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Math Quiz: Linear Systems & Determinants

Math 24
Quiz 7
Spring 2021
Format: At home quiz: 15 minutes to work on it and 5 minutes to upload the solutions as a
single PDF. No books or notes. No calculators or any other electronic devices. On a remote quiz
you must provide detailed work. Correct answers with incorrect, missing or incomplete steps will
not receive credit. Any matches between your solution and a solution found online will result in
forfeiture of the quiz. Box in the final answer. After you are done, scan your work and submit it at
the designated link in CatCourses.
1. Given the linear system
−x + y + z = 4
x+y+z =2
x + y − z = −2
i) Write the system in matrix-vector form (i.e. Ax = b) (2 points)
ii) Compute the determinant of the matrix (5 points)
iii) What can you conclude from the determinant you have just computed about the
linear system given? Briefly explain (Hint: think about invertible matrices and why
they are important) (3 points)
Do not write below line.