Uploaded by Hussein Ghanm

Risk Assessment: Diving Boat Safety

Unit IG2: Risk assessment
Declaration: by submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that the
work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).
Part 1: Background
Include in here the organisation’s name* and location* and number of workers. You must then go on to give a description of the main
activities/products/services carried out. You must also describe the area to be risk assessed eg, whole site, and anything else that you
consider relevant (approximately 150 to 200 words):
working in Ghanim subsea services ltd in Singapore, it’s diving service company, have close to 30 employees, have office, work shop
and two diving boats Hota boat and Malak diving boat is the biggest boat has small work shop, diving station, hydraulic machines, high
pressure air tanks and hoses and 3 accommodations rooms, company specially in ship husbandry like inspection, hull cleaning using
hydraulic brush cart ,polishing of propeller using hydraulic polishers and sometimes maintenance and repair using hydraulic saw or
cutting by broco arc using oxygen using also welding tools.
On board we use electric equipment like saw, high pressure air compressor
There is also tenders for standby and the main diver.
Sometimes we have visitors on board like the ship we working for master or and chief engineer or and surveyor
This risk assessment will be for Malak diving boat
You must now give a brief outline on how you completed the risk assessment (approximately 200 words):
In our career in diving we have Singaporean code SS511 and international we have IMCA organisation codes and it is follow HSE in UK, it’s must
for any employee working in diving relating activities to be aware of them, then start to have close looking on Malak boat to see what we have to
start my risk assessment
And I had closer look for the on-board risk assessment and the Singaporean diving code SS511 on-board
What I didn’t found in this I back to what I learned in IGC course which taken from ILO
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be
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Learner name: Hussein Ibrahim Moustafa Yousef Ghanim
Part 2: Risk Assessment
Organisation name: Ghanim subsea services LTD
Date of assessment: 14/08/2020
Scope of risk assessment: Malak diving boat
Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you already
Hazard of Fire
In toilet and
rooms by
Everyone on-board,
Burns if fire and death
Can cause death by
suffocation from the
smoke or pulmonary
health illness
No smoking sign on the
Portable fire extinguisher
Provide pure breathing O2
What further controls/actions are
Timescales for
further actions
to be
person’s job
(within …)
Smoking in the
toilet and in
1- Smoke detector in the toilet and
2- talking about smoking roles onboard in the morning talk box
3- miss conduct for who smoke in
non-smoking area
1- Two
2- Next job
3- When
4- Two
5- One
1,5 Safety
2,3 diving
4- provide adequate ventilation
Safe movement
of diver and the
passing boats
Can cause injuries or
death form collision
Or death, drowning if
the umbilical cut or
Permit to work
Display alpha flag
Relevant clearance
5- point the fire assembly point
and identify it for everyone
1- Insure all relevant bodies are
informed of diving operations
2- Consider safety boat in
exposed/busy locations
3- Maintain watching all the time
during diving
4- Radio listening sentries
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Learner name: Hussein Ibrahim Moustafa Yousef Ghanim
1,2 before diving
1,2 diving
3,4 when diver
jumping in the
water till he back
3,4 all diving team
Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you already
contacting in
Everyone on-board with
related families and all of
the community
Causing fever weakness
pulmonary health illness
If not feeling well stay home
Temperature measurement
before working for all
Wearing mask all the time
What further controls/actions are
Timescales for
further actions
to be
person’s job
(within …)
1- Keep safe distance 1m at
least all the time
2- Avoid talking face to face if
distance less than 1m
are immediately
and all the time
3,5 diving
1,2,3 every one
3- Avoid all visitors
4- Maintain strict hygiene and All
washing hands all the time measurement
by soap or hand sanitizer
are immediately
and all the time
5- Avoid visiting to the Clint
ship and make all
communications online or
by phone and send or
receive any relevant diving
paper by basket …...
6 all diving team
6- Cleaning the dive hate by
alcohol 70% before clean
it by sweet water
Hazards of
upper limb
disorders &
slips and trips
tendering the
1--Diver tinder,
While tendering
diver umbilical the
tinder keeps pulling
and give slack
special if in strong
current situation
can cause
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Provide hands claves,
anyone free from the diving
team can help the tender to
pull the diver
The guardrail in the main
area is higher
than one meter
1- using winch to pull the rope
all during
2- Modify the guardrail to be at
least 1m high
2 six months
3- Look at rotas to ensure workers
are moved between activities
Learner name: Hussein Ibrahim Moustafa Yousef Ghanim
1 all diving team
2 finance director
and work shop
3 diving
Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you already
What further controls/actions are
Timescales for
further actions
to be
person’s job
(within …)
2- pick up the
main mooring
Working at height,
Supervisor going
up to the Clint ship
using pilot ladder
upper limp and also
tinder has to be
close to the boat
edge can cause
slips and trips,
drowning death
2--All diving team,
Picking up the main
mooring rope can
be causing the
Diving supervisor,
When going up to the
Clint ship using pilot
ladder if falling can
causing injures, broken
bones, drowning, death
Provide CCTV around the
diving boat
4- Provide life jacket for tender or
any one working 1m close to the
5- Life jackets including light
because sometimes we working
at night
Using three point to carry the
ladder when going up
Wearing safety shoes
Wearing cloves
1- Don’t go up can send
and receive the relating
job by basket and
communicate by online
or phone
2- Wear life jacket if going
3- Go up by gangway
4- Use ship basket for
individuals by the crane
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4,5 safety
manager and
diving supervisor
Learner name: Hussein Ibrahim Moustafa Yousef Ghanim
1—is the best
for me special
in this COVID19 situation
2- is must all
the time
whatever what
is using to go
3,4 can be
immediately if
Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you already
Grinding activities.
Working in boat workshop
Cleaning by marina and
polishing by the polisher
causing excessive use of or
use of faulty hand, handarm vibration (HAV)
condition such as vibration
white finger
Maintenance program in
place for all hand-held
equipment, including
vibrating equipment.
What further controls/actions are
Timescales for
further actions
to be
person’s job
(within …)
Using hydraulic
marina under
Using hydraulic
polisher under
All workers are trained in
using of vibration handheld tolls.
1- Monitoring system to ensure
that vibration tools are not used
for an excessive time
2- Look at rotas to ensure workers
are moved between activities
5- Formalise the purchase policy
to ensure that only suitable
equipment is purchased to
reduce the risk of hand-armvibration
All workers on-board
All workers on deck working
under the sun special
tender can cause.
dehydration, weakness,
heat stroke
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There is air-condition in the
accommodation rooms but not
working or spoil
Provide cold sweet water
1 life support
One week
2 diving
Six months
3 Finance director
3- Look into setting up a health
surveillance programme for all
affected of vibration from handheld tolls
4- Tool-box talk to be held at four
times per year on the effects of
vibration from vibrating tolls
Health welfare
(extremes of
One month
6- Evaluation of the level of our
workers, exposure to vibration
should be carried out to ensure
that the daily exposure and
action values are not being
1- Fix the portable air-condition in
the accommodation rooms and
the diving control room
2- Provide enough ventilation tools
until the portable air-condition is
ready to working well
Learner name: Hussein Ibrahim Moustafa Yousef Ghanim
Three months/ on
Six months
One month
4 diving
5 life support
6 diving
supervisor and
safety manager
Three months
1- Finance
Two weeks
2- Finance
Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you already
What further controls/actions are
Timescales for
further actions
to be
person’s job
(within …)
All accommodation rooms,
diving control room and the
small workshop on-board
doesn’t have air-condition
or suitable ventilation
Hazard of
Substances and
Manual handling
By exposure to top
up diesel and used
engine oil
Hazard of Slips
All diving team
Top up the hydraulic
machine with diesel by
carrying the diesel bottles
from the engine room below
to on deck up
Check the oil engine level
Can causing occupational
dermatitis and or skin
Manual handling casing
work related upper limp
disorders and
musculoskeletal illness
All diving boat workers and
Hydraulic oil
Working under rain
on deck
Provide plastic 20 litters bottles
Provide cloves but the close
Maintain well house keeping
3- Diving
3- Look at rotas to ensure workers
are moved between activities
During activities
4- Provide adequate suitable PPE
for all worker whom working
under the sun like tenders
1- Chang the hydraulic machine
from diesel engine to electric
hydraulic machine
One week
2- Provide long hose from the
diesel reservoir to the hydraulic
machine tank supported with
diesel pump to avoid diesel
manual handling for more than
20KG of diesel carrying on the
stairs and all distance
0ne month
2- finance
3- Look at rotas to ensure workers
are moved between activities
During activities
3- Diving
4- provide prober cloves to avoid
touching of the diesel substance
and the engine oil when
checking oil level
1- change the deck paint to rough
kind anti slippery kind
One week
Three months
1- finance
2- segregate all slippery area until
clean it well and became dry
During activities
2- diving
Six months
4- Finance
and safety
1- finance
4- finance
Use good quality hoses
When top up hydraulic oil
Burst hydraulic hoses
When raining the deck
became slippery
Report immediately if hose
Well cleaning after changing
the burst hose
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Learner name: Hussein Ibrahim Moustafa Yousef Ghanim
Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you already
All that can cause spinal
injuries, broken bones,
drowning if slips in the sea,
Provide safety shoes
Any worker using faulty
equipment or electrical
installation on-board
E.g. Plugging in equipment
with fluty socket, electric
wire in bad condition or
removed isolations
Can cause
Electric shock, Burns and or
All electric installations onboard are checked and there is
plan to check at period
What further controls/actions are
Timescales for
further actions
to be
person’s job
(within …)
Electricity hazard
Using electricity
panel, laptops, and
electricity work
shop equipment
Well controlled risk
No further action required
All electric devices are certified
and checking period
All electric work done by
competent electrician
All workers on-board have valid
first aid certificate
There is diver medic technician
can deal with that kind of
accident and more
All workers aware of
emergency arrangements for
electricity related incident
Provided adequate first aid
equipment on-board
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Learner name: Hussein Ibrahim Moustafa Yousef Ghanim
Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you already
What further controls/actions are
Timescales for
further actions
to be
(within …)
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Learner name: Hussein Ibrahim Moustafa Yousef Ghanim
person’s job
Part 3: Prioritise three actions and justification for the selection
You must pick the three highest priority/most urgent actions and justify your choice. Your justification must include moral, legal
and financial arguments (500 to 700 words); consideration of likelihood and probable severity of injury, ill-health and/or harm (150
to 250 words); description of how effective each action is likely to be in controlling the risk (250 to 350 words).
The priorities.
1- installation of smoke detectors in the toilet and the accommodation rooms (Fire)
2- change the beck paint to roughly kind anti slippery (hazard category is (Slip and tried)
3- change the main hydraulic pump from diesel engine to electrical engine (substance hazard, noise, manual handling,
health illness from breathing its smoke)
As any employer GSS Ltd has moral duties to save and protect all workers and visitors, you know our workers are come to
work to earn a wage, not to be in risk of injured or falling sick or exposed to death in any time because of our work activities
that we carrying now or because missing of measurements or protection safety methods are missing, specifically we have hard
special work conditions ( mixed of hazard) as we work in different difficult environments (under water) using special gears just
for breathing has own risks, any accidents can cause injuries, mental health, or even death, and this not only bad for workers
who in this situation only it's impact all other workers specifically whom witnessed the accident impacting later negatively on
them culture and attitude for anything related to the company, we don't have to forget also the families and colleagues for this
victim how they feel to lose part of them or even to see him injured or have serious health problems because of work activities,
and plus all that the company will effect negatively his reputation for sure special we have International clients.
Financial impacts it's more than we can see or account at the moment special indirect cost.
What we can talk about now is
the injured workers, how much company have to pay for (sick pay, replacement workers wages, medical treatment costs, lost
working time for investigation, thinking of now measurements, evaluate risk assessment or company policy, etc.)
the damaged or missing equipment, how much company need to pay to buy new or at least to maintenance the impacted
equipment, for example if worker smoke on bed and he slept because he is tired that’s can cause fire easily special we don't
have smoke detectors in accommodation rooms that’s can cost the company all the diving boat with all equipment
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Learner name: Hussein Ibrahim Moustafa Yousef Ghanim
3- how much the company have to pay against with enforcement actions, for example life we just knew about it few days ago,
there is company here in Singapore working in same activities like our company they fined 300,000 three hundred thousand
dollars because of accidents.
Possible enforcement actions that our company (GSS LTD) could receive include being served with prohibit (stop all work
activities) or enforcement for improvement (giving period of time to put the right measurements or actions....)
Enforcement also can go to put who has the responsibility in the prison like the same case we mentioned before they put the
diving supervisor in jail.
There are also specific requirements that (GSS LTD) must to meet under the Singapore code SS511 and IMCA association and
ILO convention c155 thats all recommended requires that employer have all responsibility to be sure that all Woking places
and all equipment that using in activities are safe same safe system of work are provided and taking care of all workers and
visitors or any persons who may effected by work activities.
likelihood and severity
1- fire is quite high that can cost every one life, losing all the boat withe everything on it, that’s because most of smokers like
to smoke inside the toilet, I saw before by myself cigarette stuck on the toilet wood wall that's mean the person who was
smoking in the toilet he put it in this place in purpose because he cannot carry it all the time and maybe he leaves it while it
wasn’t off and its wood wall.
The accommodation rooms are highly likely hood because when we working long hours and we have to sleep on boat overnight
most of smokers like this bed cigarette at the same time we all tired likely hood to fall to sleep easily during smoking.
2- change or modify the deck paint is quite high likelihood of injury special if the slips happened on the edge of the boat can
causing drowning or death, that’s because we working with water on the sea that’s mean it's familiar floor always wet special
when we recover the diver he is already super tired and carrying heavy air cylinder wearing hate covers all his head have
limited visibility connected with umbilical all this circumstances make it highly recommended and we don't have to forget also
our weather here in Singapore this small pretty island is hot and RAINING all the year,
Using many kinds of hydraulic tools make it more possible to have hydraulic oil spills or leaking or sometimes cut hoses make it
3- likelihood of slippery because of diesel falling. Musculoskeletal illness, upper limb disorders because of manual handling
plastic bottle 20 litters of diesel many times to top up the diesel tank of hydraulic machine from engine room below to upstairs
on deck
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Learner name: Hussein Ibrahim Moustafa Yousef Ghanim
Noise exposure related to hydraulic machine also strong barring to hear from the on deck speakers that on deck workers
receiving information and instructions from supervisor that’s mean we cannot ask whom working on deck to use Noise PPE
equipment because they need to hear the instructions from supervisor
Pulmonary illness also can happen from breathing hydraulic engine smoke because the exhaust is not that high special for
standby diver
Exposure to used engine oil to check every time before we start the engine.
Controlling of the risk
1- If we have smoke detector in the toilet and accommodation rooms I think no one can smoke over there, then we control
this not responsible behaviour and also we have big chances to know who is doing this immediately then we can put him
under accountability.
2- controlling can be by providing safety special shoes for who are working on deck but we cannot ask the diver to wear it
when he dive or before he recovered on deck for that I see the improve or repaint the deck with rough anti slippery
paint is better to control this risk in this situation in those circumstances.
3- I think the best way to control this hazards is to change the hydraulic machine from diesel engine hydraulic pump to
electric engine hydraulic pump machine then we eliminate all that hazards because the electric engine hydraulic pump
doesn't need diesel, doesn’t have engine oil to check, doesn't have smoke and it's working with very limited of noise.
Part 4: Review, communicate and check
You must now give a review date for your risk assessment and say why you have chosen this date (10 to 50 words).
GSS LTD policy is to review risk assessment every 12 months 20 June 2021
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Learner name: Hussein Ibrahim Moustafa Yousef Ghanim
You must now indicate how the risk assessment findings will be communicated (including who needs to know the information) (100
to 150 words).
Will try to have meeting with GSS LTD finance director to provide what we have to modify or change and I will explain for him
how much it’s important to go through that evaluation as soon as possible and what can happen if GSS LTD delayed that.
Then I have to have meeting also with workshop manager and diving supervisor to explain what we have to do to evaluate our
place of work and what behaviours we have to push all the team to go through.
Thin one meeting more with all the team to explain and discuss what the company need to do to improve our place of work and
make it more safe and more comfortable
You must now indicate how you will follow-up on the risk assessment to check that the actions have been carried out (100 to 150
Will make reminder enough time before the planning action have to complete date to see the weather if it’s going well as we planned
or there is delay and if there is delay then I have to look for the reasons if it’s because not enough finance or because what else and
if there is delay because of the finance will ask for meeting with the finance director to see if he can provide what is necessary to
complete the improvement or not,
If not, then I have to report to director manager to provide what necessary to finish our actions at least not more than three months
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Learner name: Hussein Ibrahim Moustafa Yousef Ghanim
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