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Revision Booklet 2021: English, Math, Science, French

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Check you have revised the following:
Punctuation and grammar: commas, speech marks, semi-colons, colons,
Common spelling mistakes – including homophones: there, their, they’re; where,
were, wear, we’re; too, to, two; our, are, etc.
Comprehensions: Practise annotating the questions and the text.
Different types of question:
1.Straightforward information, usually one mark per point.
2.‘In your own words’: do not use quotations.
3.Questions requiring PEE/APE, usually 2 marks per PEE/APE.
4.Questions which require you to continue the story in some way.
How to structure a PEE/APE response – including correct punctuation.
For questions worth 4 marks or above, practise creating a mini-web to plan your
Practise using ‘Scoop’ – to focus on key words in quotations.
Creative Writing
ALWAYS use 5 minutes to work on your 5 point/word plan. Focus on what
DESCRIPTION you will include in each paragraph. Ask yourself questions to create a
1. Include a description of a character or setting.
2. Focus on a character/setting.
3. Something happens or changes.
4. What happened next...but remember to focus on description.
5. How will you end?
Describing a setting. Use a wide-angle and zoom lens camera. Use detailed
descriptions to bring your writing ‘to life’. Include the light source, weather, time of day
Describing a character. Avoid listing what someone looks like. Try to show rather than
tell... eg, ‘He swept his unbrushed brown hair out of his eyes impatiently and tucked
his torn and muddy shirt into his jeans’. This tells me a lot more about the character
than just what he looks like.
Endings: you could go full circle; repeat the opening line; end on a question; end on
a cliff-hanger; end with some direct speech.
In your writing: Vary your sentence structure: aim to begin some sentences with a
noun; a verb; an adjective; an adverb; a ‘signpost’ or an adverbial.
Vary your sentence length.
Use subordinate clauses to create COMPLEX sentences. Don’t forget: if the
subordinate clause comes at the beginning, use a comma. If it comes at the end, you
don’t need a comma:
In spite of the benefits of clubs, I prefer to go straight home.
I prefer to go straight home in spite of the benefits of clubs.
Boys will be sitting a non-calculator paper and a calculator paper.
All boys will need the following equipment:
Sharp pencils, ruler, rubber, protractor, set of compasses and a scientific calculator
Examples / extra information
Multiply and divide whole numbers and
decimals by 10 or 100 or 1000
Recognise and describe number facts
200 x 4000
600 ÷20
1.63 x 1000
Multiple, factor, square number, cube
number, square root, prime number
Short and long multiplication
Short division
Solve problems using multiplication
Solve problems using division
Check a solution by estimation
Order negative numbers
Add and subtract negative numbers
Multiply and Divide negative numbers
Express a number as a product of
prime factors using index notation
Recognise simple decimals
Addition and subtraction of decimals
Order decimals to 3 decimal places
Multiply and divide a decimal by an
integer (whole number)
Order fractions
Simplify fractions and find equivalent
Calculate a fraction of a quantity
Add and subtract fractions with different
Multiply and divide fractions
Convert between fractions, decimals
and percentages
Order fractions, decimals and
Recognise simple percentages
Calculate a percentage of a quantity
What is the total cost of 14 TVs if each costs
It costs £210 for 15 boys to go to a theme
park. How much does each boy pay?
Estimate of the cost of 11 chocolates at 39p
10 x 40 = 400p = £4
Including decimal numbers
3 – (-2) = 5
Friends and enemies with rules of negative
3 x 4 + 5 = 17
3(4 + 5 ) = 27
Including negative numbers
Express 42 and 252 as a product of prime
factors and use this information to find the
Shade 0.25 or 0.3 of a given shape, realise
that 9 boys of a class of 12 is 0.75
Written out with column method
Find the equivalent fractions with all the
same denominator
¾ of 60Kg
1/10 of 3m
Write in ascending order 2/7, 30%, 0.29
Know that 2 articles out of 8 is 25%
70% of £5
Write one number as a fraction of
Solve formulae given in words
Substitute values into algebraic
Simplify an algebraic expression
Solve algebraic equations with several
Formulate and solve equations
Multiply out brackets
Factorise an algebraic expression
Use co-ordinates in all 4 quadrants
Draw lines given a basic equation
Find intersection of lines using coordinates
Rotate, reflect, translate a shape
Name triangles, quadrilaterals and
regular polygons and state their
Identify lines of symmetry and order of
rotational symmetry
Accurately draw angles
Find angles on a straight line, at a point,
in a triangle and in parallel lines
Solve problems using angle properties
of polygons
Calculate perimeter
Calculate area of triangles and
Calculate area of a compound shapes
Round numbers to whole numbers, a
particular number of significant figures
or decimal places
Calculate using scientific calculator,
including pi
Calculate the circumference of a circle
Calculate the area of a circle
Recognise basic metric measurements
and be able to convert between them
Create a frequency table
I think of a number, double it and add 5. I get
17. What was the number?
If p=2(a+b) find the value of p when a=4, b=5
Including negative numbers as well
Collect like terms
3C – 5 = 7
3(m – 4) = 9
3y – 4 = 8 - y
I spend 72p on 12 sweets costing c pence
each 72 = 12 c
Adjacent sides of a rectangle are (2x+3) and
(5x – 1) and the perimeter is 46cm. Find x
3(x + 4) = 3x + 12
12wy -8w = 4w(3y-2)
y = 3x - 1
Be able to calculate exterior and interior
angles and the angle at the centre
Area triangle = 1/2b x h
Area rectangle = b x h
Solve problems with compound shapes or
parts of a circle
Solve problems with compound shapes or
parts of a circle
Convert between Km. M, cm and mm; t, kg, g,
mg; litre, cl and ml
Tally needed
Calculate the mean, median, mode and
range of a set of data
Construct and read line graph, bar
chart, pie chart
Be able to calculate these from a list of values
or from a frequency diagram
 THE EXAM (length, type of questions etc.)
• There will be two exams covering all work done since September: one past
Chemistry CE paper and one Biology & Physics exam, mixture of topics
covered from past CE papers.
• The exams will be forty minutes long each.
• You must answer all the questions.
• You must know their scientific key words.
• You will need calculators, highlighters, pencils, pens, rubbers and rulers for
the exam.
 CONTENT (A brief idea of what you will be tested on)
You should use your exercise books and green revision CGP study books to
revise the content.
• Use your electronic code to access the online Science 13+ Study Book revision guide (sent to you on
Google Classroom Stream).
Cells: types of cells and their characteristics,
specialised cells, parts of a cell, how to use a
microscope, how to make a slide for cheek cells and
onion cells.
Digestion: food groups and balanced diet, digestive
process, sugar & starch tests.
Check list (Tick)
Respiration: respiratory system, circulatory system,
asthma & smoking, exercise, aerobic & anaerobic
Check List (Tick)
Dissolving, separating: explain each technique,
choose the correct method, label drawings.
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures: definitions,
particle diagrams representing each. Pure and impure
Reactions of Metals with water, oxygen and acid:
word equations.
Acid and Alkali reactions: neutralisation.
Chemical Tests: testing of gases (oxygen, carbon
dioxide, hydrogen) and water.
Chemical Reactions: Identify each one
(displacement, thermal decomposition) provide
equations, Law of conservation of Mass.
Periodic Table: The symbols and names of common
Properties of metals and non-metals
States of Matter: Draw diagrams, use particle theory
to explain the states of matter and the changes
between states.
Combustion: The products of combustion when a
hydrocarbon burns. Effect on global warming &
climate change.
Rusting: what is needed for rusting and what speeds
it up.
Check list (Tick)
Forces: types of force, force diagrams, triangle
questions (density, moments, Hooke’s law, pressure,
gravitational field strength, speed-distance-time),
distance-time graphs.
Light: how we see things, reflection, refraction,
dispersion, colour.
Sound: amplitude & frequency, pitch & volume, how
we hear, echoes.
Energy: types of energy, energy transfer, law of
conservation of energy, renewable and nonrenewable energy resources
• Make flash cards of keywords and their definitions.
• Make flash cards of key processes and their details.
• Answer questions in your 13+ Study Book.
• Remember to use scientific language – write and say things out loud as you
1. Reading – 30 mins
CE style paper requiring boys to read shorter and longer texts with multiple choice answers or written
2. Writing – 30 mins
CE style paper requiring you to:
o translate 5 sentences from English to French (required verbs, adjectives and nouns are given)
o write an email to a French friend including information on 4 out of 5 given bullet points. This
email should be between 80 – 130 words
3. Listening – 20 mins
Past CE paper requiring boys to listen to 5 sections in French. You will need to answer multiple choice
questions and answer questions in English.
4. Speaking (6-8 mins approx.) – 3 sections:
• Role play
• First Topic – perform prepared speech about school (copy in book) and respond to questions from
the CE speaking booklet
• General conversation on holidays and free time and family (prepared questions from the Speaking
Use the tick-list below to see which areas of vocab and grammar you need to revise.
Use your Northcote Knowledge documents and vocab sheets (on Google Classroom) to practise
the vocab and the grammar topics you need to work on.
Use your French Speaking Bible to practise the questions and answers for the General
Memorise your speech!
You should be able to
Language of the
Understand classroom commands, spell items in the
pencil case, classroom items.
House, home, daily routine, Describe my house, daily routine and which chores I do
at home
Life & work at school
Give opinions of school subjects, describe your school.
Time, dates, numbers &
Know numbers 1-100; Tell the time; Give the date (days,
numbers, months)
Personal descriptions
Describe yourself and others; Hair colour and style;
Family, friends & pets
Describe your family: names, age, look, personality
Meeting people
Make plans to meet people: give a place, time.
Free-time activities
Describe your free time; give opinions; know sports and
musical instruments.
Describe a holiday; say what activities you did; describe
the hotel
Café and the supermarket Know a range of foods and be able to order food
Know the body parts, say what hurts at the doctors.
Directions & transport
Tourist information
Know places in a town and shops.
Know means of transport. Understand directions given.
Ask for information
Ask for things in a shop
Describe the weather
Grammar Topic
Possessive pronouns (words like “my”)
Mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, son, sa, ses, notre, votre, leur, nos, vos, leurs
Agreement and position of regular and irregular adjectives
e.g. une chemise bleue, les cheveux blonds
A = un (m), une (f)
The = le (m), la (f), les (pl), l’ (noun begins with vowel)
Some = du (m), de la (f), des (pl), de l’ (noun begins with vowel)
et, aussi, mais, cependant, parce que, car, puis, après, avant, avec, ou, où, quand, qui
Present tense time phrases
normalement, quelquefois, de temps en temps, souvent, d’habitude
Present tense regular verbs e.g. –er, -ir, -re verbs
JETRAPFAM, Porter, Voyager, Visiter,
Common irregular verbs in the present tense
avoir, être, aller, faire, pouvoir, lire, boire
Future tense time phrases
demain, à l’avenir, la semaine prochaine, l’année prochaine, le week-end prochain
Future tense
Aller + infinitive e.g. je vais regarder / nous allons rester / il va voyager
Past tense time phrases
hier, il y a deux mois, la semaine dernière, l’année dernière, le week-end dernier
Past tense
Remember S(subject) A(auxiliary) P(past participle)
Learn MRS VAN DER TRAMP(être auxiliary verbs)
Learn irregular past participles
Reflexive verbs
Verbs with se s’ before the infinitive
eg : je me douche / tu te couches / il se couche / elle se couche
nous nous couchons / vous vous couchez / ils se couchent / elles se couchent
Remember negative sandwiches – ne verb pas
Other negative structures: ne…pas, ne …jamais, ne…rien
Questions words
Est-ce que … ?; Avez-vous… ?; Où est… ? A quelle heure… ?; C’est combien?; Quel(le) est...?
Key phrases in three tenses
C’était…(it was) c’est… (it is) ce sera…(it will be) + adjective
il y avait…il y a… il y aura… il faisait…il fait…il va faire + weather
1. Learn all vocabulary – Past vocab tests / Northcote Knowledge / Quizlet.
2. Make mind maps for the vocab topics (above).
3. Practise writing full sentences with as much complexity as possible (opinions, reasons, details
(connectives), other people, negatives, time phrases). Remember ORDONT.
4. Learn all tenses – remember – PROF!
5. Learn at least 15 verbs off-by-heart. If in doubt use JETRAPFAM.
6. Learn at least 5 different positive and negative adjectives off-by-heart.
7. Be able to talk for 30 seconds on the following topic: School.
8. Learn question and answers on school from your speaking booklet.
Games to practise many vocab topics
Presentations and listenings on many vocab topics
Lessons and exercises on all key vocab and
grammar topics
Hints and tips on many key grammar topics
Pronunciation dictionary
The Exam:
The exam is split into two sections, the source and the essay.
The source is worth 20 marks and you have to answer three questions on an unseen topic.
There are two sources that provide information to help you in answering the questions.
The essay is worth 30 marks and you must answer all three questions. For this exam, you
can only write an answer on the Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Revision: (The History Revision Bible will be provided and contains all notes.)
Use essay plans to organise arguments and plan potential essay layouts.
Mind maps help to link facts to arguments.
Make sure you know key dates and names.
Practice the use of PEEL.
CHECK the essay layout.
The exam will last for 60-minutes, and you will need to answer all the questions.
Equipment you will need: Pen, pencil, rubber, ruler and you can use a calculator.
You should be able to:
Accurately locate the UK physical and political locations from
the CE Global Location iBooks.
Rivers &
Understand and recall the types of river erosion and transport.
Understand how an oxbow lake can develop from a meander.
& volcanoes
Understand how convection currents cause plates to move
and understand how this can lead to eruptions and
earthquakes. Recall keywords and definitions linked to
earthquakes. Be able to explain what happens on constructive
and destructive plate boundaries.
Weather &
Understand the difference between weather and climate. Be
able to understand a climate graph. Be able to draw and
annotate a diagram of each type of rainfall (convectional, relief
and frontal). Explain how the UK climate varies place to place
due to latitude, altitude, prevailing wind, distance from the
coast and the North Atlantic drift.
Transport &
Recall examples of the four different categories of industries.
Understand how transport, the cost of land, access to market,
workforce and raw materials impact where a business is best
located. Understand how Nissan cars and iPhones are
examples of products linked to globalisation.
Population &
Understand the factors that were important for a settlement to
originally be built. Understand causes of population increase
and decrease in an area. Recall examples of push and pull
factors that can influence human migration.
Geography iBooks and an interactive revision booklet are
accessible via Google Classroom
The exam will last for 60 minutes.
You will answer two questions, each with a part a, b and c.
1. The first will be EITHER:
a. the Story of Creation: Unit 1.1 ‘God the Creator’ p5-9
b. The Call of Moses: God & Moses p11-13
c. The Passover
d. Crossing the Sea
2. The second will be a story of Jesus’s Miracles*: p32-39
*you may choose your favourite miracle (Feeding 5000/Calming the Storm/the Paralysed Man)
Use the e-textbook on your Dynamic Learning App for further help.
- requires you to retell a part of the story with accuracy
(Write an ‘incisive summary’, which means include all detail,
make it short but accurate and use excellent English)
- will require you to explain the meaning of the story
We ask:
1. Where is God at each point of the story?
2. What was he doing at that point?
3. Note any ‘callbacks’ to previous stories
- requires you to debate an idea
use the story for your examples
show that you understand the meaning of the story and its
significant points.
You will need to show two points of view clearly. (You will write
‘On one hand… on the other hand… in conclusion…’ . )
NB. The quality of your writing is important
The Latin Level 1 CE examination consists of one 60-minute paper that carries 75 marks:
Section 1 Reading comprehension
Section 2 Translation (Latin into English)
Section 3 Grammar
Section 4 English into Latin translation (NEW)
– 15 marks
– 30 marks
– 10 marks
– 20 marks
Revision resources
• Class exercise book (containing all grammar tables & example sentences)
• Level 1 vocabulary and grammar booklets
• https://www.quizlet.com (CE1 vocabulary lists 1-10)
• https://www.quizlet.com (Level 1 English into Latin list)
You should be able to:
Vocabulary Know the meaning of all the words from the Level 1 CE
vocabulary list, including the “extra information” and the parts
of speech (& new list of 47 words from English into Latin)
Recognise 1st and 2nd declension nouns, singular and plural in all
cases (NvAGDA) & know functions + translations (SO123)
Recognise regular present, imperfect and perfect tense verbs,
as well as infinitives, imperatives and the irregular verb esse (to
Recognise 1st and 2nd declension adjectives (2-1-2), singular and
plural in all cases and identify which noun they agree with
Recognise personal pronouns (ego, tu, nos, vos) in nominative
and accusative cases
1-10 (cardinal numbers) and 1st-10th (ordinal numbers)
I can
• Vocabulary knowledge is VITAL (including “extra information” & part of speech),
especially for the NEW SECTION 4 – English into Latin translation
• Learn all grammar tables off-by-heart – copy them onto A6 revision cards
• Remember your translation technique:
1) Read the Latin passage once through & slash after the full-stops to identify / highlight the
2) Read Latin sentence twice & identify conjunctions and/or commas to separate clauses in
long sentences to identify / highlight more verbs
3) Identify verbs & analyse tense (present / imperfect / perfect) & person / number (1st / 2nd
/ 3rd sg. or pl.)
4) Bracket off prepositional phrases (preposition + noun + adjective?) & noun phrases
(noun + adjective)
5) Identify the subject noun (Nominative) if there is one – if not, subject is “in the verb”
6) Identify the object noun (Accusative) if there is one
7) Identify other noun cases (Genitive / Dative / Ablative)
8) Check you have translated all the words & that your translation makes sense