BI Administration Cockpit and new BI Statistics Content in SAP NetWeaver 2004s - Webinar Powerpoint

BI Administration Cockpit and
New BI Statistics Content in
SAP NetWeaver 7.0
Ron Silberstein
Platinum Consultant
SAP NetWeaver Regional Implementation Group
SAP Labs
Conceptual Overview
New BI Statistics Concept
Running the BI Administration Cockpit
Implementing the BI Administration Cockpit
BI Administration Statistics Content
Troubleshooting Tips
More Information
BI Administration Cockpit - Rationale
Easy administration for
Enterprise Data Warehouses
using a central point of access
to pro-actively support
administrators in status
monitoring and performance
optimization in order to
ensure a smooth running
system, and aid in providing
optimal performance
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BI Administration Cockpit - Purpose
Simplifies BI-specific administrative tasks, and providing rich
information about all kinds of performance and about status of
operational tasks.
Supports BI administrators in status monitoring and performance
A central point of access to status and statistical information to provide
an overview of objects and processes in BI systems.
Provides drill-down capability to handle errors and optimize
performance in the respective system.
You can also use the new Technical Content,
Content on which the BI
Administration Cockpit is based, to create additional evaluations and
reports. The technical Content has been enhanced in the following
– Complete redesign of query runtime statistics
– Enhancement of data-load statistics to include statistics for process chains
and data transfer processes
– Addition of current data-load status of process chains and processes
– Addition of current status of loaded requests
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BI Administration Cockpit - Scope
Support the BI administrator in
Status tracking
Performance optimization
Data quality controlling
Strategic administration
…in the areas of
Enterprise Data Warehousing
Enterprise Query, Reporting and
Business Planning and Analytical
…by providing a central point
of entry with cockpits
Real-time monitors
Runtime Statistics
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…including context-specific
Drill-down to details
Processing options
…using proven technology
BI Queries
BI Web Application Designer
SAP NetWeaver Portal
…to make administration
easier and faster
…and thus provide a high
quality and powerful BI
BI Administration Cockpit - Sample Cockpit
Embedded into
SAP NetWeaver Portal
Drill-down to
more details
Monitors based
on BW Queries
Focus on
critical issues
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overview levels
Overview: BI Administration Cockpit & Statistics Content
SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal
Business Package
“BI Administration 1.0”
New Technical
Content for SAP
NetWeaver BI
New BI Statistics
SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI
Key Further Information
Please read carefully SAP Service Marketplace note 934848
“Collective note: (FAQ) BI Administration Cockpit”
Implementation Guide in SAP NetWeaver BI (transaction SPRO) and
documentation on
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BI Administration Cockpit - Architecture
SAP NetWeaver Portal
BI Web
Detailed Queries
Overview Queries
BI Web .
Work List
Alert Framework
InfoCubes / Virtual InfoProviders
BI Statistics / Technical Content
Data Load
Data Warehousing
Query Runtime
Focus of this presentation
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SAP NetWeaver BI
Key Points: BI Administration Cockpit & Statistics Content
The new technical content for BI statistics renders the previous “BW
statistics” content obsolete with SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI.
The BI Administration Cockpit is based on new InfoProviders that are
delivered with the new technical content for BI statistics.
– It is not possible to migrate old statistics into new InfoCubes, and there is no
provision for migrating old statistics into the new InfoCubes.
The new BI statistics content provides:
– InfoCubes for historical data
– Virtual Providers for current data
– MultiProviders for combined view of current and historical
OLAP statistics table RSDDSTAT no longer is updated, and it has been
split / extended to several different RSDDSTAT* tables.
As of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI, transaction ST03 is based on the Technical
Content InfoProviders (unlike prior releases). Therefore, using transaction
ST03 for BI Monitoring requires the Technical Content to be activated and
to be populated periodically with statistics data.
The BI Administration Cockpit is requires SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal, and
requires the Portals business package “BI Administrator” (available for
download from SDN)
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Conceptual Overview
New BI Statistics Concept
Running the BI Administration Cockpit
Implementing the BI Administration Cockpit
BI Administration Statistics Content
Troubleshooting Tips
More Information
Events Involved in Query Runtime Statistics
BI Web Application
containing two web
Query 3
Query 2
Query 1
Data Manager
InfoCube 1
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DS Object 3
InfoCube 2
BI Accelerator
BI Statistics Framework – New Event Concept
Example from the new BI query runtime statistics framework:
User Session (SESSIONUID)
User Step 1 (STEPUID)
Query 1
Step 2
Query 2
Web Items, Web Template
OLAP, OLAP Cache, Master Data
Data Manager (DMUID)
DSO Object 3
InfoCube 1, Aggregate 1
InfoCube 2, HPA Index
Event 1: 2,324 sec.
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= total runtime of the
navigation step in your BI Web
application, your workbook or
your front-end
BI Statistics Framework – New Event Concept
Event ID
At many different events in processing,
runtime information gets collected
Common concept used in query
runtime, planning and warehouse
management statistics
Guarantees flexibility for further
Is the basis for end to end runtime
monitoring of processing in SAP
NetWeaver BI
Depending on the event, the time is
measured from start to end point or only
at end point (time since last end point)
Excerpt from table
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New BI Statistics – Source Tables
OLAP Statistics
Front-end & OLAP Statistics: RSDDSTAT_OLAP (DB view)
Data Manager Statistics:
WHM Statistics
Process Chain Statistics:
DTP Statistics:
InfoPackage Statistics:
WHM Status
BI Object Status:
Process Status:
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Decentralized Statistics Data Storage (1)
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Conceptual Overview
New BI Statistics Concept
Running the BI Administration Cockpit
Implementing the BI Administration Cockpit
BI Administration Statistics Content
Troubleshooting Tips
More Information
Running BI Administration Cockpit in the Portal
In the Portal, to access the Admin. Cockpit, navigate to
System Administration > Monitoring > Business Intelligence
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Using BI Administration Cockpit (1)
With the admin. Cockpit you can analyze Short-Term, Long-Term
trends of BI Applications (for example).
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Using BI Administration Cockpit (2)
Examples: Runtime statistics of BI applications with deviations in Runtime
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Using BI Administration Cockpit (3)
Example: Short-Term & Long-Term Data load statistics.
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Using BI Administration Cockpit (4)
Examples: Data load status & Data load requests
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Conceptual Overview
New BI Statistics Concept
Running the BI Administration Cockpit
Implementing the BI Administration Cockpit
BI Administration Statistics Content
Troubleshooting Tips
More Information
BI Administration Cockpit – IMG for Setup & Configuration
Configuration of the BI Administration
Cockpit (Transaction SPRO)
This activity starts transaction
which links a report for automatic
installation of the Technical Content
activating all the Technical
Content objects that are assigned to
including the relevant data flows.
Prerequisite to utilize automatic
installation of content:
Software component BI_CONT 7.0.3,
Support Package 4 or
Software component BI_CONT 7.0.2,
Support Package 7
It is recommended to install
BI_CONT 7.0.3 as BI_CONT 7.0.2 is
out of maintenance!
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Overview: Steps to Implement BI Administration Cockpit - 1
0. Ensure the user id that will perform the installation of the technical
content has the appropriate authorizations.
1. Activate the new technical content in SAP NetWeaver BI . Use automatic
installation report (transaction SPRO). See note 965386 "Activating the
technical content for the BI admin cockpit".
2. Assign the BI Administrator Role. BI administrators (users) in
transaction SU01 to the role SAP_BW_BI_ADMINISTRATOR.
3. Check Statistics Update - Transaction RSDDSTAT.
a. Consider that the system default is 'X' (= statistics turned on) and detail level '2' (= all
details). If for certain objects no logging of performance statistics is needed please
switch them off in this transaction in order to avoid unnecessary load on statistics data
storage and analysis.
4. Activate and Schedule Process Chains.
a. Activate the process chains using transaction RSOR technical content (0TCT*).
b. Schedule the technical content process chains (0TCT*) in transaction RSPC. Note:"INIT"
process chains need to be scheduled once and "DELTA" process chains should be
scheduled periodically.
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Overview: Steps to Implement BI Administration Cockpit - 2
5. Activate direct access for virtual providers. Assign source system for all
the virtual providers (0TCT_VC*).
6. Perform key infrastructural integration steps to connect ABAP usage
type of SAP NetWeaver BI to it’s Portal usage type. See note 917950.
7. Activate Business Package 'BI Administration 1.0‘.
a. Download the Business Package BI Administration 1.0 from the Portal Content Portfolio
and import it into your SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal.
b. Assign the roles 'System Administrator' and 'BI Administrator' to your BI administrator
users in the portal.
8. Customize URL to call the BI Administration Cockpit. If you want to call
the BI Administration Cockpit from BI transactions such as the Data
Warehousing Workbench, you have to configure in SPRO the call to the
BI Administration Cockpit.
9. Define importance (optional). With this optional IMG activity, you can
assign importance values to BI objects. You can take into account these
importance values in technical content queries during analysis (for
example for filtering or sorting).
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Step 0: Authorizations for User Id to Perform Content Installation
The user id used to install the technical content requires the authorizations contained in the
S_RS_RDEMO authorization template. If you already have a role containing the authorizations
in this template, assign that role to the user id that will perform the content installation.
Otherwise, create a role (or adjust an existing one) in the profile generator, transaction PFCG.
Use the expert mode to select an authorization template. Generate the profile, then assign the
role to the user id that will be used to install the technical content.
See notes 965386, 161292
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Step 1: Automatic Installation of Technical Content
Automatic Installation: IMG task “Activate Technical Content in SAP NetWeaver
BI” launches report RSTCC_ACTIVATE_ADMIN_COCKPIT. Make sure you run
this report in the background.
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Step 2: Assign BI Administrator Role
Assign BI Administrator (SAP_BW_BI_ADMINISTRATOR)
users working with technical content and admin cockpit in SU01
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Step 3: Customizing Statistics Update in Transaction RSDDSTAT
For Queries,
InfoProviders, Web
Templates, and
Can change settings
for all objects on
current tab screen
Switch Statistics
Data Collection ON
and OFF
Set Statistics Detail Level:
0 – Aggregated Data
1 – Only Front End/Calculation Layer Data
2 – All (Front-end & WHM)
9 – No Front-end Data (Only WHM Data)
Blank – No Data Collected
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Tip: BI Statistics Data Retention
You can specify a minimum retention period for the data of the
RSDDSTAT_OLAP and RSDDSTAT_DM views using a parameter of the
RSADMIN table. The name of the parameter is
If, for example, you set this parameter to the value 30, the system only
deletes data that is older than 30 days. As a reference time for this, the
system uses the STARTTIME time stamp that is defined in the
If the system does not find the TCT_KEEP_OLAP_DM_DATA_N_DAYS
parameter in the RSADMIN table, it uses a minimum retention period of
14 days as a default value.
More details available in SAP note 891740
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Step 4a: Collect and Install Process Chains Technical
Go to transaction RSOR (content installation)
To install content process chains, collect all process chains with
Process variants that begin with ‘0TCT’.
Use ‘Only necessary objects’ for grouping option.
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Step 4b: Check & Schedule Technical Content Process Chains - 1
Transaction RSPC: Check and make sure all your process chains are active.
Schedule Init process chains for single execution. Schedule other ones for
regular load (normally daily).
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Step 4b: Check & Schedule Technical Content Process Chains - 2
Once you validate the process chains, you can schedule them in
the following order:
Master Data
System Master Data - 0TCT_MD_S_FULL_P01
This loads text for objects like ‘Process Status’, ‘BI Object type’, ‘Process Type’
Content Master Data - 0TCT_MD_C_FULL_P01
This loads attributes & text for objects like ‘Process Variants’, ‘Process Chain’
Initialization Loads
Query Runtime Statistics - Init - 0TCT_C0_INIT_P01
Data Load Statistics - Init - 0TCT_C2_INIT_P01
These process chains need to run only once (Immediate scheduling).
Delta Loads
Query Runtime Statistics - Delta 0TCT_C0_DELTA_P01
Data Load Statistics - Delta 0TCT_C2_DELTA_P01
These process chains can be scheduled for periodic execution
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Step 5: Activate Direct Access for Tech Content VirtualProviders
In DWWB, under InfoArea BI Statistics (0BWTC_STA), highlight each InfoCube with
technical names with the 0TCT_VC* prefix. Context menu > Activate Direct Access;
in the dialog box, choose Source Syst. for InfoSource 3.x, and select the “Myself”
Source System. This enables current status to be analyzed as well as the historical
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Step 6: Connect ABAP part of BI System to it’s Portal
If SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal is not yet integrated with the ABAP part of the BI system,
perform the necessary integration steps
Template-Based Basic
Portal-based Template Installer
for automatic configuration
Easy to execute
Same steps as Implementation
Integration into the Portal
ABAP-based Implementation
Guide (IMG)
for manual/semi-automatic
Step by step
Useful for problem analysis
(incl. checks)
See note 917950 for details
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Step 7a: Download / Install BI Administration Business Package
The Administrator Cockpit is delivered with the “BI Administration 1.0” Business
Package for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal. Download this from Service Marketplace at:
Place this file in the “…\trans\EPS\in” folder on the NetWeaver Portal file system
NOTE: If there is a more recent release version, please download the latest release.
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Step 7b: Assign “BI Administrator” Portal Role
To view the Administrator cockpit in the portal, assign the
BI Administrator role in user administration in the Portal
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Step 8: Set Up Call to BI Administration Cockpit
In this IMG activity, you can
customize the URL prefix and
URL path for the location of the
BI Administration Cockpit (so
that it can be launched from
within the Data Warehousing
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Step 9: Define Importance Settings
From the IMG, You can adjust
Importance Settings. You use this
optional activity to assign an
importance to Business Content
objects. The importance can be
evaluated in the technical Content
queries during reporting (for example,
for filtering or sorting purposes)
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Conceptual Overview
New BI Statistics Concept
Running the BI Administration Cockpit
Implementing the BI Administration Cockpit
BI Administration Statistics Content
Troubleshooting Tips
More Information
Technical Content for WHM Status
Technical Content Queries analyze
status details of:
InfoCubes, DataStore Objects, Master Data
(only flexible update)
PSA Tables
Using various key figures and
characteristics such as ..
Total number of requests, Last request,
Time-stamp of last change
For the following criteria ..
… and analyze the status of:
Process Chains, Data Transfer Processes,
InfoPackages, DataStore Objects
Activations, InfoCube Compressions,
Hierarchy and Attribute Change Runs, and
various other processes
With the following status
Status (red, yellow, green) (ranking
Ended with error
All requests
Still running
Qualitatively not OK (ranking criterion, not
for PSA)
Ended successfully
Technically not OK (filter criterion)
Not activated (only for DataStore Objects)
Not compressed (only for InfoCubes)
Not aggregated (only for InfoCubes)
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Not yet started
Workset: WHM (Warehouse Management) Status
This Workset provides an overview of the status of the loading process
and process chains, and also of the requests (and data records) in the
InfoProviders and InfoObjects.
The Workset includes three pages with the following information:
1. Process Status with the iViews:
- Process Chain Status
- Process Status
- Process Type Selection
2. BI Object Request Status with iViews:
InfoCube Status
DataStore Object Status
Master Data Status
PSA Table Status
3. InfoProvider Request Status with the iViews:
InfoCube Correctness
Aggregate Rollup
DataStore Object Correctness
DataStore Object Activation
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Technical Content for Data Load Statistics
Technical Content Queries analyze:
Performance details of process chains
Total runtime
– Runtime data load, data update, activation, compression, aggregation,
attribute change
Performance details of Data Transfer Processes
Total runtime, Number of records,
– Runtimes of each step type
Amount of data
Performance details of InfoPackages
Total runtime, Number of records,
– Runtimes of each step type
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Amount of data
Workset: Data Load Statistics
This Workset provides an overview of the length of the load process and
process chains, as well as the length and number of data records from
InfoPackages and data transfer processes.
The Workset includes four pages with the following information:
1. Process Chain Statistics with the iViews:
Short-Term Trends in Total Runtimes of Process Chains
Long-Term Trends in Total Runtimes of Process Chains
Total Runtimes of Process Chains
Deviations in Total Runtimes of Process Chains
2. Process Statistics with the iViews:
Short-Term Trends in Total Runtimes of Processes
Long-Term Trends in Total Runtimes of Processes
Total Runtimes of Processes
Deviations in Total Runtimes of Processes
3. InfoPackage Statistics with the iViews:
Short-Term Trends in Total Runtimes of InfoPackages
Long-Term Trends in Total Runtimes of InfoPackages
Total Runtimes of InfoPackages
Deviations in Total Runtimes of InfoPackages
4. DTP Statistics with the iViews:
Short-Term Trends in Total Runtimes of DTPs
Long-Term Trends in Total Runtimes of DTPs
Total Runtimes of DTPs
Deviations in Total Runtimes of DTPs
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Technical Content for the Query Runtime Statistics
Technical Content Queries for analyzing the runtime of,
BI Web Applications
Performance details of components of query executions
Front-end time
OLAP time
DM time
Planning time
Being calculated as,
Averages, deviations, rankings
For the following time intervals,
Hours per day, days per month, weeks per quarter
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Technical Content: Front-End and OLAP Statistics (Aggregated)
Query Runtime Statistics
Front-end & OLAP Statistics
On aggregated level
For each of them
– 1 InfoCube
– 1 VirtualProvider
1 MultiProvider
0TCT_MC01 – Front-End and OLAP Statistics (Aggregated)
This provider has the following key measures:
Front-End Time, OLAP Time, Data Manager Time, Planning
Counter for Queries, Counter for Web Templates
With these Key figures you can analyze:
Number of Queries / Web Templates executed in a given
period of time, against a given provider by a given user
Long-term / Short-Trend trends of BI applications
Average query runtimes
Longest running BI Applications in a given period of time
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(database view)
Technical Content for Front-End and OLAP Statistics (Detail)
Query Runtime Statistics
Front-end & OLAP Statistics
On detailed level
For each of them
– 1 InfoCube
– 1 VirtualProvider
1 MultiProvider
0TCT_MC02 – Front-End and OLAP Statistics (Detail)
This provider has the following key measures:
Time taken for each event / step
Counter for Queries, Counter for Web Templates
With these Key figures you can analyze:
Time take for each of the OLAP events
Advanced runtime monitoring
Additional detail per runtime category
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(database view)
Technical Content for Data Manager Statistics
Query Runtime Statistics
Data Manager Statistics
On detailed level
For each of them
– 1 InfoCube
– 1 VirtualProvider
1 MultiProvider
0TCT_MC03 – Data Manager Statistics (Detail)
This provider has the following key measures:
Records selected on DB, Records transferred from DB
Time for reading Master data, Hierarchy
Partprovider (in case of MultiProvider), Type of table (F or E)
(database view)
With these Key figures you can use it for:
Query performance tuning using the BI Accelerator or Aggregates
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Workset: Query Runtime Statistics (1)
This Workset provides an overview of the statistics of the query runtime.
The Workset includes three pages with the following information:
1. BI Application Statistics with the iViews:
Short-Term Trends in Total Runtimes of BI Applications
Long-Term Trends in Total Runtimes of BI Applications
Runtimes of BI Applications
Deviations in Runtimes of BI Applications
BI Application Type Selection
2. BI Application Object Statistics with the iViews:
Short-Term Trends in Total Runtimes of BI Application Objects
Long-Term Trends in Total Runtimes of BI Application Objects
Runtimes of BI Application Objects
Deviations in Runtimes of BI Application Objects
BI Application Object Type Selection
3. InfoProvider Statistics with the iViews:
Short-Term Trends in Total Runtimes of InfoProviders
Long-Term Trends in Total Runtimes of InfoProviders
Runtimes of InfoProviders
Deviations in Runtimes of InfoProviders
InfoProvider Type Selection
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Workset: Query Runtime Statistics (2)
The following reports, which contain all key figures and navigation according to
the characteristics of the respective MultiProvider, can be called from each iView
of this Workset:
1. Aggregated Query Runtime Statistics
MultiProvider: 0TCT_MC01
VirtualProvider: 0TCT_VC01
InfoCube: 0TCT_C01
InfoSource: 0TCT_IS01
DataSource: 0TCT_DS01
Web Template: 0TPLA_0TCT_MC01_Q0200
Query: 0TCT_MC01_Q0200
2. Detailed Query Runtime Statistics
MultiProvider: 0TCT_MC02
VirtualProvider: 0TCT_VC02
InfoCube: 0TCT_C02
InfoSource: 0TCT_IS02
DataSource: 0TCT_DS02
Web Template: 0TPLA_0TCT_MC02_Q0200
Query: 0TCT_MC02_Q0200
3. Data Manager Statistics
MultiProvider: 0TCT_MC03
VirtualProvider: 0TCT_VC03
InfoCube: 0TCT_C03
InfoSource: 0TCT_IS03
DataSource: 0TCT_DS03
Web Template: 0TPLA_0TCT_MC03_Q0200
Query: 0TCT_MC03_Q0200
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Conceptual Overview
New BI Statistics Concept
Running the BI Administration Cockpit
Implementing the BI Administration Cockpit
BI Administration Statistics Content
Troubleshooting Tips
More Information
Troubleshooting tip: RSTC_SELECT_0P_SYSID ICF service
Services Cannot be Reached. You will see messages such as: URL
_0P_SYSID/ call was terminated because the corresponding service is
not activated in SICF.
Solution: Activate Service RSTC_SELECT_0P_SYSID in transaction code
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Troubleshooting Tip: Icons ICF service
Icons are not displayed in Web Applications.
Solution: Activate icons service in transaction code SICF, under “public” > bc
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Troubleshooting Tips: Templates & ICM parameters
Error Loading Template in Portal
You might get an error loading a template such as
0TPL_PORTAL_EVENT_LISTENER (Notification Number BRAIN 276)
Make sure the template mentioned in the error message is installed in
business content.
Parameters for ICM
See OSS Notes:
– 824554 - ICM and SAP Web Dispatcher Timeout Parameter
– 737625 - Parameter recommendations for the ICM
– 698017 - ICM Patch Collection (6.40)
– 634006 - ICM messages explanatory note
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Troubleshooting Tip: Permitted Characters
Ensure that “{“ and “}” are in your list of permitted characters as these
are in the generated GUID for InfoObject 0TCTBWOBJCT.
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Performance Tip: "&PROFILING=X URL” parameter - 1
According to OSS Note 948158 – To measure BI-Java web runtime, you
can enable a link in the Web Application to display statistics containing
data about the OLAP statistics and information about the runtimes in
1. Start the Web Application with the "&PROFILING=X" addition. Simply attach
this to the end of tthe start URL. To do this, use the Web Application
Designer to execute the Web template in the Web and attach the addition to
the URL in the address area of the Web browser and confirm this using
2. Go through the steps until the performance problem occurs.
3. When you use the "&PROFILING=X" addition, detailed statistics are
collected for the runtimes in Java and ABAP (OLAP statistics). You can call
these using the automatically generated link at the top of the "BI Statistics"
Web page. Choose this link.
4. The system displays a window containing detailed statistical information
for each of the navigation steps that you have carried out up to now.
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Performance Tip: "&PROFILING=X URL” parameter - 2
SAP AG 2007, BI Administration Cockpit / Ron Silberstein / 57
Conceptual Overview
New BI Statistics Concept
Running the BI Administration Cockpit
Implementing the BI Administration Cockpit
BI Administration Statistics Content
Troubleshooting Tips
More Information
Further Information
SAP Documentation:
See SAP note 934848 – Collective note for BI Admin. Cockpit
SAP Documentation:
Release Notes: Business Package for BI Administration 1.0
Related SAP Education Training Opportunities
BW360 BI - Performance & Administration
DBW70E BI - Delta Enterprise Data Warehousing SAP NetWeaver 2004s
DBW70R BI - Delta Reporting SAP NetWeaver 2004s
IT Scenario Variant: Running the EDW, Administration & Monitoring
SAP AG 2007, BI Administration Cockpit / Ron Silberstein / 59
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