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Scope of Statistics: Applications in Various Fields

Scope of statistics
Statistics and modern science: In medical science the statistical tools for collection,
presentation and analysis of observed facts relating to causes and incidence of dieses and
the result of application various drugs and medicine are of great importance.
Statistics and industry: In industry statistics is widely used inequality control. In
production engineering to find out whether the product is confirming to the specifications
or not. Statistical tools, such as inspection plan, control chart etc.
Statistics and economics: Statistical data and techniques of statistical analysis have to
immensely useful involving economical problem. Such as wages, price, time series
analysis, demand analysis.
Statistics and business: Statistics is an irresponsible tool of production control. Business
executive are relying more and more on statistical techniques for studying the much and
desire of the valued customers.
Statistics and mathematics: Statistics are intimately related recent advancements in
statistical technique are the outcome of wide applications of mathematics.
Statistics and planning: Statistics in indispensable into planning in the modern age
which is termed as “the age of planning”. Almost all over the world the govt. are
restoring to planning for economic development.
Statistics, psychology and education: In education and physiology statistics has found
wide application such as, determining or to determine the reliability and validity to a test,
factor analysis etc.
Statistics and war: In war the theory of decision function can be a great assistance to the
military and personal to plan “maximum destruction with minimum effort.”
In banking: it play an important role in banking. The banks make use of statistics for a
number of purposes. The banks work on the principle that all the people who deposit their
money with the banks do not withdraw it at the same time. The bankers use statistical
approaches based on probability to estimate the numbers of depositors and their claims
for a certain day.
In State Management (Administration):Statistics is essential for a country. Different
policies of the government are based on statistics. Statistical data are now widely used in
taking all administrative decisions. it helps in estimating the expected expenditures and
revenue from different sources. So statistics are the eyes of administration of the state.
In Accounting and Auditing: accounting is impossible without exactness. The correction
of the values of current asserts is made on the basis of the purchasing power of money or
the current value of it. In auditing sampling techniques are commonly used. An auditor
determines the sample size of the book to be audited on the basis of error.
In Natural and Social Sciences: it plays a vital role in almost all the natural and social
sciences. Statistical methods are commonly used for analyzing the experiments results,
testing their significance in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Meteorology,
Research chambers of commerce, Sociology, Business, Public Administration,
Communication and Information Technology etc.
In Astronomy: Astronomy is one of the oldest branches of statistical study; it deals with
the measurement of distance, sizes, masses and densities of heavenly bodies by means
of observations. During these measurements errors are unavoidable so most probable
measurements are founded by using statistical methods.
Statistics and Sociology: Sociology is one of the social sciences aiming to discover the
basic structure of human society, to identify the main forces that hold groups together It
highlights and illuminates aspects of social life that otherwise might be only obscurely
recognized and understood. The sociologist may be called upon for help with a special
problem such as social conflict, urban plight or the war on poverty or crimes.
Statistics and Government: The functions of a government are more varied and complex.
Various depts. in the state are required to collect and record statistical data in a
systematic manner for an effective administration. Data pertaining to various fields
namely population, natural resources, production both agricultural and industrial,
finance, trade, exports and imports etc are the most fundamental requirements of the
state for its administration