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Technology & Language Learning Course Outline

Ho Chi Minh City Open University
Graduate school
COURSE OUTLINE (2020-2021, S2)
2. Instructor: Dr. Vu Hoa Ngan - Email: vuhngan@gmail.com
3. Course load: 3 credit units; Time: morning (8:00-11:40), afternoon (1:00-4:40)
4. Course objectives
Technology in general and computer technology in particular has been significantly advanced during the last
decades. The advantages that technology has brought to education are huge; thus, language teachers need to
understand about technology enhanced language learning (TELL) applications and employment to improve
teaching and learning practices. This course aims to enable students to identify the benefits of relevant
software applications and employ appropriate TELL teaching approaches in language class. Critical analysis
is placed on the roles of teachers in TELL contexts, the employment of resources, and evaluation schemes.
The course is also to provide opportunities for students to critically review research on education technology,
develop their own TELL materials, and possibly propose directions for TELL research.
5. Graduate attributes
Upon completing the course, students should be able to
 Evaluate TELL applications and materials in relation to English language teaching methodology and
 Develop TELL materials for English language classes and employ platforms for TELL projects;
 Recommend the integration of appropriate TELL software applications for particular English
language programs;
 Relate TELL methodology to language acquisition and development;
 Review relevant literature to identify key issues of technology trends in research and propose ideas for
further research.
6. Course description
The course explores both the practical and theoretical aspects of employing technology, including computers
and mobile devices, in second language learning and teaching. The relationship between technology and
language learning is reviewed and interactive technology for language teaching and learning is analysed. Main
topics for class discussion include resources for language learning on the Internet, software application
evaluation, web page design and authoring programs, web-based activities, social networking based activities,
TELL materials and curriculum, mobile-assisted language learning, TELL integration and students’
achievement, and learning evaluation. Implications of TELL in language classrooms and research will also be
considered in each section of the course.
7. Resources
Main text
Chapelle, C. & Sauro, S. (2017). The handbook of technology and language teaching and learning. (Ed.)., NJ:
Wiley Blackwell.
Beatty, Ken (2010). Teaching and researching computer-assisted language learning (2nd edition). London:
Blake, R. (2012). Brave new digital classroom (2nd ed). Washington: Georgetown University Press.
Main journals for TELL references
 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
 British Journal of Educational Technology
 Computer-Assisted Language Learning
 Journal of Research on Technology in Education
 Journal of Technology Education
 Language Learning and Technology
 CALICO Journal
 Research in Learning Technology
 The IALLT Journal for Language Learning Technologies
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8. Assessment
Students are assessed for their participation in online discussion and class presentation, material design, and
major essay. Details of these assessments are listed below.
Weighting Assessment
Online discussion questions & Oral presentation
Material development
Major essay
Assignment 1: Class presentation (10%)
Assignment 1 has two components: Discussion questions and in-class presentation. A link for signing up the
presentation has been posted on our lms system. Any choice of topics or software programs that are not listed
should be approved by the instructor; otherwise, students will get 0.
Part 1: Discussion questions (3 pts)
 Each student should ask at least three (03) questions for your classmates to discuss online. The questions
should relate to your assigned reading or software program and involve your classmates in reading the
text/ software before they listen to your presentation. You may want to ask questions for reading
comprehension, inference, evaluation or application. Questions for details/ vocabulary (i.e., your friends
just "copy and paste" the answers from the text) are highly discouraged.
 You should post the questions on the lms system at least 10 DAYS before your presentation day (on
Part 2: Oral presentation (7 pts)
Each student is required to either present an assigned reading or demonstrate a software program/ a web-based
program. You should include a summary of your classmates' responses in the online discussion forum.
 Each presentation on reading texts should last around 10 minutes, followed by a Q&A section (3-5 mins).
PPT slides or screenshots should be prepared.
 As for the software/web-based program demo, students (1) introduce the software program & its useful
functions, (2) show how to use the program to design materials, and (3) briefly review their strengths and
weaknesses. Students need to prepare step-by-step instructions and screenshots (PPT slides) for 10-minute
presentations. Please install or register the software, if necessary, before your presentation day.
Notes: You may want to show a sample of your products created by your chosen software program. However,
please do not play online tutorials designed by other people; otherwise, students will receive 0.
How to submit your assignment: Submit (1) your PPT slides and (2) an excel dataset of your friends'
participations (I will post an excel template) onto the lms system. Please name your files as TELL2021-S2YourName-StudentID-assignmentnumber (e.g., TELL2021-S2-NguyenVanA-4201751000-assignment1).
Do not include Vietnamese accents, or dots. If you co-present the same text, please turn in your own slides &
your online discussion record.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on your presentation day
Bonuses and penalty for online discussions:
 Students are expected to participate in online discussions. Students who engage in online discussion will
earn bonuses (1pt/ each contribution; 10% of the midterm score).
 Each contribution should be at least 100 words and relevantly address your friends' questions.
 Deadlines of the online posts should be on Thursdays BEFORE the class on the presentation day
 Students who fail to contribute to online discussions (i.e., never post a response) will get their midterm
score deducted 10%.
Assignment 2: Material development (30%)
This assignment includes two components, namely Material Design and Material Report.
 The Material Design task requires students to create some kind of TELL material and host it on the
Internet. The materials can be in a standalone platform or integrated with other existing learning
platforms. Clear online instructions are expected to guide language learners to go through your materials.
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Students can refer to the paper-based EFL materials used at their institutions as a guide. Students can
work in pairs or groups (max. 4).
The report is a 1,000-word (+/- 10%) reflection essay which includes the following:
1. Title of your material (no more than 12 words): please do not use TELL Assignment 2 or
Material development as the title. Please provide a specific title of your project, e.g., Unit 5: Food
2. Student name and ID (List all group member names & IDs): Clearly indicate tasks and/or
sections in the project for each group member in charge.
3. Objectives of the material you design: Indicate what students will be able to achieve after they
engage in your materials
4. Link(s) on your material based in a language management system (like lms system) or online host
(like Google cloud or Wordpress). Additional registration to view your website/ material is
discouraged. Please change settings into guess view, or provide me with an account and password.
Please do not set up deadlines or limited availability. Please let me know any (special) requirements to
access your product. Don't forget to carefully check if the link to your materials works. Notes: Please
check the access to your online materials. If I cannot access it, your score will be 0.
5. Technologies and software programs that have been employed in your material: Please clearly
indicate related functions or settings that you have used for each part of your project. You may want
to include links, if any, to individual components/ activities here.
6. Reflection: What have you learned from developing the material? What necessary changes would
you make to improve/ further develop your material? Please do not provide literature review in this
7. Appendix of material contents: If you design your materials based on a textbook, please provide
me with scanned contents.
Showcases of your Materials are scheduled in the last two weeks of the course. The showcases will not be
scored. The purposes of the showcases are for you (1) to receive my feedback and your friends to improve
your projects and (2) to learn from your classmates.
Assessment criteria of Assignment 2: The online materials should be self-designed by the students, rather
than being adapted from available materials. Target language skills/ components, task types, question
types and technologies in the material should be varied. The report should address all of the required
sections as described above.
Deadline: Two weeks after the last week
How to submit your assignment: You are expected to provide an e-copy AND a hard-copy of your final paper.
Failing to submit either an e-copy or a hard copy can result in 0 pt of the final paper. Submit an e-copy of
your Material Report onto our lms system. Please name your files as TELL 2021-S2-Groupleadernameassignment2 (e.g., TELL2021-S2-NguyenVanA- assignment2). Please submit your .docx files because I need
to check plagiarism. Do not include Vietnamese accents, or dots. Only group leaders turn in the final reports
on our lms system.
Note: The length of your report for group work is expected as follows: 2 students-1,500 words; 3 students 2,000 words; 4 students- 2,500 words. Groups of 5 students should ask for my permission and maximum score
for each student is 8.
Assignment 3: Major essay (60%)
The 1,000-word (+/- 10%) major essay includes a literature review of an educational-technology-related
topic covered in our class, such as telecollaboration, blended learning, etc.
Please DO NOT review specific software programs as (such as software introduction, advantages/
disadvantages of a program) for this assignment. Software programs are specific tools, not technology.
Your major essay should include the following:
 Title of your essay (no more than 12 words): please do not use TELL Assignment 3 or major essay as
the title
 Definitions of relevant terminologies and background information of your chosen educational
technology in language teaching and learning
 Previous findings of your chosen technology or relevant theories that have been put forward
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 Discussion about the use of your chosen technology in relation to the contemporary context of EFL
teaching and learning in Vietnam: You can include your own opinions and/or your teaching experiences. You
also need to provide related research studies in Vietnam contexts and identify research gaps.
 Specific recommendations and implications to stakeholders (e.g., teachers, students, administrators,
and researchers) are drawn for TELL practice and strategic development.
The assignment must show a critical understanding of TELL research and be presented in well-written
academic English. Students must show their thinking and how they have developed their arguments by using
evidence from the literature and relevant professional experience. Students must consistently and accurately
reference what they have read, both in text and in a reference list. The work must be their own. Assignment 3
should be completed individually.
Assessment criteria of Assignment 3 include:
 Abstract, title and structure of the essay and paragraph (1 pt)
 APA style citations & references (1 pt)
 Accuracy: grammar and vocabulary (1 pt)
 Previous literature (2.5 pts)
 Vietnamese context (2.5 pts)
 Recommendations & implications (2 pts)
Deadline: Four weeks after the last week
How to submit your assignment: You are expected to provide an e-copy AND a hard-copy of your final paper.
Failing to submit either an e-copy or a hard copy can result in 0 pt of the final paper. Submit an e-copy of
your major essay onto our lms system. Please name your files as TELL2021-S2-YourName-StudentIDassignmentnumber (e.g., TELL2021-S2-NguyenVanA-4201751000-assignment3). Do not include
Vietnamese accents, or dots. The hard copy should be submitted at Phong Khao thi on the due date. Don't
forget to sign your name on the submission list.
Submission Guidelines
File format
• Assignments should be written using MS Word.
• Assignments can be submitted as one of the following file formats: .doc, .docx
• Do not submit html files, web pages, CAD files, Visio (.vsd), PDF s (.pdf) or zip files unless these are
• Format your paper according to APA7th Style Guidelines – see https://www.apastyle.org/
• All references must be cited in APA 7th
• Use Times New Roman font throughout unless you have a specific reason for switching fonts.
• Use black text on a white background. Avoid coloured backgrounds or text in a colour other than
• Use 11 or 12 point for the body of your assignment and the same for headings.
• Use 1.5 or double spacing and 1-inch margins.
• Use complete paragraphs throughout your paper, unless a list is needed.
• Indent paragraphs and leave one line between new paragraphs.
• A paragraph typically explains, describes, outlines or develops one clear idea and is at least 4
sentences long.
• Include heading in all assignments unless indicated.
• Headings should closely describe the main focus of a section or sub-section of your assignment clearly
and concisely.
• Headings are not required for introductions.
• Use bold for headings. Not underlining.
• Follow APA7th level style for headings, expect to use up to three levels in your assignments:
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• Number all pages except the title page.
• Tables and figures must be numbered and clearly labelled. Table captions are placed above the table,
while captions for figures go below the figure.
• Don't number the items in a reference list.
Word Count
• Include a word count (the number of words in your assignment) at the end of the assignment, before
the reference list.
• Your assignment should not be over the maximum word count. Words beyond the word count will not
be marked.
• Remember that the title/title page, and reference list are not included in the word count.
Reference List
• The reference list comes at the end of the assignment and should start on a new page labelled
'References'. Follow APA7th Referencing Style.
• List appendices as Appendix A or B.
9. Course regulations
Students are expected to participate in all classes, to undertake readings and report as assigned, to discuss
class materials, and to complete assignments as indicated in the course outline. The formatting and referencing
style of all course assignments needs to follow the guidelines of APA 7th edition. Achieving 50% of the course
assessment is the only way to pass the course.
All forms of plagiarism and unauthorised collusion are seriously regarded and could result in penalties
including failure in the course and possible disciplinary action. Plagiarism occurs when students copy or
reproduce someone else’s words or ideas and then present them as students’ own work without proper
acknowledgement, including when students copy the work of their fellow students.
10. Lateness policy
You should take a responsibility to complete your work on time (Technological trouble is not excused). Late
work after the due date will be discounted
o 30% within the first week
o 50% within the second week
Note: Please do NOT email me your late submissions. Instead, do submit your assignments over the lms
system even though the due date has passed. If the system has not recorded your works, the score would be 0.
After the second week, the late submission is NOT accepted. The score will be 0.
11. Tentative Schedule
Introduction to
and grammar
Reading texts
Chapelle et al. (2017) Chapter 2: From
past to present: A hundred years of
technology for L2 learning
Chapelle et al. (2017) Chapter 3:
Technologies for teaching and learning
L2 Grammar
 Grammarly
 Cloze test creator
 Google form-quiz
 GrammarFlip
 Merit Solutions for
Teaching Grammar
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Reading texts
Quill (https://www.quill.org/)
Chapelle et al. (2017) Chapter 4:
Technologies for teaching and learning
and vocabulary L2 Vocabulary
 Anki & Word puzzles
 Online dictionaries & Online
wordlists: Oxford, English
Vocabulary profile
TELL mediated Chapelle et al. (2017) Chapter 12
communication Telecollaboration
& collaboration  Google Hangout
 Adobe connection
 Zoom & MS Teams
Chapelle et al. (2017) Chapter 5
reading skills
Technologies for teaching & learning
 Text-Lex Compare
 Google Read&Write
& Chapelle et al. (2017) Chapter 6
writing skills
Technologies for teaching & learning
 Google Docs
 Lang‐8 (https://lang-8.com/)
 Criterion
 Turnitin
& Chapelle et al. (2017) Chapter 7
listening skills
Technologies for teaching & learning
 http://www.esl‐lab.com
 http://multidict.net/clilstore/
 TED talks & Youtube
 http://webquest.org
 Windows Live Movie Maker
& Chapelle et al. (2017) Chapter 8
speaking skills Technologies for teaching & learning
 Dragon Naturally Speaking
 Dragon Anywhere
 Text to speech
 Google translate app
 Storykit (https://storykit.io/ )
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Reading texts
 Voicethreat
Chapelle et al. (2017) Chapter 10
Distance language teaching with
 Moodle
 Blackboard
 Schoology
 (Google classroom)
Chapelle et al. (2017) Chapter 11:
Blended language learning: Research
and practice
 iSpring Suite
 Padlet
 Camtasia
 OBS studio
 Powtoon animated video
 Animaker
 GoAnimate
Chapelle et al. (2017) Chapter 16
Technology for task-based language
Technology & Chapelle et al. (2017) Chapter 21
Technology and high-stakes language
 Quizlet (https://quizlet.com/)
 ClassMarker
 Raptivity
 Topgrade
 FlexiQuiz
 ProProfs
& Chapelle et al. (2017) Chapter 26
Research methods for investigating
technology for language and culture
(2 weeks after No class meeting
the last week)
(4 weeks after No class meeting
the last week)
Showcase of
Showcase of
project (cont.)
Assignment 2:
Assignment 3:
Final paper
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