Impartiality
d. Evaluation
e. Fair Notice
Question 11
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It is a very efficient and effective communication tool nowadays because it is faster.
Select one:
a. postal
b. Skype
c. Snail Mail
d. Electronic mail
Question 12
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An unethical practices include not paying workers a fair wage, employing children under the legal
working age and unsafe or unsanitary working conditions.
Select one:
a. Abusive behavior
b. Employee theft
c. Wages and Working Conditions
d. Misusing company time
Question 13
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In any business organization, this is important for management to control the process in which
responses are given for a person's actions. These responses may be resulted to a positive or
negative effect. Depending on the response, the person might need to correct his or her error. This
refers to the to individual responsibility for the work he/she has performed and answering to peers
and superiors for their performances. It is often used synonymously with responsibility,
blameworthiness, and liability.
Select one:
a. Accountability
b. Fairness
c. Responsibility
d. transparency in business operation
Question 14
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Occasionally an employer may encounter the need to terminate an employee. When that occasion
arises, one must have a much more straightforward experience if the employee has been cautioned
about the process of termination. If expectations for performance are outlined in the employee's
initial job description, show an account of problems by giving regular evaluations or appraisal.
Select one:
a. Disciplinary Policy
b. Substance Abuse Policy
c. Attendance and Time Off Policy
d. Workplace Safety Policy
Question 15
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It promotes fair treatment in the workplace.
Select one:
a. Consequences for Violations
b. Employee Conduct
c. Employees' Job Description
d. Equal Opportunity
Question 16
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Despite the negative connotation from this religion. Learning and understanding their language and
beliefs may be a great help to different businesses. This religion provides a general concept on
complete way of life. Qur'an is the basis of law for this religion and teachings are fairly strong in
stressing observance of ethical and moral code in human behavior.
Select one:
a. Buddhist Business Ethics
b. Jewish Business Ethics
c. Muslim Business Ethics
d. Christian business ethics
Question 17
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From large corporations to small businesses, individuals involved in all types of business often face
ethical issues stem from employee behavior. This is a very crucial and extensive problem being
faced since the start of commerce.
For example, does an employee working 8 hours a day can spend its work time to glance and check
personal email accounts? How does a supervisor deal with harassment complaint? To what extent
can a supervisor award an employee for a promotion?
Select one:
a. Office Romantic Relationships
b. Harassment and Discrimination
c. Employee Working Conditions
d. Employee Behavior
Question 18
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This form of Business organization is a legal entity binding two or more business partners in
responsibility and liability for their business. There are two types of general partnerships: unlimited
and limited.
Select one:
a. Sole proprietorship
b. Corporation
c. Partnership
d. Home-based healthcare services
Question 19
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Too many workplaces are filled with managers and supervisors who use their position and power to
mistreat or disrespect co-workers. This is very vital now a days and situations as such must be given
attention by the business' management whether it involves racial discrimination, gender or ethnic
Select one:
a. Employee theft
b. Misusing company time
c. Wages and Working Conditions
d. Abusive behavior
Question 20
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This covers advertising, public relations, promotions and sales. Marketing is a process by which a
product or service is introduced and promoted to potential customers.
Select one:
a. Human Resource
b. Sales and Revenue
c. Marketing
d. Business
Question 21
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Which if the following is an unethical practice in a business:
Select one:
a. Employees growth and development is one of the mission of the company.
b. Paying overtime.
c. Engaging in business and tampers taxes to reduce company expenses and give more benefits to
d. Joining Green Peace to help save environment.
Question 22
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Which of the following does not fall under the principles of Fairness:
Select one:
a. Never blame or punish anyone for what they did not do, and appropriately sanction those who
violate moral obligations or laws.
b. Treat everyone fairly based on their merits and abilities and handle all essentially similar
situations similarly and with regularity.
c. Make all decisions on appropriate criteria, without favoritism or discrimination.
d. It sheds light on the optimism and positivity of Filipinos in whatever situation they are in so as to
remain determined in going through struggles or challenges.
Question 23
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Which of the following does not show a hostile environment:
Select one:
a. Providing seminars and training to employees to enhance skills and knowledge.
b. Unwanted touching in any part of the body even patty, pinching or brushing up against the
c. Posting explicit sexual materials.
d. Comments that makes a person uncomfortable like commenting on the body, leering, whistling,
cat calling, saying insults that is sexual in nature, persistent pestering like going on a date.
Question 24
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An unethical marketing practice where companies are only trying to mislead potential customers,
since they are unlikely to buy the products if it is made known that they contain sugar or calories and
basically not as healthy as they claim it to be.
Select one:
a. Concealing side effects of products or services
b. Bending of facts to mislead or confuse potential customers
c. Making false, exaggerated, or unverified declaration
d. Using men and women as sex symbols for promotion
Question 25
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This ethical issue is unavoidable and may bring forth so many issues such as Racial discrimination,
sexual harassment, wage inequality - these are all costly ethical issues that employers and
employees encounter on a daily basis across the globe because of the variety and mixture of
Select one:
a. Compliance and Governance Issues
b. Decision-Making Issues
c. Employee Behavior
d. Diversity Issues
Question 26
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While it might be intuitive to use models in advertisements for beauty products and cosmetics, halfnaked models use in promotion of gadgets, machinery, and other products not related to the human
body is definitely unethical.
Select one:
a. Bending of facts to mislead or confuse potential customers
b. Using men and women as sex symbols for promotion
c. Concealing side effects of products or services
d. Making false, exaggerated, or unverified declaration
Question 27
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It indicate the emotional situation in which business is conducted.
Select one:
a. Protocol
b. Decorum
c. Policy
d. Ethics
Question 28
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Which if the following is an unethical practice in a business:
Select one:
a. laughing out loud to a coworker's opinion
b. all of the chocies
c. naming names
d. whistling
Question 29
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It is a principle or protocol to guide a decision and achieve rational outcomes.
Select one:
a. Policy
b. Protocol
c. Decorum
d. Ethics
Question 30
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Some businessman and salespersons engage in using the same marketing communication of their
competitors to market their own products or services. Being creativity is a very important part of
marketing, and using other businesses' marketing communication taglines just makes your business
a sham.
Select one:
a. Plagiarism of marketing communication taglines
b. Cost Abuse
c. Undignified references to races, age, sex, or religion
d. Bad-mouthing competitors product
Question 31
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Philosophers have influenced not just their followers and believers but it has also penetrated the
business world. Their philosophies have served as guiding principles in most businesses. This
philosopher believes that knowledge is virtue, and virtue leads to happiness. It makes sense to think
that moral people know the meaning of morality. If a person can decipher what is right from wrong,
then one might be able to choose to do what you know to be right and this will greatly influence our
decisions in life. whether it may be personal or in business.
Select one:
a. Socrates
b. Confucius
c. Aristotle
d. Plato
Question 32
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This ethical issue is very prominent in almost all business since the system in our country has
already adopted and has gotten used to corruption. Although businesses are expected to fully
comply with the laws, whether it concerns the environment, culture, safety regulations, fiscal and
monetary reporting statutes and all applicable civil rights laws, many still choose the easy way out of
these obligations.
Select one:
a. Diversity Issues
b. Compliance and Governance Issues
c. Decision-Making Issues
d. Employee Behavior
Question 33
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This values is common to Filipino that are in desperate situation but can no longer find solution.
Filipinos usually say this when they are unable to make a decision about something important and
unable to decide on their next course of action. This phrase is uttered if all they want is go through
something and not thinking of the end result.
Select one:
a. Utang na Loob
b. Bahala Na
c. Suki
d. Padrino
Question 34
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It is important when making decision to extend reasonable efforts to gather information and
evidences. Thoroughness without being irrational is important in making sound judgements. What do
you actually know? Are there uncertainties in the facts that needs to be clarified? If you are making
comparisons do you have sufficient information on each candidate concerning the factors you think
are most important?
Select one:
a. Evaluation
b. Fair Notice
c. Fair Hearing
d. Gather Facts
Question 35
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Being compensated for a work done or services rendered is the very essence of work. One is willing
to work in exchange for a numeric value as a reward to effort. the main objective of compensation is
to create a system of reward that is just to the employer and employee.
Select one:
a. Work and Compensation
b. Employee Behavior
c. Harassment and Discrimination
d. Office Romantic Relationships
Question 36
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This form of business ethics believes that the ultimate norm and ultimate standard of rightness is the
personality of God Himself and his perfect righteousness. So biblical principles of ethics have great
significance for the business world. Their guiding principles comes from the old and new testaments
and is these values are have been adopted and has influenced most businesses.
Select one:
a. Muslim Business Ethics
b. Christian business ethics
c. Buddhist Business Ethics
d. Jewish Business Ethics
Question 37
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This republic act defines sexual harassment as "Employer, employees, manager, supervisor, agent
of the employer, teacher, instructor, professor, coach, trainor, or any other person who, having
authority, influence or moral ascendancy over another in a work, training or education environment
demands, request or otherwise requires any sexual favor from the other, regardless of whether the
demand, request or requirement for submission is accepted by the object of the said act."
Select one:
a. Republic Act No. 7787
b. Republic Act No. 8877
c. Republic Act No. 7877
d. Republic Act No. 8787
Question 38
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For a business to succeed, the product or service it provides must be known to potential buyers or
customers. Unless your business is known in the market and have communication with your
customers readily available, you have to use marketing strategies to build product or service
Select one:
a. A Chance for a Healthy Competition
b. Protecting Company Reputation
c. Getting Word Out in the market
d. Higher Sales and Revenue
Question 39
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This factor in stewardship is very important as it may entail shelling out a portion of income.
Engaging in active environmental stewardship comes at a higher price. For instance, employing
renewable energy alternatives, such as hybrid vehicles or a solar-powered factory, are on the cutting
edge of stewardship but also require large initial investments which is the reasons for some
company to act differently as a steward.
Select one:
a. fairness
b. elements
c. cost
d. stewardship
Question 40
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There are so many ethical concerns in business that should be addressed. One of which are issues
that should center on protecting employee and customer rights, making sure all business operations
are fair and just, protecting the common good and making sure individual values and beliefs of
workers are protected.
Select one:
a. Compliance and Governance Issues
b. Employee Behavior
c. Decision-Making Issues
d. Diversity Issues
Question 41
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This unethical marketing practice is common in the natural remedies industry, where most
manufacturers deceive potential costumers that their products have no side effects because they are
made from natural products.
Select one:
a. Using men and women as sex symbols for promotion
b. Making false, exaggerated, or unverified declaration
c. Concealing side effects of products or services
d. Bending of facts to mislead or confuse potential customers
Question 42
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There are different factors to consider in formulating a fair and just wage. This factor follows the rule
on supply and demand for labor and so called economic conditions and underemployment.
Select one:
a. External Market Factors
b. Job Factor
c. Cost of Living
d. Laws and Regulations
Question 43
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Adjustment of wages and salary may also depend on the Individual's performance based on an
appraisal is another factor to consider in determining wages and salaries. When a employee
performs and deserves an appropriate increase in pay.
Select one:
a. Job Factor
b. Laws and Regulations
c. Individual Performance
d. External Market Factors
Question 44
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Which of the following does not fall under the principles of Fairness:
Select one:
a. Fully consider the rights, interests, and perspectives of all stakeholders, approach judgments with
open-minded impartiality, conscientiously gather and verify facts, provide critical stakeholders with
an opportunity to explain or clarify, and carefully evaluate the information.
b. Not take unfair advantage of anyone's mistakes more so, ignorance.
c. Promptly and voluntarily correct personal and institutional mistakes and indecency.
d. Stakeholders share the same point of views in running the business.
Question 45
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This policy are set rules and guidelines surrounding employee observance to work schedules.
Select one:
a. Workplace Safety Policy
b. Disciplinary Policy
c. Substance Abuse Policy
d. Attendance and Time Off Policy
Question 46
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This factor is gauge in adjust a fair wage in consideration to the nature of the job description The
duties and responsibilities and skill requirements are determinants as well.
Select one:
a. Laws and Regulations
b. Job Factor
c. External Market Factors
d. Cost of Living
Question 47
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Which if the following is an unethical practice in a business:
Select one:
a. disregarding complaints and grievances
b. increase in salary
c. address personal concerns of employees
d. romantic relationships
Question 48
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Anyone being accused of sometime should be allowed to tell his/her side of the story. The "right of
confrontation" is a fundamental prerequisite of fairness in personal and business relationships.
Anyone should be given the opportunity to explain, clarify, and ask questions, and you must listen
with a truly open mind.
Select one:
a. Impartiality
b. Evaluation
c. Fair Hearing
d. Gather Facts
Question 49
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One significant content of your business policy is including a description of every position in the
organization; from the highest ranking down to the ranked in file.
Select one:
a. Liability
b. Employees Job Description
c. Balance
d. Equal Opportunity
Question 50
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This Filipino value may have a positive side and a negative side when too much is applied to. This
controls the social behaviors and interactions of a Filipino. It is generally dependent of what others
may think. On the positive side, it is the value that drives a Filipino be obedient and respectful to
their parents, older siblings, and other authorities.
Select one:
a. Amor Propio
b. Hiya
c. Paggalang
d. Pakikisama
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