NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING PERSONNEL (LEVELS I, II & III) VISION TESTING FOR ALL (NDT) PERSONNEL TEST RECORD Name of Candidate: ID Number: _ The requirements for visual acuity are: A. Corrected or uncorrected near-vision acuity shall permit reading a minimum of Times Roman N4.5 or equivalent letters (having a vertical height of not more than 1.6 mm – at not less than 305 mm) B. Color vision shall be sufficient that the candidate can distinguish contrast between the colors or shades used in die NDT method concerned as specified by the employer NB: PLEASE CIRCLE WHERE APPLICABLE TEST J1 @ 305 mm Left YES / NO Right YES / NO CORRECTED / UNCORRECTED REMARKS FIELD OF VISION The requirement for Field of Vision is clinically assessed as normal: TEST FIELD Left NORMAL / NOT NORMAL Right NORMAL / NOT NORMAL REMARKS COLOR CONTRAST Able to distinguish and differentiate the contrast between colors by using the ISHIHARA’s TESTS for color blindness: Left YES NO REMARKS: Right YES NO SHADES OF GREY The shades of grey eye examination can be read from a computer screen or under normal working light conditions. The candidate must be able to identify 20 correct readings: TEST REMARKS Left YES NO Right YES NO DATE OF TEST: _ TESTED BY: __ (Medical Officer/Optometrist) OFFICIAL STAMP _