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Running head: NURSING
As a leader in the nursing fraternity, keenness and precautions are among the vital elements
that every leader is expected to adhere to. Since healthcare is more concentrated on both saving
and improving, the health condition of people, the decisions and approaches employed by leaders
in the organization should ensure that the life of people is not at stake. For a successful
delegation process in the nursing fraternity as a leader, employing different leadership strategies
is important. Nursing leadership strategies will help ensure control over the misuse of power and
resources (Cherry & Jacob, 2016). For instance, as a leader, I developed a process that I believed
would be resourceful when delegating duties. The process includes;
Specifying the outcome I desire to the people, I trust
Establishing control to the ones given responsibilities of delegating
Provide sufficient support and identify limits to the work given
Ensure to keep updated with the progress
Focusing on the outcome results rather than the procedures upon delegating duties
Teamwork and coordination are among the important cultures that not only just the
healthcare fraternity requires for their success but even by other organizations and industries.
Collaboration in healthcare involves professionals cooperatively working together through
sharing responsibilities for effective delivery of services (Cherry & Jacob, 2016). Making critical
decisions as a team to help carry and formulate effective plans for patients among the
departments is also another important relationship for collaboration in the healthcare fraternity.
Increasing team members’ awareness through collaboration between physicians, nurses and other
healthcare employees helps to boost the knowledge and increase the decision-making process in
the healthcare fraternity.
Although some conflict might be health to the organization, some might be bringing
negativity in the delivery of services by the nurses. Upon the conflicting worsening to the
unexpected levels, leaders should intervene to control the situation. Sudden change in the
employees’ behaviors, increased absence, and a noticeable reduction in the level of production
are the determinants that as a leader upon observing, I will be forced to intervene in the conflict
to save the situation. Furthermore, upon the conflict having grown more than your ability as a
leader to solve them, including other parties believed to have more skills and knowledge about
the subject will be important.
Cherry, B., & Jacob, S. R. (2016). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends, & management.
Elsevier Health Sciences.