Geography: Getting to Know You Name: ____________________________________________ 1. What are your strengths in school? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What are your weaknesses in school? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What courses are you taking this semester? __________________ __________________ ___________________ _____________________ 4. Did you enjoy Geography in elementary and middle school? Explain why you did or did not. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What are some places in Canada that you have visited? (Outside of the Greater Toronto Area) ____________________ ____________________ _______________________ _____________________ 6. What countries have you been to or lived in? ___________________ ___________________ ____________________ _____________________ 7. If you could visit any place in the World, where would you want to go? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. If there was a zombie apocalypse, specifically where in the world would you head to to be safe? It can be anywhere in the World. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. What eight things would you bring with you to survive? ________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Geography is NOT just about memorizing facts! Geography teaches people to identify patterns, analyze why they happen, predict possible outcomes and formulate solutions. It is an interdisciplinary subject that merges literacy, science, math, history, economics, and sociology. Our hope is that you will gain a greater sense of the important issues impacting Canadians, evaluate your role as a global citizen and practice using skills that will continue to help you in many areas of life. These are some of the skills we will strengthen in this course: Rarely Sometimes Mostly/Usually I’m Practically an Expert Rarely Sometimes Mostly/Usually I’m Practically an Expert Having Spatial Awareness I know where important places are located in Canada (provinces, major cities and water bodies) I understand Canada’s relation to other places around the world I understand directions; I know how to navigate when travelling Research and Technology Skills I can quickly find information that is relevant and helpful to an inquiry I know what is a credible source for research I can paraphrase ideas into my own words and I can properly cite where my research comes from I am comfortable with working on assignments and activities online I can use geospatial technologies to explore and answer inquiry questions I have access to data (internet) and a computer at home Reading Texts (Print and Graphic) I can answer multiple choice questions from a sight passage I often read and use maps I can identify the main idea of a text, visual, podcast or video I can understand and interpret infographics I often read in my spare time Presentation Skills I can create and use visuals to communicate ideas easily I am effective at synthesising information and what I have learned I am comfortable at speaking in front of the class or in small groups; my ideas are clear and compelling Analytical Skills I can persuade others to agree with my point of view I recognize and evaluate different points of view I easily notice patterns and connections that are not directly stated I can use data to predict trends and makes suggestions for improvement I can reflect and evaluate about my own lifestyle choices ; I am confident that I’m a responsible global citizen