Word Spellings vindictive Meaning Synonym revengeful Word Spellings Meaning Flash Synonym appear with sudden bright dunes sandy hills Facilities Verge edge Shield Pagan disbeliever Aptitude Jocund happy Appointed selected Meditation Remarkable impressive Embodiment Protect defend Pensive Thoughtful Violently Forcefully Supreme top Proclaim Frequented Devotion Dilemma Continuous Piping Twittering Commendable admirable Gradually Steadily Identify Recognition Eloquence Fluency Glee Happiness Instantly Immediately Refuge Embellish Venture Theology Detect discover Milky Saviour Reveal show enclosed Delicate Sensitive Covered Furiously Angrily Pleasure Astonish Surprise Sacrifice Resolute Firm Spacious vast Solitude Loneliness Abandon Give up Devotion loyalty Enormity Numerous Many Infuriated enraged Pivot central point Bliss pleasure Morale Self esteem Traverse Afraid Scared Perilous Dangerous spirit enthusiasm Issue challenge Affirmed said emphatically cope with Strong faith firm faith Face Carved Journey Martyrdom Word Spellings Interior Hospice Meaning Synonym inside Word Spellings Meaning Response An Inn Nexus Literature Synonym Answer Constant Flamboyant colourful Patriotism Heavy big Twinkle Adorned decorated Alert vigilant Impressive remarkable Quietly silently History Chaos confusion Language Quiver Inspired motivated Migration Steadfast firm and resolute complete Immense Huge unswerving firm and resolute Entire Unity Civilization Queer Principle Courage Identity Trackless Invasion Ambition Integral Illuminate Distinctive Possessed Example Alphabet Strong Composed Bold Promulgation Character Exclusively Reign Pieces Devoid Wisdom Minarets Beacon Corner Royal Mission Ceremony Sense Scholar Passion Recite Highest Patience Native To shake slightly tenet Distinguish