One Paragraph Research Investigation! Example Claim: Biofuels are better fuels than fossil fuels Write one paragraph with a sentence to answer each of the following: • *insert your data* • State your claim • State your research question • What does the data show? • How does the data confirm the claim? • How could you extend the investigation? Data: Example: The claim being investigated is “Biofuels are better fuels than fossil fuels”. To assess this claim, the following research question will be used, “Does combusting Biodiesel (C17H34O2) in an internal combustion engine, yield less CO2 than combusting Diesel (C12H23) as measured in KgCO2/Gal”. The data above shows that Biodiesel yields 9.45 KgCO2/Gal whereas Diesel yields 10.21 KgCO2/Gal. This data shows that Biodiesel produces less of the greenhouse gas Carbon dioxide per Kg of fuel used in combustion, thereby supporting the claim that biofuels are better fuels than fossil fuels. This investigation could be extended by incorporating other fossil/biofuels or by looking at other measures of what makes a good fuel such as specific energy or other pollutant measures such as gN2O/Gal. Note: I expect you to have 3 sources of data and convert units into Australian standard Litres instead of gallons.