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Politics & Governance Exam - High School

1. Which BEST describe the Dangerous Drugs Board Agency in the Philippines under the supervision of the Office of the
President of the Philippines designed to help the President make and enforce policy.
A. The Dangerous Drugs Board Agency in the Philippines is tasked in creating policies in dealing with illegal drugs.
B. The Dangerous Drugs Board Agency in the Philippines is the lead anti-drug law enforcement agency, prevention
and control
C. The Dangerous Drugs Board Agency in the Philippines serves as the President's principal arm for coordinating
these policies among various government agencies.
D. The Dangerous Drugs Board Agency in the Philippines oversees and coordinates the Administration's financial
management, information, and regulatory policies.
2. Jonas, a former secretary of the Philippine Republic was accused of Betrayal of Public Trust and Graft and Corruption
for during his term, he consume administration‘s finances, abused his power, did not inform proper people and refused
to follow regulatory policies of the government for his travel abroad until he was sentenced to be imprisoned entire his
life time. The President of the Philippines remove Jonas to his post immediate because of the inappropriate behavior
committed. The President ‘s Power illustrated to the situation given based from the information was _______.
A. executing the Law
B. ordinance Power
C. appointing Power
D.removal Power
3. What do you call the basic structures for Legislative Branch of the Government?
A. House of Representative and the Congress
C. The Unicameral and Bi-cameral
B. The Congress and the Senate
D. Senate and the House of Representatives
4. Rudy, one of the Senators in Philippine Republic proposed Salary Increase of every Public School Teacher in the
congress. Every bill passed by the Congress to become a law, it should pass three readings on separate days, except
when the President certifies to the necessity of its immediate enactment to meet a public calamity or emergency. From
the information given, can you classify the branch of government who implements the kind of procedure given?
A. Federal form of government
C. The Legislative Department
B. The Executive Department
D. The Judicial Department
5. Can you tell why the performance of the Congresses play a great impact on the Philippine Development?
A. The Congress reiterate in developing a unifying purpose or mission for the executive branch as a whole; setting
policy and associated program agendas, including making the hard choices among many competing priorities and claims
from assorted constituents and stakeholders; developing and communicating values; and creating a shared vision of
what government should become in the future.
B. . Our legislative yield, much of it accomplished under difficult circumstances, evidence our steadfast resolve to
push the frontiers of legislation to sustain the momentum towards growth and genuine inclusive development, augment
funding resources for the rehabilitation of areas devastated by typhoons and acted decisively to provide clear-cut policy
solutions to numerous concerns and gaps in disaster rehabilitation, social welfare, bureaucratic reform, education,
health, the administration of justice and the economy with accomplishments which are the hard-earned fruits of their
steadfast to resolve and serve the interests of the Filipino people.
C. The Congress provide concept of "quality" leadership and management brings a focus to leadership and
management of meeting and exceeding customer expectations and continuing productivity and quality improvement
D. The Congress gives current emphasis on the use of executive branch management controls via staff offices as a
means of ensuring accountability has fostered a culture of dominance, compliance, helplessness, and dependency
6. Euphrecina approached the Senate President one Monday morning about her views on a certain bill. She lobbied all
the positive possibilities under her proposed law for the betterment of the state. Can you examine the method advocacy
of Euphrecina illustrated based from the given information?
A. Legislative Advocacy
C. Professional advocacy
B. Citizen Advocacy
D. Non-instructed advocacy.
7. All of the following are the included in the Power of the Judicial Branch of the Government of the Philippines EXCEPT
one. Identify.
A. Serving the people of a specific congressional district. Among other duties, judiciary introduce bills and
resolutions, offer amendments and serve on committees.
B. This branch of the state is often tasked with ensuring equal justice under law. It usually consists of a court of final
appeal (called the "Supreme court” or "Constitutional court"), together with lower courts.
C.Its duty is to settle actual controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and enforceable
D.The judiciary enjoys fiscal autonomy. Its appropriation may not be reduced by the Legislature below the
appropriated amount the previous year
8. How many is the composition in the Supreme Court?
A. A chief Justice and thirteen Associate Justices
C. A chief Justice and fifteen Associate Justices
B. A chief Justice and fourteen Associate Justices
D. A chief Justice and sixteen Associate Justices
9. What is the certain Agency in the Executive Department that performs duties similar to the Judicial Department. This
agency make pronouncements and judgments on certain issues like on the Commission on Elections, National Labor
Relations Commission, Securities and Excahnge Commissions and the like.
A. Supreme Courts
B. Court of Appeals
C. Quasi-Judicial Agencies D. Trial Courts
10. In the hearing procedure, there are constitutionality issues regarding treaty, international laws, presidents decrees,
proclamations and orders, they call this _______.
A. Regular Session
B. En Banc Session
C. Special Session
D. Emergency Session
11. Can you defend your position about why independence of the Judiciary is very Important. Select the letter that
corresponds to your answer.
A. Independence of the Judiciary is very Important because it promotes confidence in the government, being aware
that you have someone to depend on in case of conflicts and disputes; there is also preservation of the government,
settle issues being different government agencies and respect law and order to attain organized and civilized society.
B. Independence of the Judiciary is very Important because it can help increase your self-value and self-esteem,
more so if becoming independent is one of your goals. The achievement of financial, emotional, social, career and
personal independence gives you a sense of accomplishment that eventually changes how you rate yourself and how
others view you.
C. Independence of the Judiciary is very Important because perform such other functions and activities as may be
lawful and necessary to ensure the swift passage, considered an independent Member of the House.
D. Independence of the Judiciary is very Important because it summarized the colonists' motivations for seeking
12. Find the meaning of Politics?
A. is a set of activities associated with the governance of a country or an area. It involves making decisions that
apply to group of members. It refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance—organized control over a
human community, particularly a state
B. It is a systematic body of knowledge which for the most part is theoretical, that deals with the government and
regulation, maintenance and development, and defense and augmentation of the state.
C. It deals with the protection of the rights of its citizens; safeguarding and enhancement their immorality; and,
harmony and peace in their relations.
D. It is the science of power and manipulation.
13. Can you distinguish between Politics and Political Science? Explain your answer.
A. Politics where politics happens while political science is the interpretation of politics
B. Politics can be understood as a competition between citizens over policy preference. In my public policy classes
I define public policy as a public response to perceived public problems. Politics is the process we use to select those
public responses. There is nothing scientific about it. It's all interest-based. Political science, on the other hand, is the
social scientific study of politics and public policy.
C. Politics refers refers to the very ideas themselves which are meant to give structure and meaning to the human
world while Political science literally it means the putting in position of things, or simply composition.
D. Politics preserve the inherent rights of men which are not guaranteed in the state of nature wile Political science
the psychological foundations of prudence and civilization are fear of death and the need for security.
14. State the value of Politics.
A. Deepening knowledge and understanding of one of the most powerful forces operating on people, communities
and corporations today, namely government.
B. Studying the social problems through the methods of scientific research and to find out solution to them.
C. It will help you to know rights, it clarifies what yourself believes, it is a living, breathing subject, helps you to
understand nation ‘s and prepares you for adult life.
D. To gain a clearer perspective on our own. They study the past to help interpret the present.
15. Find the meaning of governance and government?
A. Government is there exist various political groups of like-minded people, that have a common agenda, which
they seek to pursue while governance is a discipline that deals with the composition and function of the country’s
B. Government focuses on culture while governance is are social science disciplines that focus on studying the
behavior of humans within their societies.
C. Government is the original and broadest field of human academic study while governance is a body of purported
knowledge based upon purported divine revelation, where several key assumptions are never seriously questioned.
D. Government is is an instrument for the purpose of governance, it is a group of people with authority to govern a
country or a state while governance is an exercise of political,economic, and administrative authority to manage nation’s
affairs and the process of decision making by which decisions are implemented.
16. Among the Political Ideologies, all of the given information describes conservatism EXCEPT one. Identify the strange
information of the given choices.
A. Conservatism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed, and equality before
the law.
B. Conservatism refers to the state of a society being without authorities or a governing body, and the general
confusion and chaos resulting from that condition.
C. Conservatism a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of
production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
D. Conservatism is a political and social philosophy promoting traditional social institutions in the context of
culture and civilization.
17. What difference exist between Socialism and Liberalism? Describe each distinction.
A. Socialism is an economic and political doctrine advocating government ownership, adheres to social equality to
attain social stability and the instrument of labor movement while Liberalism focuses on people’s own business and
their own interests better , and care for them more than the government does or can be expected to do.
B. Socialism liberals for openness, debate, and self-determination, tradition, hierarchy and authority while
Liberalism favors openness, debate and self-determination.
C. Socialism oppose the state and advocate for the abolition of its accompanying institutions of government and
law believing that a more natural and spontaneous social order will develop while liberalism regards the state as
embodiment of the common good and thus approve of interventionism in either its social-democratic or state collective
D. Socialism states individual liberty or freedom which is a natural light of individuals while liberalism believe in the
capacity of human being for collective action, their willingness and ability to pursue goals by working together as
opposed to striving for personal self-interest.
18. Can you name the type of Political Community, the ordinary one’s whom the farmers belongs to.
A. Literal Community
C. White Collar Employees
B. Special Interest Group
D. Blue Collar Employees
19. With the different Political Ideologies that help to expound on power and what level each type of power should be
used, can you distinguish the type of political community that is mainly composed of professionals bound to the
C. Literal Community
C. White Collar Employees
D. Special Interest Group
D. Ordinary Community
20. Analyze what was the underlying theme of people wants different things from the government, hence political
structures are different, for the needs to the lawyers are different from the needs of the housekeepers and their culture
is not also the same in the society.
A. Its maybe because white collar jobs are more dominant that ‘s why they demand more.
B. Its maybe because of unequal treatment as to salary
C. Its maybe because of the diversification of Political Ideologies depending on communities
D. Its maybe because disbelief to the poor urges them not to assimilate to developments
21. Who was it that promulgates that a good self-leadership to acquire is to manage ourselves.
A. Thomas Hobbes
B. Mar Webber
C. Socrates
D. Daniel Goleman
22. Who was it that came after the American Government that again colonized the Philippines.
A. The British Regime
B. The Spanish Regime
C. The American Regime
D. The Japanese Regime
23. Who do you think is the proponent of Schurman Commission stating the establishment of a territorial form of
government with the legislature of two houses, the lower house to be elective and the upper house to be half-elective
and half-appointive?
A. Jacob Schurman
B. Justin Schurman
C. William Howard Taft
D. William Schurman
24. All information given are the effects of the evolution of the Philippine Politics and Governance EXCEPT one. Identify
to the given information below.
A. Local government is produced by local government units from the provinces, cities, municipalities, and
barangays. ... During World War II, the Japanese-sponsored Second Philippine Republic forced all the existing parties to
merge into ...
B. Under direct British rule, and the other under the suzerainty of the British Crown, with control over their
internal affairs remaining in the hands of their hereditary rulers
C. The barangay was the typical community in the whole archipelago. It was the basic political and economic unit
independent of similar others. Each embraced a few hundreds of people and a small territory. Each was headed by a
chieftain called the rajah or datu
D. The Americans controlled the Philippine Commission, the upper house of the Philippine Legislature. The
Nationalist - dominated Philippine Assembly, and later the Philippine Senate, which was created by the Jones Law and
replaced the Philippine Commission, was often at odds with the Governor-General.
25. Michael, a soldier was very devoted to follow General Elwell Otis. His authority was delegated to the military
governor who exercised as long as the war lasted, all powers of government – executive, legislative and judicial.
Distinguish the form of government Michael is affiliated with during the evolution of Philippine Politics and Governance?
A. Dictatorial Government
C. Military Government
B. Revolutionary Government
D. Civil Government
26. The government established by the Spanish are centralized in structures. The barangays were consolidated into tows
and it was called _________.
A. capitan - general
B. kapitan
C. gobernador heneral
D. gobernadorcillo
27. Can you explain what must have happened when the Marcos and Authoritarian Rule in the Philippines Reign. All of
the following information below explain the political developments during the Marcos Regime EXCEPT one. Identify.
A. It was when he issued a decree formally establishing his dictatorial government with a Revolutionary
Government, with himself as President. He issued the next day, declaring the existence of a state of war between the
Philippines and the US and Great Britain.
B. The civilian government and civilian judicial authorities shall continue functioning in all matters appropriately
belonging to their attributes that do not refer to public order and this last matter to whatever the military allows them
to do or delegates to them, requiring each one to give the other any news that will reach their knowledge
C. Martial law is declared either when there is near-violent civil unrest or in cases of major natural disasters,
however most countries use a different legal construct like "state of emergency". It refers to several intermittent
periods wherein places an area under the control of the Armed Forces of the Philippines The imposition of martial law
accompanies curfews, the suspension of civil law, civil rights, habeas corpus, and the application or extension of military
law or military justice to civilians. Civilians defying martial law may be subjected to military tribunals (court-martial).
D. Political government way back is to establish a Dictatorial Government with full authority, civil and military, in
order to determine first the real needs of the country
28. Among the stages of Political Governance in the Philippines, which describes the fourth Republic which pertains to
the Freedom of Constitution in 1986. Select the letter of the BEST answer.
A. This is when national network parallel was developed and immune from congressional influence by opening
direct links.
B. This Constitution provided for the framework of interim, revolutionary government and the exercise of both
executive and legislative powers. It is where the restoration of civil and political rights, presidential form and unitary
system of government. It mandated clear separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches
of the government as well as the strong system of check and balances in the government system
C. Revision of old executive agencies and use military infrastructure programs as prime example in this constitution.
D. It was the vetoing of laws which increase congressional allowances. It was the centralization of the dis
centralized power order.
29. There are many roles and powers that a President of the Philippines holds and use to make sure that laws are carried
out fairly. Distinguish among the roles of a President the role to infer that he is the moral leader and figurehead of the
Philippine Government.
A. Chief Administrator
B. Commander and Chief
C. Chief Citizen
D. Chief of State
30. Can you name the group that provide the President with objective economic analysis and advice on the development
and implementation of a wide range of domestic and international economic policy issues.
A. Council on Environmental Quality
C. Cabinet
B. Office of Policy Development
D. Council of Economic Advisers
31. What do you as other possible outcomes in the program of the Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on his program
“War on Drugs? “ All of the following information below explains Duterte ‘s program War on Drugs EXCEPT one. Identify
A. This program strengthen the camaraderie of people to the authority for they eliminate the criminals.
B. The unaccountable en masse prosecution of anyone accused of drug trade involvement or drug use also serves as
mechanism to squash political pluralism and eliminate political opposition
C. The Presidents war on drugs in the Philippine results in egregious and large-scale violation of human rights, it
amounts to state-sanctioned murder.
D. Suspicion among human rights groups and monitors reported regularly in the international press, that the police
back and encourage the other extra judicial killings - with police officers paying assassins
32. It is a political unit that has sovereignty, it is the legitimate and ultimate authority over an area of territory and the
people within it is called _______.
A. Nation
B. State
C. Sovereignty
D. Government
33. Can you distinguish between Nation and the State?
A. Nation also applies to federated states that are members of a federation, in which sovereignty is shared between
member states and a federal body while State is subject to external sovereigntyor hegemony, where supreme authority
lies in another
B. Nation is a definite and more or less permanent territory is also regarded as an essential element of the state. In
modern times, the citizens are bound together by residence on a common territory while State is A people occupying a
definite territory cannot form a state unless they are politically organized i.e., unless they possess a government.
C. Nation is the people, shared by same belief that the people inside the country are connected to each other
while State is a government structure usually sovereign and powerful enough to enforce its writ.
D. Nation is the characteristic which distinguishes the state from all other associations. It denotes the supreme
power or the final authority from which there is no appeal while State is a human institution. So population is its primary
element. There is no hard and fast rule about population.
34. Explain what is Globalization?
A. Globalization is creating something totally new with one's own ideas and development.
B. Globalization is recognizing something that already exists for the first time, that nobody has found
before,creating something totally new with one's own ideas and development.
C. Globalization is directly associated with learning within an organism (or business) and recalling what has been
learned. In psychology and sociology; involves the integration of attitudes, values, standards and the opinions of others
into one's own identity or sense of self.
D. Globalization can be defined as a process of rapid economic, cultural, and institutional integration among
countries. This unification is driven by the liberalization of trade, investment and capital flow, technological advances,
and pressures for assimilation towards international standards.
35. In the aspects of globalization, can you distinguish between economic and political aspect of globalization?
A. Economic aspect trade with many others and have few trade barriers while political aspect is the amount of
political co-operation there is between countries
B. Economic aspect A measure of how easily information and ideas pass between people in their own country and
between different countries while political aspect trade with many others and have few trade barriers
C. Economic aspect is the amount of political co-operation there is between countries while political aspect is a
measure of how easily information and ideas pass between people in their own country and between different countries
D. Economic aspect is a measure of how easily information and ideas pass between people in their own country and
between different countries while political aspect is the amount of political co-operation there is between countries.
36. Which BEST describe the influences of globalization in nation - states?
A. The creation of globalization provided many new job opportunities. The new machinery increased production
speed of good and gave people the ability to transport raw materials.
B. Globalization grant access to benefit from the international division of labor, technologies, international
specialization, inter-cultural exchange and the consumers enjoy a wider variety of products at lower prices. This new
era of globalization brings with it opportunities and also new considerations and challenges with the dynamics of a free
C. There is a decline in barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital” that has occurred
D. Emerging globalization provides technologies that maintains scale and deflation, accelerating the pace of change,
having a profound impact on how societies, institutions, businesses and individuals interact.
37. What is the establishment of the Philippine Republic?
A. It was the Pact of Biak-na Bato Filipino negotiators Toward the end of October, 1897, during a lull of hostilities,
President Aguinaldo convened an assembly of revolutionary generals and leaders
B. It was when the Malolos Constitution was ratified, the Universidad Literia de Filipinas was established in Malolos,
C. It was the culmination of the Philippine Revolution against Spanish rule
D. Use to recall the existence of Military government in the Philippines To differentiate Schurman Commission
from Taft Commission To show the importance of United States in the development of Military Government
38. Who do you think was the First President of the Philippines and became the inaugural president of the Malolos
Republic, considered the First Philippine Republic?
A. Manuel L. Quezon
B. Manuel Roxas
C. José P. Laurel
D. Emilio Aguinaldo
39. Laura used to go to school wherein the teaching of Tagalog, Philippine History, and Character for Education was
reserved for Filipinos. Love for work and dignity of labor was emphasized. From the information given, what stage of the
Philippine Education System was applied?
A. The British Regime
B. The Spanish Regime
C. The American Regime
D. The Japanese Regime
40. Describe the government during the Spanish time?
A. The system of government was not so bad considering the conditions in other lands in the age during which it
B. The form of government is the Dictatorial Government were the Proclamation of Philippine Independence at
Kawit Cavite and the reorganization of local governments
C. In the administration of the Philippines, the Governor-General was assisted by many boards and officers,
particularly the Board of Authorities and the Council of Administration
D. It was under the Civil Government who exercised legislative powers, the sole law-making body of the
41. Can you explain what must have happened if we try to manage ourselves as a political community and changes in
the nature of work and in organizational structures, that results to major impact on working roles and relationships.
A. If we try to manage ourselves, factors can lead to increased stress levels, lower tolerance of differences and
conflicts between individuals, colleagues, teams or managers and subordinates, thus managing both your emotions as
well as the practical situations you experience.
B. If we try to manage ourselves, it results to better salary increase because our superiors will be pleased
C. If we try to manage ourselves, we will be free from prejudices and complaints
D. If we try to manage ourselves, we will be more productive
42. Which BEST describe Daniel Goleman's EQ model in self-awareness and self-management. Select from the
information below.
A. Emphasized that the ego makes positive contributions to development by mastering attitudes, ideas, and skills at
each stage of development.
B. The idea that behavior is determined by its consequences, be they reinforcements or punishments, which make it
more or less likely that the behavior will occur again
C. Self awareness is about understanding yourself, your preferences and tendency to behave in a certain way. Self
management is about being able to regulate your behavior when necessary. For example: someone may be a constant
gossip, but in a professional environment they learn to temper themselves not to do it.
D. believed that the only true and correct form of government was the absolute monarchy, that human beings
are, at their core, selfish creatures.
43. What do you call the coherent set of ideas that provides the basis for organized political action, whether this is
intended to preserve, modify or overthrew the existing system of power.
A. Ideas
B. Ideology
C. Ideas and Ideologies
D. Power Relationships
44. What do you see as other possible outcome if we master good leadership skills?
A. It is a positive view of yourself and confidence in your strengths and abilities.
B. The capacity to manage strong feelings and impulses results good fortune
C. it is one way of creating a more meaningful and positive work experience today for yourself and others, work
with others in a productive and profitable way. We cannot control the behavior of others but we can control our own.
D. Being a good leader to others help boost our own immune system, slow down aging, elevate our self esteem and
improve blood pressure.
45. What do you see as other possible outcomes the effect of different set of principles to each life of Filipinos?
A. Other possible outcome is by having other Political ideologies that affects ones social life as everyone fight for
their right of understanding as each opinion contain certain ideas to provide recommendation for the betterment of one
B. Other possible outcome is better economy that could lead to a higher quality of life and that could result in a
better economic efficiency. Having that in mind, the main factors of a prosperous country seem to be: Economy based
on innovation.
C.Other possible outcome is If all hands are equally likely, the probability of a single pair is obtained ... allowed to be
of the same suit (e.g., all hearts) or from some different suits.
D.Other possible outcome is through Wellness: Maintaining a healthy body, mind, and spirit/mood.
Self-presentation: Controlling one's grooming, attire, and manners—given the social and cultural situation at hand—so
as to make a positive impression on others.
46. Find the meaning of Power?
A. It is the control of, or influence on, the state, ability to make, or influence, political decisions
B. The fuel of politics. It is the ability to make, or to influence the making of, those binding decisions which are
the essence of politics
C. It is the control of economic assets
D. It is the ability to wage war - or to compel others through intimidation or deterrence
47. This kind of power involves the usage of threat to make people do what one desires. It translates into threatening
someone with transfer, firing, demotions etc. it basically forces people to submit one's demand for the fear of losing
something. This type of power is called ______.
A. reward power
B. expert power
C. coercive power
D. referant power
48. Can you write a brief outline regarding the dimensions of power channels?
A. Power channels are 1 - TRADITIONAL – based on tradition, established beliefs or values (example: rule of
dynasties, power of the church) 2 - LEGAL-RATIONAL – based on formal arrangements (rules, laws, constitutions). The
main type practiced in contemporary politics and 3 -CHARISMATIC*– based on the extraordinary personal qualities of a
leader, or on the influence of an idea or a cause.
B. Power channels are 1 -FORCE – ability to detain and harm people and damage or confiscate their property to
compel them to obey your orders; 2- PERSUASION – ability to convince people to do what they otherwise would not
have done by invoking their own interests and common sense and 3 - AUTHORITY – legitimate (just and lawful) power to
control and direct people’s activities
C. Power channels are 1- POLITICAL POWER - control of, or influence on, the state, ability to make, or influence,
political decisions; 2 - ECONOMIC POWER - control of economic assets and 3 - MILITARY POWER - ability to wage war - or
to compel others through intimidation or deterrence.
D. Power channels are the 1; physical - which derived from material or physical advantage, 2; Emotional - this is a
social power of affect, using emotion to get what you want and 3; Informational - this derived from knowledge. Power
comes from control and access of information.
49. All of the information below explains the uses of power EXCEPT one. Identify the strange information.
A. Power is used physically for it do no harm and defend
B. It could be used emotionally for it respond to calls, comfort and nurture
C. It could be used spiritually through prayers
D. It could be used in informing through Open book, it allow access, inform, teach, and warn danger
50. The women leaders face greater and bigger challenges than male leaders as they also have to battle against
perceptions. With more women taking up leadership roles, the hitherto unknown issues and challenges of a leadership
position are now beginning to surface. What was the main idea in the exercised of power?
A. This is a personal kind of power which owes its genesis to the skills and expertise possessed by an individual,
which is of higher quality and not easily available. Leadership effectiveness is only fare when it is based on leadership
style and results achieved rather than on gender.
B. This kind of power involves the usage of threat to make people do what one desires
C. This type of power uses rewards, perks, new projects or training opportunities, better roles and monetary
benefits to influence people.
D. This power emanates from an official position held by someone, be it in an organization, beaurocracy or