Uploaded by Victoria Head


Role Play Area activities:
Rocks within salt dough for chn to excavate, dinosaur eggs in a nest, sand pit with 'bones' buried in it, model dinosaurs, clipboards with
different activities, archaeologist hats and binoculars, walkie-talkies to encourage S&L, dinosaur masks.
Chn could record the things that they find using paper and pencils, drawing pictures and writing words and sentences. They could keep a
diary of their time in the 'Jurassic jungle'. Play-dough area: Dinosaur play-dough mats, making eggs and nests etc. Dinosaurs with
numbers on – link to Target work in maths (Ordering numbers/ multiples).
Big Write ideas:
Fact sheet about dinosaurs.
Letter to Archie telling him about their new dinosaur discovery!
Writing a letter/postcard from the Jurassic Jungle describing what it is like and how the world has changed.
Writing about a prehistoric adventure!
Information leaflet about the different theories of the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Persuasive writing - scientists are trying to bring back the dinosaurs - is this a good idea?
TA Support
Teacher Support
Lesson 1 – Launch of Topic/Learning Journey
History: 4a,
I can ask simple
questions about
the prehistoric
past and changes.
Children will ask
questions about
what they want
to find out
through this
 Discuss prior
 Look at images
 Share ideas as
part of a group
 Write down
questions to be
through topic
Show the children some giant foot prints that have appeared in our class. Who could have
made them? Look at the size, what creature could have left these footprints? How big do
you think this creature would have been?
Turn lights off and show images with sound. Ask chn to consider: What can you see? What
can you hear? How does it make you feel? What do you think about these creatures? What
are they? Do you recognise any? Look at the surroundings, where is it? What is the world
like? Discuss with TP's and share ideas.
Discuss with the chn what the topic is for the Spring Term. Explain that it is to be called
Deadly Dinosaurs and ask them to discuss with TP’s what we might cover and share what
they already know about dinosaurs. (TA to record on whiteboard)
Main Activity
Explain that now we know who could have left the footprints, we are going to follow them!
Using sand tray, explain that we are going to become archaeologists and dig for facts
about dinosaurs. Our job is to find the bones, read the information and decide if we think
it is true or false! Explain that some of the information we find will be facts and some will
be myths. We will keep a record of these and by the end of the topic we should know if we
sorted them into two correct piles! Invite chn to dig for a dinosaur bone which will have
either a fact or a myth written on it. As a class, discuss and sort.
Explain that we know that dinosaurs existed because bones/fossils etc have been found.
Chn will have a range of items on their table (images of fossils/ bones/ dinosaurs etc).
They will discuss what they already know and write down what they want to find out. Write
questions on stars ready to place on our learning journey to refer to throughout topic.
Using salt dough – make dinosaurs bones to use in role play area.
Discuss chn’s questions for learning journey and what activities we could do the find the
answers to these questions.
TA Support
Teacher Support
Lesson 2 - Characteristics of dinosaurs
Watch clips from ‘Walking with Dinosaurs’ DVD. What do you notice? Are all dinosaurs the
same? What similarities/differences do they have? Write down notes on whiteboards to
Main Activity
Discuss chn's responses to video so far. This time we will re-watch a clip and ask chn to
focus on how different each dinosaur is. Explain that we are going to focus on the features
of the dinosaurs. Ask the children what they think a feature is. Use a child as an example
to talk about different features eg she has long hair and short nails. We are focussing on
how different each dinosaur is.
Watch clip and ask chn to jot down ideas on whiteboards and discuss with TP.
Discuss chn’s observations. TA to scribe on board to be used throughout session.
Jigsaw activity - children will be put into mixed ability groups. Each group will gather facts
and research characteristics of different dinosaurs.
Adults to spend time with each group, ensuring that chn are working together, recording
appropriate information and all taking an active part in research. Support LAL to record
Chn will be provided with information about different dinosaurs (pictures, non-fiction
texts and using tablets with appropriate websites.) Chn to record information on their own
fact sheet.
Group 1: Tyrannosaurus Rex
Group 2: Brachiosaurus
Group 3: Stegosaurus
Group 4: Eoraptopr
Chn will return to their 'home group' and share what they have found. Chn will then record
in their topic books. Draw on each other's expertise by asking each other questions about
different dinosaurs.
Invite chn to share their descriptions. Further their thinking by asking – why do you think
this dinosaur has a long neck/tail? Why has that dinosaur only got small arms? Dinosaurs
are a type of animal. Can you name any other type of animal? What about humans? Tell the
children that humans are classed as animals.
TA Support
Sci LP&LT:
Sci SE: 2h
I can observe and
recognise some
characteristics of
Children will be
able to discuss
of dinosaurs
Teacher Support
 Collect
from a range
of sources
 Discuss in
 Record
findings on
fact sheet
 Share with
home group
 Write
description of
dinosaurs and
Hist: 4a, 4b
Lesson 3 – How do we know that dinosaurs existed?
Read the story ‘Stone girl, bone girl’ to the chn. What did Mary find? Why was this
discovery so exciting? Show pictures of fossils. Discuss what they can see with talk
Main Activity
How do we know that dinosaurs existed? Read extract from rocks and fossils and ask the
children: What is a fossil? What do you think we can find out from fossils? Use talking
partners to talk about how Mary found her fossils and how they have been finding fossils
in the role play area. People have been finding fossils for years – show the PowerPoint
‘Fossils’ or ‘Finding Fossils’. Explain that today we are going to imagine that we have been
travelling through the Jurassic Jungle and made an amazing discovery – we found some
Children to excavate fossils from sand and to piece the bones together, what is the fossil?
Write a letter to Archie to tell him about what they have found
HAL – Indigo/ Sapphire: Imagine and describe where they found the fossil, how they
needed to be careful when digging for the fossils etc.
MAL – Turquoise/ Emerald: Imagine and describe where they found the fossil, how they
needed to be careful when digging for the fossils etc.
LAL – Ruby: Work as a group to plan what they will include in their letter to Archie telling
him about their day in the Jurassic jungle and what they discovered. Chn to use talking tin
lids to record sentences and draw a line for each word to ensure no words are omitted.
Miss Latham to dictate sentences to Stephanie to write on laptop.
Discuss what chn found and what they included in their letter to Archie. Look at website
http://paleobiology.si.edu/dinosaurs/interactives/dig/dinodig.html and discuss the actual
process palaeontologists go through when finding a fossil.
TA Support
Sci: M & P:
I know what a
fossil is and what
information we
can gather from
Children will
understand a
fossil is the
remains of an
animal that once
lived on earth.
Teacher Support
Lesson 4 – Where did dinosaurs live?
Play quick fire facts – ask chn to stand up and pass ball around, if they catch the ball ask to share
fact/thought about topic so far.
Main Activity
Discuss with chn where the dinosaurs have been found. Where do they think they lived? What
conditions do you think dinosaurs needed to survive? Think about what we know about them so far,
especially the 4 dinosaurs we have studied in detail.
Show the children some websites including
Look at image of Pangaea and compare with how the world looks today. Chn discuss what they notice.
What do you notice? Compare to a map/atlas of the world today. Has anything changed? Explain
that the earth looked very different millions of years ago. Focus on map of Pangaea and explain that
this is what the earth was like at the time when the dinosaurs were alive. Pangaea was a
supercontinent. At this time, most of the dry land on earth was joined into one huge landmass.
Explain that we know where some dinosaurs lived because we have found fossils! (Read info from
fossils book) We are going to be using information to find out where some of these dinosaurs have
been found.
HAL – Indigo/ Sapphire Chn will have a simple map. They will be provided with a box filled with sand,
they will take turns to dig for images and information about different dinosaurs. They must read the
information and deduct facts about where their fossils have been found. They will draw a line to
label where the dinosaur fossils have been found on the map. Chn will write facts about dinosaurs
which have been gained from finding fossils and bones (size, appearance etc)
MAL – Turquoise/ Emerald Chn will have a simple map. They will be provided with a box filled with
sand, they will take turns to dig for images and information about different dinosaurs. They must
read the information and deduct facts about where their fossils have been found. They will label the
map showing where the dinosaur fossils have been found.
LAL - Ruby Chn will have a simple map. They will be provided with a box filled with sand, they will
take turns to dig for images and information about different dinosaurs. They must read the
information and deduct facts about where their fossils have been found. They will stick the dinosaur
pictures on the correct place on the map.
Geog: 1a, 1b,
I can research
where dinosaurs
have been found
and identify
places on a map.
Children will be
able to use a
map or globe and
identify where
some dinosaurs
came from.
Role Play follow up activity - In role play area, children will become archaeologists. They will use
the sand tray to dig for fossils! On the fossils will be some information. It will explain which dinosaur
it belonged too and where these fossils have been found.
Share what we have found out in session. Set chn independent challenge for the next lesson – give
each group a dinosaur and ask them to use the internet/books to find out where this dinosaur has
been found. (Discuss opportunities to do this before next lesson)
TA Support
Teacher Support
 Read
 Locate on
 Stick picture
in appropriate
Lesson 5 – Dinosaur timeline
Introduce timeline by showing images on board and asking chn to place into correct order.
Explain that this is what we call a timeline, this helps us to order events from past to
Main Activity
Discuss that we now know where dinosaurs were found but when did they live. Show the
children different events including when they were born, when the ice age was, when
dinosaurs were around and put these events into order from past to present. Discuss what
we mean by past and present and highlight the differences. Tell chn that today we will be
learning about the world at the time of the dinosaurs and how it changed. We will be
learning to construct a timeline for the period of time that we are studying. Explain that
the past can be considered in different time periods. The time when the dinosaurs lived
has been divided into different time periods. Today we are going to construct a timeline- 3
periods of the Mesozoic Era (Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous). Introduce mya (million
years ago). Show ‘Footprints from the past’ PowerPoint.
Chn will be working in mixed ability groups. Each group will be researching a period from
the Mesozoic Era. Using laptops, tablets and information books children will find out which
dinosaurs lived in these periods and what other plants and animals existed at the time of
the dinosaurs.
Group 1: Jurassic period
Group 2: Triassic Period
Group 3: Cretaceous period
Adults to support chn by spending time with each group when carrying out research – ask
chn to find out about what other plants and animals existed alongside the dinosaurs. How
did the dinosaurs interact with these? Food, predator, prey, shelter, co-exist?
Stephanie – Stephanie will have pre-prepared timeline. She will choose dinosaur, read
which period it existed and stick on timeline.
Chn will then return to their home groups and share their findings about their time period.
Using all the information gained, chn will create a timeline. They will write facts about
which dinosaurs lived in this time period, which plants/animals lived, what the earth was
like etc.
Bring chn back together and ask them to present their findings to the rest of the class.
Create class timeline using chn’s findings (may include images of dinosaurs and plants,
facts etc).
TA Support
Hist: 1a, 1b,
I can order
dinosaur and
current events to
difference in
Children will
understand the
between past
and present and
that dinosaurs
live millions of
years ago.
Teacher Support
 Work
as part of a
 Use ICT, nonfiction texts
and images to
about period
of time
 Share findings
with home
 Create
including facts
Mary Anning
Tell chn that they are going to learn about a famous person from the past. Discuss what it
means to be famous.
Main Activity
Read story 'Stone Girl Bone Girl' before lesson, if possible, and discuss what chn already
know about Mary Anning from the report they read in Literacy. Watch video on
Discuss why Mary Anning is famous and read through the information on the website.
Question chn throughout - why do we remember Mary Anning? What is she famous for?
People had found fossils before - why was her discovery so important? What do you find
most interesting about her life? Imagine you were telling someone about Mary Anning,
what important details would you tell them?
Chn to work in mixed ability pairs.
Using the laptops, tablets, information given they will carry out further research about
Mary Anning and create a factfile.
They will choose which facts interest them and record in a mind map around the image of
Mary Anning.
Underneath image, chn will them write an explanation. They need to explain why she is
famous and about some of the fossils that she found.
Hot seat - in preparation for the Big Write - chn to take on the role of Mary Anning.
Other chn to ask her questions about how she felt at different points in her life and to
discuss the main events in her life.
TA Support
I can research
information about
Mary Anning and
explain why she is
Children will be
able to explain
why Mary Anning
is a significant
individual and
Teacher Support
 Research
 Record
facts around
Lesson 6 - Murder Mystery!
Display questions 'which were the most dangerous dinosaurs?' and allow time for chn to
discuss with their TP's. Watch video 'walking with dinosaurs' - stop and question chn
Who poses a threat to the diplodocus? Which is the most dangerous dinosaur so far?
Watch up to the part where the stegosaurus protects itself using its scales and tale. Ask
chn to discuss the question again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUdcrYvhJr8
Which were the most dangerous dinosaurs? Is it true that meat eating dinosaurs were the
most dangerous?
Main Activity
Bring chn to carpet and explain that there has been a murder! Read the letter from Archie
the palaeontologist asking for our help. Show the crime scene and discuss what they notice
- look at the footprints, what do you think happened? Which set of footprints do you think
belonged to the murderer? Now we know that herbivorous dinosaurs could also be
dangerous, do you think one of them could be responsible for the murder?
Explain that chn are going to work in groups and become a dinosaur detective! They need
to use their enquiry and investigative skills to solve the prehistoric murder mystery.
Introduce the five suspects; explain that we are going to explore the evidence to help us
find out who the murder could be. Model using the evidence and how to complete the
suspect chart.
Chn will become an expert in one area of the investigation:
HAL - find out about the diet of the dinosaurs and what they were hunted by
MAL - Age of the dinosaurs and location
LAL - footprint size and shape
Miss Moon and Miss Unsworth - work between groups ensuring that all chn are on task and
are taking an active part in group work.
Jigsaw groups. Children will work in mixed ability groups, each taking on a role to find out
more about the suspects including their footprint size and shape, when they were alive,
their diet, who they were hunted by, where fossils have been found and when they were
alive. They must complete the suspect chart and decide who they think the dino murderer
is - thinking of an appropriate motive!
Chn will then return to their home groups to discuss their findings and share their
Discuss chn's findings and eliminate any suspects who it could not have been. Look at the
two suspects (Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus). Who do you think the murderer is? Why?
What would be their motive? Explain
the events that led to the death of Tyrannosaurus.
TA Support
and enquiry
I can gather
evidence to solve
a prehistoric
murder mystery
and present my
findings to the
Children will
develop their
enquiry and
skills to gather
evidence to solve
a problem and
present their
findings to the
Teacher Support
 Read the facts
about the
 Read suspect
 Complete
suspect chart
 Use evidence
to identify
which suspects
it could have
 Discuss motive
 Share with
home group
Lesson 7 – Which dinosaurs should I invite to my party?
Read a letter from Archie in the Jurassic Jungle – he would like to throw a party for some
dinosaurs in the jungle but he doesn’t know which dinosaurs to invite. He needs to invite
similar types of dinosaurs that have the same characteristics so they don’t fight.
Main Activity
Recap on some of the features the children commented on in the previous session. Tell the
children that today we will be looking at how some dinosaurs are similar to other dinosaurs
in certain ways and different in other ways. Put two hoops in the middle of the floor. Show
the children some models of different dinosaurs to pass around a circle. Talk about each
one in as much detail as possible. T to choose two dinosaurs with similar characteristics
and put them in the same hoop. Why have I done this? Ch to explain their choices. That’s
right they both have long necks. Could you fit any other dinosaurs in the same hoop? What
type of dinosaur will go in the opposite hoop? That’s right a dinosaur with a short neck etc.
Chn will have a letter from Archie explaining what kind of dinosaurs he wants at his party.
Chn will need to read information about selection of dinosaurs. Highlight information and
decide a way to sort the dinosaurs and choose which dinosaurs to invite to the party.
Print photographs and write reasons for sorting dinosaurs in this way underneath in topic
books. Extension: Imagine that they are going to throw a 'dinosaur party'. Chn to sort
dinosaurs into groups (could be based on simple characteristics such as size, how many
legs, what they eat etc. Sort dinosaurs into two groups into explain which group they would
want at their party)
Read letter to chn. What sort of dinosaurs do you think Archie could invite to his party?
Why do you think that? Which dinosaurs would not be appropriate to invite? Why? Chn to
then work in groups to sort dinosaurs. Take photograph and explain which group could go to
Archie's party and which could not.
Ask chn to share the different ways they sorted the dinosaurs. Which dinosaurs would you
like to invite to a party? Why would you not like to invite this dinosaur?
TA Support
Sci: LP &
LT: 2a, 4b
Sci: SE: 2h
I can sort and
group dinosaurs
by identifying
their similarities
and differences
Children will
understand that
some things are
similar and some
are different
and sort them
according to the
criteria e.g. long
neck, short legs
Teacher Support
 Look at models
of dinosaurs
 Discuss
 Sort into
 Explain
Lesson 8 - Living and non living
In groups at tables, provide chn with sets of 3 pictures - ask them to discuss which the
odd one is out. Explain that there are no right or wrong answers, what is expected is that
chn give clear, reasoned arguments to support their ideas. (shell, plant, rock/ dinosaur,
lion, teddy)
Chn to discuss which could be the off one out and why. Discuss with chn, recap work done
about living and non living.
Main Activity
Explain that animals and plants are both living things. Show a range of pictures of plants
and animals - include plants and animals alive now and during the time of the dinosaurs.
Give chn a card with a word/picture on them. Can they place their cards under the correct
heading - living, dead, never alive? Discuss as a class. Discuss how items such as paper,
wooden chair were once part of a living thing.
HAL Indigo/ Sapphire
Sorting and classifying things according to whether they are living, dead or were never
alive. Can they add things of their own to each group?
MAL Turquoise/ Emerald
Sorting and classifying things according to whether they are living, dead or were never
alive. Can they add things of their own to each group?
LAL - Ruby
Work as a group, sort and classify things according to whether they are living or non living.
Can they think of things that have never been alive to make a new group?
Ask each group to describe how they decided where to place things. How do you know when
things are living? What do living things do?
Give chn a set of statements in an envelope. In mixed ability groups at tables, chn to sort
into true/false/maybe. Discuss and compare each group, allowing time for chn to explain
their choices in full.
TA Support
I can explore and
compare the
between things
that are living,
dead, and things
that have never
been alive.
Children will sort
and classify
things according
to whether they
are living, dead
or were never
alive and will
describe how
they decided
where to place
Teacher Support
 Choose card
 Discuss with
 Sort under
 Expand each
group by
adding ideas
Lesson 9 - Characteristics of living things
Compare and contrast - in groups, chn will have two pictures (dinosaur/giraffe) in their
thinking books. Can they describe the characteristics of each and then compare and
contrast the two? Discuss chn's ideas and encourage further thinking through questioning
- What do you think? Why do you think that? How do you know? Do you have a reason? Can
you be sure?
Main Activity
Show question 'are we alive?' and allow time for chn to discuss. How do you know if
something is alive? Write down chn's ideas on board (e.g. talk, grow, eat, drink, move).
Now show chn a pot plant and ask what a plan does that is similar to what we do. Do plants
move? Allow time for chn to discuss. Show chn a photograph of a plant before it went into
the cupboard. Show plant that has been in the dark cupboard. Explain that the plant has
moved towards the sunlight. Has it moved? How? Why do you think it moved? Explain that
plants do not move like us - they cannot get up from the flower bed for example and walk
around the garden but they do still move! Can chn think of other things that are alive?
Jigsaw groups.
In thinking books, chn write words around pictures of plants and animals that show that
they are alive. Once they have discussed this, look at a set of true/false statements (e.g.
all minibeasts have 6 legs, plants can only grow in soil, plants need light to survive, all
animals move)
Chn to choose one to prove to test if it is true or false and then decide how they will do
Discuss what chn have chosen to prove, how they will do it and what they need to do.
Encourage other groups to offer ideas to help each group.
TA Support
I can name and
identify a variety
of common
features for living
Children will
understand that
all living things
have certain
that are
essential for
keeping them
alive and
Teacher Support
 Discuss how
we recognise
living things
 Annotate
pictures with
 Read and sort
 Choose one to
 Decide as a
group how you
will do this
Lesson 10 - Prove it!
Allow time for each group to discuss what they aim to find out today, which statement
they chose to test. How do you plan on proving this? What will you need? What are you
hoping to find out?
Main Activity
Allow time for all chn to plan what they are going to do and gather the things that they
need. Adults to spend time with each group to ensure that groups are working
collaboratively and are aware of what they are aiming to find out.
Children will be carrying out investigations/experiments to find the answer to their
question/statement. They will need to plan, collect the things they need and carry out
their investigation.
Discuss investigations so far and if chn are any closer to proving the statement/question
(some groups might have been able to prove the statement in this lesson whereas some
may need to wait for results e.g. if they have chosen to test if a plant will grow in sand)
TA Support
I can suggest
practical ways to
find out an answer
to my question.
Children will
choose ways in
which they might
answer a
Teacher Support
 Plan
 Collect
 Carry out
 Discuss any
findings so far
Lesson 11 - Habitats
Plus, minus, interesting 'what if plants could walk?' Discuss each groups responses and
record on thinking display.
Main Activity
Show picture of plants/animals looked at so far. Where would you find them? What do
they need to survive? Explains that most living things live in a habitat to which they are
suited and how different habitats provide the basic needs of different kinds of plants and
animals. Look at example of animal in habitat, how do you think this habitat provides the
basic needs for this animal? Would this habitat be suitable for...? Why not?
Jigsaw groups.
Children will split into their jigsaw groups. Each group will have a focus habitat to
research. They will use books, internet etc to explore the habitat and what plants/animals
live there. Can chn think/suggest reasons why the organisms are suited to their
Chn will return to home groups and share what they have found out. Record findings in
their thinking books.
Share information in thinking books what children have found. Can chn choose an organism
and explain how they know that their habitat meets their basis needs? Choose a habitat,
what would I find living there?
TA Support
I can identify and
name a variety of
plants and animals
in a habitat.
Children know
that most living
things have a
habitat to which
they are suited
and describe
how the
habitats provide
the basic needs
of different
kinds of animals
and plants.
Teacher Support
 Research what
a specific
habitat is like
using range of
 Find out which
plants/ animals
can be found in
this habitat
 Discuss why
this habitat
meets the
basic needs of
 Share findings
with home
 Record in
thinking books
Lesson 12 - Food chains
Look at 'what if...' science ideas question. 'What if spiders were as big as
brachiosaurus'?'. Encourage chn to think about habitats, would its habitat still be
appropriate? Why? Why not? Why would its habitat need to change?
Main Activity
Explain that today we are going to focus on how animals obtain their food from plants and
other animals.
Using our knowledge about plants and animals so far - we are going to try to order our food
chain. Look at 4 large images. Explain and discuss. Look at this animal; what do you think it
eats? Do you think the plant could eat the snail? Why not? Which would come first? Rpt.
In an envelope chn will have 3/4 pictures. Try to order them in a food chain working in
Chn will return to their jigsaw groups from previous lesson. They will look at habitats and
animals found in habitat. Can they place pictures into correct order to show food chain?
Describe how environment meets the need of the animals in terms of obtaining food.
Return to home group and share the food chains that they have created.
Show food chains that are in the wrong order, can chn use what they have learned in their
jigsaw groups and from the others in their home group to reorder the food chain?
TA Support
I can describe
how animals
obtain their food
from plants and
other animals
using a simple
food chain.
Children can
describe how
animals obtain
their food from
plants and other
animals, using
the idea of a
simple food
chain, and
identify and
name different
sources of food.
Teacher Support
 Research
animals/ plants
in habitat
 Find out how
animals obtain
 Show using
simple food
 Explain
findings to
home group
Lesson 13 - Did all dinosaurs eat the same?
Read a letter from Archie in the Jurassic Jungle and show some of the photographs that he has sent
showing which dinosaurs he has spotted. Do you think Archie is safe to be around these dinosaurs?
Why/why not? Do you think some of these dinosaurs are more dangerous than others? What do we
know about what dinosaurs ate?
Main Activity
Look at the facts that Archie has found already (what did dinosaurs eat PowerPoint), introduce the
language Herbivore and Carnivore. What do you notice about this group of dinosaurs? Have they got
any similar characteristics? What do you notice about their teeth/ the way they move/ legs? What
do you think they would eat? Now look at this group, how are these dinosaurs different? Allow time
for chn to discuss what they notice about the two groups of dinosaurs that Archie has been
researching. Explain that today we are going to become researchers, finding out what different
dinosaurs eat so that we can report back to Archie.
Chn will use a variety of resources to research what different dinosaurs ate. Resources will include:
images which show habitats, video clips, information texts and useful websites on tablets etc.
HAL - Indigo/Sapphire - Record next to image of dinosaur any information that they can find out
about what the dinosaurs ate. Use the vocab: Herbivore and Carnivore. Extension: Ask chn to
research a dinosaur that is an omnivore, but do not tell them that this dinosaur eats plants and meat!
Allow them to find this information out for themselves.
MAL - Turquoise/Emerald - Chn to work in pairs to research what different dinosaurs ate. Support
chn to read and record information. Record information on group sheet, discuss and share what we
have found before recording in topic books. Extension: Ask chn to research a dinosaur that is an
omnivore, but do not tell them that this dinosaur eats plants and meat! Allow them to find this
information out for themselves.
LAL - Ruby - Work as a group, with support, to research what different dinosaurs ate. Record
findings on group sheet and spend time discussing. Can chn then sort images of dinosaurs into two
groups: Herbivore and Carnivore? Can they identify any similar characteristics? Extension: Chn can
then choose 4 dinosaurs to record information about in books.
Place images of dinosaurs in correct group on board. Have chn noticed any similarities and
differences about characteristics of dinosaurs? What do you notice about the carnivorous
dinosaurs? The herbivores? Show image of dinosaur that chn have not researched, do you think that
this dinosaur is a herbivore or a carnivore? Why have you made that decision? What characteristics
made you think that?
TA Support
Sci: LP&LT
2b, 2c.
I can find out
what dinosaurs
ate and sort them
Children will be
able to sort
dinosaurs into
two groups
depending on
their diet:
herbivores and
Teacher Support
 Use resources
to research
diets of
 Record facts/
sort images
 Discuss
findings with
 Observe
s of dinosaurs
in each group
Lesson 14 - Dinosaurs and their teeth!
Have images of the different dinosaurs that chn looked at in the previous lesson. Can they
identify if it is a herbivore or a carnivore? Look at clay models of dinosaurs teeth. Pass
around for chn to look closely at - explain that these are not the exact size! They are just
a model to show the shape - the sharp teeth would have been much sharper!
Main Activity
Discuss our findings from yesterday focussing mainly on what we noticed about the
dinosaurs teeth, their shape/size etc. Ask chn to take a bite of an apple -how do you use
your teeth, tongue and cheeks when eating it? Could you swallow the piece that you bit off
without chewing? Why is it important to chew our food?
Explain to the dinosaur that a diplodocus had teeth that were like the pegs of a comb. Use
a twig with leaves on and comb it to show how the diplodocus gathered its food.
Archaeologists have found fossils with stones where the stomach would have been. This
had led them to think that the dinosaurs swallowed stones to help them to grind the food.
(Some birds today do this) Do you think that this would help to grind their food? How can
we test this?
Jigsaw groups
Explain that we are going to investigate if swallowing stones would have helped dinosaurs
to grind their food. Explain that the containers will act as the stomach - when we shake
the containers we are acting as though this is the muscles grinding the food in the
stomach. Chn can choose the materials to use in experiment. They will plan, predict and
record results and then draw a conclusion from results. Can they think about making it a
fair test?
Children will have a range of available resources on table - stones, twigs, mud, lettuce,
leaves, containers etc. They will have the choice of which materials to use.
Jigsaw groups to return to home groups and discuss results from their experiment. Can
they come to a final conclusion about how they believe dinosaurs ate their food? Do our
results support the theory of the archaeologists?
TA Support
Sci: SE 2c,
2d, 2i
I can plan a fair
test to find out
how dinosaurs ate
their food.
Children will
understand how
to ensure a fair
test is carried
out by changing
only one factor.
Teacher Support
 Choose from
objects on
 Choose one
thing to
 Make
 Carry out
 Look at and
record results
 Discuss with
home group
 Draw
Lesson 15 - Design a dinosaur!
Art: 2c, 4b
Think of a dinosaur, describe it to your TP! What did your dinosaur look like? Did it walk on
four legs or two? Why was this? What were there teeth like? Why? (remind chn that
carnivores had sharp teeth and herbivores had flatter blunt teeth)
Explain to chn that they are going to become a dinosaur designer! We are going to imagine
that we have just discovered a new dinosaur by finding fossils that no one has ever seen or
heard of before! What will your newly discovered dinosaur look like? What features will it
Main Activity
Using website http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/dinosaurs/buildadino/ discuss:
What would happen if the characteristics of the dinosaurs got mixed up? What if the
Tyrannosaurus Rex had 4 legs? (it would not run as fast) What if the brachiosaurus had a
small tale? (it would lose balance) Think about what we found out about dinosaurs diets and
their teeth, what shape teeth would your dinosaur need? Why?
Children will have a selection of images of different dinosaur’s body parts. They can mix
the different characteristics to create a new dinosaur (e.g. the head of a t-rex, the body
of a stegosaurus, the tail of a brachiosaurus etc).
Indigo, Sapphire and Turquoise (Independent)
Design and name new dinosaur. Write a detailed description of the new dinosaur thinking
about what it looks like, where it lives (its habitat) how it will move, where it will live, what
it will eat etc.
Emerald and Ruby (Supported)
Design and name new dinosaur. With support, discuss what their dinosaur will be like and
its habitat: where will it live, what it will eat, how will it move etc.
Discuss dinosaurs created and question children's choices. Where will your dinosaur live?
What will they need to survive? What will it eat? Record some of chn's ideas and explain
that this helps us to think about the habitat of the dinosaur.
TA Support
I can design a new
dinosaur and think
about what it
would need to
Children will
design and
create a new
dinosaur and
begin to think
about the
habitat and what
things it would
need for
Teacher Support
 Design new
 Name
 Write detailed
 Think about
what your
dinosaur needs
to survive and
its habitat.
Lesson 16 - Dinosaur habitat
Hot seating - chn are going to become archaeologists. They will need to explain their new
dinosaur discovery to the rest of the class. They will explain which new dinosaur they
discovered and describe it in as much detail as possible. Invite chn to ask questions about
this new dinosaur to extend chn's thinking.
Main Activity
Watch clips from walking with dinosaurs - ask chn to try to focus on the habitats that
they can see as much as possible. What do you think dinosaurs needed to survive? Think
about the dinosaur that you have created, what will it need to survive? What will it eat?
Where will it get water from? Which other dinosaurs/animals would live in that habitat?
Why is that important? Etc.
Children will be creating a 3D habitat for their dinosaur. They must think about what their
dinosaurs would need to survive and include this in their environment.
In topic books - Write a description of their habitat explaining their choices and create a
simple food chain explaining where the dinosaurs would obtain food.
Chn to take on role of archaeologist this time explaining their designed habitat for their
dinosaurs. They must provide clear explanations of choices explaining why it is suitable for
their dinosaur.
TA Support
I can design an
habitat for a
Children will
design and
create a habitat
for their
dinosaur that
will meet their
basic needs for
Teacher Support
Lesson 17 - Why the dinosaurs died
Hist: 2a, 2b
Discuss what we know about where the dinosaurs lived, their habitat, what they needed to
survive, what they ate etc. Dinosaurs were very successful because they ruled the earth
for over 140 million years! They are the largest land animals that have ever lived, so what
caused these magnificent creatures to die? Why don't we see them today? Allow time for
chn to discuss with TP's what they think might have happened to the dinosaurs.
Main Activity
Look at PowerPoint 'extinction of dinosaurs'. Discuss the possible theories - Why do you
think there are different theories? Why doesn't anyone know for definite? Discuss with
chn which theory they think might have caused the dinosaurs to become extinct - reward
chn for using existing knowledge of what dinosaurs need to survive to support opinion.
HAL - Indigo/ Sapphire: Chn will write an information leaflet informing people about the
possible theories as to why the dinosaurs became extinct. Chn to write in full sentences
and to focus on their individual writing targets.
MAL - Turquoise Chn will write an information leaflet informing people about the possible
theories as to why the dinosaurs became extinct. Chn to write in full sentences and to
focus on their individual writing targets.
MAL - Emerald: Chn will write an information leaflet which explains at least two of the
possible theories about why the dinosaurs became extinct. Chn to record sentences using
talking tin lids. Ensure sentences are punctuated with capital letters and full stops.
LAL - Ruby: Chn will write an information leaflet which explains at least two of the
possible theories about why the dinosaurs became extinct. Chn turn over a card to decide
which they will write about first, discuss theory as a group and then use talking tin lids to
record chn's sentences.
Explain that we are going to inform Archie about what is going to happen (we are imagining
that he is in the Jurassic jungle at the time of the dinosaurs) which theory are you going
to warn him about? How could we prepare him and the dinosaurs so they have a better
chance of survival?
TA Support
Sci - SE: 2a
I can describe
the possible
theories about
how the dinosaurs
became extinct.
Children will
understand that
dinosaurs died a
long time ago
and understand
what extinction
Teacher Support
 Choose theory
 Discuss theory
 Think, say,
record, write
and check
 Write
next to
image in
 Check writing
for evidence
of personal
Lesson 18 - Exploring materials and mark making
Read letter from Archie - Archie has heard about our new discovery! He wants to know all
about our new dinosaur discovery. He has asked us to send him an image so that he can
share it with the rest of his archaeologist friends to see if they can find similar fossils.
Main Activity
Who likes drawing? Who thinks they are a good drawer? Who thinks they’re not?
Tell your partner what you need to do to be good at drawing. Discuss. Tell chn that they
can ALL be good drawers. It’s not something you are born with. It’s something you can
learn. If you can write, then you can draw. This half term we’re going to help everyone
Art: 1a, 2b,
I can explore
making different
types of marks
using a range of
drawing materials.
Children will
experiment with
visual and tactile
including colour,
pattern and
texture, line and
tone, shape,
form and space.
become a good drawer. Each lesson we’ll be learning a new skill. Spend time looking at
the different materials that chn may use in today's lesson which we will eventually
use when creating our dinosaur image. In sketch books, chn can experiment
shading, smudging, mixing colours, creating sharp lines etc using the different
materials (pastels, charcoal, shading pencils)
Tell ch that today we’re going to be thinking about the different types of mark that we
use to draw shapes and objects.
Demo on A3 copy of the ‘Grid for mark making’ how to use it. Each section should have a
different kind of mark – none should be the same. Show how to use the point or side of
the pencil tip and how to vary pressure from light to firm. Show p1 of Notebook: Drawing
for an example.
Chn to compare their marks with others on their table.
How could you describe the different types of mark you’ve made? (eg straight lines,
curved lines, angle lines, circles)
TA Support
Teacher Support
 Make
different mark
in each square
on grid
 Experiment
with different
 Discuss and
compare marks
Lesson 19 - Copying an image
Art: 5a, 2a
Remind chn that being a good artist can be learned, and the first step is being good at
looking and seeing. Tell chn that by copying drawings very carefully they get better at
seeing patterns and shapes, and their hands get better at drawing them.
Main Activity
Today they are going to warm-up their eyes and hands to help them see and draw better.
Everyone to rub their palms vigorously together and then place their palms over their
eyes, being careful not to press too hard. Hold hands there for 30 seconds and remain
totally still. (This is a literal warm-up.)
Then explain the warm-up drawing exercise. Chn to copy (in pencil) one of the designs on
the IWB – emphasise that the copies don’t have to be exact, just as long as the same
types of element are in the same general pattern. Lots of artists copy pictures they like.
Today we’re going to copy a picture of a dinosaur.
Ch to sit at their tables, each with a copy of the picture. Ask ch to look carefully at the
simple version.
Ask ch to imagine the image of the dinosaur on their piece of paper. Where will each part
of him be on the page? Say different parts of him (eg tail, feet) and ask ch to point to
where these will be on their paper. Allow time for chn to independently copy the picture,
looking at the shape, patterns and lines.
Compare with other drawings on your table. Give chn 5-10 minutes. Then ask chn to talk
about their drawings with their partner. Was that easy? What was difficult? Why do you
think it was difficult? Which parts did you find difficult/easier? In what way did copying
an image help you? Did you find it easier to copy before drawing from imagination?
TA Support
I can use a
picture to draw a
copy of a
Children will
explore a range
of starting
points for
practical work
and investigate
the possibilities
of a range of
materials and
Teacher Support
 Spend time
 Visualise
where parts of
the body would
be on page
 Choose
starting point
 Copy image focusing on
lines and
Lesson 20 - Creating my own image
Chn to close eyes and picture their own dinosaur that they created. Choose chn to
describe their dinosaurs to others. Focus on colour, explain any pattern/lines.
Main Activity
Share images of our dinosaurs that we created by cutting out different parts of the
dinosaurs from images. Ask chn what they notice about the dinosaurs - size, shape,
patterns, lines etc.
Explain that we are going to draw our own image of our dinosaur to send to Archie. We
need to take care when drawing, remembering the importance of size and shape. Model
drawing sketches first until we are happy with our drawing - model finding a starting point,
drawing outline and then adding detail.
Chn will begin to sketch their drawing of their dinosaur. Once they are happy with their
drawing, they can begin to add detail e.g. lines to draw scales, any patterns on the dinosaur
etc. Chn can then experiment with different materials and colour.
Share our drawings, 2 stars and a wish. Discuss which bits we found easier/ more difficult.
Which materials we found easy to use. How we created shape, texture, patterns etc. The
colours we chose to use etc.
TA Support
Art: 2b, 2c,
I can explore
materials when
creating an image.
Children will use
materials to
show visual and
tactile elements,
including colour,
pattern and
texture, line and
tone, shape,
form and space.
Teacher Support
 Look at image
 Choose
starting point
 Sketch outline
 Use materials
to show visual
and tactile
Lesson 21 - Looking at different puppets
Introduce new DT unit and outcome of unit - to make our own dinosaur puppet!
Show video on IWB of a range of puppets at a puppet show (Pinocchio/ Rosie and Jim/
PowerPoint with images) Did all the puppets look the same? How could you tell what the
character would be like? Which puppets did you like? Why? What do you think makes a
good puppet?
Main Activity
Show a selection of puppets and allow them to hold and examine. If possible, use a variety
of puppets (e.g. hand, finger, stick puppets) made from different materials. What
materials have been used? How are the material joined? Who is the puppet made for?
What are the main features?
Spend time in groups looking at different puppets (have a range of puppets if possible or
photographs could be used as long as they are clear). Chn to spend time looking at and
discussing the different puppets, expressing their likes/ dislikes and answering the
questions: How has the puppet been put together? What type of fabric has been used?
What has been added? Who might the puppet have been made for? How well has it been
HAL - Indigo/Sapphire: Chn will then choose at least 3 different puppets and stick/ draw
in books and write description saying which puppet it is (finger puppet/ hand puppet/ rod
puppet) and write about who the think would use the puppet. Describe what they like about
the puppet.
MAL - Turqouise/Emerald: Chn will then choose at least 3 different puppets and stick/
draw in books and write description saying which puppet it is (finger puppet/ hand puppet/
rod puppet) and write about who the think would use the puppet. Describe what they like
about the puppet.
LAL - Ruby: Chn will then choose at least 2 different puppets and stick/ draw in books
and write description saying which puppet it is (finger puppet/ hand puppet/ rod puppet)
and write about who the think would use the puppet. Describe what they like about the
Show chn example of hand puppet that we will be designing and creating. Ask children to
talk to their partner with their designs about what they are planning to make. Can their
partners give them any constructive feedback for their designs?
TA Support
DT: 1a, 1e,
2b, 3a.
I can make
drawings and label
different parts of
Children know
there are
different types
of puppets and
that puppets are
made from
different parts.
Teacher Support
 Explore
 Discuss and
respond to
 Choose puppet
 Describe
Lesson 22 - Joining techniques
Look at some examples of puppets from previous lesson. Focus attention on how the
materials are joined. Demonstrate how to use a template to cut out two identical pieces of
Main Activity
Chn to look at their own clothes - can they identify how pieces of material have been
joined together? What has been used to join them?
Model joining two pieces of fabric using over stitch, running stitch, glueing, stapling, tape.
Explain to the children that today they are practising joining material together. They are
aiming to have 3 examples for their design book.
Children visit each table for approx 15 minutes to make a demonstration piece for their
Children to stick examples in their books and label what kind of join it is.
Mixed ability groups
SEWING: practice sewing skills – demonstrated by adult – close support for chn.
Chn have opportunity to practice and be guided through the techniques of sewing –
focusing on correct style suitable for the task.
CUTTING: practice cutting skills – using template – discuss importance of leaving a
Chn will demonstrate their cutting skills and practice cutting using a template and
understand the need for a hem.
JOINING: practice a variety of joining techniques. Stapling – gluing – taping Chn will have an opportunity to explore different joining techniques and discuss where
they might be useful in their puppet making.
PUPPET SHOW: chn will have the opportunity to play with the puppets and perform a
puppet show with their peers.
Free play with puppets in the theatre. Experiment with the different kinds available and
adlib a performance.
Talk to the children about what techniques they preferred and which they plan to use in
their designs. Encourage them to think about who they are designing their puppets for.
Which would be the most appropriate joining technique? The safest? The most secure?
TA Support
DT: 1a, 1b,
1c, 2a, 2b,
2c, 2d
I can compare and
discuss joining
Chn will use a
running stitch to
sew two bits of
fabric together
and try to find
other ways of
joining fabrics
using the
Teacher Support
 Use template
to cut out
pieces of
 Explore joining
 Discuss
advantages and
 Decide which
technique you
will use
Lesson 23 - Designing a puppet
Re-cap skill practice. What did chn learn? Enjoy? Dislike? Though was hard/easy? Looking
on IWB explore possibilities of puppets for chn to make. Chn express what they think they
would like to make. What colour will your dinosaur puppet be? Will it be scary? What
colours will you use? What characteristics will it have?
Main Activity
Discuss with the chn who we are designing our puppets for - are they for chn to play with?
For an adult so they can act out a puppet show for chn? For a short play/story telling?
Discuss ideas with TP's and share with class.
Identify a simple criteria for the puppets e.g. each puppet must fit the hand of the person
using it, they must show what type of character it is, they must not come apart,
colourful/eye catching etc. Can you complete the sentence 'a good puppet should be...'?
Record criteria for puppets on board for chn to refer to in lesson.
HAL - Indigo/Sapphire: Chn to start to plan their puppet design on planning proforma.
Design two puppets and then make their final decision, labelling the parts of their puppet
and writing a list of materials that they will need.
MAL - Turqoise/Emerald: Chn to start to plan their puppet design on planning proforma.
Design two puppets and then make their final decision, labelling the parts of their puppet
and writing a list of materials that they will need.
LAL+ - Ruby: Chn to start to plan their puppet design on planning proforma. Design two
puppets and then make their final decision, labelling the parts of their puppet. Support
with the reading and their ideas – suggesting alternatives if necessary. Discuss what is
Show their design to a friend to talk through their design.
What do they want their puppet to look like? What will they use? What does a good puppet
TA Support
DT: 1a, 1c,
1d, 1e, 2a,
I can design a
puppet to be
Identify simple
design criteria
and design
puppet to be
Teacher Support
 Draw designs
 Choose final
 Label parts of
 Check against
 Write list of
Lesson 24- Creating their dinosaur puppet
Explain that today chn will be creating their dinosaur puppets. Discuss process of making
Main Activity
Look at puppet designs. Recap what we have to do with a template. Encourage the children
to be accurate when marking out, cutting, joining and finishing. Refer back to criteria from
yesterday to use when making our puppets. Write instructions on board with chn to refer
to throughout the lesson.
Chn to draw around a template and use to cut out two identical pieces of fabric. Use
desired joining technique to join fabric together, making sure they can fit their hand
inside their puppet.
Miss Coombe 1:1 with chn in fine motor skills group
Miss Unsworth and Miss Moon to support chn when needed.
Discussion concerning how the project is going so far… Can chn spot any difficulties that
may arise? What are chn particularly pleased with? What might they need to change/
continue? Are they following their design carefully?
Lesson 25 - Finishing techniques
Watch video of puppeteer finishing their puppet by adding smaller parts. Discuss what
finishing techniques mean. Use a range of puppets to help them decide. Discuss how
something can be made to look fierce, scary, funny, kind and so on.
Main Activity
Look at examples of own puppets and discuss the progress so far. Focus on a few examples
of chn’s puppets – what needs to be done next? How can we join these smaller items to our
puppets? Chn to examine their puppets so far and compare this to their design sheets?
Continue with joining puppet if needed and add final additions and features to their puppet
using appropriate materials and techniques.
Miss Unsworth and Miss Moon to support chn when needed.
Children can show their partners their finished puppets and describe to them the
different techniques they have chosen to use during the making process.
TA Support
DT: 1b, 1c,
1d, 1e, 2a,
2b, 2c, 2d,
I can mark out,
cut and join
fabric pieces to
make the main
part of the
Children will be
able to cut their
accurately and
use appropriate
techniques to
make the main
part of their
 Use/ draw
 Cut out two
pieces of
 Join fabric
using desired
DT: 1b, 1c,
1d, 1e, 2a,
2b, 2c, 2d,
I can use
techniques to
complete my
Children will add
features to
their puppet and
use appropriate
 Continue
joining puppet
 Choose
materials to
 Add detailed
 Join to puppet
Teacher Support
Lesson 26 - Evaluating their dinosaur puppets (Mr Buchanan)
DT: 3a, 3b.
Look back at design criteria the class created. Chn to discuss with TP's if they think they
met/ followed design criteria.
Main Activity
Explain to the class that it is important to think about how to get better at DT and
discuss following questions: What did you enjoy most? What did you find easy? What did
you find difficult? What did you get better at? What could have been done better? How
could these be done better?
Using a simple sheet evaluate their puppet against the success criteria. Look back at their
original designs; did their ideas change during the process? Why? What are they
particularly pleased with? How would they improve their puppet if they were to do it
again? Does it fit the purpose?
Share final puppets and celebrate by showing another class/ showing in assembly and
discussing the design process.
I can evaluate my
puppet against my
design criteria.
Children will
evaluate their
puppets against
the design
Big Outcome – Celebrate end of topic!
Dinosaur Day!
Chn to come in dressed as a dinosaur/ Jurassic jungle explorer/ In a colour
Assembling dinosaur skeleton after fossil dig/ hunt
Dino hunt - use knowledge to answer questions to find clues
Making fossils
Art activities - dinosaur collage, clay dinosaur, dinosaur mask
TA Support
Teacher Support
 Compare
puppet with
original design
 Discuss likes/
 Evaluate final
puppet against