Cha pte r Eig htee n: Sta tem ent of Cas h Flo ws Ap pe nd ix 1: Ac cou nti ng Sta tem en ts (Fill in th e Bla nk) Dire ctio ns: Writ e 10 cash tran sact ions that wou ld go on the stat eme nt of cash f\ow s. 1. Cl'/~ h. 2. Q u-.yr,,-...e,.,.__t-::, ~ e.Aplu ~ 5 3. 5. 6. S• ( .i- 1 (/1.._ (?l,( Y~ "-~ etvJ\•-( "\-✓~ r ruP •ll./ fc,1. l,ffY' (,{\_tts. 8. f[;\'frv' ef\i ~ 10. I ~.J .s f r tv'-1> ~ c:;- v~ 1.,.r4'3. f u rCIAt< { (... y ,(: fv1?\[l•e.\-<A'::>le ~IA ' pi ~s 7. 9. I ~;v, ._ _,.\-_6'_.:.;_l(<'___.5:::....__ _ __ 4. \ re c..~f \-_s C t1C, 'h-' .~ (A, ( q ,...,..-1 (71'~ ~ -<"° (\ (re _;../'\. (-( l ~-- (~~ W f /"',1/\+- O)'\ _l'V\ iflu rc,A k._ ~~ < .\o(Al Ce,.c,h fyov v" ·, \<;~ 'Y}- I 374 ©2014 ~ -' lI I " t- ~- I n Ch ap te r Eighteen: St at em en t of Cash Flows 1 Wr ite O no nc as h transac tions tha 1. c)f tk -~ 2. C-\.U-c~~ 3. ( f\'\-O\eyte-,· ' (\(_ µJ\ Af ~) "' Go M Q~. . ., ___) tv "~~ ) )> Ll <. ..~ ~ 4. U -{ )r r- i~ 5. c~ M..6M ~" "'- ~Y ' 6. b(A~ ~ b'~ 7. t would not go on the statem ent of cash flows . w c,,A?-" 0 \c eff-5 I I c ~ \- \~sy(,s 8. U, ~ I ( 9. Q C,~ CA,\\"\Sy\_ G c ~~-y, es r-Aur-\- ~ ~A-', on ~, ., f\¼" -~ \:>~~ ) ) ) 375 ©2014 7 . I t Chap ter Eighte en : St ate me nt of Ca sh Flows Appendix 2: Accounting St at em en ts {Multiple Choice) 1. Cash from the purchase of equ ipment is what D Operating Activities b. Investing Activities c. Financing Activities d. None of the above 2. Cash from the sale of a bond is what a. Operating Activities b. Investing Activities (9) Financing Activities d. None of the above 3. Cash from rent payment is what a. Operating Activities !J· Investing Activities c. Financing Activities d. None of the above 4. Cash from the purchase of a buildin g is what a. Operating Activities --, ..... G/ Investing Activities c. Financing Activities d. None of the above 376 ©2014 Chapter Eighteen: Statement of Cash Flows 5. Cash from the sale of equipment is what a. Operating Activities b. Investing Activities c. Financing Activities @ None of the above 6. Cash from issuance of preferred stock is what a. Operating Activities {) . Investing Activities J c. Financing Activities d. None of the above 7. Cash from paying employee salaries is what {!;) Operating Activities b. Investing Activities c. Financing Activities d. None of the above 8. Cash from paying taxes is what a. Operating Activities 9. Investing Activities '{j Financing Activities d. None of the above 377 ©2014 Chapt er E.1g hteen ·· State ment of Cash Flow s 9. Cash from paying utilities is what r;}· Operating Activities r b. Investing Activities c. Financing Activities d. None of the above 1O. Cash from an IPO is what a. Operating Activities b. Investing Activities c. Financing Activities 'ij. None of the above 11. Cash from a dividend payment is what a. Operating Activities f} Investing Activities c. Financing Activities d. None of the above 12. The purchase of equipment with common stock is what a. Operating Activities ~ Investing Activities c. Financing Activities d. None of the above 378 ©2014 Ch apt er Eighteen: Sta tem ent of Cash Flows 13. Cash from an interest payment is what a. Operating Activities b. Investing Activities @F ina ncin g Activities d. None of the above 14. Cash from the purchase of land is wha t V Operating Activities b. Investing Activities c. Financing Activities d. None of the above is wha t 15. Cash from issuance of commercial pap er a. Operating Activities b. Investing Activities C. Financing Activities (I None of the above is wha t 16. The purchase of equipment with a bond {y Operating Activities b. Investing Activities c. Financing Activities d. None of the above 379 ©20 14 Chapter E1.g hteen·· Stateme nt of Cash Flows 17. Cash from net income is what ~ Operating Activities b. Investing Activities c. Financing Activities d. None of the above 18. Cash from sales is what C) Operating Activities b. Investing Activities c. Financing Activities d. None of the above 19. Cash from the issuance of convertible bonds is what a. Operating Activities b. Investing Activities ~ Financing Activities d. None of the above 20. Cash from dividends is what a. Operating Activities 6 )1nvesting Activities ~ c. Financing Activities ~ '- f d. None of the above r:. - r.. {.. - {__ /.. ?.: 380 t ©2014 ~ n Chap ter Eighteen: State men t of Cash Flows Appendix 3: Accounting Statements (Matching) Directions: When using the indirect method to create the operating activities sectio n of the Statement of Cash Flows, individuals must identify whether increases or decreases in account balances should be added or subtracted to the company's net income. In this exercise, identify if the account balance changes should be added or subtracted to net income A. Added B. Subtracted (A 1. The accounts receivable account increased by $12,000. ) /J .? 2. The wages payable account decrease by $9,000 . fJ\ 3. The amortization account increased by $4,000. \r, J - - - 4. The accounts payable account decreases by $4,740. ~ ) 5. The maturity date of bonds occurred in the current accounting period and the bonds were sold at a loss. ~ - - - 6. The inventory account decreased by $5,120. rA - - - 7. The interest payable account increased by $2,092. (]\ a. The dividends receivable account increased by $2,394. --ff\ °"- 9. The depreciation account increased by $10,023. 10. The maturity date of bonds occurred in the current accounting period and the bonds were sold at a gain. 381 ©2014 I -~•. IPIB!IW!• V t of Cash Fl ow s Ch ap te r Ei gh tee n: St at em en by $4 ,30 2. payable account is increased s nd ide div e Th . 11 -'-___D, by $2 8.9 01 . ~ eivable account is increased rec st ere int e Th . 12 _ _ __ gain. °'-sells a building for a $2 5,1 89 - - - - 13 . Th e company . coun,t decreased by $4 5,9 02 "14 .,Th e unearned,income ac b v,. , ~ ~- ii i iii (:;. 1- < v- < _, I ~ -< ' 2,1 09 . nce account increased by $5 ura ins id pa pre e Th . •15 _.;_ 1 d by $2 9,3 0 se rea inc s CA.. ha t un co ac nt ale _ _ _ _ 16 . Th e cash equiv __°'-_ I' I-