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Prepared by
Namra tariq goraya.
Chapter 8: Networking
Understanding Complications of Networking and Mobile
Writing networking code for mobile devices can be much more difficult than
it is for a static computer. You have to work around the fact that network
availability will be intermittent, and often there are costs involved based on
the volume of network traffic. For example, many
mobile networks calculate their bills for data services by the number of
kilobytes transferred. You can mitigate these issues by implementing your
own scheme for encoding your data to be as efficient as possible. The
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework doesn't
include binary serialization, so you must implement something specific to
your needs or use a third-party solution. One such solution is the
CompactFormatter, which is designed to work similarly to the desktop
BinaryFormatter class.
You may not necessarily choose a binary solution. If your data can be
represented purely as alphanumeric characters, you can encode it as
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) text rather
than the default Unicode, and this will halve the size of your
data. To combat the cost issue, you can build your application to send data
only if the user initiates the operation, or only at certain times or when a
specific network connection is active.
Initiating a connection from the server to a device can be made difficult by
constantly changing IP addresses, which in most cases are not assigned from
a public range.
are two ways to overcome this: You can invest in a third-party middleware
product such as Broadbeam or IBM WECM, or you can write your own
mechanism. You might do this by having your client devices establish a
connection to the server and wait for a response.
Prepared by
Namra tariq goraya.
Microsoft is aware of the challenge, and in the forthcoming version 3.5 of the
Compact Framework it will add an e-mail-based provider for Windows
Communication Framework (WCF), a fully managed extensible mechanism
for messaging.
Using Web Services:
Web services are self-describing, platform-independent remote method calls.
Microsoft Visual Studio and the .NET Framework are designed so that you
can call a Web service from your code very easily. You can browse to your
chosen Web service through the Visual Studio integrated development
environment (IDE) and have the necessary device-side code generated for
you. This generated code then makes calling a Web service just the same as
calling a local method in your own code.
Because of the nature of mobile devices, you have to design your application
so that it can gracefully fail if no network connection is currently available.
You must also understand that many devices will be connected to lowbandwidth connections, and so operations may take considerably longer than
they would for a desktop computer application connected to broadband. As
well as the apparent speed of the operation, you should also be aware that
most mobile networks are charged by the volume of data transferred, so it is
probably in
your interest to look carefully at reducing the volume of data sent and
received in a Web service call.
Understanding System.Net:
Networking functionality is housed in the System.Net namespace, which in
turn is in System.dll. This is a subset of the functionality available in the full
.NET Framework. The
two main areas of networking functionality are the WebRequest classes,
which perform Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) request/response
communication, and the Socket
Prepared by
Namra tariq goraya.
class, which allows a lower level of two-way communication.
The WebRequest and associated WebResponse classes provide a base
implementation for performing operations over a number of network
technologies. You can use specific derived
classes for working with different protocols such as http://, ftp://, and file://.
The Compact Framework has only a limited implementation and doesn't have
any built-in File Transfer Protocol (FTP) support. You can extend the support
to additional protocols by writing your
own class derived from WebRequest, and this can be registered to a particular
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) scheme so that your class is created from
a call to WebRequest.
A new HttpWebRequest is created either by calling WebRequest.Create with
the URI or by using the HttpWebRequest constructor. The advantage of the
latter is that you don't need to
cast from the base WebRequest class to use HTTP-specific properties of the
class. By default, you don't need to set any other properties on the request
object. The default operation is a GET, which you can use to retrieve content.
After it is created, you call GetResponse on the WebRequest and it returns a
WebResponse object. This includes a
stream to allow you to read from the response.
Sockets represent a lower-level method of sending and receiving data over a
network connection. The System.Net.Sockets namespace contains the Socket
class and associated classes and enumerations. Under the hood, this uses the
Windows Sockets (winsock)
implementation on the host operating system, which in turn is modeled on the
Berkeley Sockets architecture for UNIX.
Differences Between the Desktop Framework and the
Compact Framework:
Prepared by
Namra tariq goraya.
(1) The Compact Framework implementation of Socket includes a
subset of the features contained in the desktop version because of
differences in the underlying native Windows Sockets functionality.
The Compact Framework socket doesn't support the
Disconnect method and subsequent reuse of the same Socket object.
(2) Finally, the desktop version has a method to send an entire file over
the Socket.
This method is not included in the Compact Framework, but it is
easy to work around that fact: The file can be read into a buffer and
this buffer written to the socket in a loop until the entire file has been
errors encountered are raised in the form of exceptions. In the case of the
Socket class, the majority of possible exceptions will be caused by Windows
Sockets errors returned from the native
functions. A specialized exception type, the SocketException, is provided to
encapsulate these errors. The ErrorCode property returns the socket error
A transfer can fail for numerous reasons, such as inability to contact the
remote computer or a connection breaking partway through the transfer. This
is especially an issue on a mobile device where a continuous network
connection cannot be relied upon.
You can handle these issues by wrapping your network code in try..catch
blocks to catch SocketExceptions. You can then make informed decisions
about the reason for the exception.
E,g://very interesting must read it, but not compulsory so you can skip it.
For example, a Connect attempt may fail if the specific port you are using is
blocked, the remote computer is unavailable, or the network connection has
been lost. If an exception occurs during data transfer, it is often because of a
network problem, or possibly the remote computer disconnected because it
Prepared by
Namra tariq goraya.
did not receive the expected data. Probably the most common socket
exception has the code 10054 and message "An existing connection was
forcibly closed by the remote host." This can commonly occur after you
open a connection to a remote device and then first try sending data to it or
reading from it. This is because a TCP socket doesn't throw an exception at
the time you connect, even if the remote computer is unreachable or not
listening on the specified port.
Using Sockets:
By using sockets, we send data to a colleague or the central server.
e.g://not compulsory to read.
Related to the Socket class, there are a number of helper classes to do some of
the common tasks. For TCP networking, these are the TcpClient and
TcpListener classes.
These are also found in the System.Net.Sockets namespace and wrap a Socket
instance. TcpClient is used to establish an outgoing connection over TCP/IP,
and TcpListener contains the functionality to listen for incoming connections
from remote devices.
A Simple Server:
In our sample, we create a TcpListener and run a background thread to listen
for incoming connections. In a production system, the server would create a
new thread to handle each incoming connection.
Client Connections:
To allow the user to send an outgoing prospect record, we use a text box to
accept the IP address (for example, of the server). and our own application
will receive the incoming connection. When the Share button is tapped, a
Socket is created to connect to
the remote device, and then the Prospect details are sent over the Socket as a
string. We wait for a response from the remote device and record whether the
transfer was successful
or not. Because any network communication is potentially a slow operation,
you would typically perform such tasks in a background thread so that your
application remains responsive.
Prepared by
Namra tariq goraya.
Using IrDA and Bluetooth:
The Compact Framework provides an IrDA library; however, there is no
matching library in the full framework.
The main difference is that IrDA has the ability to search for nearby
devices using the IrDAClient.DiscoverDevices method.
The IrDADeviceInfo class groups together information on a specific device
such as its address, display name, and hint bits, which are used to describe the
type of device. The address is not a fixed identifier and is valid only for the
current session because it is created
during negotiation between devices. Because IrDA requires a clear line-ofsight connection to a nearby device, you can use it only for exchanging data
with one device at a time. it's very important to handle connection errors
gracefully in your applications because an IrDA connection can easily be
There is no inbuilt support for Bluetooth in the .NET Framework, desktop
version or Compact Framework. An added complication is that the device
manufacturer can choose to use a Bluetooth networking stack, which may
either be the Microsoft version, which is part of the Windows CE modular
operating system, or be from a third-party provider.
Using Serial Ports:
Serial ports are a communications technology that you can use to talk to
peripheral devices attached to your device. The technology is tried and tested,
and lots of specialist hardware sensors and accessories such as Global
Positioning System (GPS) receivers communicate
by using serial ports. .NET Compact Framework version 2.0 supports the
SerialPort component, which was also introduced in version 2.0 of the full
framework.The key port properties exposed are listed
PortName: This is the full name for the port without the trailing colon.
BaudRate :Physical baud rate in bits per second; this must match that used on
the remote device.
StopBits: Number of stop-bits transmitted, usually 1.
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Namra tariq goraya.
NewLine: Determines the character used to represent a new line. Used by the
ReadLine() method. Examples are \r and \r\n.
We demonstrate using the SerialPort component by stepping through the
process of building a simple terminal application designed to connect to a
serial port and send and receive data. The SerialPort component has defined
buffers that are used for both incoming and outgoing data.
Virtual Serial Ports:
Most devices support serial port emulation to expose Bluetooth devices to
legacy applications that support only serial ports.
in the case of a Bluetooth receiver, you must assign a virtual serial port that
can be selected from in the navigation software. Because the way these are
configured can vary between devices and the Bluetooth networking stack
used on the device, it is not possible to provide definitive instructions.
After a virtual port is set up on your device, you use it programmatically just
as you would a connected by a serial cable.
Understanding System.Messaging:
Although System.Messaging is a new set of functionality in .NET Compact
Framework 2.0, it wraps a technology called Microsoft Message Queuing
(MSMQ), which has been
available to native code developers for some time and is present in the
desktop .NET Framework. MSMQ provides loosely coupled store-andforward messaging between applications and different computers.
API that is exposed as a set of
Component Object Model (COM) interfaces and C functions. The
System.Messaging namespace removes all complexities of calling into this
native code and provides a subset of the System.Messaging namespace that is
present in the full .NET Framework.
Installing MSMQ:
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Namra tariq goraya.
MSMQ is an optional component of Windows CE: It can be built into a
custom platform by the operating system developer, or in the case of
Windows Mobile, it is shipped separately to be installed in device memory.
The standalone Windows Mobile 2003 software development kit (SDK)
includes the required files to be installed manually on the target device. The
Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK does not include the MSMQ components, but
instead they are deployed separately
You can use the Msmqadm.exe application to control the service, and you
must issue it with a number of commands to register the service correctly on
the device. These can be calledfrom your managed application using the
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start method and checking the process ExitCode
for status.
The Windows CE version of MSMQ doesn't support reading from remote
queues, and neither does it support some of the more advanced security
features such as encryption
and access control lists (ACLs) for queues. It is not possible to search for
public queues published in the Microsoft Active Directory directory service.
Queues must be created as private queues on the server to be used by
Message Queuing on Windows CE.
Set Up a Private Queue:
The Windows operating system doesn't have MSMQ installed by default, so
you must add it by using Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel and
selecting Add/Remove Windows Features. After it is installed, you can
manage message queuing from Computer
Management in Administration Tools in Control Panel.
Transaction Support:
Message queuing on Windows CE supports only basic transaction support to
ensure onceonly
delivery in the order the messages were originally sent. It doesn't support
multimessage transactions using Microsoft Transaction Coordinator (MTC).
You can set transaction support on a server queue simply by selecting the
option when creating the
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Namra tariq goraya.
queue. You can't change this setting once the queue has been created.
Formatters are used to convert your data into a form that can be sent in an
MSMQ message. The desktop .NET Framework has three built-in formatters:
ActiveXMessageFormatter, BinaryMessageFormatter, and
Because the Compact Framework includes no support for Microsoft ActiveX
or binary serialization, it's no surprise that it supports only
XmlMessageFormatter. This uses the Extensible Markup Language (XML)
serialization built into the framework to produce an XML fragment that on
the receiving computer can be deserialized into the same object type.
This does, however, mean that individual messages are quite large in
comparison with a binary representation of an object, which can be a concern
when run over slow and expensive networks. You must make sure you use
the same formatter on both ends of the same queue. You are not, however,
limited to the single MessageFormatter provided by the Compact Framework
because it is possible to implement your own custom MessageFormatter.
Nothing is
stopping you from implementing your own version of the missing
BinaryMessageFormatter or other missing features such as encryption.
Queuing Messages from the Device:
After MSMQ is installed on the device and the server queue is created, you
can start to queue some messages. You can use the MessageQueue class to do
this. You must supply the queue name. Queue names are similar in concept to
Uniform Resource Locators
(URLs), but the format is different; the target computer can be addressed
either by IP address or by machine name. MSMQ uses the Domain Name
System (DNS) and Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) as available to
determine the target computer.