CHAPTER 3 ASSESSMENT TOOLS The assessment tools of teachermade test are divided into two: •OBJECTIVE TEST •ESSAY TEST Objective Tests There are two main types of objective tests: •Recall Type •Recognition Type The recall type is categorized into: • Simple Recall • Completion The recognition type is categorized into: • Alternative Response • Multiple-choice • Matching type • Rearrangement • Analogy • Identification RECALL TYPE A. Simple-recall type - Easiest to construct among the objective type tests - Item appears as a direct question, a sentence, word or phrase or even a specific direction - Applicable in mathematics and natural sciences. Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Simple-recall Type 1. Must be so worded requiring a brief response 2. Use a direct question 3. Right column response 4. Answer/s must be included in the answer key 5. Minimize the use of unfamiliar words Sample Test Items of Simple-Recall Convert the following: 1. 5 meters to centimeters 2. 7 liters to milliliters 3. 8 grams to milligrams 4. 9 kilowatts to wats 5. If four kilograms of ripe mangoes Cost P240.00, how much is the total Cost of 12 kilograms ripe mangoes? 1. 500 cm 2. 7000 ml 3. 8 000 mg 4. 9 000 w 5. P720.00 B. Completion Test -Examinee is require to supply the missing word or phrase to complete a statement -Also called “Fill in the blank” Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Completion Test 1. Give the student a reasonable basis for the responses desired. Avoid indefinite statements Example: Jose Rizal was born in ______. * Avoid over mutilated statements. Example: The _____ is obtained by dividing the _____ by the _____. Improved form: The mean is obtained by dividing the _______ by the _______. 2. Avoid giving the examinee unwarranted cues to desired response. a. Avoid lifting statements directly from the book. b. Omit only key words or phrases rather than trivial details. c. Whenever possible, avoid using “a” or “an” before a blank. d. Do not vary the length of the blank or use a dot for each letter of the answer. e. Avoid suggesting that the latter item is the answer to the other item. 3. Arrange the test so as to facilitate scoring. a. Avoid fractional credits b.Right column response c.Numbered blanks d.Prepare a scoring key Sample Test Items for Completion Test Direction: Fill in the blank the correct word or phrase. Write your answer at the right column blank. 1. The Philippine national hero is ______. 1. Jose Rizal 2. The Philippine national fish is ______. 2. Milkfish 3. The Philippine national flower is ______. 3. Sampaguita 4. The Philippine national fruit is _______. 4. Mango 5. The Philippine national leaf is _______. 5. Anahaw RECOGNITION TYPE A. Alternative Response - Series of items admitting only one correct response for each item from two to three constant options to be chosen. i. Two-constant alternative type - True-False type - Yes-no type ii. Three-constant alternative type -True-false, doubtful iii. Constant alternative with correction -Modified true-false type Rules and Suggestions for construction of True-false test 1. Arrange the test items in the groups of five. 2. Make the response simple where single letter is enough. 3. Avoid using similar statements from the book. 4. The items must be carefully constructed so that the language is within the level of the examinees, hence, flowery statements should be avoided. 5. If possible, the use of determiners should be avoided. 6. Qualitative terms are vague and indefinite and they must be avoided. 7. Statements which are partly right and partly wrong must be avoided. 8. Statements must be strongly considered that they represent either true or false. 9. Ambiguous and double negative statements must be avoided. Sample Test Items of True-False test Direction: Write X if the statement is true, and 0, if false. Write your answer at the right column blank. Consider your answer carefully; this is a right minus wrong test. 1. Valid test is always valid. 1. ________ 2. Reliable test is always valid. 2.________ 3. Validity is veracity of response. 3.________ 4. Reliability means the degree to which the test measures which the test measures what is intended to measure. 4.________ 5. Construct validity is commonly used in 5)________ achievement test. B. Multiple-choice Test - This test is made up of items which consists of three which or more plausible options for each item. The choices are multiple so that the examinees may choose only one correct or best option for each item. - One of the best test form in testing outcomes. - Most valuable and widely used in standardized test due to its flexibility and objectivity in terms of scoring. - For teacher-made test it is applicable in testing the vocabulary, reading, comprehension, relationship, interpretation of graphs, formulae, tables, and in drawing of inferences from a set of data. Suggestions for the Construction of Multiple-Choice Test 1. Statements that are borrowed from the textbook or reference book must be avoided. 2. All options must be plausible with each other to let the students attract the distractors or incorrect responses where only those with high intellectual level can get the correct answer. 3. All options must be grammatically consistent. For instance, if the stem is singular, the options are also singular. 4. Articles “a” and “an” are avoided as last word in an incomplete sentence. 5. Four or more options must be included in each item to minimize guessing. 6.The order of correct answer in all items must be randomly arranged rather than following a regular pattern. 7. A uniform number of options must be used in all items. 8. The correct option must be of the same length with the distractors or wrong answers. 9. Homogeneity of the options must be increased in order for the examinee to choose the correct option by using logical elimination. 10. The simplest method of indicating a response must be used to facilitate scoring. Kinds of Multiple-Choice Tests Multiple Choice has five varieties. •STEM-AND-OPTIONS VARIETY •SETTING-AND-OPTIONS VARIETY •GROUP-TERM VARIETY •STRUCTURED-RESPONSE VARIETY •CONTAINED-OPTIONS VARIETY 1. STEM-AND-OPTIONS VARIETY - Is most commonly used in classroom testing, board examination, civil service examination, and many others. - The stem serves as the problem and followed by four more plausible options in which examinees choose the best option or correct answer. Sample-Test Item of Stem-and-Option Variety Direction: Below is a stem which is followed by options a to d. Choose the correct option and write only the letter of your answer at the right column blank. 1. Which method of reliability below is the Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 applicable? 1. b a. Split-half b. Internal consistency c. Test-retest d. Parallel-forms 2. The method of reliability in which the test is administered twice to group of learners as pilot sample but are not respondents/subjects of the study is: 2. d a. Internal consistency b. Parallel-forms c. Split-half d. Test-retest 3. The statistical tool used to determine the reliability of spit-half method is: 4. Method of testing the reliability of test in which the examinees answered both the odd and even items: 3. a 3. The statistical tool used to determine the reliability of spit-half method is: 3. a a. Spearman – Brown Formula b. Spearmen rho Formula c. Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 d. Pearson-Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient 4. Method of testing the reliability of test in which the examinees answered both the odd and even items: a. Parallel-forms c. Split-half b. Test-retest d. Internal consistency 5. The statistical tools used to determine the reliability of parallel-forms is: a. Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 b. Spearmen rho c. Spearman-Brown Formula d. Pearson-Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient 4. c 5. d 2. Setting-and-Options variety. - The options responses to this type of multiplechoice test is dependent upon a setting or foundation of some sort. - A setting can be a form of sentence, paragraph, graph, equation, picture or some forms of representation. Sample Test Items of Setting-and-Options Variety Direction: Study the sentence carefully. Choose the correct answer from the options a,b,c, and d. Write the letter only as your answer at the right column blank. Melaur drinks milk everyday-before going to school. 1. Melaur in the sentence is: 2. a.Verb c. Noun b. Pronoun d. Adverb Drink in the sentence is: a.Verb c. Pronoun b. Noun d. Adverb 3. Before in the sentence is: a. Pronoun c. Conjunction b. Adverb d. Adjective 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. Everyday in the sentence is: a. Adverb c.Verb b. Conjunction d. Adjective 5. Milk in the sentence is: a. Adverb c. Pronoun b. Noun d.Verb 6. School in the sentence is: a. Noun c. Pronoun b.Verb d. Adverb 7. To in the sentence is: a. Conjunction c. Preposition b. Pronoun d. Adverb 4. d 5. b 6. a 7. c 3. Group-term variety This variety consists of group of words or terms in which one does not belong to the group. Sample Test Items of Group-Term Variety Directions: Choose the word which does not belong to the group. Write the letter only as your answer at the right column blank. 1. Which of the following does not belong to the group? a. Mean b. Mode c. Quartile d. Median 2. Which of the following does not belong to the group? a. Mean deviation b. Range c.Variance b. Decile c .Quartile b. Mode 4. b c. Range d.Variance 5. Which of the following does not belong to the group? a. t-test b. F-test c. z-test 3. a d. Percentile 4. Which does not belong to the group? a. Standard deviation 2. d d. Mean 3. Which of the following does not belong to the group? a. Median 1. c d. SD-test 5. d 4. Structured-response variety -Use of structured response which are commonly used in natural science classroom testing. -For instance, directly, indirectly, and no way. This is to test how good the examinees in determining statements which are related to each other. Sample Test items of Structured-Response Variety Direction: Each item below consists of two right sentences. They are separated by two bars // . Mark letter d with an X if the first sentence directly causes the second sentence. Mark letter i with an X if the second sentence indirectly causes the second sentence. Mark letter n with an X if the second sentence has no way causes the second sentence. 1. The mango is green. / / 1. d i n It is sour. 2. The fisherman catches fish. / / 2. d i n The fish jumps into water. 3. The birds fly I the sky. / / 3. d I n They swim into the river. 4. Mother split the fish. / / 4. d i n The fish was cultured in the fishpond. 5. Milkfish bones were pressure-cooked. / / They were made into burger. 5. d I n 5. Contained-options variety. This variety is designed to identify errors I a word, phrase, or sentence in a paragraph. Direction: Each sentence below consists of four underlined words or phrases labeled a, b, c, and d. Choose the word or phrase that makes the sentence incorrect. Choose the letter e if the sentence has no error. Write the letter only of your answer at the right column blank. 1. Rice and fish are staple food for Filipinos. a 2. b c d b c d Joyce can cope up in studying her lessons. a b c d 4. For the meantime, you work on your project a b 1. b e Fifty pesos allowance a day are not enough. a 3. No error. No error 2. c e No error 3. b e No error 4. a c because your teacher is busy. d 5. Lenny and Lily are identical twins. They are both a b studious and courteous. d c No error e 5. e C. Matching Type - Consists of two columns in which proper pairing relationship of two things is strictly observed. - For instance, Column A is to be matched with Column B. - In balanced matching type, the number of items are equal to the number of options. For example, there are 15 items of Column A or item column, Column B or option column should also have 15 items. - In unbalanced matching type, there is unequal number of items and number of options. There are less number of items than number of options. - For instance, if there are 10 items in Column A or item column, there should be more than 10 items in Column B or option column. Suggestion for the Construction of Matching Type 1. Using heterogeneous materials must be avoided. Only homogeneous materials are used. For example in item 1, the answer is date, hence, all the answers must be dates. If dates are used, use only dates. No combination of dates and events, persons and dates, terms ad persons and the like. 2. Unbalanced matching type is preferable wherein there are more options than item to minimize the guessing factor. 3. Each category must be grammatically consistent. 4. All options including distractors or wrong responses are plausible or closely related with each other. 5. The item column or Column A must be placed at the left and option column of Column B must be placed at the right. 6. Options column must be arranged in alphabetical order , if dates in chronological order, to facilitate the selection o correct answer. To facilitate the examinees not to read all the options. If the examinee knows the answer starts with letter S and it is located at letter j, the examinee reads the options at the last portion where S is located. He does not read all the options from letters a to i. Each option is assigned a code letter. 7. There must be only one correct response in each item. 8. Be sure each item has a pair in the option column. 9. The ideal number of item is 5 to 10 and maximum of 15. 10. All items and options must appear in one page to avoid waste of time and energy in turning the pages. Sample Test of Matching Type Direction: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter only as your answer at the right column blank. Column A Column B 1. 5+4 a. 2 1. h 2. 3+9 b. 3 2. k 3. 7+3 c. 4 3. I 4. 4+4 d. 5 4. g 5. 2+3 e. 6 5. d 6. 2+2 f. 7 6. c 7. 3+4 g. 8 7. f 8. 1+1 h. 9 8. a 9. 6+5 i. 10 9. j 10. 2+1 j. 11 10. b k. 12 D. Rearrangement Type - consists of multiple-option item where it requires a chronological, logical or rank order. Sample Test Item of Rearrangement Type Direction: Below are sentences. Arrange them in order. Choose the letter only and write your answer at the right column blank. 1. a. dabcef b. dcabfe c. dabecf d. dbacfe a. They hired a bus in going to Boracay. b. They left at 6:00 o’clock in the morning in Iloilo City. c. They stayed overnight in Boracay. d. One day, the teacher education students of Saint Paul University Iloilo had an educational tour at the Boracay Beach Resort. e. They arrived in Boracay at 10:00 A.M. f. The following day, they went home. E. Analogy -a type of test is made of terms consisting of a pair of words to each other. It is designed to measure the ability of the examinee to observe the relationship of the words to the second word. There are 15 kinds of relationship of analogy test. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Purpose Cause and Effect Part-Whole Part-Part Action to Object Object to Action Synonym Antonym 9. Place 10. Degree 11. Characteristics 12. Sequence 13. Grammatical 14. Numerical 15. Association 1.Purpose shoe is to Shoelace as door is to ____ Hinge Taste is to Tongue as Touch is to ____ Finger 2. Cause and Effect Relationship Noise is to Distracting as Harmony is to ___ Pleasing Smoke is to Fire as Water is to ____ Rain 3. Part Whole Relationship SLICE is to LOAF as ISLAND is to ___ 4.Part-Part Relationship Archipelago HAND is to ELBOW as FEET is to ___Knee 5.Action to Object Relationship OBEY is to CHILDREN as COMMAND is to ___ Parents 6. Object to Action Relationship EGG is to BOIL as POTATO is to ____ Mash 7. Synonym Relationship DIG; ESCAVATE 8. Antonym Relationship FLY; SPIDER : KILL; _____ Slay Cat : MOUSE; ___ 9. Place Relationship WATER; AQUEDUCT 10. Degree Relationship POSSIBLE; PROBABLE : BLOOD; ___ Vein : HOPE; ____ Expect 11. Characteristic Relationship RICH; WEALTH : WISE;____Knowledge 12. Sequence Relationship SUNDAY; TEUSDAY : THURSDAY; ____ Saturday ABC: GIJ TWY SEPTEMBER : JUNE; _____ : QRS:___ JAUNUARY: APRIL 13. Grammatical Relationship ANGRY:ANGRILY BEAUTIFULLY : BEAUTY:_____ 14. Numerical Relationship 024: 135 : 345: 71014 : 6810: _____ 111315 161718: _____ 202427 15.Association Relationship BULLET: LEAD : ROMANCE: HEART INFORMATION MESSAGE: _____ : GIFT RIBBON:_____ Suggestions for Construction of Analogy Type of Test. • The relationship of the first pair of words is equal to the relationship of the second. • Incorrect responses must be plausible or closely related to the correct answer to attract the examinees to the correct response. Logical Elimination. • All options must be constructed in parallel language. • All options must be grammatically consistent. • Four or more options in each item must be include to minimize guessing. If using three options, corrections formula is applied. • Only homogeneous relationship must be included in each. F. Identification Type -requires the examinee to identify what is behind the statement or sentence and there are no options to chose from. Direction: Below are sentences or statements. Identify carefully what is being defined or referred to. Write your answer at the right column blank. 1. The polygon with four sides. 1. quadrilateral 2. The seven sides polygon. 2. heptagon 3. The three sides polygon. 3. triangle 4. Polygon with ten sides. 4. decagon 5. The eight sides polygon. 5. octagon Advantages of Objective Type Test 1. Easy to correct or score. 2. Eliminates subjectivity. 3. Adequate sampling. 4. Objectivity in scoring. 5. Eliminates bluffing 6. Norms can be established. 7. Save time and energy in answering questions. Disadvantages of Objective Type of Test 1.Difficult to construct. 2.Encourages cheating and guessing. 3.Expensive. 4.Encourages rote memorization. 5.Time consuming. Essay Tests - Are assessment tools which consists of specific question or problem wherein the examinees responds in one or more sentence. - IT is widely considered to measure students’ ability to think and express their ideas critically within a certain period of time. Suggestions in Constructing Essay Test 1. Essay test must be planned in advanced by the teacher to have effective results. 2. Major aspects of the lesson must be farmed in preparing the questions of essay test, hence, careful and even distribution of the lessons must be observed. 3. After the test has been planned and questions have been written tentatively, precautions on the causes of unreliability must be taken. 4. In assembling the questions into its final form, the teacher must be careful that questions are phrased clearly so that the scope of the question is clear to the students. 5. Time limit on the coverage of each question must be considered to give students adequate time to answer. Methods in Constructing Essay Test 1. Selection Recall Illustration: Name five countries of the word who have been members of the United Nation. 2. Evaluating Recall Illustration: Name five government agencies in the Philippines which have great influence on research and development of the country. 3. Comparison of Two things (Specific) There is single designated basis. Illustrations: 3.1 Compare Conventional Assessment from Authentic Assessment. 3.2 Compare Norm-Referenced Measure from Criterion-Referenced Measure. 3.3 Compare formative Assessment from Summative Assessment. 4. Comparison of Two things (General) Illustrations: 4.1 Compare computer education in the Philippines with that in Korea. 4.2 Compare nursing education in the Philippines with that in United States. 5. Decision (For or Against) Illustrations: 5.1 In your own, which is better, essay or objective examination? Why? 5.2 Which can you do better, oral or written examination? Why? 6. Cause or Effects Illustrations: 6.1 Why is research given more emphasis than Instruction and Extension functions? 6.2 Why is Special Education given more stress than any other subjects in the curriculum? 7. Explanation of the Use of Exact Meaning Illustrations: 7.1 What does the passage “ Time is gold” mean? 7.2 What do you mean by this passage: “Strike while the iron is still hot.”? 7.3 What is the meaning of this passage: “He died without seeing the dawn.”? 8. Summary of a Test or Article Read Illustrations: In a Paragraph or two, summarize the advantages and disadvantages of objective examination. 9. Analysis Illustration: What are the qualities of Gerald Anderson which make you understand why Filipinos admire him? 10. Statement of Relationship Illustrations: 10.1 Why is Knowledge in Computer helpful in studying Statistics? 10.2 Why is knowledge in Fish Processing helpful in studying Hotel and Restaurant Management? 11. Illustrations and Examinees of Principles in Science Illustrations: From your own experience, give five examples that Science is used in your daily life? 12. Classification Illustrations: 12.1 To what class does Kappaphycus belong in the plant kingdom? 12.2 To what class does Sargassum belong in the plant kingdom? 12.3 To what class does Rastrelliger brachyosomus (hasahasa) belong in the animal kingdom? 13. Application of Rules or Principles to New Situations Illustration: Why is objective type commonly used in PRC ( Professional Regulation Commission) 14. Discussion Illustration: Discuss the rules in constructing matching type of examination. 15. Statement of Aim Illustration: State the rules in constructing analogy test. 16. Criticism Illustration: What is wrong on the statement “Constant practice makes perfect”? 17. Outline Illustration: Outline the rules in constructing multiple-choice test. 18. Reorganization of Facts Illustration: Describe the experimental approach based on the book, class discussion and actual practice. 19. Formulation of New Questions and Problem Raised Illustration: What else must be known in order to understand the matter in consideration? 20. New Method or Procedure Illustration: Suggest a plan for improving the method of teaching of English and Mathematics? Advantages of Essay Test 1.Easy to construct. 2.Economical. 3.Saves time and energy. 4.Trains the core of organizing ideas. 5.Minimize guessing. 6.Develops critical thinking. 7. Minimize cheating. 8. Minimize rote memorization. 9. Develops good study habits. 10. Develops students’ ability of to express their own ideas. Disadvantages of Essay Test 1. Low Validity. 2. Low Reliability. 3. Low practicability. 4. Encourage bluffing. 5. Difficult to correct or score. 6. Disadvantage to students with poor penmanship. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools Objective and essay tests as assessment tools are both teacher-made. The steps in constructing teacher-made assessment tools are as follows: 1. Planning the test. In planning the test, five principles must be considered. These are as follows: a. A careful statement of the philosophy of the school and objective of the particular subject must be available. b. Adequate provisions for review must be made taking into consideration the adequacy of facilities and equipment. c. The purpose of the test must be defined. If the purpose of the test is for diagnosis, it must be reveal the specific weaknesses of the students as basis for remedial instruction. However, if the purpose is to appraise the critical thinking and reasoning power, the scores are to be used for classification and grouping. d. The nature of the test must take into consideration the conditions under which it is to be administered. In planning the test, such factors as age, experience of the examinees, testing environment, ventilation, cost of materials and duplicating facilities must be considered. e. Length of the test must be determined. The time element by the purpose it is to serve. 2. Preparing the test. The rules and suggestions in preparing the test are as follows: a. The first draft of the test must be prepared as early as possible. b. The test must include more than one type of item. Two or three types of objective test may be used to minimize monotony on the part of the examinee.