Uploaded by Amber Miller

Antarctic Edge: Climate Change Worksheet

Antarctic Edge 70° South
As you watch the documentary, answer the following questions. All questions are in chronological order.
1. How many degrees has the average winter temperature increased in the last 50 years?
How much faster is it warming in the Antarctic than the average global temperature?
Every year, sea ice is formed. Sea ice is not being made for as many days as in the past.
How many less days is sea ice now being made?
Why is the ice at the poles important?
Carbon dioxide has been stored in the ice for over _and is being released back into the atmosphere in
only _________ years.
What are some safety precautions taken on the ship? Why are they necessary?
How hard is glacier ice?
What are some dangers of driving the ship through the ice?
What technologies are useful in studying the ocean?
10. Phytoplankton is a type of algae. What does it do in the ocean? What happens when they die?
11. Why do they study krill?
12. What do the scientists do to the whales?
13. When we have a warm atmosphere, we lose sea ice. When sea ice decreases, what happens to the
ocean surfaces? How are the plants affected? When there are less ocean plants, there are ______ krill.
14. How much of the earth’s warming has occurred in the oceans?
15. What is the difference between how cold and warm water absorb carbon?
16. As zooplankton descends, what happens?
17. How much does it cost to run the ship per day?