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Article 1471.
Simulated- Kunwari lang
Fictitious- gawa gawa lang
If the price is simulated or fictitious, sale is void
If it is a donation or other contract tapos okay ang requirement sa donation or contract ito ay
valid. Kapag kulang yung requirement void parin.
Ex. Father binenta nya ang kaniyang property na bahay worth 5M kay daughter for 100,000,
it is a simulated price dahil mababa ang presyo. Para lang maipakita nila na magbebentahan
sila ng bahay pero wala silang intention na ma obliga o mabound sa contract of sale.
Mukhang donation lang ito kay daughter. Peke nalang yung presyo niya
Kapag magtatransfer ng dead of sale or titotlo mapapawalang bisa dahil property parin ito ni
father hindi ni daughter.
Art 1472.
The price of Securities- debts, stocks, equity
Grain - rice
Liquids- water, milk, juices
Considered certain (Art. 1469 ) when the price is fixed is that which the thing sold will have a
defenite thing.
Certain siya if fixed yung price sa isang araw or sa isang specific date or sa particlar sa
echange market.
Fixed siya kung ang amount niya ay kung magkano talaga siya or above or below sa sa
price niya on a such day or such market basta certain parin siya.
Example: Share price ng PLDT on September 30 (makikita natin talaga/ fixed)
10% less of the fixed price on September 30
50% higher than X store today
Seller binenta nya yung rice niya kay buyer ibebenta ko ito sayo same amount kagaya ni X
store, madedetermine natin magkano bienebenta ni X market, so certain siya
Seller binebenta nya yung rice kay buyer sa share stock ni ABS-CBN ng September 30 (2
days from now ) after 2 days hindi mona madetermine since pinasara ni Duterte yung ABSCBN. Wala na tayong sale
Art. 1473
Kapag ang Price ay isang party lang ang magbibitbit wala itong sale
Kapag ang Price may dalawang party ito ay Sale kase may meeting of minds na.
Example: Seller magbebenta ng watch kay buyer for 5k tapos hindi nag agree si buyer hindi
ito sale pero kung nag agree si buyer sa 5k ito ay sale
Art 1474.
Inefficcious- walang silbe kase hindi madertermine ang price
However if yung bagay ay nadeliver na o nagamit na, dapat si buyer magbabayad siya ng
reasonable price, equivalent sa presyo ng sa certain thing na nadeliver.
Si juan binenta nya sasakyan nya kay lupin sabi niya ikaw bahala kung magkano mo
bibilhin. Sabi ni lupin wala ng presyo,it is void kase walang price.Si lupin kaylangan nyang
magbayad ng reasonable price equivalent sa sasakyan.
Baker nagbebenta ng 10 ang isang cookies and 300 ang isang box, si mader nanghihingi ng
discount kaso ayaw ni baker pero kinain ni mader yung kalahati without the consent of the
baker so si mader dapat bayaran nya yung kinain niyang cookies for a reasonable price.
Like for example 30-15 so 15x10 = 150
Art. 1475
Contract of sale is perfected upon meeting of the minds. Meeting of the minds in object and
Three stages
Negotiation - this stage wala pang rights and obligation kapag may suspensive condition
under parin sa negotiation upon
Perfection - may sale (meeting of the minds) rights and obligation
From perfection to consummation dapat within 1 year writing siya
Consummation - upon delivery and payment (kapag nadeliver na yung object and kapag
nakapag bayad na ng certain price si buyer)
Requirements of Perfection
1. Face to face - If offer is accepted without condition
2. Correspondence/Telegram - if the offeror has knowledge ng acceptance ni offeree
yung offer nya
Ex. seller nagmessage kay buyer na nagbebenta siya sakanya ng sasakyan, kapag
nag send ng response si buyer dun palang ang perfection. Kapag hindi pa nag
response si buyer, pwedeng ibigay ni seller sa iba yung offer niya if hindi pa alam ni
buyer to.
3. Sale is subj to a suspensive condition - ito ay nag gi-give rise. once na fulfill na ito
magkakaroon na tayo ng perfection.
Ex. Ang condition ay, if naging lawyer siya, so kapag naging lawyer na siya may
perfection na pero kapag hindi pa ito lawyer hindi pa ito perfected.
Si jerry ay seller/ Offerer ay mag ooffer kay Tom ng cheese for 1k tatawag siya kay
Tom. May perfection naba? Wala kase dipa nag agree si tom.
Formalities of Perfection
Sale of:
Real Property- writing
Personal property- below 500 pwedeng oral pero kapag = sa 500 dapat in writing
If oral- walang judicial of action/ hindi pwedeng ilaban sa korte
Exception: If partially executed
Waive statute of fraud
House and Car - in writing
Shirt cost 300- in oral
Perfection of advertisement
May nag advertise 30% off ng shoes. May sale naba? Walang sale kase invitation lang ito
to make a offer. Hindi pwedeng icompel ni advertiser na ibenta sayo ang shoes.
Transfer of ownership
Perfection- wala pang transfer ng ownership
Delivery- kapag nadeliver na may transfer of ownership
Q: if inistipulate sa contract of sale na hindi matatransfer ang ownership upon delivery pero
matatransfer ito at full payment, valid ba ito?
A: Yes with exceptions
Effect of Perfection
Buyer - upon perfection magkakaroon siya ng personal rights wala siyang real rights, may
right lang sya na icompel si seller para itransfer ang ownership
Ex: Si Seller nagbebenta ng bahay kay Buyer pero hindi pa niya ito nadedeliver tapos si
seller binenta niya ito kay Third Party(real right) then si third party tinanggap niya na deliver
na, si third party innocent in good faith siya. Ito ay valid. Ang mangyayari si buyer (personal
right)ay may right siya na sampahan ng kaso si seller.
Art. 1476
Sale by auction
Auction- public sale in which goods is sold to the highest beader
1. Where goods are put up for sale by auction in lots, each lots is the subject of a
separate contract of sale
-Lots- items sa auction(object that are sold in auction) grupo ng bagay na binebenta
sa isang auction
-Separate na binebenta
2. Perfected- announces by the call of the hammer(announcement lang for the contract
of sale)
Q: when the sale is perfected?
A: By the meeting of the minds
Hanggat hindi pa naaannounce si bider pwede pa nyang bawian yung bid nya si
auctioner naman pwede nyang iwithdraw ang goods unless yung inauction has been
announce to be without reserve
Reserve Price- confidential , minimum price that is agreed upon between the seller
and auctioneer. Poprotekta kay seller. Required lang si seller na ibenta nya yung
porperty or goods.
Silent- with reserve
2 types of auction
1. With reserve price - si auctioneer at si buyer. Si buyer siya ang offeror si
auctioneer siya ang offeree
2. Without reserve- Si auctioneer ang oferror at si buyer ang offeree. (para maka
W reserve (Silent)
Bidder can retract bid
Auctioneer can withdraw goods
Without reserve
bawal ng mag retract and withdraw kase ginagawa nila ang without reserve para maka
ttract ng tao dahil ang mga tao gusto ng mura.
Da Vince artwork
With reserve - 10 M
Bidder- 6M, 7M, 8M, 9M
Walang bentahan (monalisa withdraw) hindi willing si seller naibenta ito below 10M
Bidder- 12M (Sold)
Without reserve
Cinderella - sold for 300 pesos
Bidder- 100, 200, 300
Hindi pwedeng iwithdraw dahil walang reserve
3. Stanza
1. Want a Higher price
2. Withdraw
3. Avoid
May seller bid? Yes, provided meron siyang notice. provided by law or stipulation, kung may
right sya
Puffers/ by-bidders-people who bid for seller, walang intention to buy the goods gusto lang
nilang pataasin ang presyo. Agent sila ni seller
4. Stanza
Contravening- lalabag
If walang notice ang sale ay hindi valid
Buyer pwede niyang itreat na fraud ang sale
Art. 1477 and Art. 1478
Art. 1477 ownership- transfer upon action or constructive delivery not the perfection of the
Art. 1478 ownership- until he has fully paid the price
General rule : payment is not necessary para sa transfer ng ownership (Art. 1470 exception
unless stipulated)
Kinds of delivery
1. Actual delivery (art 1497)
2. Constructive delivery ( art 1498-1601) any other manners, signifying an agreement
that the possession is transferred (1496)
S ng bebenta ng dragon ball napag usapan nila ibenta for 4k, nadeliver na then si B na ang
owner kahit dipa nakapag bayad kasi na deliver.
Art. 1479
Part 1
Mutual/Bilateral Promise
A promise to buy and sell a determinate thing for a price certain is reciprocally demandable
2 person may meeting of the minds
Unilateral promise- one person lang ang popromise
Accept or reject the promise - no effect
2nd paragraph
Option to buy
Part 2
Contract to sell
Contract of sale - meeting of the minds
Contract to sale - nag cocomit palang
C of Sale - may bentahan talaga, ownership matatransfer sya sa delivey hindi sa full
C to Sell - Prospective seller and prospective buyer. Ownership mastay parin kay seller
kinokomit lang niya ang sarili niya
Absolute contract of sale doon palang magkakaroon ng ownership
Conditional C of sale - w/suspensive condition (art 1478)
-Full payment automatic matatransfer na ang ownership
C to sell - hindi matatransfer ang ownership, kailangan pa ng deed of absolute sale bago
matatransfer ang contract of sale
Difference of Contract of Sale and Contract to Sell
(Page 2 in Chapter 1 law on sales word)
Para siya sa who bears the loss or sinong sasalo pag Nawala yung object natin
Seller – ang obligation niya ay mag deliver ng object
Buyer- ay magbayad ng price
Buyer- pag si seller ang nakawala ng object si buyer hindi na niya kailangan magbayad
Seller- kapag si buyer naman ang nakawala ng object kailangan pa rin bayaran ni buyer
yung object kay seller
Stages on contract of sales
Sinong mag bbear ng loss at its stages
Meron tayong perfection on delivery ang unang case natin is before perfection so before
perfection example ang owner ng ating object na car ay si seller tapos mag ttransfer lang
yung ship at delivery atsaka lang magiging si buyer so sino ang mag bear ng loss before ng
delivery si seller di ba meron tayong tinatawag nab owner bears the loss so si seller ang
may ari before delivery ah before perfection of contract siya rin yung mag bbear ng loss dahil
wala pang contract of sale so at perfection ang contract of sale natin ay no effect so ang
mag bbear ng loss dito ay si seller pero if partially loss lang siya si buyer pwede siyang
mamili either iwithdraw yung contract or gusto niya pa rin icontinue iddemand niya na lang
yung remaining part or yung hindi Nawala tapos mag ppay nalang siya in proportion yung
babayaran niya dun sa natira kung gusto niya pang ituloy yung contract ah. Tapos meron
naman tayong after perfection and before delivery eto naman yung sinasabi nung 1480 sa
last muna tayo after perfection and after delivery so since si buyer na yung owner nito after
delivery ang mag bear ng loss dito ay si buyer so dito naman tayo sa after perfection before
delivery ang mag bbear ng loss dito ay si buyer exception dito is the owner bears the loss
general rule si buyer yung mag babayad kahit hindi si buyer yung owner well hindi pa naman
nag ttransfer yung ownership nung wala pa tayong delivery pero si buyer na yung
After perfection before delivery
Diba ang general rule natin ang mag bbear ng loss ay si buyer
Kapag ito ay non fungible things ay irreplaceable hindi pwedeng mapalitan example is house
and lot
Fungible things without consideration weidth, number, measureof the object ( single price
exception ang mag bear ng loss ay si seller kapag ito ay fungible things na ang price ay
need pang cconsider yung width number or measure kapag walang consideration mag bear
ng loss ay si buyer ang mag babayad pero kapag may consideration si seller ang
magbabayad kasi kung ang determination of price ay na confirm a width na with mesure siya
ay suspensive condition so di ba ang suspensive condition siya yung nag ggive rise sa
contract so kapag wala pang sale yung condition wala pa tayong obligation kapag na fulfil na
yun atsaka pa mag aarise yung obligation pag nag okay na si buyer after na magtimbang
magbilang at mag measure ang rule na ito ay may exception din ito kapag si buyer ay delay
sap ag wwait pag ccount at pag mmeasure ng object kapag si buyer ang na delay si buyer
ang mag bear ng loss
second exception kapag si seller ay guilty of fraud, negliegence, default or violation of the
contract so hidi siya good faith
third exception pag ang object ay generic kasi genious does not perish kabaligtaran ng
generic ay specific, specific siya if siya ay particularly designated or physically separated
from other
Why buyer bears the loss? (loss before delivery)
Historically roman law of of the things sold passes to the buyer even though hindi pa niya ito
na receive medyo literal siya yung risk na kay buyer kasi wala pa sakanya yung object
atsaka hinihiwalay niya yung obligation ng seller to deliver at ng buyer to pay so sinasabi
nito kahit mawala yung object magbabayad pa rin si buyer
Article 1537 fruits pertain to the vendee of the buyer from perfection of the contract
Kasi nag bbenfit nasi buyer from perfection dapat kapag meron disadvantage or loss si
buyer ang magsaalo ito from the perfection
Object contract of sale ay specific – loss without fault of the seller extinguishes the obligation
if specific
Price contract of sale ay generic – loss of the generic does not extinguish the obligation
Paragraph 1 and 2 of 1480 from perfection to delivery
1163 – si seller siya ay obligated na mag pay of the object with a true neligience good father
of the family kailangan alagaan ni seller yung object before deliver and that ts perfection
1164 – buyer has rights to the fruits at perfection however wala siyang real right until delivery
1165 – kapag ang object ay isnag determinate thing si buyer pwede ianao si seller to make
Kapag indeterminate naman pwede niyanng anoin ni buyersi seller na icomply yung
obligation of the expense of the seller
At kapag si seller ay nadelay or nag promise siya na ideliver yung object sa 2 or more
persons na walang parehas na interest sei seller ang responsible sa fortuitous events until
Loss by fortuitous events after perfection but before delivery ang genral rule ang mag
bbear ng loss ay si buyer exception dito ay si seller ang mag bbear ng loss kapag si seller ay
na delay or naipromise niya yung deliver sa 2 or more objects
1262 – ang obligation delivery of determinate thing shall be extinguish if been loss or
destroyed without fault of seller and before deliver so yung delivery of determinate thing
sshall be extinguish kapag na loss siya without fault of the seller and wala siyang delay
for validity pwede siyang oral, in writing, wede rin oral and writing pero it doent mean na
invalid siya or enforceable siya