Transfer Learning A presentation made by: Rena Mae Macellones Riza Mansog Princess Joan Aronales Objectives: At the end of the Lesson the Learners/ Educators are expected to: • Know the importance of Transfer Learning • Know how to use Transfer Learning • Distinguish when to use Transfer Learning on our/your own predictive modeling problems • Distinguish the vital role of Transfer learning to the Educators • Know the 5 strategies of Transfer Learning Transfer Learning • According to Jason Brownlee , 2017, Transfer learning is a machine learning method where a model developed for a task is reused as the starting point for a model on a second task. • It is the improvement of learning in a new task that has already been learned. How does Transfer Learning Occur? • Transfer of learning happens when learning in one context or with one set of materials affects performance in another context or with other related materials. • According to Crow & Crow “ the carry over of habit of thinking, feeling or working of knowledge or skills from one learning area to another is usually referred as transfer of learning. Simply put, it is applying to another situation what was previously learned. Examples: • Learning to use roller skates later helps a person to learn more quickly to ice skates. • Learning to get along with classmates in preschool helps the child adjust and relate well with classmates in the elementary schools. Why is it Important? • Frequently, the circumstance of learning (classrooms, workbooks, tests, drills) differs significantly from the situations when what is learned is to be applied (in the home, on the job, within complex tasks). • As a result, the educational goals are not met until transfer occurs. This makes transfer a very important aspect of instruction. If there were no transfer, students would need to be taught every act that they would even perform in any situation • So, its vital that as a future teacher you have a clear understanding of how best to teach your learners so that transfer of learning is facilitated. Five Strategies in Transfer of Learning: 1. Explicit Teaching. We can encourage transfer by teachers to students on how to apply what they learn each day to other parts of their lives. 2. Group Learning. Allowing students to work together mirrors their kinds of experiences they are more likely to have outside the classroom. 3. Reflection. It is important because it challenge them to think on what learning strategies personally works best for them. 4. Analogies and Metaphors. It helps students understand a lesson more easily as teachers form connections between the new topic and what has already been taught. 5. Generalizing. It is the degree to which a learned behavior will be repeated correctly in a new situation. Types of Transfer • 1. Positive transfer- positive transfer occurs when learning in one context improves performance in some other context. • 2. Negative transfer- it occurs when learning in one context impacts negatively on performance in another. • 3. Near transfer- near transfer refers to transfer between very similar contexts. This is also referred to as specific transfer. • 4. Far transfer- far transfer refers to transfer between contexts that, on appearance, seem remote and alien to one another. This is also called general transfer. Conditions and Principles of Learning Conditions and Principles of learning are factors with the consequent principles and educational implications. Below are factors that affects Transfer Learning. • • • • Similarity between two learning situations Degree of meaningfulness/ relevance of learning Length of instructional time Variety of learning experiences • Context to Learner’s experiences • Focus on principles rather than tasks • Emphasis on metacognition Principles of learning • The more comparable the types of situations are, the more likely it is that what is learned in one will be used in the other. • In comparison to memorization, meaningful learning leads to increased transfer. • The larger the time spent in class, the more likely it is that the student will transfer. • Transmission is facilitated by introduction to either a wide number of options and opportunity for practice. • Transfer of learning is more likely to occur when students discover what they've learned can be applied to a variety of situations. • Principles are simpler to convey than facts. • Student reflection improves transfer of learning. References: • Larry Ferlazzo Blog for Education Week Teacher, 2017 • Mark D. Rapport and Lauren M. Friedman, in The Clinical Guide to Assessment and • • • • Treatment of Childhood Learning and Attention Problems, 2020 M. Giurfa, in Larning Theory and Behaviour Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 2008 Robert E. Haskell, in Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology, 2004 Jason Brownlee, in A Gentle Introduction to Transfer Learning for Deep Learning , 2017 Chapt. 11: Transfer Learning, Handbook of Research on machine Learning Applications , 2009