TMP124 – Fundamentals of Marketing COURSE INFORMATION Class: Tues/Thurs 4:00-5:50PM Location: Phelps 1425 Units: 4.0 CONTACT INFORMATION Office: Phelps Hall E-Mail: TA: Ted Barthell Email: All Office Hrs.: By Appointment Course Description This course introduces fundamental principles, processes, and tools of marketing which are used to create, communicate and deliver the value of products and services to customers, clients, partners, and society. This is done with an array of essential topics, such as the identification of customer needs and wants, assessment of the competitive environment, selection of the most appropriate target opportunities, development of an integrated marketing strategy, and disciplined execution. Collectively these topics illustrate how marketing creates, delivers, and communicates superior customer value and in turn provides value to the firm and its stakeholders. Course Objectives TMP 124 provides an introduction to the theory and practice of marketing. We will explore marketing concepts and their application in consumer and business-to- markets in diverse sectors, industries, and geographies. This will be achieved through lectures, case discussions, guest speakers, individual assignments, and team projects. Core course objectives include the development of knowledge and capability so that you can: • Identify and assess market opportunities by analyzing customers, competitors, collaborators, context, and the strengths and weaknesses of a company. • Develop effective marketing strategies to achieve the firm’s objectives. • Design implementation programs to maximize customer satisfaction, and the firm’s market and financial success. • Communicate your recommendations while critically considering those from others. Course Organization The first part of the course focuses on analyzing markets and identifying opportunities. It introduces the marketing environment and tools to understand the customer, collaborators, and competition. It develops familiarity with market research approaches and techniques. The second part focuses on marketing strategy, including an understanding of segmentation, targeting, positioning and branding. The third part emphasizes the translation of strategy in to action through the marketing mix (the 4 P’s: Product, Price, Promotion, and Place). The course provides knowledge and skills needed to define a marketing strategy and the implementation plan. Marketing courses differ in an important way from most other courses by emphasizing both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Qualitative analysis provides insights on the behavior of people including consumers, competitors, sales and distribution partners, etc.… Quantitative analysis allows us to estimate the expected impact of marketing decisions on customers and company performance. Class discussions and assignments will use both types of analysis. Grading Activities Percentages Class Participation 25% Quizzes 25% Homework 20% Team Project 30% Note: There will be no opportunities for extra credit offered. TMP124 – Fundamentals of Marketing Class Participation A significant portion of the class will be devoted to analyzing assigned cases. The case method sharpens your critical assessment and decision-making skills. You should read and analyze the cases carefully. Come to class prepared to articulate your assessment of the situation, outline related recommendations, and provide arguments for your proposed solution. There will be differences in views and opinions among your classmates. Learning will occur as you see how others address a problem that you have thoughtfully considered. The better you prepare, the more you will learn! When evaluating your class participation, several factors will be considered: • The quality of class participation is most important. Sheer quantity is insufficient. • More credit will be given to thoughtful discussion that help moves the class forward. Mere repetition of case facts will not be considered to be a high-quality contribution. • Building on previous comments in relevant ways is a sign of critical thinking. • You will need to be present and on time to receive a strong participation score. Quizzes& Readings There will be two in-class quizzes (TBA) to ensure student knowledge and application. Readings topics will be announced in class. There will be no final exam. Homework They must be submitted via the course website prior to class on the date they are due. Marketing Project You will be assigned to a team to apply your marketing knowledge. As a team, you will analyze an existing product that is facing challenges in the marketplace, propose a strategy and develop a marketing program to create additional value for customers and the firm. There will be three deliverables to this project: A market analysis, a strategy outline, and a final presentation that includes a proposed marketing program. TMP 124 Course Materials and Requirements We will have a required packet of articles and case studies that will be used for classroom discussion and individual assignments. This course pack is available through Harvard Business Publishing: Winter 2020 Fundamentals of Marketing Link to Cases: Optional Reading Students may wish to read more about specific aspects of marketing. We will outline suggested (but not required) text readings: Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, Principles of Marketing (16th Edition), 2016. We will have several copies in the TMP Resource Library in Phelps Hall. UCSB Student Resources: Students may feel overwhelmed or depressed with coursework, stress and/or other personal challenges. If you find yourself, or another student, in need of support, please do not hesitate to reach out to Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), 24/7 at (805) 893-4411(24-hour). An additional confidential campus resources, if you find yourself in need of confidential support, is Campus Advocacy Resources & Education (CARE) 805-893-4613 (24-hour advocacy) 805-893-3778 (general inquiries). TMP124 – Fundamentals of Marketing Winter 2020 TMP 124 – Fundamentals of Marketing Calendar: TMP 124 Winter 2020 Date Session Topic Readings/Cases due for this session (Coursepack) Assignments Due Optional Reading Process Steps A. Analyzing Markets and Identifying Opportunities 1/7/20 1 Course Intro: What is Marketing? 1/9/20 2 1/14/20 3 Understanding the Marketing Environment Market Orientation and Understanding: Intro to Market Research 1/16/20 4 1/21/20 5 Chapters 1&2 Exercise: “Collaboration Skills” Student Biography Due 1/14 @ 4pm Pop Up Written Proposal Submission due 1/16 @ 4pm Customer Differences and Insights Consumer and Business Buyers TBD B. Developing Marketing Strategy 1/23/20 6 Using Customer Insights for Innovation 1/28/20 7 Developing Marketing Strategy to Create Customer and Company Value: UVP 1/30/20 8 Developing Marketing Strategy and Creating Customer Value: Targeting, Positioning 2/4/20 9 Developing Marketing Strategy and Creating Customer Value: Targeting, Positioning Trader Joes Case Study Case analysis for Trade Joes due 1/28 @ 4pm “Pop Up Business” PresentationsDescription, Process - Results (Team Submitted & Presented) “Pop Up Business” PresentationsDescription, Process - Results (Team Submitted & Presented) Quiz #1 on 2/6 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Pop Up Business Explorers Exercise Assigned Chapters 5&6 Marketing Project Teams Assigned Chapter 7 Company & Product Line Defined TMP124 – Fundamentals of Marketing 2/6/20 10 Quiz 1 – In Class Activity C C. Developing Marketing Programs Date Session Topic Readings/Cases due for this session (CoursePack) Airbnb, Etsy, Uber: Growing from One Thousand to One Million Customers Case Study Case analysis for Airbnb, Etsy, Uber due 2/11 @ 4pm Assignments Due Market Analysis Outline Due 2/13 @ 4pm Optional Reading Chapter 8 2/11/20 11 4Ps: Products and Branding 2/13/20 12 Chapter 9 2/18/20 13 4Ps: Products and Branding TBD 2/20/20 14 4Ps: Pricing 2/25/20 15 4Ps: Promotion – Integrated Communications Chapters 10 & 11 Chapters 14, 15, & 16 2/27/20 16 4Ps: Place (Channels & Distribution) Quiz 2 3/3/20 17 Marketing-Based Competitive Advantage & Summary Snap Inc.: Becoming a “Camera Company” Case Study 3/5/20 18 3/10/20 19 Marketing-Based Competitive Advantage & Summary Marketing Project Team Presentations 3/12/19 20 Final Class Quiz #2 on 2/27 Case analysis for Snapchat due 3/3 @ 4pm Process Steps Chapters 12 & 13 Chapters 17, 18, 19, & 20 Marketing Project Team PowerPoint Due 3/10 @ 4pm Market Strategy Plan Due 3/12 @ 4pm Winter 2020 TMP 124 Readings, Cases and Questions Find the following at: TMP124 – Fundamentals of Marketing Note: Every case discussion will start with the question: “What’s going on in the case?” Due Session 7 9 17 Reading or Case Trader Joes Airbnb, Etsy, Uber: Growing from One Thousand to One Million Customers Snap Inc.: Becoming a “Camera Company” Reading - Case Study Questions 1. Demonstrate the importance of tradeoffs as a central element of a successful competitive strategy for Trader Joes. 2. Illustrate how competitive advantage does not derive from a single core competence, but instead from an integrated, selfreinforcing system of activities. 3. Provide insight regarding the relationship between culture and strategy for Trader Joes. 4. Provide an analysis examining Trader Joes financial performance compared to several players in an industry. How does this financial data reflect different firm strategies? 1. As two-sided markets grew to scale, network effects kicked in as more consumers bred more suppliers and vice versa. But how did these platforms ride the second wave of growth? 2. How did they grow from one thousand to one million customers? 3. How did these marketplaces seek to uniquely reach customer demand? 1. Assess Snap's method for differentiating itself from its key competitors. 2. Identify the challenges Snap faces in growing its core user group. 3. Discuss the network effect and the impact it has on social media platforms. 4. Explain how advertisers view social media platforms as vehicles for reaching their target consumers. Note: The questions provided will be to help guide your response an analysis to the case study. You will want to address these in a written paragraph format that is 1 full page length (1.5 spacing, 12-point font). You do not need to address all the questions but pick at least 2 and focus on developing a strong argument.