1. Mail the pdf of your answer sheet on SEC A -- data.analytics.ims.seca@gmail.com, SEC B -- data.analytics.ims.secb@gmail.com, before 12.15, No Late Submissions would be entertained. 2. Your name and signature on every page is must. 3. Your PDF name is according to the said Rules (Name_Roll No., Sec etc) INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES DEVIAHILYA VISHWAVIDHYALAYA, INDORE, April_2021 MBA (Marketing Management) II Internal Operations Research, SEMESTER II TIME: 1 Hrs. Max Marks: 20 Q.1 There are five plants located in different cities of the company and manufacture a common product A. The product is to be stored in 5 zonal warehouses for distribution to retailers. These warehouses are at 5 other cities than above. The fright cost in rupees per unit for shipping the product from a plant to a warehouse is given as follows. Marks:10 plants \ Warehouses P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Required quantity W1 14 12 9 4 8 300 W2 10 8 7 7 9 500 W3 9 5 8 9 9 300 W4 7 5 6 9 10 400 W5 7 7 6 15 16 600 Availability 800 200 600 100 400 (a) Obtain the optimal quantity to be shipped from the plants to the warehouses, to minimize total transportation cost. (b) What is the total freight bill? Q. 2 Following mortality rates have been observed for a certain of fuses: Week: 1 2 3 4 5 %Failure by the end of week: 5 15 35 75 100 Marks:5 There are 1,000 of fuses in use and its cost Rs. 5 to replace an individual fuse if all were replaced simultaneously it cost Rs. 1.25 per fuse. What replacement policy from group and individual shall be followed? (a) Calculate average life of fuses. (b) Determine if the policy of group replacement is superior to policy of individual replacement. Q. 3 A single counter ticket booking center employs one booking clerk. A passenger on arrival immediately goes to the booking counter for billing, served if the counter is free. If, on the other hand, the counter is engaged, the passenger will have to wait. The passenger are served on first come first served basis. The time of arrival and the time of service varies from one minute to six minutes. The distribution of arrival and the time-ofservice time is as under: Arrival/Service time (Minutes): 1 2 3 4 5 6 Arrival (Probability) : 0.05 0.20 0.35 0.25 0.10 0.05 Service (Probability) : 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.20 0.10 -(a) Simulate the arrival services of 10 passenger starting from 9 am by using the following random no. in pairs resp. for arrival and services. 6009,1612,0818,3665,3825, 0711, 0879, 5961, 5377, 0310. (b) Determine the total duration of Idle time of booking clerk and waiting time of passengers. Marks: 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------