Uploaded by Arwell Mosqueda

Cage Diving Ethics Case Study

Name : Arwell H. Mosqueda____________ Course/Yr/Section: 1BSMA-A
CASE PROBLEM: The Not-So-Harmless Cage Divers
Case Questions
1. What ethical issues appear to be involved with the Cape Town cage-diving operators and their
It appears that they have an issues about the safety issues and lacking of solid research and
information about the great white shark. There have been a lot of cases about shark attacks
however it weren’t become an issue to make them stop operating and opening their firm.
2. What social responsibility issues are present in the above story?
The social responsibility issue they have is that they haven’t take care of nature, and being
aware enough of the behavior of the different creature they try to mess in nature. Other than
that, as a Shark project Firm, and opening the operation for the shark divers they also have
to provide a research about sharks, the safety precaution they can assure to everyone to the
3. What rights (if any) do Great White sharks have that should be taken into account in making
decisions about cage-diving?
They have right to be free and not being fooled by those bait or blood they throw to the water
just make them lure around. They get there because they thought that was food in their
inside the cage or maybe the cage itself however it wasn’t something they expect. They
should also be treated rightfully and not to manipulate them. We messed with them by
fooling them around so don’t expect them to make good as payback for it.
4. What would you guess would be the most likely demographic groups to which the cage-diving
customers belong? Explain your reasoning.
I may say those people who loves an ocean creatures or those who lives near from any body’s
of water. People who want to witnessed the great white shark in live and reality. They are
those who have a strong spirit, brave and adventurous person. From facts that they like an
ocean creatures they would find a way to experience and witnessed those marine activities
to satisfy their longing and desires.
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