Uploaded by Calum Randle

Actuator Placement Optimization with Genetic Algorithms

Actuator placement
optimisation using a genetic
By Calum Randle
• Active noise control (ANC) is the reduction of noise within an environment using an out of phase sound wave
known as anti-noise.
• Anti-noise is generated using an algorithm within the digital signal processing (DSP) board.
• The anti-noise is then sent through speakers to attenuate the noise
• To allow the best noise attenuation areas of the ANC system must be optimised
• The most commonly optimised area is the algorithm that generates the anti noise
• However other areas such as the hardware and the hardware placement should also be optimised
Optimisation Methods
• Gradient Descent methods
• Simulated Annealing
• Particle Swarm optimisation
• Genetic Algorithms
Genetic Algorithms
Introduction to Genetic Algorithms — Including Example Code | by Vijini
Mallawaarachchi | Towards Data Science
Diagram explaining how the genetic algorithm works
Genes are values that are assigned to a piece of information.
Chromosome is a string of Genes
Population is a group of Chromosomes
Crossover is the swapping of genes within two chromosomes
INSERT flow diagram
Critical Reflection