Bodyworx Personal Care Material Safety Data Sheet Hand Sanitising Gel 1. Company Details Product name Other names Company Address Telephone Email Emergency contact numbers 2. Hazard Identification Emergency overview Hand Sanitising Gel AllCare Hand Sanitising Gel Bodyworx Personal Care 9 Wedgewood Street, Katikati 3129, New Zealand +64-21-610-144 In New Zealand - 0800-CHEMCALL (0800-243-622) 24 Hours Other Countries - +64-4-353-0199 National Poisons Centre - 0800-POISON (0800-746-766) 24 Hours Fire & Emergency NZ – 111 This substance is classified as a dangerous good according to NZS5433: 2012 This substance is hazardous according to the HSNO (Minimum Degrees of Hazard) Regulations 2001 EPA Approval Code: Cosmetic Products (subsidiary) Group Standard 2006 HSR 002552 Pictogram Flammable Liquid HSNO information Classification 3.1B 6.4A (mild irritant) Prevention code P103 P210 P233 P241 P242 P243 Response code P264 P280 P303+P361+P353 P370+P378 P305+P351+P338 Storage code P337+P313 P403+P235 Disposal code P501 Version 3.0 Hazard Code H225 H320 Statement Highly flammable liquid and vapour Causes eye irritation Read label before use Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces Keep container tightly closed Use explosion-proof electrical/ventilating/lighting/equipment in bulk Use only non-sparking tools for bulk transfer and handling Take precautionary measures against static discharge for bulk handling Wash hands thoroughly after handling Wear gloves and eye protection IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower In case of fire: Use water, foam, dry chemicals etc for extinction IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool. Do not reuse empty containers. Triple rinse and then recycle. April 2021 Page 1 of 5 Bodyworx Personal Care Material Safety Data Sheet Hand Sanitising Gel 3. Product Identification and Composition Recommended use Sanitising spray for hands Appearance Colourless liquid Ingredients Component Entity Proportion %w/v CAS Number Ethyl Alcohol >70% 64-17-5 (denatured) Triisopropanolamine <1% 122-20-3 Ingredients determined balance to be non-hazardous 4. First Aid Ingestion Rinse mouth with water. If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. Give a glass of water to drink. Never give anything by the mouth to an unconscious patient. If vomiting occurs give further water. Seek medical advice. Eye contact If in eyes, hold eyelids apart and flush the eyes continuously with running water. Continue flushing until advised to stop by the Poisons Information Centre or a Doctor; or for at least 15 minutes and transport to Doctor or Hospital. Skin contact If skin or hair contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and flush skin and hair with running water. If swelling, redness, blistering or irritation occurs seek medical assistance. For gross contamination, immediately drench with water and remove clothing. Continue to flush skin and hair with plenty of water (and soap if material is insoluble). For skin burns, cover with a clean, dry dressing until medical help is available. If blistering occurs, do NOT break blisters. If swelling, redness, blistering, or irritation occurs seek medical assistance. Inhalation Remove victim from exposure - avoid becoming a casualty. Remove contaminated clothing and loosen remaining clothing. Allow patient to assume most comfortable position and keep warm. Keep at rest until fully recovered. Seek medical advice if effects persist. Notes to physician Treat symptomatically. 5. Fire Fighting Measures HAZCHEM code 2Y Specific hazards Flammable liquid Suitable extinguishing All extinguishing media e.g. Water, foam, dry chemicals media Fire fighting advice Heating can cause expansion or decomposition leading to violent rupture of containers. If safe to do so, remove containers from path of fire. Keep containers cool with water spray. On burning or decomposing may emit toxic fumes. Fire fighters to wear self-contained breathing apparatus and suitable protective clothing if risk of exposure to vapour or products of combustion or decomposition 6. Accidental Release Measures Spill clean up methods Wear PPE as per Section 8. Mop up area and wash residues and small spillages away to drain with water. For large spills, absorb with sand or similar, collect and place in sealable containers for disposal. Caution: Spill site may be slippery. If contamination of sewers or waterways has occurred, advise local authorities. Version 3.0 April 2021 Page 2 of 5 Bodyworx Personal Care Material Safety Data Sheet Hand Sanitising Gel 7. Safe Handling and Storage Information Handling Read label before use Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces Keep containers tightly closed Use explosion-proof electrical/ventilating/lighting/equipment in bulk Use only non-sparking tools for bulk transfer and handling Take precautionary measures against static discharge for bulk handling Wash hands thoroughly after handling Wear gloves and eye protection Storage Store in closed containers under dry conditions. Keep separate from strong acids and oxidizing substances Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool Special procedures None established. 8. Exposure Controls and Personal Protection Exposure standards Substance CAS # TWA STEL ppm mg/m3 ppm mg/m3 Ethyl Alcohol 64-17-5 1880 mg/m3 1000 ppm TWA - The time-weighted average airborne concentration over an eight-hour working day, for a five-day working week over an entire working life. STEL (Short Term Exposure Limit) - the average airborne concentration over a 15 minute period which should not be exceeded at any time during a normal eight-hour workday. These Exposure Standards are guides to be used in the control of occupational health hazards. All atmospheric contamination should be kept too as low a level as is workable. These exposure standards should not be used as fine dividing lines between safe and dangerous concentrations of chemicals. They are not a measure of relative toxicity. Engineering controls Personal protection Version 3.0 If the directions for use on the product label are followed, exposure of individuals using the product should not exceed the above standard. The standard was created for workers who are routinely, potentially exposed during product manufacture Ensure ventilation is adequate to maintain air concentrations below Exposure Standards. Use only in well ventilated areas. Do NOT enter confined spaces where vapour may have collected. Use chemical safety goggles for bulk liquid handling where splashing is possible. Maintain eye wash fountain and quick-drench facilities in work area. April 2021 Page 3 of 5 Bodyworx Personal Care Material Safety Data Sheet Hand Sanitising Gel 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance Colourless gel Odour Characteristic alcohol Solubility Water soluble. Solubility in water Yes. Specific gravity 0.84 Viscosity Not established. Freezing point -40 degrees C Melting point Not applicable. Flash point 22-25 degrees C Boiling point 80 degrees C Auto ignition point 392 degrees C Relative Vapour Density 1.6 @ 15C (air=1) pH 6-8 10. Stability and Reactivity Stability This material is thermally stable when stored and used as directed Conditions to avoid Avoid exposure to heat, sources of ignition, and open flame Incompatibility Incompatible with strong oxidising agents Hazardous decomposition None products 11. Toxicological Information General No adverse health effects expected if the product is handled in accordance with this Safety Data Sheet and the product label. Symptoms or effects may arise if the product is mishandled and overexposure occurs Acute effects: Ingestion Swallowing can result in nausea, vomiting and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract Eye contact May cause irritation Skin contact May cause irritation Inhalation contact Material may be an irritant to mucous membranes and respiratory tract Long-term effects None expected Acute toxicity/ This material has been classified as non-hazardous. Acute toxicity estimate chronic toxicity (based on ingredients): >2,000 mg/Kg Chronic effects This material has been classified as non-hazardous Mutagenic effects This material has been classified as non-hazardous Reproductive effects This material has been classified as non-hazardous Carcinogenic effects This material has been classified as non-hazardous Sensitisation This material has been classified as non-hazardous Infectious Not applicable. Other effects None identified. 12. Ecological Information Environmental Effects The components in this product show no aquatic toxicity, therefore long-term effects in the aquatic environment are not expected. This product is expected to be inherently biodegradable, as the principle components have been shown to degrade at a moderate to fast rate. Version 3.0 April 2021 Page 4 of 5 Bodyworx Personal Care Material Safety Data Sheet Hand Sanitising Gel 13. Disposal Considerations Disposal 14. Transport Information Road and Rail UN – No. Dangerous Goods Class Hazchem Code Packing Group Proper Shipping Name Marine UN – No. Dangerous Goods Class Packing Group Proper Shipping Name Air Transport UN – No. Dangerous Goods Class Packing Group Proper Shipping Name Dispose of at an appropriate licensed waste disposal facility in accordance with current regulations. Do not reuse empty containers. Triple rinse and then recycle or crush to go to a landfill. This substance is classified as a dangerous good according to NZS5433:2012 1170 3 2Y III Ethanol solution Classified as Dangerous Goods by the criteria of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) for transport by sea 1170 3 III Ethanol solution Classified as Dangerous Goods by the criteria of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations for transport by air 1170 3 III Ethanol solution 15. Regulatory Information EPA Approval Code Cosmetic Products (subsidiary) Group Standard 2006 - HSR 002552 HSNO Classifications Flammable Liquid 3.1B, eye irritant 6.4A HSNO Controls Approved handler Trigger quantities for this substance ≥ 250L if containers ≥ 5L ≥ 500L if containers ≤ 5L ≥ 100 L if containers ≥ 5L ≥ 250 L if containers ≤ 5L ≥ 50 L open Not applicable 250L 1000L Location certificate Tracking Signage Emergency response plan 16. Other Information None. Version 3.0 April 2021 Page 5 of 5